Dr Hoffe: 62% of his Vaccinated Patients Have Blood Clots (1 Viewer)

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of transients.info & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
In the video below, Dr. Charles Hoffe discusses treating his patients which he’s vaccinated and how the vaccines are medically inducing disease. He said at first he was clueless when his patients asked for help after getting vaccinated. He contacted his health officer and nobody knew at the time.

He said the vaccine manufactures said the spi.ke protein stays in the arm, it does not travel around the body and that the anti-bodies are produced in the arm, but scientists and doctors are reporting that only 25% of the vaccine stays in the arm.

There’s a vast number of mRNA strands. The Moderna vaccine has 40 trillion messenger molecules (R.N..A) per vaccine. They are wrapped in a capsule that helps the cells absorb them.

The 75% goes into the lymphatic system and is fed into the general circulation. It circulates around the entire body. He states every doctor knows that absorptions from circulation occurs in capillaries networks (blood vessels), as that’s where the blood slows right now as it goes into tiny vessels.

So the trillions of these molecules are absorbed in the lining around these capillaries. These packages open once absorbed and the body recognises these are a gene and gets to work creating spike proteins. Normally this is what is taking place within a virus, as the s proteins form part of the viral capsule, but he says they are not in a virus, they are in the cells around blood vessels.

As a result, they become part of the cell wall of those cells. Normally the cells around blood vessels need to be very smooth so the blood flows correctly. But when you have all these spike proteins that become part of the cell wall, the surface becomes rough, like sand paper. The platelets interprets it as a damaged vessel. Clotting is inevitable.

Dr. Charles Hoffe set out to try and prove this as it was just theory. He said a blood test called a d dimer was the only way, which tells you there is a blood clot, meaning the clotting mechanism has been activated.

He’s been recruiting patients from his practice, and others, to this d dimer test within one week of their vaccine. So far he has had 62% positive results with the tests, meaning they all have blood clots.

He makes the point once a vessel becomes clotted, it’s permanently damaged. The vessel never goes back to normal.

Near the end of the video he states that these people with the blood clots affecting the lungs specifically, will probably develop right sided heart failure within 3 years and die.

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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
In WWII they just lined people up and shot them. This is a much sneakier method of genocide.
  • I agree
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Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Jan 10, 2019
In WWII they just lined people up and shot them. This is a much sneakier method of genocide.
Yes but it will never be because of the vaccine...
it will be a novel variant of the coronavirus that cause this ;) and we will need another shot of the vaccine:rolleyes:


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
I wonder this has not been taken down yet by YT and their almighty fact-fuckers. Certainly the 'innocent' title of the video helps but for how long?


QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of transients.info & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Yeah I'm amazed what I'm finding on YT lately and wondering why they are not blocked right away when uploaded.

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