Next Up In Our Saga - UFO Disclosure - Friend or Foe (2 Viewers)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Found this link on Code Monkey's Alien Alert telegram channel. It is an article that appeared in Popular Mechanics about a year ago. Mostly it is the usual saber rattling verbiage, but there are a couple of mentions of downed craft and the study of the materials. As you know, this is "my issue" because I see an immediate need to help the people on this planet.

The other reason this is an important article is because of where it appears - Popular Mechanics. I grew up with that magazine in our home - my Dad loved it. (He and his dad could make all kinds of things from parts of this and that.) These days, the magazine is seen as more main stream. So, this means the info reached a wider audience. Granted many may have stopped with the "threat" message, but I'm hoping the other part of the story sunk in, too.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Clif is his usual colorful self - (language warning for those of you who don't know him).

This session covers several topics, but his take on the UFO disclosure is interesting. The financial situation is worsening, and the bribes that people who were supposed to be silent no longer will be available. I wonder if this is part of the Fauci fall. Prices for basic living continue to rise, and people will get even more angry and start asking more questions. The combination of increased UFO sightings, release of Pentagon report, general unease of populations, and people who used to be silent speaking out may be a potent one. July is the boil over month and August is the change stuff month, which got me to thinking about why the deadline for the report was in June.

He makes the point that the globalists have stolen the technology, which has been one of my main points. If people figure this out, they are going to be pissed. He also has a good explanation about the global awakening.

At various times in humanity's past, it has been quite allowable, acceptable and even consequential for people to slay their enemies and staple their heads on the local meeting house doorway, or Roman rostra. So, although the times are just as dangerous, the outer forms of what will happen have changed just slightly.... enough for us to realize we ARE on an evolutionary path.

As Clif points out, the times are very dangerous, right here right now, to be followed by a period of time (he estimates 30-35 days) of complete chaotic panic, followed by those with vision stepping forward and re-imagining ways of being.

I will have to remember not to smirk about being vindicated, but to nestle that truth inside my being, as a means of staying warm.
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The magic has always been within you.
Retired Global Moderator
Jul 21, 2016
From Kansas, living in Texas
Found an article on Zero Hedge that originally appeared on Medium. It is well-written and covers the basic ideas we've discussed here (except for the hidden technology). For me, the eye-catcher was that it was on Medium because that is an open site, where the "cool kids" hang out. So, these ideas are getting wider play. Yea!
I do find some nice articles on Medium but overall it has a feel of being 'controlled' and used at times to either suppress info or to seed in the ideas of particular narrative. Getting the 'cool kids' to talk about something is an excellent tool in the kit for promoting a narrative.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I do find some nice articles on Medium but overall it has a feel of being 'controlled' and used at times to either suppress info or to seed in the ideas of particular narrative
True, they dumped Martin Geddes when he went the cue route.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 21, 2018
This article from Washington Post Live.

Transcript: UFOs & National Security with Luis Elizondo, Former Director, Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program
By Washington Post Live
June 9, 2021 at 12:19 a.m. GMT+1

MS. ALEMANY: [In progress] --UFOs or as it’s officially identified--officially called, unidentified aerial phenomenon, UAPs. While we’re waiting for the unclassified report from Congress on the matter, our guest, Lue Elizondo, the former director for AATIP, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, has some answers. So excited to welcome you today, Lue. Thanks for joining us.

MR. ELIZONDO: Jackie, it is my sincere pleasure to be with you and your audience today. Thank you very much for having me.
MS. ALEMANY: So, I want to take us back for a second and set the table for this conversation. How exactly did you get signed in the first place to investigate UFOs for the intelligence community?

MR. ELIZONDO: Well, Jackie, quite frankly, I was voluntold. In essence I had some--I guess some prerequisite experience that they were looking for. At the time, the organization was fairly new, and they were looking for someone to create a counterintelligence and security portfolio. And I guess because of some of my background running investigations, counterintelligence investigations, and some of my background in technology protection, specifically with aerospace systems, that probably, I suspect, was a fairly lucrative skillset that they were looking for to create this sub portfolio under AATIP. And that’s how I got into the program. I entered the program in 2008. I was asked by its director to come on board and establish this program, and then in 2010 was when I was asked to take over the effort.

The same story from The Daily Mail

Pentagon whistleblower says UFOs have meddled with secret US nuclear weapons facilities and even forced some offline - calling actions a 'global threat'
  • Luis Elizondo, the former head of the Pentagon's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, said UFOs have interfered with U.S. nuclear technology
  • Several UFO sightings have been above secret nuclear weapons facilities and almost every major nuclear power across the globe has reported these sightings
  • Elizondo said that the phenomenon is a national security 'concern,' and said that the same observation has been made in other countries, making it a 'global issue'
  • Elizondo said considering the huge nuclear footprint the U.S. has there should be nothing surprising about increased interest by the UFOs
  • The Pentagon's UAP Task Force is set to reveal their findings when they submit a long-awaited report on UFOs to Congress on June 25

I wonder if they are preparing for the false flag alien invasion?
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
This is courtesy of our Junie who passed this to me yesterday on Telegram.

