The Event is Upon Us part 3 (1 Viewer)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Today I had one of those sleep but not sleep times - I was aware of the room but was elsewhere. When I did get up, I was so disoriented and went directly for chocolate.

First - was in a dingy office and could see a computer screen with words in big bold letters scrolling across - tried to move around to see it better but could not - cannot tell what the words are or even the language. I go outside and see that I'm in China. People are walking along a path, and I'm nearest to what I presume are a grandfather and grandchildren. I can only see and not hear but can tell everyone hears something because they stop, turn, and look up. End of that sequence.

Second - I'm at a gas station and someone who looks like George So__s pulls up in a fancy, fancy red car. He needs more fuel, but the car starts billowing smoke and explodes.


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
Hologram deception and time of fossil fuel is finished?
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
First one: Possible war with China.......a warning is sent to all citizens to evacuate an area (computer screen) and then a bomb is dropped. The people hear it. Grandfather and grandchildren, where are the ones from 20 to 40? Conscripted already!

'Second one.....George S0R0$'s plans blow up in his face!

The fuel for his plans (people) get out of his control! It destroys him.

By the way peoples. I hear a White House petition to have Gates investigated for crimes against humanity is doing very well.

I had to access my Microsoft store account yesterday.......looking in my little book, I see that when I set up the account I chose "Nevertrustgates" as my password. Nice to know I have always known. I stopped updating my Windows PC three month ago.

He wanted to buy out the company I have shares in and offered £50 million. It was too little and I begged the directors not to take the offer. We suffered real penury for two more years but worth it I think.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Received via email

July 22, 2020 3:30 AM

It is I, Sophia. It is One.

Hello. Thank you for coming forward.

Yes, Sophia. There are many subjects to consider. Of primary interest today is the taking over of your cities by your military. This should be mentioned as it is troubling and raises alarm bells for you.

My children live in one of those cities.

The rise in violence is incited intentionally to take over a sitting government. Remember that. This is a battle, to those who control the planet, and they will not go quietly but have to be stopped. The engagement of federal troops is the stopping necessary. Some in government who run these cities where the violence is taking hold, are deliberately stepping back. They are either compromised or in full support of the anarchy. Yet, either way, residents in their cities are in danger, potential danger, of physical harm. A strong hand needs to emerge in order to prevent continued violence. The federal troops are that strong hand.

You face a difficult time ahead and it approaches quickly. As you watch mask mandates and violent uprisings, you can see indications of what it entails.

Note – I am unsure here what was precisely meant by the two references.
There were no images or additional emotions sent other than the increases in both violence and government control. Sophia

You’ll need to maintain a remote view in order to maintain a clear focus.

Note – Here it was clear that the “remote view” means to see clearly what is really taking place. It’s more than is made public. Sophia

There is panic from a disintegrating power base that once held control (of earth). This is a fight for what they consider to be their property, and (their) rightful place.

Know that it has been done and determined that they are not successful. This is their last stand and they will employ every desperate tactic that they know, in order to disrupt. There is not a great deal of organization, and (also) a vanishing central hand orchestrating movement. What you see are moves from a list of “just in case” scenarios. Desperate attempts.

The overall emotional conclusion now is confusion. The anxiety this causes is off the charts statistically and not helping to inspire health. Emotional and physical health are necessary, as both will support you throughout your Ascension process. Again, do all that you can to maintain an equilibrium, and even inspire peace for each other. You are together travelling and building this road. Maintain an awareness of the goal here – it is Ascension. It is the pot of gold at the end of the storm, and the rainbow image is appropriate.

In order to assist, there are some pointers. These are landmarks that will help to inform you of your progress – your location along the route.

We’ve noted these extreme violent and coordinated outbursts. They will be stopped, but not quickly or simply. Also, not before the next marker emerges. It is an announcement of sorts. And not much detail will be given on its content. Know that when it occurs, you’ll recognize it and say “This is what was foretold.”

