What are you reading? Share your cover! (2 Viewers)

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Jul 28, 2016
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Jul 28, 2016
New collection of books I'm going through currently.

I just finished "the Gifts of Imperfection" by Brené Brown today. It had a lot of key points dealing with happiness and such. I took a lot of pictures of pages. She does a great job of defining words that get tossed around, like intuition, faith, or spirituality.

I started into "Plant and Fungus Totems" today. I really like how the author is writing it. And it's getting me excited to finish the book. It's not a bullet list of all the plants and their meanings. This will prove to be a cool find, I can tell.

"Feeling Better" was on a table set up at our library to bring awareness to mental health. The description is "Beat Depression And Improve Your Relationships With Interpersonal Psychotherapy". It seemed appropriate for me to check out.

And lastly is Victor Hugo's "Les Misérables". My brother mentioned liking it and I really do like classics. So I think it'll be a nice fiction piece to get into.

I also have another book on hold at the library that hasn't come in yet. But I'll get to that when this is all done. Haha


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I first read this book in 2004 when Is was published, it resonated deeply then but fifteen years on my understanding is so much deeper, this time it triggered memories of some distant past.

I guess many will already be familiar with it, but for those who are not, see below.



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Jul 28, 2016
I didn't get to read Les Mis because a lot happened during that time and someone requested it at the library. And I started into Feeling Better but didn't feel like it was a right match as far as how they were going to go about it in the book. (I may or may not pick that one up again.)
But I did read through this...

Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke. Excellent book. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I'm not sure what my next venture will be yet. I bought the c# book and started at the beginning again because now I at least have a cursory knowledge of it. My brother has been such an immense help.
I also just picked up some books for learning French. I think my husband and I will be trying to go to France next year. I studied it a bit last year, but it was an extremely emotionally draining year for me. I feel in a lot better spirits. And have a renewed energy. I want to glide on this as long as I can. Heheh
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I also just picked up some books for learning French. I think my husband and I will be trying to go to France next year. I studied it a bit last year, but it was an extremely emotionally draining year for me.
Funny, because when I look at this photo of your book above I see a human figure with a French cap on (the cap is the black case above the book and the white pages between the book and black case are the neck and shoulders; the book itself is the body of the figure).

Maybe it is time for you to brush up on some French:ROFL:

Also, I'm really glad to hear that you're feeling renewed!<3
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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 21, 2018
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke. Excellent book. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I started that book but I couldn't get on with the style of writing. Since then it has been made into a TV series by the BBC which I have watched.

Recently I read a very interesting book which went by the name of 'Senlin Ascends', it's the first book in a quadrology. I've read the following two books but the last one is not out until next year. It's the first of 'The Books of Babel' by Josiah Bancroft.

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Jul 28, 2016
I started that book but I couldn't get on with the style of writing. Since then it has been made into a TV series by the BBC which I have watched.

Recently I read a very interesting book which went by the name of 'Senlin Ascends', it's the first book in a quadrology. I've read the following two books but the last one is not out until next year. It's the first of 'The Books of Babel' by Josiah Bancroft.

The writing is a large part of what I enjoyed about it. I love classics and the style of writing therein. It was a little slow to start, but after it got going, I was very impressed. I liked how she tied everything up at the end. In reading the descriptions of the tv show (It's on Netflix) I'm hesitant to watch it because it seems a bit off.

What is that book, Senlin Ascends about?
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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 21, 2018
What is that book, Senlin Ascends about?
Senlin Ascends (Book I)

The Tower of Babel is the greatest marvel of the Silk Age. Immense as a mountain, the ancient Tower holds unnumbered ringdoms, warring and peaceful, stacked one on the other like the layers of a cake.

Thomas Senlin, the mild-mannered headmaster of a small village school, is drawn to the Tower by scientific curiosity and the grandiose promises of a guidebook. The luxurious Baths of the Tower seem an ideal destination for a honeymoon, but soon after arriving, Senlin loses Marya in the crowd. Senlin’s search for Marya carries him through madhouses, ballrooms, and burlesque theaters. He must survive betrayal, assassination, and the long guns of a flying fortress.
But if he hopes to ever find his wife, Thomas Senlin must do more than survive. This quiet man of letters must become a man of action.
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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
I just finished off this one. It only took me two sittings — as in two days since it’s only about 48 pages long.

the magic of crystals a guide to mastering astral projection.jpg

As some of you know, I’m slowly putting together a series of courses on spiritual development. About a month ago I stopped seeing new clients so I have more time to do this. The first course I’m putting out is on projecting out of body, but it’s really the final course in terms of where I want my students to head.