Is the 4th Reich’s Dark Fleet abandoning Antarctica?

Is the 4th Reich’s Dark Fleet abandoning Antarctica?
According to Elena Danaan, a former professional French archeologist who claims to be a contactee with the ‘Galactic Federation of Worlds’, an exodus of a German 4th Reich controlled &#…

Then today we get a trailer from Farsight who have remote viewed the Antarctic. Fascinating. What is they are leaving? What if there is a wave coming that they cannot handle so they are getting out?

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Steven Greer has a new film out, the Cosmic Hoax, which I found to be interesting and staying on track with direct evidence. You can get the link from another thread here.



Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
This article came out in December 2020. The source has about every credential possible. Interestingly, the points he makes are things of which many people are aware. I keep going back to the expression on Trump's face when his son asked him the Roswell question in that interview. As his son was the interviewer, he was much less guarded, and when he was asked the question, he seemed wistful - as if he wanted to share something but could not.

Retired Israeli general and space security chief Prof. Haim Eshed said during an interview with Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonotlast week that extraterrestrials have been in contact with the governments of the United States and Israel for years.
Eshed claimed U.S. President Donald Trump was on the verge of revealing this secret before the “Galactic Federation” asked him to remain silent, as the aliens are worried that humanity is not ready to learn about their existence yet.
Yediot Aharonot is one of Israel’s biggest newspapers, and Eshed has a distinguishedresume as a military officer, intelligence analyst, and head of space operations for the Israeli Defense Ministry. The 87-year-old professor holds a doctorate in aeronautical engineering, supervised over 20 satellite launches, and received the Israel Security Award three times.
Eshed has a bit more stature than most of the people who say things like, “the UFOs have asked not to publish that they are here, humanity is not ready yet,” as he told Yediot Aharonot.
Eshed elaborated that President Trump was “on the verge of revealing” America and Israel’s years of interactions with “the aliens in the Galactic Federation,” but the aliens thought it would be better to “let people calm down first” because “they don’t want to start mass hysteria.”
“There’s an agreement between the U.S. government and the aliens. They signed a contract with us to do experiments here. They, too, are researching and trying to understand the whole fabric of the universe, and they want us as helpers. There’s an underground base in the depths of Mars, where their representatives are, and also our American astronauts,” he said.
“If I had come up with what I’m saying today five years ago, I would have been hospitalized,” Eshed conceded. “Wherever I’ve gone with this in academia, they’ve said: the man has lost his mind. Today they’re already talking differently. I have nothing to lose. I’ve received my degrees and awards, I am respected in universities abroad, where the trend is also changing.”
The Jerusalem Post, which published translated excerpts of Eshed’s interview on Tuesday, theorized that President Trump’s creation of the U.S. Space Force could have something to do with this joint U.S.-Israeli-Galactic Federation project on Mars.
Eshed was vague about how long the aliens have been working with humans and how long the Mars base has been operational, so Trump might have created the Space Force to address a recent need for more human staff at the facility. Both the U.S. and Israel have discussed plans for missions to the moon within the next few years, but that could be a smokescreen for sending personnel to Mars or perhaps the Galactic Federation wants its human partners to demonstrate they retain the courage, ingenuity, and technical prowess to land on the nearest celestial body before they bring more humans to the Mars base.
The Jerusalem Post also noted that Eshed has written a book that provides further details about human interaction with aliens, titled The Universe Beyond the Horizon: Conversations with Professor Haim Eshed. The professor said the book reveals how aliens played a role in preventing multiple “nuclear apocalypses” on Earth.

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
You know, although I did not expect anything profound, I thought there would be a little more info. Honestly, I feel like a lady spinning wool into yarn on her back porch - don't know where that came from - but me spinning wool with a patient smile.

Anyway - a bit of news, or rather misrepresentation of news. Some are posting that the US government has admitted to having and testing materials recovered from crash sites. Well, maybe yes and maybe no.

The person who made the FOIA request explained the release of info in detail. Yes, he got 150+ pages of technical data from the pentagon ... but ... a few days later an odd news release appeared from a pentagon spokesperson, saying the info did not pertain to UFOs.