Other markers include:

Further lock-down restrictions

Attempted medical mandates that do not succeed


There will be ships in your skies

There are earth changes on every continent

The sun chimes in

These are the markers.

I notice there is no mention of “days of darkness”.

That is because the timing for such a shutdown is unclear.

Are you offering the list of markers in sequential order then?

There is overlap. But pretty much this looks to be the sequence.

It is the end of July. How much time are we looking at for these markers?

Months; potentially three to five of them in total.

So, before year’s end?

It looks to be that way, yes.

The announcement comes first?

There is overlap. Yet that is the next significant marker.

It is a challenge to remain steady, when there are no truthful public remarks. People are becoming confused, especially when looking to leadership for answers.

Neither side has wavered in their position. You witness moves and counter-moves. Soon though, it becomes very clear what is going on. At that point, you will see a simultaneous sigh of relief and gasp of horror. This moment approaches and unbeknownst to you all – you move into positions and locations for it now.

This will not be too much for most of you to handle. It will unify you as nothing has, and fortify your purpose and group going forward. You’ll see, dear human, you’ll see.

This announcement is the next marker?


It must be close then?


This is frustrating. This not knowing what it concerns.

Know that when it comes, you’ll enjoy full comprehension for why this had to be so. Many stages of your Ascension process demand a suitable arena. That arena must be crystal clear, and transparent for you. It will require a force of built up tension, to clear the place for it. It is this tension you experience now. Yet with each day, it shortens for you.

This force ruling and owning and running the planet is a formidable power. Their time is up. Anything necessary to complete the cycle and clear the path for Gaia’s Ascension will be done. This includes what you would label “divine intervention”, and the probability for that increases. Yet, it remains to be seen.

You will not be harmed. You will be enlightened.
You will not be harmed. You will be enlightened.
You will not be harmed. You will be enlightened.

This is a shift of such monumental proportions, that words will be invented to describe its effect.

You are here to participate in, create and witness this. You are about to be overwhelmed with the synchronicity and the beauty of this moment. For, although some of what awaits you is shocking – not all of it will be that way for negative reasons.

Allay your fears dear human, and do what you can to prepare your body and mind. You will want to approach this next portion with calm, and as much control of your physical life as you can muster.

Again, it is frustrating; the lack of information on specifics. Even knowing the outcome in a general sense doesn’t alleviate that completely.

It is all part of the process of this physical Ascension. You are not alone or forgotten or witnessing solely an end of things – but a beginning as well. The next marker gives you a clue as to that fact. The fact that there is a beginning here, and that it is a component of all that you see.

There were some personal comments here…

It’s going to be better than you’ve ever imagined Sophia. There is so much that awaits you. Love, abundance and all of your deepest desires. You’ll see. Stay calm and resolute and connected to your loved ones.


I am complete for now, for today.

We’ll speak again and more specifically.

Goodbye Sophia, my chosen one.

Thank you. Goodbye.
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
sure those phases are near with the 2nd wave underway from talk of medias new liberties taken back and the dark corners emerged in light show what the shadows of darkness hid before

by silvester 2020 the orchestra will take a new set of notes, what will be played?
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
i make my cat style timeline jump and anomalie :)

that is 2 days or 3 i feel other, happy for sure

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Kevin C

Involved Wayfarer
Jul 27, 2016
Add to list of "cool" stuff happening -
1) Past two weeks: Birds would fly near me or sorta buzz by me, butterflies fly around me (had one yellow one fly two circles before heading out), dragonflies following me, bees and other flying insects would fly/land on my shirt/sit for a minute/then move on, etc.
2) Today: Phone went berserk, would restart after power-up. I was left with no choice but a clean wipe and full reset. Wiped out everything not backed

Inkling something's upcoming soon?


Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
1. I have also been finding feathers in random places after a long period without seeing them.

2. Number synchronicities again. Has also been a while.

3. A lot of nudging from my Guides to step up the amount of spiritual practices and meditation.

4. My presence in the room seems to irritate the daylights out of certain types of non-awakened people. The higher my vibe is, the more they are irritated.

