Help What To Do When the Maxine Crew Knocks At Your Door (1 Viewer)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Our Resident wanted 70% of the USA population jabbed by July the Fourth; however, that has not happened. While there is higher compliance in many urban areas, farther away from the cities, the numbers decline. So, the push now comes with door-to-door teams sharing information. Zero Hedge has an article with documents from a local group - 'Helpful Hints' for volunteers taking part in their "Community Health Ambassador Outreach Door Knocking Project to Increase COVID Vaccine Acceptance."

They have talking points for different scenarios, as well as a spread sheet for details of each residence they go to. It may include who is not receptive, too. I've seen some talk from people considering placing no trespassing signs. However, the authors of the notes cited in the article tell the volunteers to ignore No Soliciting signs, so it would not be a far reach for them to ignore trespassing signs, too.

Given that the volunteers will have a hardened agenda, I doubt any discussions or arguments will go far. So, I think that I'll use my flu shot response - just saying "I've got it taken care of" if I'm in a situation where I'm pressed. However, I believe that in my case, no interaction is preferable, which might be tricky as our front door has a lot of glass. I figured I can go with the telephone ploy and say through the door that I'm on a call and cannot talk. Then I'll walk away. For me, it seems best to not add any energy to the situation. If I did feel called to do so, then I'd have my own talking points sheet.

In the end, I'd be surprised if we got any visitors here because the streets are hilly with curves. They can get more bang for their buck on a level street. Have any of you all had a visitor?

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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
No, but I am going to put up the No Trespassing sign. I'm low on funds, but it seems like a small thing that can be done that hurts no-one, and at not much cost. Apparently it puts you in better stead if there's a court case.
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Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
Treat 'em like e.g. Jehova's Witnesses coming to your door. Be polite but decline any conversation by just stating you don't want to talk. Shouldn't be a problem.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Treat 'em like e.g. Jehova's Witnesses coming to your door. Be polite but decline any conversation by just stating you don't want to talk. Shouldn't be a problem.
Uh --- no. How I treated the Jehovah's Witnesses was by telling the elder of the group that I know their head honcho is an alien entity - not of this world. The top of their hierarchy - the pyramid - is an alien, they give the name Jehovah, which is Yahweh, which is the Roman Jupiter, which is the Greek Zeus, which is the Egyptian Amun, which is the Sumerian Enlil - which is one of the chiefs of an Asimoss clan.

This level of perception shocked the old man. They only sent young kids around to door knock after that, and I told them to go speak to their grandfather. He knows who I am, and he knows what I know.


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
Uh --- no. How I treated the Jehovah's Witnesses was by telling the elder of the group that I know their head honcho is an alien entity - not of this world. The top of their hierarchy - the pyramid - is an alien, they give the name Jehovah, which is Yahweh, which is the Roman Jupiter, which is the Greek Zeus, which is the Egyptian Amun, which is the Sumerian Enlil - which is one of the chiefs of an Asimoss clan.

This level of perception shocked the old man. They only sent young kids around to door knock after that, and I told them to go speak to their grandfather. He knows who I am, and he knows what I know.
Be that as it may, I just meant it's probably best don't get into discussions with the Maxine strike force brownshirt troopers. It is not worth the time wasted and the emotional troubles. Just saying it's probably best stating you don't want to talk to them and ask them to leave as this will be the best strategy. Case settled then, unless they come back with uniformed forces and want to force you at gunpoint to take it, as Natural News writes with their usual fear porn manner. I hope it won't come that far. Let's pray for it.
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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 11, 2020
Arguing won't work and I highly doubt they would be open to information so best to just mock them. Kind of like when you used to be able to screw with tele-marketers (before it became all recorded calls). Open the door, maybe say hello, and when you realize who it is, just keep smiling and very slowly close the door. Or keep a bible near by with the passage about the mark of the beast and just start reading to them. Or hand them some religious flyer and start proselytizing. Whatever. IF they want to force you, it'll happen either way (although I don't think it'll come to that in the U.S but who knows)

Or you can be like JP!
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Check the laws on No Trespassing signs in your area. In my state, successful prosecution can happen only if the incursion is observed by a law enforcement officer or is caught on video. However, having the sign is an important first step.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Hope more people are thinking about it before it happens. You can manage a lot with a No thanks and a smile.


