Reptilians, Orionians & The Galactic Federation of Worlds: Farsight Intelligence Briefing November 2020 (1 Viewer)

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
I just happened to come across one of Farsight’s latest remote viewing project videos, Farsight Intelligence Briefing November 2020, and I’ve written up a detailed summary of the first section, which is quite importanmt as it’s focused on the three groups of ETs that have/are playing an important role in relation to Earth just now.


The video was released on the 22nd of November, just a few days back.

Before Courtney Brown gets into the content, he suggests that people learn to meditate right now, especially before December 1st. He is asking people for help with a task, where meditation relates to this.

He gets into the importance of meditate in relation to remote viewing, and how important it is. He says that Farsight’s method of remote viewing incorporates at least 20 minutes of meditation beforehand.

For about 16 minutes he talks about the different ways of verifying the remote viewing results. He put a lot of effort into trying to convince people how scientific remote viewing is and how there is strong evidence for the existence of other life on planets.

He then states there are 3 groups of alien life that are prominent in relation to interactions with the Earth.

The first group is from the Orion system and they look similar to us, were involved with the Pyramids and a few other things.

The second is a reptilian group of ETs. They tend to not like you seeing what they are doing. (Note that with a recent QHHT session I conducted, which was focused on the Reptilian’s, we had this come up where their leader was not happy that we were connected in to what was going on.)

The reptilians control the planet from behind the scenes and use the Orion ETS almost as their lap dogs. In ancient times the Orion ETs were much stronger, but not so much now. From a military perspective, the Reptilians side seems to be much stronger.

Courtney states that not all Reptilians are negative, hard to deal with, etc, as there are good ones out there. The group that has a military based side to them which are affecting Earth right now, are very tough.

On the positive side, there’s another group with a variety of genetic variations, including ones that look very much like us. These are the galactic federation of worlds (GFW). This is a very supportive group. Militarily they are very strong, but not strong enough to knock the Reptilians and Orion’s out of the galaxy.

GFW have had many military interactions with the Reptilians and Orionians in the past, and have backed off, isolating themselves into a federation of many. GFW is strong enough in their realm to defend themselves against the Reptilian’s and Orionians .

The reptilians don’t seem to be interested in attacking the GFW as they don’t seem to have resources that they want. He says that they are very quick to fight and will go after something they want quite intensely and that they are good at fighting.

The GFW is strong enough to protect Earth and will defend Earth but are not prepared to get into a larger scale battle over us.

The Orion system is not strong enough to handle the GFW by themselves.

So with the Orion group and the Reptilians, they are very dominate, hard to deal with, controlling and have basically been using Earth in our past as a slave type of planet.

In the time the pyramids were first built in Egypt, it was the Galactic Federation of Worlds that interrupted the two groups and basically kicked them off of Earth, basically. A gorilla warfare type situation then started to occur.

Courtney explains the Reptilians and Orion’s are both enemies, but also allies, based on when it suits them, otherwise they compete for resources. Courtney says the resources on Earth also include the humans, because the genetic side of things here is one of the most valuable resources in the entire galaxy.

The GFW have an issue — they want humans to come out, to be free from the repressive system which the Reptilians and Orionians are involved in here. The GFW consider as brothers and colleagues.

But GFW say we have not asked them to step in and help, and that it’s really difficult to deal with human leaders because of the corruption in place. So they will not step in because of free choice, and it’s our free choice to be a slave society. But they are saying if we don’t want to be that way, we have to tell the GFW.

The Orionians and Reptilians control the leadership of the planet, such as in a way so that they don’t ask the Galactic Federation of worlds to come in.

He mentions the Pleiadeans are part of the GFW. (Maryann knows all about this!)

So the GFW are stopping the complete enslavement of Earth, they are what is holding it off. They are holding things at bay. The Reptilians and the Orionians are keen to implement a fully enslaved system.

But the GFW are only going to wait so long, meaning they are waiting for us to ask for their help.

Courtney Brown then gets into the possibility of Earth joining the GFW, but he explains we are not ready as we need some kind of federated system, as we are far too militaristic.

He says there needs to be an end to the secrecy issue, otherwise the Galactic Federation of Worlds will leave.

Developments: Remote viewing as a form of teleportation

Courtney explains that when you are remote viewing, you can see other people remote viewing, this is why other ETs can see remote viewers. So he calls it a form of teleportation.

In this section he gets into detail on how this works and experiments they have been doing.

Action via remote viewing, as compared with simple passive observation

Courtney asks the question, since remote viewers can be seen, can they also do stuff while they are there?

He talks about some experiments they have done while remote viewing to interact with their environment.

Galactic Federation of Worlds

Courtney finishes off talking about this issue again with the ET groups and how on December 1 he is going to be involving the public in an event which the meditation relates to.

In the remaining 20 minutes of the video, he answers some questions as it was a live stream.



Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
I'll have to give this a listen, and thank you for the summarization. Yes the Pleiadians are working with the GF as well as the League of Light (which others may call by a different name).
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Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
Laron, I cannot help it but I am highly skeptical about Courtney's presentation here. I admit I was lazy and did not watch the video but trust your already very detailed description in the above start post.

Firt of all, don't get my wrong. I am not saying that anything he says is untrue. I don't know. It could all be true or at least partially so and even quite accurate in many places. This is not the point of my skepticism.

It is the sudden and quite unusual level of detail he has here.

I noticed this before in some of his interpretations and their lack of congruence with what the remote viewers are reporting during their sessions. And I've watched a lot of it. Some earlier ones with the old dudes (Daz and Dick) but also the newer young ones, some vids I watched in full (I paid for the old ones on Vimeo and some are or were free on YT) and some only with trailers (admittedly). The impressions I always get are not justifiying this level of detail I read about here.

When they did this they always described beings or places but were NEVER really able to nail it down to exact places and names. So where does it come from now when it says "I'm on Orion" or "They are from Orion" or these ones are called "GWS", and these ones from there are enslaved by these ones from there and they have exactly this and that history and relation, etc.

My suspicion therefore is that this is not even interpretation but a mere rehashing of all the 'lore' we already have. There is nothing new in it except maybe for the expression GWS (which btw sounds almost too trekkie for me, lol). I assume he got it from all which is already out there from contactee info, channellings, qhht/regressions, other past life memories, intuitive insights or whatever.

He does not get this quality of detail from his remote viewers. I've seen enough footage of their performances. They are amazing indeed, but this is just not it. Look at the videos when they describe the places they see or are immersed in or the beings. They say there is a being and what it looks like or communicates (feelings, expressions), not more, not where it's from nor how it is called. Same they do with places ("I am in a level topography. Lots of foilage.") which is far from what Courtney tells us. And where is the footage when they get so deep into detail? It's not there.

In the older videos which were also amazing there might have been overlays, interpretations and frontloading simultaneously when viewing regarding places. For example, when they started remote viewing 9/11, then of course after a while they knew the task they were given was about the Twin Tower attacks, they are not dumb. But the remote viewing did not come immediately with the tags 'New York' or 'Sept 2001' to their minds. They then of course inferred it during their performance but kept on viewing and reporting. Same with the Mars video when Daz even likened what he saw and felt to 'the reddish sand and the thin athmosphere ... this is almost like Mars', which is an astounding hit but still he did not say 'this is Mars' or 'I am on Mars' but just 'likened' the area to it.

You see what I mean and am driving at?

So what kind of quantum leap in their remote viewing skills did they make now if they suddenly all can break it down to exact names, places, complex relations and connections of alien cultures?

Remote viewing is not story telling. What he does is telling a 'story' (again: if true or not is not my point here). Sorry, if he claims that this info is all solely from his remote viewing team sessions he is not honest. No way. This is fishy.
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Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
It's getting even more ... well ... what is this even? I don't have words for it. Oh Courtney. No, please. No wonder that Daz and Dick and maybe Rock (the three old dudes) presumably left and don't go along with this farce anymore.

I think I'm done with FarSight as a reliable Remote Viewing source.

Science thrown out of the window.

Instead what we we get is Dr Who meets Star Wars meets Spaceballs meets Men In Black.

:(( :)|
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Instead what we we get is Dr Who meets Star Wars meets Spaceballs meets Men In Black.
WTH is this? Seriously, I don't understand what this is - I skipped through it because it was so hard to watch.
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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
I don't think Courtney is going to be nominated for an Oscar for that one.


Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
Your post is consistent with material that has been released over and over in various forms since 1989, much if it by Branton originally, at least that's where I saw it first. If someone wants to read the Branton papers, he writes a lot, but I find it interesting. Send me a DM and I will try to get you a zip file of all his papers. Some are in EPUB format, some are text files.

Most of his stuff appears to be here:

When stuff like this keeps popping up over and over during 30 years I take notice.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I did like his coat - big fan of steam punk and Captain Jack Harkness.
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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Interesting timing because...
Former Israeli space security chief says extraterrestrials exist, and Trump knows about it
A "galactic federation" has been waiting for humans to "reach a stage where we will understand... what space and spaceships are," Haim Eshed said.​
"A former Israeli space security chief has sent eyebrows shooting heavenward by saying that earthlings have been in contact with extraterrestrials from a "galactic federation."" ... ""The Unidentified Flying Objects have asked not to publish that they are here, humanity is not ready yet," Haim Eshed, former head of Israel's Defense Ministry's space directorate, told Israel's Yediot Aharonot newspaper." ... "Eshed said cooperation agreements had been signed between species, including an "underground base in the depths of Mars" where there are American astronauts and alien representatives." ... "Eshed added that President Donald Trump was aware of the extraterrestrials' existence and had been "on the verge of revealing" information but was asked not to in order to prevent "mass hysteria."​
Note that this story is covered on a number of MSM sites so it's not just alternative media.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Trump was interviewed by his son earlier this year, and it was interesting to watch. Don Jr. asked about Roswell, and Trump's face told it all. I saw something like wistfulness, and he did reply sincerely.

