
  1. Brad

    Article Navigating these Times with Positive Affirmations by Brad Austen

    Positive affirmations can help you navigate these times we are living in, and assist you to feel more positive about life in general. We are constantly bombarded with negativity, that it's not surprising so many of us are feeling anxious or depressed. We all have self-talk, and if you tune into...
  2. Brad

    Article Positive Affirmations for Acceptance & Forgiveness by Brad Austen

    In my personal experience, I’ve found accepting a person or circumstance is a bit easier than forgiving someone that has hurt me. However, when you decide to forgive someone, you set the wheels in motion towards your own healing journey. Forgiveness is more about you and your healing journey...
  3. Brad

    Article Experiencing Resistance to Positive Affirmations by Brad Austen

    While listening to a positive affirmation recording and affirming the words in your mind or out aloud, it is natural to feel some resistance. It's also natural to want to argue with what you are affirming, if it isn't in alignment with your subconscious beliefs. It's a bit like a wall or barrier...
  4. Brad

    Article Negativity and the Antidote: Positive Programming by Brad Austen

    If you've been watching the news lately, you may have realized how negative and fear-based it often is. It's like a snapshot of all that's bad going on in our world. That's not to say these things aren't happening, but there is also a lot of good in our world that isn't reported on. One of my...
  5. Brad

    Article Staying Positive in a Negative World by Brad Austen

    How does one stay positive in a negative world? On the one hand, this is quite a challenge, but can also be looked upon as a quest for self-mastery. If you view darkness as a teacher, it really does serve both you and the light. Earth is a planet of duality, whereby both light and dark energies...