Hospitals Filling with COVID Vaccine Injuries and Deaths (1 Viewer)

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
This experience by a resident in the Hunter Region, NSW, Australia, is about her visit to a Newcastle trauma hospital which was full of COVID vaccine injuries. From what she could tell, including information from medical staff, no one had COVID. She witnessed people dying from the jab in front of her among many others with a variety of health problems resulting from it.

This is an excellent eyewitness testimony of the genocide taking place with these vaccines. Please share. (Note this is not easy to read for the sensitive people out there.)

I’ve personally been seeing more and more stories like this, which continues to build on a narrative showing that the pandemic is not COVID, but the vaccinated. The truth is coming out. Do not get those vaccines. Hold the line.


“John Hunter Hospital in Newcastle NSW is the only trauma hospital in NSW outside of Sydney. I attended last night due to complications I had from surgery I had received from this hospital exactly 1 week earlier. I have attended this hospital dozens of times & gave birth to my child at this hospital. I have always received the best care.

However times have changed & this scamdemic is no exception.

I can tell you now what I saw last night will haunt me forever. On arrival 9 ambulances out the front, paramedics sitting in Bunnings chair next to their vans. Because of an infection internally I had a reading of high temp, which put me in the waiting room full of people with high temps. There were 3 sections, red high, red low & normal. After triage they marched me straight to the red high waiting area. They had to call my mobile to confirm medicare details etc as to not expose them to my high temp. The people in the red high waiting area were all jab reactions.

This is no assumption. 13 year old girl had blood running down her leg, her mum didn't notice until I said something to her. She said her daughter had not got her period before. People sitting there clutching their chests. I literally wore my mask to protect me from the tent I was in. It was an incubator of shedding people! A girl in her 20s was playing her hair while looking at her phone, with every stroke, 5 or 6 strands would float into the floor.

Might not sound like much but the floor looked like a hairdressers salon. Must be from the stress said the nurse. 4 nurses & 1 doctor confirmed there were zero cases of covid in the hospital. I spoke to as many people as I could. At 10pm the red waiting room was reduced to me. The cardiac specialist had arrived.

I was moved to a covid bed about 12.30. A little plastic tented room right next door to the ambulance waiting area. Helicopter didn't stop coming all night. I heard & saw a 21 & 29 year old die, paramedics saying they had the jab 2 & 4 days ago. Literally saw them with the automatic chest compression machine on them, wheeled into the next room.

I saw 3 people with seizures in the waiting room, one guy collapsed & heard the snap of his arm. 4 elderly people came in on ambulances, & all died. Family came out the back to say their goodbyes. Alarms going off in every room. 2 year old with massive spider like veins from mum breastfeeding after double jab. Her husband came in via an ambulance about 5am. Was only asked twice in 9 hours if I had been tested for covid. Counted 16 times they asked if I had been jabbed.

The front of my screen it had a sheet with Covid-19 swabbed, with a space for a tick on it, I questioned why I was in this room. Covid beds are needed for those with reactions as they are overwhelming the hospital.

I never got a test.

Every time they came in to my room they had to dress up like the CDA in the monsters inc movie (full head to toe PPE). Pathology are run off their feet. I had an internal examination done & then they said I could go home after my ultra sound but they would need to move me upstairs to another ward to wait, might get seen before lunch. Dr said it would be safer for me to go home & get a scan elsewhere. The Dr was absolutely lovely.

I asked her so many questions. Her boss resigned because of the mandate but provided his team with medicine to take before & after the jab if they wanted it. She said she had 7 colleagues left as well. She said she didn't want the jab but put herself out there as she has personally seen the devastation of the reactions. They are not consistent, all random except heart problems. She said they would need 3 full time staff to fill out the TGA reports & they've been told not to.

I got out of there at 6am & have been at home asleep since. I am emotionally exhausted from all the alarms & people coming in but not coming out. I would never had believed it if I didn't see it for myself.”

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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
Someone talked to an intensive care nurse. Now that Biden is pushing to get kids vaxxed, the nurse said they are preparing COVID wards for kids, in intensive care. There were no kid wards last year, before the push to get vaxxed.

Cauton: Twitter links are often censored.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I overheard a nurse in my mid-size hospital say the hospital was "full". No further details.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
NOTE: Some links to Twatter will be censored.

2021-0607. COVID hospitalizations, deaths for the vaccinated more than triple in one month, CDC reports. CDC page: and Data is at: Total breakthrough cases of COVID-19 from vaccinated people as of April 30, 2021: 10262. The CDC is now **ignoring post-vaccine COVID-19 cases** to promote a false narrative that the vaccine is safe.

2021-0720. The narrative is being pushed that most people admitted to the hospital now are the unvaccinated, when the opposite is true. The articles that pop up first in a search are part of the narrative. And yet: 60% Of People Being Admitted To Hospital With Covid-19 In England Have Been Fully Vaccinated (VIDEO).

2021-0709. Memphis doctor seeing more vaccinated people admitted into hospitals.

