out of body experiences

  1. Laron

    Do animals experience life after death?

    Do animals experience life after death? William Bulman (astralinfo.org), one of the world’s foremost out of body teachers, says, “Yes. On many occasions I and others have observed and interacted with animals during our out-of-body experiences. It’s clear that animals continue to exist after...
  2. Laron

    Leaving the Physical: My short course on how to get out of body

    This year I’ve been putting together a self-paced 12 week out of body course as part of a series of four courses planned, which will be hosted on my site, http://www.consciousness.life “Leaving the Physical” is about 70% complete. I’m hoping to have it ready by the end of the year. It will be...
  3. Henda

    Out of Body Experience : New Atlantis

    Voyage to New Atlantis November 2019 I have been in New Atlantis during the last days, and I travelled back last night to notice my parallel life with beings from there. I was working in a sophisticated space station that is not so far from the Ocean. It is wide painted in a glowing white...
  4. Henda

    Work-in-progress Lands to Meet : A New Wave Tree

    Lands Where to Meet A New Wave Tree I watched the Lands where to meet you I found many But one was the most relevant In an old city : Rome or Lemuria Rome sounded more likely the same I met you many times The Old Roman City of a parallel realm Seeing dreams about a life That is there...
  5. Henda

    Parallel Worlds Parallel Lives : Note from OBE ´s

    Parallel Worlds and Parallel Lives Is it true that we are living parallel lives in parallel worlds ? Many believe in this ! But do all those who believe in this quantum reality, have experienced it ? What I mean, does everyone understand the meaning and the process of this discovery ? Did...
  6. Henda

    Out of Body Experience to Stonehenge. The Fire of the Sumhain Procession October 31, 2019

    Hi my friends ! I have been in huge and deep self healing and working on my life mission, trying to see more into myself. So much has been going on and still is. I am having daily astral projections too and exploring new worlds, planets, and even amazing places like the botanical gardens I have...
  7. Henda

    Article The New Humans and The New Earth: A Vision from an Out of Body Experience

    "What is considered to be the past; and past lives?I sense that the past, present and future are all occurring at once. We don’t have past lives, we are having life experiences. In quantum physics there are limits with energy and there is no such thing as time. It has been presented in such a...
  8. Henda

    Crossing the Threshold

    "The Light Body Travelers Society presents “Crossing the Threshold" – (Ancient Astral Projection Secrets Revealed). This special mini lecture reveals highly insightful and advanced wisdom into the ancient practice of astral projection. Dr. Joseph Kenneth explains just how to cross the threshold...
  9. Henda

    Out of Body Experiences The Way To Learn and Heal

    Henda submitted a new article. Continue to the full article here.
  10. Laron

    Info Information & Questions Answered on Out of Body Travel / Astral Projection

    Below are some questions and answers I've picked out of a recent post over on the Monroe Institute website, but I've included a lot of other information from me. Note that I have studied this topic in depth and also successfully consciously projected and had experiences not just in the...
  11. Henda

    Sirius, New Atlantis and Orion: Battles In The Stars and The New Shift

    henda submitted a new article Continue reading the article in full.
  12. Laron

    Promoted Create Your Own Energetic Mechanism

    For Earth incarnates there exists the ability for those who pick up psychic information, to create watchers, or sensors — a thought form created device that can be left or sent to a certain place with the intention of monitoring what takes place there. The data gathered can then be accessed at...
  13. Henda

    Diving Into The latest Wave of Ascension

    Henda submitted a new article Continue to read the full article on transients.info
  14. Henda

    Channeling the New Wave of Light — 18 March to April 2018

    Henda submitted a new article. Channeling the New Wave of Light — 18 March to April 2018 Since the last second part of March, a new wave of light and information was flowing in little amounts or energy upgrades that also was crossed by some huge ones especially during the last second full moon...
  15. Henda

    The Orion Temple of Healing and Sacred Geometry Energy

    Henda submitted a new article. The Orion Temple of Healing and Sacred Geometry Energy Introduction The Orion Temple of Healing is a sacred place I went to, for the first time, few days after I received my Reconnection on September 2013. It was there that I met my spiritual guides during a...
  16. Laron

    A Positive from a Negative | Abebooks & a Positive Future

    I posted this here, on this board, because we need more positive news and reports, but how can we go about achieving that when so many are conditioned to focus on the negative? Back in October before I left the USA to return home to New Zealand, I ordered an updated version of When I go to...
  17. Henda

    An Astral Travel and Visions from a Pleiadian Starship

    Henda submitted a new article. An Astral Travel and Visions from a Pleiadian Starship Introduction On July 19, 2017, I had an astral travel in a Pleiadian starship early in the morning from 5:30 to 10:30 am. I was in-between dimensions and fully conscious of the experience. I felt my...
  18. Henda

    Alignment to the 6D Template of Love

    Henda submitted a new article. Alignment to the 6D Template of Love Entering The Template of Love You are entering a new multidimensional Template of Divine Love and it is burning all your previous ways of thinking, your ways of behaving, your ways of being. The first step for many of you is...
  19. Laron

    Fifteen Big Truths For Life And Spirituality — Tom Campbell

    laron submitted a new article. Fifteen Big Truths For Life And Spirituality — Tom Campbell Physicist, author of My Big TOE (my big theory of everything), and out of body explorer — Thomas Campbell — posts regular videos on his YouTube channel. These videos range from the recorded workshops he...
  20. Henda

    Astral Projection: Out of Body Experiences in Parallel Lives — Information And Tips (2/2)

    Henda submitted a new article. Astral Projection: Out of Body Experiences in Parallel Lives — Information And Tips (2/2) Introduction to Astral Projection Astral Projection, Out of body Experiences and parallel lives Astral projection, out of body experiences and traveling in parallel...