
  1. Laron

    Share your Favorite Bookmark

    Have you got a favorite bookmark? I was sent this one below as a gift recently and it may just be my new favorite!
  2. Henda

    Article August Oracle Cards Reading from The Sacred Traveller

    First card : What is blocked and needs clearance :Solitude Second Card : what will help resolve the problem : Uncovering treasures Third card : How the situation will be resolved if you follow the advice given in the previous two cards : Joy and Delight SOLITUDE "In silence, peace...
  3. Laron

    What are you reading? Share your cover!

    Here's my current book which I just started. I did skip ahead to a chapter about half way in as I wanted to grab some knowledge I was wondering on first, which brought a lot of validation. There are not many books out there that focus so well on diet and nutrition in connection to spirituality...
  4. Laron

    Most Expensive Book Sales in 2015 (AbeBooks)

    laron submitted a new article. Most Expensive Book Sales in 2015 (AbeBooks) Do you ever wonder how much rare and used books are sold for? I ran into a list from AbeBooks based on their records from last year which provides the top twenty most expensive books sold through...
  5. Stargazer

    Recommended Reads?

    There are a lot of authors out there with some really great books about psychics/mediumship. A couple of my favorites are George Anderson and Michael Newton. I've given several copies of George Anderson's "Walking in the Garden of Souls" to people who have suffered the loss of a family member...