While I have everything in memory around what to include in the course, it’s important to start keeping my mind occupied with this topic, as it trains my consciousness to focus on attaining the out of body state. (in otherwords, increases the chances and makes life easier). I plan to follow my own course as I put it together.

Back to this book. I remember I got this many years ago because it stood out based on reviews, however, I found it to be quite the opposite in terms of what I was expecting.

For critiquing, there’s a great deal I could point out… but I will focus purely on the positive.

The author wrote this book not to help people project so much, but to help them manifest. That is her gift and my feeling is that is why she put the effort in to get the information out there. She was fulfilling part of her soul contract by doing so.

While she includes crystal use with her techniques, making the book the first out of body literature I’ve read that incorporates crystal use (I’ve read a lot), what really stood out was her mention of the etheric plane (aka real time environment) for manifestation. She also includes lucid dreaming techniques to manifest, but the more powerful method is getting out of body and doing it in the real time environment. (which really comes down to thought forms in the end)

From my perspective, her focus was on — what I will call — lower down aspects of exploring one’s consciousness. I personally feel there are more important things to focus on if you want to really expand and go further, while making the most of your time you have.

Anyway, it was good to read another book on this topic.
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Jul 28, 2016
On Netflix there is a BBC show called "North and South" that I really enjoy. I've watched through it a handful of times. It's not even on a topic that I particularly enjoy, union and labor stuff. But I just really like watching it. Well, I decided to pick up the book that it's based off of. I'm about halfway through currently and I like it just as much as the book. There are subtle changes, but I think they did a good job of recreating it into the show.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I am currently enjoying The Mists of Avalon.

s-l225.jpgo (2).jpg
Ruins of Tintagel Castle, in Cornwall situated right on a rocky promontory, the location was unassailable by sea.

There is so much involved in this book, and gives a really good perspective on all the well known characters in the Arthurian Legends, in a way that makes a lot of sense. It deals with multiple generations and explains the relationships such as the Lady Morgaine, Mordred, King Uther, Queen Igraine, King Lot, Queen Morgause, King Arthur, Queen Gwenhywfar, etc. Also tackled are the multi-dimensionality of Avalon (Glastonbury Tor); Tintagel in Cornwell, the kingdoms of northern Wales, Caerleon in Wales, Camelot in what is now Somerset, the kingdom of the Orkneys (Lothian), the relationship of Brittany/Britain, etc. The story also explains the Druidic beginnings in Atlantis, and how the Picts were an early type of British tribespeople often associated with the Fairy Kingdom. The Merlin at the time, Taliesin, was a Druid, and had to handle the delicate balance of a time of war (there were waves of Saxon invaders for hundreds of years) and also the claim early Christianity was making over the Isles under Roman priests like Patricius (Saint Patrick) at the turn of the age when the old ways of the Goddess were in decline.

I am thinking of expanding my thoughts on this story into a thread - when I get through reading it, that is!
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Roaming Contributor
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Jul 28, 2016
I am currently enjoying The Mists of Avalon.

View attachment 7622View attachment 7623
Ruins of Tintagel Castle, in Cornwall situated right on a rocky promontory, the location was unassailable by sea.

There is so much involved in this book, and gives a really good perspective on all the well known characters in the Arthurian Legends, in a way that makes a lot of sense. It deals with multiple generations and explains the relationships such as the Lady Morgaine, Mordred, King Uther, Queen Igraine, King Lot, Queen Morgause, King Arthur, Queen Gwenhywfar, etc. Also tackled are the multi-dimensionality of Avalon (Glastonbury Tor); Tintagel in Cornwell, the kingdoms of northern Wales, Caerleon in Wales, Camelot in what is now Somerset, the kingdom of the Orkneys (Lothian), the relationship of Brittany/Britain, etc. The story also explains the Druidic beginnings in Atlantis, and how the Picts were an early type of British tribespeople often associated with the Fairy Kingdom. The Merlin at the time, Taliesin, was a Druid, and had to handle the delicate balance of a time of war (there were waves of Saxon invaders for hundreds of years) and also the claim early Christianity was making over the Isles under Roman priests like Patricius (Saint Patrick) at the turn of the age when the old ways of the Goddess were in decline.

I am thinking of expanding my thoughts on this story into a thread - when I get through reading it, that is!
I'll keep this one in mind. It sounds more like something I would appreciate reading than the other king Arthur book I tried out.


Involved Wayfarer
Nov 13, 2018
I am currently enjoying The Mists of Avalon.

View attachment 7622View attachment 7623
Ruins of Tintagel Castle, in Cornwall situated right on a rocky promontory, the location was unassailable by sea.