Roaming Contributor
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Jul 28, 2016
I can't imagine what kind of back lash the door to door people will get. I've been following threads where plenty of people are ready with their guns to force them off their property immediately. And the people that are staunchly against it have already had all the buttons pushed where they aren't dealing with it anymore.

I plan to just say we've already been immunized then shut the door. Which is true. I had it, i believe my son has, and as my husband lives here and it's "dangerous contagious so much so that you need 3 masks and plastic coverings to protect yourself", i assume my husband dealt with it well too, though he presented no symptoms.

I have no desire to try to talk to them about it or play snark or anything, because I don't want them there any longer than need be. And given their complete disregard for my personal authority, i don't think they will care how many laws they are breaking.

I do wonder if they will have a needle on them and I'm pretty freaked that they could try to force it on us. It's some next level shit.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
And the people that are staunchly against it have already had all the buttons pushed where they aren't dealing with it anymore.
And given their complete disregard for my personal authority, i don't think they will care how many laws they are breaking.

There you go - the crux of the matter for many of us.

Looking at the helpful hints info from the article, it seems that retirement and nursing homes, as well as apartments are a big focus, which makes sense thinking of maximum coverage with minimal investment.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
I've noticed that being awake is quite isolating.
I had this conversation with my wife a few times concerning the COVID-mess.
Except for this forum I would not know who to talk to about this except my wife. The pressure of the propaganda and sheeple is massive. In Flanders (part of Belgium) 87 % of the adults (+18) already had one or two shots. For the 65 + it is 95 %. people generally don't like to hear they made a bad decission.
and these numbers also reflect other points where you disagree with the general public,...

as for the door to door salespersons (getting WOKE myself :cool: ). It will depend on the situation but probably I would say they should get informed about the experimental treatment they are trying to sell. But the "I got it taken care of" maybe is the best way to get them off your doorstep.
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Roaming Contributor
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Jul 28, 2016
I saw today Psaki was in a press conference saying about how the people going around are volunteers, clergymen, etc. Not federal workers.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
It has a feel of what happened after 1949 on a different continent.

I heard the southern federal workers do not have to take the jabs
If the volunteers and clergymen took the jabs.
it is like talking to someone who has alzheimer's or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
I would be very scared of someone suddenly thinks he or she has been given great authorities and abuse that follows. Not every one in human form is a human or humane.
I am not fear mongering. It is from the history and instincts.

Going door to door will only spread more virus around.


One does not seek self comfort or happiness.
Only wish the sentient free from sufferings.
You have a lot of wisdom, there, Silver. History is one helluva teacher, if you can get hold of the right gist of it. That can take a lot of digging, discarding and checking your inner sight to tell you the truth.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I am enjoying the discussion here - we are working our way through what this means, and I'm learning a lot about the situation in other places.

In my county, the maxine rate is 65%, and falls off to 30-45% in surrounding counties. I saw info about who has not taken the maxine, and although the lame stream media likes to paint a picture of Trump supporters being maxine deniers, the largest segment of the unmaxed are people in the 18-39 year-old range.

The other thing that crossed my mind is why is the Resident making a big deal about going door-to-door. What is their end-game? silver makes some good points about history. Do you suppose it is to rile up a particular segment of the population? Do you suppose they might be trying to create incidents or gather info on who seems antagonistic? Given how it is going for people arrested and held without bond for the January 6th debacle, do you think they might like to add to those numbers? The alphabets and FB are asking people to turn in friends and family who have wrong thinking for their own good, of course.

I did order a no soliciting sign - at the very least, it might cut down on the sales people.

No Soliciting
Seriously, don't make it weird

Given the percent maxed in my area, I'm thinking the chances of someone knocking on my door are lower. I'm figuring a lighter touch is better for me. A "got it handled" with a smile seems best in my circumstances.

For people like silver and Bert, who are in the minority, it seems like it may get trickier.


Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
Here I don't think they will go door to door but in France they today announced that health workers are mandatory to vaccination and you will need a covid pasport to go to a restaurant or pub.
you can get a covid pasport with a full vaccination, proof of a positive test and healing in the last 6 months or a negative covid test in the last x days.
the isolation and pressure on people who don't get the "voluntary" vaccine is mounting in other ways,...

Knowing Belgium they will probably follow as they want to best in class,...


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I grew up with a Dad who thought out loud so I could see how he figured out how he was going to accomplish a project. I was introduced to critical thinking and was among people who valued it at an early age. In a thread like this one, we are doing the same - thinking out loud. Living in the moment is our goal, but not everyone is there (including me), so this is where our conversations are helpful. This thread went up 2 days ago and has 222 views, so it is a subject that is on the minds of many people.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Here I don't think they will go door to door but in France they today announced that health workers are mandatory to vaccination and you will need a covid pasport to go to a restaurant or pub.
you can get a covid pasport with a full vaccination, proof of a positive test and healing in the last 6 months or a negative covid test in the last x days.
the isolation and pressure on people who don't get the "voluntary" vaccine is mounting in other ways,...

Knowing Belgium they will probably follow as they want to best in class,...
Well that's it for visiting French restaurants, then. I've heard home-cooked French food is the best, anyway.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
This was posted by David "Avocado" Wolfe.


The situation is affecting people in a variety of ways, but one thing is for sure, it's not going to be a nice experience for those who's job it is to go door to door.

We do not answer phone calls or door bells for years now. It will be business as usual.
Same here. I don't do private numbers or unannounced guests.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
^ I'm not on Twitter so can't read the responses. Are they actually giving him a vaccine? Any information on the source?


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
^ I'm not on Twitter so can't read the responses. Are they actually giving him a vaccine? Any information on the source?
You don't need a twitter account to see responses - click on the words above the video, and it will take you to the thread with the comments.
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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
You don't need a twitter account to see responses - click on the words above the video, and it will take you to the thread with the comments.
I was clicking on the discussion icon and being asked to sign in. Thanks.

So it looks like it's in Argentina and the person was being taken to a COVID isolation camp. It wasn't about the vaccine.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
silver, the ouroboros has come up before. You might find this interesting.



Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Sometimes I get into a loop of what I might say and do - give the peddlers a flyer with the definition of solicitation, ask questions based on what they are not supposed to talk about, and so on. Then, I always come back to not putting energy into the situation.

I believe this process will attract 3 types of volunteers - people who like power trips of all kinds, people who are entrenched in the maxine belief, and people who sincerely want to help. The first group can cause all kinds of trouble for me, the second are unreachable, and the third are sincere people. In each case, there is nothing that I can do for them, other than send them on their way. They are not asking for my help, and that is our first criteria in speaking up - does anyone really want to know what we believe.

So many aspects of our society are crumbling and people are worried and confused. They may react in ways from anger or violence to worry and depression. I'd rather not add fuel to the first group or more weight to the second. I made this little mental trip again last night when I put up our no soliciting sign, and came back around to "no thanks" or "got it taken care of", a smile, closing the door, and walking away.

Clif has been on a roll lately - I'll be sure to listen to his latest. Thanks.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Ha - I just watched this. He is right - don't respond to anything they say.

I live in a place where the police force is not what it used to be thanks to a socialist city council. This topic came up in a recent group discussion, and we agreed we are pretty much on our own in terms of help - just like during snowmageddon. People in surrounding towns and more rural areas, will have more luck with pressing charges.

Just don't open the door.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Oh, this is heating up. Got a notice about our special session that included the following.

Screen Shot 2021-07-14 at 2.38.59 PM.png
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Ha - I just watched this. He is right - don't respond to anything they say.

I live in a place where the police force is not what it used to be thanks to a socialist city council. This topic came up in a recent group discussion, and we agreed we are pretty much on our own in terms of help - just like during snowmageddon. People in surrounding towns and more rural areas, will have more luck with pressing charges.

Just don't open the door.
The reason this is hard for me to take in, is yours is the State that brought us Texas Ranger - Chuck Norris!
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