It's the end of the World as we know it, and I feel fine...


Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
Add to list of "cool" stuff happening -
1) Past two weeks: Birds would fly near me or sorta buzz by me, butterflies fly around me (had one yellow one fly two circles before heading out), dragonflies following me, bees and other flying insects would fly/land on my shirt/sit for a minute/then move on, etc.
2) Today: Phone went berserk, would restart after power-up. I was left with no choice but a clean wipe and full reset. Wiped out everything not backed

Inkling something's upcoming soon?
on wednsday there was a bee or of that familly that spend quite a time flying around where i sat to make my brake, despite not much there to search for to make grow
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
1. I have also been finding feathers in random places after a long period without seeing them.

2. Number synchronicities again. Has also been a while.

3. A lot of nudging from my Guides to step up the amount of spiritual practices and meditation.

4. My presence in the room seems to irritate the daylights out of certain types of non-awakened people. The higher my vibe is, the more they are irritated.

It's the end of the World as we know it, and I feel fine...
i woke up in the night with 2/3 in the head, appart from that beeing the part of water nearly in our body i wonder what it was liated to
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Received via email

July 31, 2020 5:50 AM

It is I. It is One.

Hello. Thank you for coming forward.

There are things to say.

These things are stories about your ancestors. These things are summaries about what has happened to your race in the past. These things may shock you to discover. These things are true. Many of them not recorded. Many of them relegated to folklore, tall tales or myth.

You do not have authenticated versions of these, yet they remain within the lifeblood of your race, as a sort of imprint. They have become, and are, an actual part of who you are, and therefore will strike a chord with you once heard.

Some of these things inspire your movies and your stories, yet not most. Most remain unsaid. Most remain known in body only, and deeply embedded.

There were times when your race was openly attacked. These were what you’d now compare to genocides – literal wars on large groups or areas where you had communities. These mass removals of humans were performed by the race of reptilians, the Draco, who had then, and still now, assumed ownership here.
These genocides happened more than once. They happened to more isolated groups, before there was such mass and direct communication, as there is now via the internet or even the telephone.

These slaughters were done for multiple reasons. One was as a deterrent. The mere suggestion that such an action was possible, once spread to other clans, would help to instill obedience.

Another was to obtain minerals. There were areas, where your kind gathered, that were around various mines for gold and/or silver. The Draco desired access to these without interference. A slaughter was the fastest way to gain such access, once the mine was discovered.

The images inscribed on some very ancient stone here on earth, were attempts to record things seen that were clearly not of the earth. They included beings not human. They showed some violence perpetrated on the race.

The Draco were always feared for this reason.

There was never a peaceful co-existence with the race. It began and remained one of dominance and subservience, master and slave.

In the beginning, they walked among you.

In many places they were considered gods. Fear was always a component. Worship was not. This was more of an ownership arrangement, than a god/subject arrangement. Ruling Class would be more accurate a term to describe it.

In every case you should know that ancient carvings and drawings are of real, not imagined, beings. Your ancestors held the same mind you now hold, with its propensity to pass on to subsequent generations, things like knowledge and explanations. The human has always desired to pass on its learning to subsequent generations. In so many cases of your native tribes, this was done verbally.

The fact of these ideas, drawings and stories not being then written and preserved in your mass produced and taught history books is not by accident. It is, instead, a planned insertion of an intentional story, that directs knowledge down a specific path. The path removes any notion of ownership and control of the human race, particularly the white color of the race.

Humans were, and are, the slave race. Your beginnings show that clearly and absolutely. You were considered property from the start.

The idea of slavery as practiced on subsequent subsets of the population, such as Africans by Colonial Americans, is an idea they did not invent. It is in the race, a sort of blueprint for “how to I manage production?” “I take these beings who look different than I do, yet are sentient, and force them to do it for me.”

This became, eventually and in a more subtle fashion, your “work ethic”. Not work for the sake of self-care, but instead work, as well as sex and any sort of action, for the sake of another. This “other” was initially the Draco and clearly an owner.