There is so much involved in this book, and gives a really good perspective on all the well known characters in the Arthurian Legends, in a way that makes a lot of sense. It deals with multiple generations and explains the relationships such as the Lady Morgaine, Mordred, King Uther, Queen Igraine, King Lot, Queen Morgause, King Arthur, Queen Gwenhywfar, etc. Also tackled are the multi-dimensionality of Avalon (Glastonbury Tor); Tintagel in Cornwell, the kingdoms of northern Wales, Caerleon in Wales, Camelot in what is now Somerset, the kingdom of the Orkneys (Lothian), the relationship of Brittany/Britain, etc. The story also explains the Druidic beginnings in Atlantis, and how the Picts were an early type of British tribespeople often associated with the Fairy Kingdom. The Merlin at the time, Taliesin, was a Druid, and had to handle the delicate balance of a time of war (there were waves of Saxon invaders for hundreds of years) and also the claim early Christianity was making over the Isles under Roman priests like Patricius (Saint Patrick) at the turn of the age when the old ways of the Goddess were in decline.

I am thinking of expanding my thoughts on this story into a thread - when I get through reading it, that is!

One of my favorite books! :)
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
One of my favorite books! :)
I was tentative to mention it because although the artistry of the book takes you right into the depths of the Legends, there is a modern-day WTF moment when you find out the authoress has been accused (by her own children, no less) of being involved in her husband's pedophilia, and also.... well, it's hard to grasp. But the authoress died in 1999, and I think we can separate art from the artist. But that's an unwholesome side to it.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 21, 2018
I tried to read 'The Mists of Avalon' many years ago now, but I'm afraid it wasn't for me. I did read most of her Darkover series though.
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Jan 10, 2019
just started reading Dolores Cannon: " Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth"


I'm only at page 24 now but it already is intriguing.
From my spirit helpers I always got: you are here to shine your light in the spiritual plane. In the physical you don't have a purpose. Just do whatever. Which is difficult for me.
Now I read in the book that this is exactly how the people of the second wave are defined.

Strangely reading it gives me more peace than only hearing it from my spirit helpers (who will now probably be shaking their heads :-)) and saying "he finally gets it")

curious what the rest of the book will bring me/unlock in me.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
Stargazer "Starcrash" is a good book! I have read it.

What I will start shortly by Rupert Sheldrake:
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
I have many more interesting books in EPUB format. PM me for link to zip file with about 50 books.


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Jul 28, 2016
Just finished this book last night. (I had to because it's due at the library to fill someone else's hold request. Heheh)

It's about these four siblings who, when young, go to a psychic who can tell them the date they will die. It was interesting and relatively uplifting at the end.

Now I'm going to read into this one.
I don't know too much about what it gets into. I think there are magical elements. Short stories, I think.

On my last library trip, I asked the librarian for some suggestions. These two were physical options, and she gave a nice list of books that either weren't available immediately, or authors that I may like. I'm excited to see into those.

In due time though. I'm knitting an afghan as a Christmas gift for Last Christmas (OOPS). And I really need to high tail it to get it done. Haha
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I haven't read this one, but I have heard it highly recommended, and it could be good for our forum members: Space Time Transients & Unusual Events, by Michael A. Persinger and Gyslaine Lafreniere, published in Chicago by Nelson Hall, in 1977.

It suggests that vertical columns of electrical energy can arise out of the lithosphere and travel over the surface, disrupting the normal chain of events and either causing/allowing unusual events to occur.

I'm going to ask my library for it. Oops, I just checked Amazon, and the hard cover version is available for US$916 !!!! 66% of those who have read it give it a 5-star rating.

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I just checked abebooks and they have a few copies for the (relatively!) bargain price of US$200, or up to $1321.
Other places were >$6000.

Another search came up with a related book for about $60:
Author is Askne, J.; Ronnang, B. O.
Title is Instability Properties of an Ionized Medium Periodic in Time and Space; Transient Wave Propagation in Symmetric Ionized Epstein Layers
Book is written in English
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Ah, the library has it.
Faaaaar cheaper!
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Involved Wayfarer
Jul 28, 2016

Amazing source of information. Paul Solomon gave readings throughout his life much like Edgar Cayce did as well as doing humanitarian work in his day-to-day.
I'll make a post later of him and a few others.


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Dec 16, 2017
The Download of the Nine - Awaken as you read, by Matias Flury
I must admit I ordered it accidentally, but did not regret it for a single minute...9 Devas of the 9th Dimension are about to change and heal our body's chemistry and functions which have been altered heavily by the "Children of the Nebula". Be surprised!

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