dolores cannon

  1. Laron

    Article Group Past Life Regression Feedback (13 May, 2024)

    On Monday morning I conducted a past life regression with about fifty on a Facebook live, in my Soulful Waters group. Here’s the feedback from the session below. I’ll be scheduling one for the UK/Europe time zone within a week or so. We had folk from eastern Canada; upstate New York...
  2. Laron

    Article A Slave, a Silk Road Trader and a Maori | QHHT Session Summary

    On Saturday I visited my QHHT client at her home where I conducted past life regression session (using Dolores Cannon’s method) to provide the space and opportunity to heal a number of health issues, and find answers to some important questions pertaining to her current situation in life. She...
  3. Laron

    Article What is Past Life Regression?

    What is past life regression? I was recently asked that and here is my response, which I expanded on a little. I thought I’d share it with you as this is my work and I’ve got a great deal of experience from doing it for over a decade. Firstly, it’s a form of hypnotherapy that helps you recall...
  4. Laron

    Article 3 Past Life Regression Client Sessions in March, 2023

    On my social media, including Facebook and Telegram, I occasionally share short summaries of past life regression and QHHT sessions I’ve conducted. Below are three from March, 2023. March 27, 2023 A week ago my online hypnosis regression client (from the Gold Coast in Australia), said to me...
  5. Laron

    Life as a Dog, The Orphan & A Forced Marriage | QHHT Session Summary

    She said it felt strange wearing fur. As a hunting dog my QHHT client experienced agility and speed, running through a forest locating prey. Two days ago she went deep into three past lives before connecting into higher self. In her first life she was an orphan boy living an English town called...
  6. Laron

    Article A Sage in Hell, Psyche’s Dark Influence & Higherself | Regression Summary

    Via Here's a past life regression I did earlier in the month with Karla, a friend in Mexico. This work helps people find accurate answers to any question. It creates the opportunity for healing (‘miracles’ can occur), and expands one’s consciousness leading to greater steps on the...
  7. Sinera

    The Volunteers

    Guess you know and heard this already, and most of us maybe are part of it. Anyway I love the first video. And also let's remember Ms Cannon (vid from 2012 - 8 years ago, exactly the year when I read her book and knew I must be early second wave). As I often said here, I do not believe in...
  8. Henda

    Out of Body Experiences to the Spirit World (Part 1)

    Henda submitted a new article. Continue to the full article here.
  9. S

    1st QHHT session and soem questions

    This is my fist post here. So excuse me if I sound dumb. I found RT forum on late February this year when I booked a QHHT session. I didn’t have any experience on QHHT or Dolores’ stuffs before but I think few days before that session I watched one of her videos and I liked it. Anyway, I...
  10. Lorna Wilson

    Consciousness and Creation Are Mapped Out Into Stories

    In this recent interview, I share some to the things that apply to all of us that I've learned or realized as a QHHT practitioner. LOL because the camera was too low I do look 'busty and blind.'
  11. therium

    Been really tired for 4 days

    It seems like we're right in the middle of something going on from Dec 11-22 and I've been so tired for 4 days. What other symptoms of energy upgrade (frequency increase) or energy change can people have? Dolores Cannon mentioned high blood pressure, unexplained dizziness too. Sometimes I get...
  12. Laron

    The Creation of Life, the Medicine Woman & Original Water — A QHHT Session by Laron

    laron submitted a new article. The Creation of Life, the Medicine Woman & Original Water — A QHHT Session by Laron Via : While in Houston, Texas, in October last year, Wendie came to me for a QHHT session because she was curious about who she is beyond this life, and wished to know her...
  13. Laron

    Cosmic Healing Workshops in the USA & Australia

    laron submitted a new article. Cosmic Healing Workshops in the USA & Australia On October the 18th, 2014, a Collective of souls, including Nikola Tesla, Carl Jung, Masaru Emoto, Edgar Cayce, Sigmund Freud and many more, came through Ronald DeWald, who was acting as a channel, with a new way of...
  14. Moonseal

    My Experience at Regina Meredith's Workshop June 22-24, 2017

    Hi everybody. I went to Sedona in June and attended a 3 day Regina Meredith workshop. She has just started doing these and the focus is really about sharing her accumulated knowledge and assisting others in finding their own history inside themselves. I found it incredibly valuable and also...
  15. Laron

    Cosmic Rays And Elements Of The Shift In Consciousness & New Earth

    laron submitted a new article. Cosmic Rays And Elements Of The Shift In Consciousness & New Earth Students from Earth to Sky Calculus and folks over at, have been closely monitoring cosmic rays within Earth’s atmosphere over the United States for over two years. Using space...
  16. Laron

    The New Earth and the Evolution of Humanity | A QHHT Session By Alba Weinman

    laron submitted a new article. The New Earth and the Evolution of Humanity | A QHHT Session By Alba Weinman Alba Weinman (, a quantum healing hypnosis—past life regression—practitioner from Miami, USA, had a client who received important information about the New Earth...
  17. Sinera

    The Puncture (my astral vision for Humanity from Nov 2011)

    [Thread promoted to the front page): — Laron] Since there is again a lot of talk about the incoming energies for a 'shift' of humanity, I felt again reminded of my own "Vision for Humanity" I was given in the year 2011 during an astral...
  18. Lorna Wilson

    Dolores Cannon: Vintage Regression Session

    Vintage Dolores Cannon, five years prior to her teaching her technique to others. She uses the clients keyword which was established in an earlier session to begin the hypnotic induction into trance.
  19. Laron

    Dolores Cannon's Legacy from the Stars

    "In her book LEGACY FROM THE STARS Dolores Cannon explored the vastness of our individual beings through a series of past life regressions using her QHHT method of hypnosis where memories of different lives as both humans and extraterrestrials are described. This book demonstrates that we are...
  20. transients

    Metod: A 1,500 Year Old Light Being From Andromeda submitted a new article. Metod: A 1,500 Year Old Light Being From Andromeda By Sian Chua Metod is an extraordinary Light Being who is 1,500 years old and is a Prince of planet Eros, from the galaxy of Andromeda. He lives in Perth, Australia. He has full...