This owner has morphed into what is now called several things, due to confusion about who is who – “The Deep State”, “The Cabal”, “The Illuminati”, and “White Supremacists”.

There is an order of ownership and rule. Humans are at the bottom of the list. There are instances of further divisions even there, as demonstrated today by color or country of origin. Know that these notions of “separate” and “ruling” come not from you, yet are now a part of your genetic memory.

The things that were done to your Ancestors were equivalent to slaughter, and complete annihilation; entire colonies wiped out.

When a species considers itself dominant over all others, justification is not required. Ownership is a fact of your beginning, was taught, and the mass revolting now is the race waking up to that truth. Notice so many of the rioters who do so in violence, are not the color black. It is for reasons they themselves have no access to, that they do this. They are speaking for a race of slavery, and, as well, in many places, (they are) being used opportunistically for political reasons.

All of this at the call of the owners – whose goal now is absolute control, population reduction, and dominance.

Every human is being played and right now, by events that are more orchestrated by, than directly performed by, the Draco; the Owners.

The differences you see are that some of your race gladly participate to retain wealth, power and control such that they have it. Know that even at that level, it is a given control. Done so with permission, after much depravity and inhuman action has been performed. Part of the inhuman action has then been adopted by further sub-sections. It is a convoluted trail of many parts and sub-groupings.

At every level of participation there is assumed ownership and subservience, and some level of dominance. There is no consideration of equality.

What I most wanted to impart here is the fact that at no time has the human been free. Your ownership and negation of value is very much a part of your genetic imprint.

This, partially, is why the Ascension is so very fiercely being fought. All levels of man have something to “lose”; some perceived bit of ownership that will no longer serve him once the race fully wakes up.

The realization of equality and sovereignty is not a concept that will be appreciated by these factions of life on your planet. There is too much perceived “loss”.

As was said before, what happens now, and make no mistake, it is happening now, is akin to the sheep revolting and attempting to take over the barn, if not the whole farm.

This sounds ridiculous in that context, yet it is how the Draco see what is happening now.

The realization and waking up of the race will happen in levels. Yet it will gradually occur on every level and by every sub-section. For unless equality and sheer freedom is a component of life – it is lived in slavery and only partially realized.

This time you enter is one of full realization and complete actualization. Even your royalty will go through an awakening. You do not see the top of the food chain, dear human.

The Ascension happens on every level, once chosen by the individual.

There are deeper reasons for every action and impulse than are obvious. There are ancestral corrections being made here. It’s all coming forth in this current population, in today’s world, in your Ascension process.

The force for this shift is so much greater, therefore, than is immediately evident. The force is unstoppable. It happens now and under your watch. You’ve chosen a powerful moment to be alive.

You will soon see, dear human, you will see.

That is all for today.

Thank you.

The visuals were so very powerful and numerous. The force, or push, from our Ancestors was seen as a wide swath of people, smiling, all glowing brightly from the other side and nodding. All forms of humanity were there – the facial structures and colors and variations were vast. I was reminded of versions seen only in museums of our Ancestors, they were alive and grinning and sort of holding fast the force that was pushing us forward, the correction we are making for what happened here. So much love…

The visuals of the genocides were awful.

The personal conclusion here was one of renewed determination. This is our doing, our time to do it, and we not only have the force of the heavens but the force of our Ancestors to help us. We are guaranteed success and are assisted until it happens. Now is that time.

Insight also into the current generation of what is loosely called the “Millenial” population, meaning those who are in around their twenties right now. They have been a sort of fascination due to their sensitivity; how easily they are “offended”. I believe, or was shown, that they have come to be the physical energy for this correction, having come to adulthood at the heat of it; the most vibrant and forceful part of life.

They come with an in-bred knowing that they are not to be treated as anything but equal. Age does not matter to one’s soul calling. This generation carries the energy of this correction and feels it deeply. They are fierce and steadfast and have, possibly until now, been unclear on what exactly it was they were here to object to. So, and consequently, they have objected to just about everything that was “labeled” about themselves, that then seemed to box them in to something they did not self-determine; even about whether or not they were male or female. They came to ignite choice. It is an awesome calling. We are honored to have them here.

