
  1. David Topi

    Article Mobile Networks: Development, Purpose & Impact on Humans (Part 4)

    As we have seen in all the previous articles, the incessant bombardment of electromagnetic radiation continuously causes micro-dysfunctions in the entire energy and physical system, so that we are gradually losing quality of life, physical well-being, "health." Each person reacts differently to...
  2. David Topi

    Article Mobile Networks: Development, Purpose & Impact on Humans (Part 3)

    If someone could see us from above, but not see what we do or what we are, what we build or what we execute, but only what we think of as a huge mass of energy that would shape what humanity is achieving co-create, you would probably realize that there are social dynamics that always go in...
  3. David Topi

    Article Mobile Networks: Development, Purpose & Impact on Humans (Part 1)

    I think there is so much fuss over the issue of 5G mobile networks and so much fear and anxiety about the deployment of the antennas being installed, that it is worth reviewing the impact and purpose of this technology delivered decades ago by the RIC to the CS and from them to the mass of...
  4. Linda

    Erin Elizabeth & Joe Mercola Invite Us Into Their Home to See How They Manage 5G Exposure

    The link goes to the website, Health Nut News, and offers an opportunity to see how this couple has managed living in an EMF and 5G world. I imagine, signing up will put you on an email list from the website, but you can opt out of the emails later, if you wish. Mercola has done so much work in...
  5. Pod

    This Shungite Plate On Your Phone Will Absorb Harmful EMF Radiation

    Shungite, a “non-crystalline mineraloid consisting of more than 98 weight percent of carbon.” An ancient mineral discovered in Shunga, Russia, it has been used since the 18th century for medical treatments and water filtration. More recently, the physical properties and molecular structure...