"So many people ask me that question," the president said. "There are millions and millions of people that want to go there, that want to see it. I won't talk to you about what I know about it but it's very interesting. But Roswell is a very interesting place with a lot of people that would like to know what's going on."
When Trump Jr. further pressed his father on whether he would declassify details about Roswell, the president said, "I'll have to think about that one."

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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
As much as we would like full disclosure, in order to avoid mass hysteria and upsetting the cart, the most likely way it would happen is first the disclosure that the existence in the distant past of microscopic organic life has been discovered somewhere in the solar system (most likely in Mars, Venus or a satellite in Jupiter, even from a meteorite that came down here long ago). That to be followed after a few years by simple plants, etc. In other words, ease the people into it.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
As much as we would like full disclosure, in order to avoid mass hysteria and upsetting the cart, the most likely way it would happen is first the disclosure that the existence in the distant past of microscopic organic life has been discovered somewhere in the solar system (most likely in Mars, Venus or a satellite in Jupiter, even from a meteorite that came down here long ago). That to be followed after a few years by simple plants, etc. In other words, ease the people into it.
Carl! I think the cart has already been upset lately, and the donkeys put into hibernation! The serious and threatening way that Technocracy is pushing de-education and having a fully manipulated population, means that we can't do anything about "easing" anybody's level of consciousness. Sometimes people wake up with a shock. It happens.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Carl! I think the cart has already been upset lately, and the donkey's put into hibernation! The serious and threatening way that Technocracy is pushing de-education and having a fully manipulated population, means that we can't do anything about "easing" anybody's level of consciousness. Sometimes people wake up with a shock. It happens.

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand


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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Farsight is going fully into David Icke mode now
Timing. Certain things are meant to be revealed at specific times. That's why it's coming up in my QHHT sessions all of a sudden.

Perhaps it's about people not being receptive enough, where now they are more so. It's really easy to block out things that are too dark and just ignore them — automatically dismissing them — because of the energetic vibration they hold.

Astrologically the space is being created to reveal more secrets and help people let go of so much over the coming weeks.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Just as a follow up on my last reply, I'm about 25% into transcribing a QHHT session I did in August which I did post about on the forum back then, and I'm at a section which is about the galactic federation helping us out. Client is explaining some things which actually fits into this remote viewing project, which was done after this session. I'm aiming to get this transcribed this morning and posted today.

Unedited Preview:
Laron: What would you say the collective consciousness represents on Earth?
Wynter: There’s an image of Earth with darkness around it, with another wall of light around that, and the light is penetrating the darkness, kind of like a drill would drill into blackness, inserting light into it. It’s just chugging away. But they each have to chose on an individual level, not just the fear anymore, it has to be their choice to elevate themselves above it. The fear is contagious. The light has to be chosen.​
Laron: What do you think is calling all the fear?
Wynter: Their agendas to keep people in fear to prevent them from ascension. But everyone will ascend eventually. The light is very confident. There’s more being exposed at this time, not that there’s more going on, but that the light is exposing it all. When people see these things, they get fearful, they think it’s happening more, but it’s not. They have to feel empowered to change these things that they are fearful about.​
Laron: Do you know where the light comes from?
Wynter: The galactic…, the source of all there is. Oh, okay…. It’s a federation of galactic light. “Are you sure?” ((she is talking to herself)) “Okay” The galactic federation of light. They are light beings. Interdimensional beings from other planets. They are different races. They come from all over. They are watching us.​
Laron: So are they helping during these times now on Earth?
Wynter: Yeah. Not everybody. They can to ask for help.​
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Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
There’s an image of Earth with darkness around it, with another wall of light around that, and the light is penetrating the darkness, kind of like a drill would drill into blackness, inserting light into it. It’s just chugging away.
Reminds me of my vision shown to me during an astral projection back then in 2011 which I called 'The Puncture' and about which I found some 'evidence' later in literature that could even quite well back up the data given in numbers (see also the comment section about the kinesiologist's graph and the 700 on the scale).

Here's the link:



QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
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Involved Wayfarer
Jul 30, 2016
You gotta appriciate the very chill atmosphere in combination with the weight of the subject - great, it kind og confirmed to me why i still am apprehensive to open up completely - cause the veil is so thin, but I have said a big fat yes to stepping up now, so come what may.
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Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
Farsight still milking as long as this very cow gives milk.

It's certainly interesting though and less comical than the farcical play from above. The trailer already gives a lot away.

Still don't know what to make of it or what or whom they 'really' see/view here, especially since Farsight makes it now all about a 'military' intervention against a similar military occupation from that 'other side' (Reptilians it seems). And Courtney even blows Farsight's own trumpet as they say how important Farsight ('Group W') is now active in this process of 'liberation' probably by asking for war activity or military pressure from that mysterious (humanoid?) Federation on the Reptilians ...

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