2021-0813. CDC says: The vaxxed are more dangerous to others! Emerging data suggest some people with moderately to severely compromised immune systems do not always build the same level of immunity compared to people who are not immunocompromised. In addition, in small studies (, fully vaccinated immunocompromised people have accounted for a large proportion of hospitalized breakthrough cases (40-44%). Immunocompromised people who are infected with SARS CoV-2 are also more likely to transmit the virus ( to household contacts. and

2021-0819. Woman gets the jab, brags about it, then ends up in hospital for 18 days. Specialists refused to see her at first, doctors were anti-science and disrespectful.

2021-0906. Video: US Hospitals are full of vaccinated patients getting more and more sick.
2021-0908. An articulate nurse talks about dealing with COVID hospitalization and what is really happening. Patients with COVID-19 filling the hospitals are the vaccinated. Hospitals were never overrun with COVID patients in the past. They are given an invalid PCR test and if it comes out positive the patient is put into a COVID isolation unit. They are given remdesivir (which will likely kill them). Direct video link:

2021-0914. Stew Peters. Respiratory Therapist, Angela Wallace, a spokeswoman for 400 nurses, talks about COVID lies. She talks about "vaccine injuries". Most patients at the hospital are fully vaccinated but their records show differently so they are getting over vaccinated. Normally they have 2 strokes per week, now with the vaccines being rolled out since Dec 2020, they have 6 per night (42 per week, an increase of 2100%), and many more myocardial infarctions, pulmonary embolisms. Doctors are ignoring vaccine injuries based on clear statistics. Her coworker got the vax, and now is debilitated, been in the hospital 5 times. She will never work again.

2021-0910. Covid: 54% of hospital patients with virus are fully vaccinated.

2021-0924. New South Wales report on 141 people in hospitals with COVID-19, 140 of them (99.3%) had at least one dose of the vaccine.
2021-1002. US DoD document says the gov't is lying to the public about the vaxxed/vaccinated. 69% of COVID positive people in hospitals are the vaccinated. That trend is increasing dramatically. VIDEO: and #
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
And more...

2021-1001. Australia: Vaccine victims are clogging hospitals in Melbourne, caller calls in. (With workers quitting who won't get the job the situation will get worse as more of the vaccinated end up in the hospital.)


QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Looks like Zero Hedge's attempt at getting the message out without being censored...

Something Really Strange Is Happening At Hospitals All Over America
"In a year that has been filled with so many mysteries already, I have another very odd one to share with you. Emergency rooms are filled to overflowing all over America, and nobody can seem to explain why this is happening. Right now, the number of new COVID cases in the United States each day is less than half of what it was just a couple of months ago. That is really good news, and many believe that this is a sign that the pandemic is fading. Let us hope that is true. With less people catching the virus, you would think that would mean that our emergency rooms should be emptying out, but the opposite is actually happening. All across the country, emergency rooms are absolutely packed, and in many cases we are seeing seriously ill patients being cared for in the hallways because all of the ER rooms are already full.​
Let me give you an example of what I am talking about. The following comes from an article entitled “ERs Are Swamped With Seriously Ill Patients, Although Many Don’t Have Covid”
Inside the emergency department at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Michigan, staff members are struggling to care for patients showing up much sicker than they’ve ever seen.​
Tiffani Dusang, the ER’s nursing director, practically vibrates with pent-up anxiety, looking at patients lying on a long line of stretchers pushed up against the beige walls of the hospital hallways. “It’s hard to watch,” she said in a warm Texas twang.​
But there’s nothing she can do. The ER’s 72 rooms are already filled.​
Can anyone explain why this is happening?​


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I recall someone saying that the vax pushers would slowly admit to all the things that we've been saying. Here is an startling interview with Fauci, who suggests that people continue with vaxes and boosters even though they don't appear to be working. Isn't that one of the definitions of insanity??

On Nov. 12, White House COVID adviser Anthony Fauci, MD, went on The New York Times’ podcast The Daily to discuss the current state of the coronavirus in the U.S. According to Fauci, officials are now starting to see some waning immunity against both infection and hospitalization several months after initial vaccination. The infectious disease expert pointed toward incoming data from Israel, which he noted tends to be about a month to a month and a half ahead of us in terms of the outbreak.
“They are seeing a waning of immunity not only against infection but against hospitalization and to some extent death, which is starting to now involve all age groups. It isn’t just the elderly,” Fauci said. “It’s waning to the point that you’re seeing more and more people getting breakthrough infections, and more and more of those people who are getting breakthrough infections are winding up in the hospital.”
As a result of these findings, Fauci warned that vaccinated people should get their booster shot, as it might actually be more important than health officials first realized. “If one looks back at this, one can say, do you know, it isn’t as if a booster is a bonus, but a booster might actually be an essential part of the primary regimen that people should have,” he said on The Daily.
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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
This New Zealand nurse explains that her hospital is full of vaccine damaged people.



Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
I just heard from a friend in Spain that they laid off most healthcare workers in 2020 and they have not been rehired. Now many people are dying of various untreated illnesses because of a manufactured staff shortage. It's all a show.


Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
Vaxxed truck drivers keep dying at the wheel causing problems for insurance companies too.


Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age.
Sorry. Tweet was censored I just found out. This is here for historical purposes.

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