I came away from this conversation with such respect for our race, and a feeling of being surrounded with support from every other version of us. It is time. We are here now to do this and it is done in our individual lives and face book shares and petition signings and protesting and video making and conversations. Do what you can. Do what you are called to. The more we do, the faster this completes itself. We are doing this for all of us – today, yesterday and tomorrow.
The most impactful sentence was this one:

“There are ancestral corrections being made here.”

Let’s get this done! Sophia

Kevin C

Involved Wayfarer
Jul 27, 2016


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Just like the torus energy.


Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
BTW - anyone else having trouble sleeping at night, because they are seeing a huge pillar of yellow-white light/lightning/beam in the middle of their mind's eye?

Every time I close my eyes, I see something similar to this:

During the day, when I close my eyes, it's very faint, but there. At night it shines brightly like the picture in the link above.
I didn't experience it like that but I have been awake because the energy was too intense but indeed it was vertically oriented.

lots of stuff happening
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Nope, sleep like a baby. Last week very intense energy but then it feels like my body sleeps and my SELF stays awake.

I think you men have to bring that one in. That is your job!
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Anyone getting anything about asteroids?

I watched this yesterday...yes it would make sense that we are moving into a section of the galaxy that has an asteroid belt. There have been a few bright meteorites landing lately.



Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Then there is this from Dutchsinse....

8/01/2020 -- Massive fires break out along San Andreas Fault in California

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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
I didn't experience it like that but I have been awake because the energy was too intense but indeed it was vertically oriented.

lots of stuff happening
my sleep quality changed to not so deep by that i am more tired during the day except i drink i cup of coffee more in the day, moments around 3 am must also happened more than once
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I had a well-remembered sliver of a past-life interaction in my dream state last night: Avebury, large, male, naked priest doing funerary rites, coded language in a very deep, gruff voice, like toning. It was in a cave or an enclosure of some sort. It was me that intoned the words, and in doing so, something was released.

I was aware it was in the area of chalk downs, the name Silbury also came up in the dream, but I think that was just in reference to the general location.

Research I've done since waking up this morning (bold added):

Avebury The most important and oldest megalithic henge in Britain, predating the Druids with active use between 2600-1600 b.C.e.

Originally, the avenue comprised about 200 standing stones set in pairs and was the link between the Great Stone Circle and another small circle known as the Sanctuary, one mile away on Overton Hill. One researcher, Alexander Keiller, excavated the site in 1934 and found burials at the bases of four of the large stones. The Sanctuary might have been built on the site where wooden rings stood and where corpses were stored until the flesh decayed. The dead may have been carried along the avenue to this circle

The circle to the north is known as the Central Circle and was composed of about 30 stones, four of which still stand. In the center were three stones forming a ring called a Cove or Devil's Den; only two of the stones survive. The Cove may have been used for funeral rites for bodies that were buried elsewhere.

The most widely accepted theory holds that Avebury was built by prehistoric Beaker folk, so named for their beaker pottery, over a period of five centuries. Beaker pottery has been found in the area, and timber buildings were uncovered at the site, suggesting that Avebury might have once been a settlement of huts. The name Avebury, however, implies that at some time in its history, it was a burial site and was referred to as such in the 10th-century charter of King Athelstan.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
BTW - anyone else having trouble sleeping at night, because they are seeing a huge pillar of yellow-white light/lightning/beam in the middle of their mind's eye?

Every time I close my eyes, I see something similar to this:

During the day, when I close my eyes, it's very faint, but there. At night it shines brightly like the picture in the link above.
Yes, I have been seeing those.


Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
Just remembered also hearing the words "Fire! Everything's on FIRE!". (from a Third Eye Blind song). It was being sang in a cheerful "we-have-been-waiting-for-this-to-happen" sort of way.
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