Wakey-wakey — Covid poll: A pulse check of Australia as we exit the pandemic (1 Viewer)

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of transients.info & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
This is fascinating. One of Australia’s main MSM websites, news.com.au, posted an article yesterday encouraging people to vote on a series of polls in relation to the plandemic.

I’ve inserted screenshots of the current results of some of the more interesting polls.

How many vaccine shots did you have?
34% of people said none. Note that the Government says (https://www.health.gov.au/initiatives-and-programs/covid-19-vaccines/numbers-statistics) 97% of the country (16+) were vaccinated.

Did you catch COVID?
40% said no.

How do you feel about your vaccine decision?
0% said, "I'm unvaccinated and regret the decision."
30% said "I'm vaccinated and regret the decision."

How did our leaders handle the pandemic?
65% said they were too heavy-handed.

Full article on news.com.au



Staff member
RT Supporter
Board Moderator
Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Our leaders, dare I say, acted like they were lobotimized, and then acted like heavy-handed zombies. The zombification, or the leaking of their humanity out of that very small hole they punctured in themselves, was striking, and mind-numbing at the same time.

Kevin C

Involved Wayfarer
Jul 27, 2016
This is fascinating. One of Australia’s main MSM websites, news.com.au, posted an article yesterday encouraging people to vote on a series of polls in relation to the plandemic.

I’ve inserted screenshots of the current results of some of the more interesting polls.

How many vaccine shots did you have?
34% of people said none. Note that the Government says (https://www.health.gov.au/initiatives-and-programs/covid-19-vaccines/numbers-statistics) 97% of the country (16+) were vaccinated.

Did you catch COVID?
40% said no.

How do you feel about your vaccine decision?
0% said, "I'm unvaccinated and regret the decision."
30% said "I'm vaccinated and regret the decision."

How did our leaders handle the pandemic?
65% said they were too heavy-handed.

Full article on news.com.au

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Be careful of statistical fallacies. These are polls of only 40+ thousand, and not randomly picked. So that 34% does not mean 34% of the entire Australian population did not take the vaccine. 34% of 40+ thousand still fits in the 3% of the entire Australian population. Keep in mind Australia forced their urban dwellers to get the vaccine or no groceries/schools/etc. So its 97% coercion.
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