In the Spring of this year, headlines were made around the world with the stunning reply to a Freedom of Information Act request made by this author to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) seeking the test results of UFO debris recovered by the US government. The reply to the request (received after the passage of more than three years) included over 150 pages of highly technical documents that related to remarkable futuristic materials that can promote invisibility, compress electromagnetic energy and even change the speed of light. Incredibly, some of the reports related to Nitinol, a shape-recovery alloy much like the famed morphing "memory metal" found at the Roswell UFO crash in 1947.
As soon as the reply to the FOIA was made public, Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough issued a brief statement that she was "aware of the social media chatter" about the FOIA reply, and that it did not relate to UFOs but rather to advanced weaponry programs. She did not explain how she knew this when she had no involvement in fulfilling the DIA request. Nor did she explain how a request for UFO-related information somehow got confused with weapons research and how such a "mistaken reply" to such an unambiguous request could ever have been made. Links to articles on this extraordinary saga can be found below.
Resulting investigations yielded that the Program Manager at the Pentagon who had authorized the production of the received technical documents incredibly had a dual role as rocket scientist and as an official UFO investigator. He had determined that UFOs were of extraterrestrial origin, and was subsequently forced out of his position because of his conclusions.
When this author attempted to reach out to Susan Gough at the Pentagon to find out why she now denies the received reports relate to UFO debris, she refused all approaches, both by email and voice mail messages. Similarly, the DIA FOIA Director, Steven Tumiski, who had sent the author the reply to the FOIA with accompanying technical papers on UFO debris testing in the first place, has rebuffed all attempts at commenting further on his work product and has left this author "out to hang." He has obviously been intimidated by his superiors and has concerns that he should not have released the documents received.
So, looks like I'm still on the porch spinning wool.....

spinning wool.jpg
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
You know, although I did not expect anything profound, I thought there would be a little more info. Honestly, I feel like a lady spinning wool into yarn on her back porch - don't know where that came from - but me spinning wool with a patient smile.

Anyway - a bit of news, or rather misrepresentation of news. Some are posting that the US government has admitted to having and testing materials recovered from crash sites. Well, maybe yes and maybe no.

The person who made the FOIA request explained the release of info in detail. Yes, he got 150+ pages of technical data from the pentagon ... but ... a few days later an odd news release appeared from a pentagon spokesperson, saying the info did not pertain to UFOs.

In the Spring of this year, headlines were made around the world with the stunning reply to a Freedom of Information Act request made by this author to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) seeking the test results of UFO debris recovered by the US government. The reply to the request (received after the passage of more than three years) included over 150 pages of highly technical documents that related to remarkable futuristic materials that can promote invisibility, compress electromagnetic energy and even change the speed of light. Incredibly, some of the reports related to Nitinol, a shape-recovery alloy much like the famed morphing "memory metal" found at the Roswell UFO crash in 1947.
As soon as the reply to the FOIA was made public, Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough issued a brief statement that she was "aware of the social media chatter" about the FOIA reply, and that it did not relate to UFOs but rather to advanced weaponry programs. She did not explain how she knew this when she had no involvement in fulfilling the DIA request. Nor did she explain how a request for UFO-related information somehow got confused with weapons research and how such a "mistaken reply" to such an unambiguous request could ever have been made. Links to articles on this extraordinary saga can be found below.
Resulting investigations yielded that the Program Manager at the Pentagon who had authorized the production of the received technical documents incredibly had a dual role as rocket scientist and as an official UFO investigator. He had determined that UFOs were of extraterrestrial origin, and was subsequently forced out of his position because of his conclusions.
When this author attempted to reach out to Susan Gough at the Pentagon to find out why she now denies the received reports relate to UFO debris, she refused all approaches, both by email and voice mail messages. Similarly, the DIA FOIA Director, Steven Tumiski, who had sent the author the reply to the FOIA with accompanying technical papers on UFO debris testing in the first place, has rebuffed all attempts at commenting further on his work product and has left this author "out to hang." He has obviously been intimidated by his superiors and has concerns that he should not have released the documents received.
So, looks like I'm still on the porch spinning wool.....

View attachment 11954
Carrot and stick comes to mind.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Carrot and stick comes to mind.
Yes, you are absolutely correct - limited disclosure with a hidden agenda of directing our attention one way or the other.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
This 1897 story from a ranching community pops up every now and then, and came up again today. I love the matter of fact reporting and that the people gave the being a funeral. The grave site has long since disappeared, but I can believe aa group of ranchers and farmers in north Texas would do that.

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Code Monkey's other telegram channel, Alien Agenda had interesting post about Luis Elizondo and his upcoming book about UFOs, or whatever they are being called today. The news article is from India - because well, you know our media - lol.

After the release of the Pentagon's UFO report, Elizondo had claimed that the defense department has not revealed complete details about UFO encounters. The ex-Pentagon insider added that he has seen a mindblowing 23-minute UFO clip.
Elizondo said, "The video was extremely compelling - one of many - to the point where I remember getting some expertise to look at it. I did not say what it was. I sent it out to some highly trained experts in the ISR (Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance) community. And when they came back to me, the title of the email was quote-unquote 'that UFO video'."
However, Elizondo also made it clear that he may get arrested if he reveal more details about the UFO video he saw.
Earlier, Elizondo had also claimed that the US government is in possession of exotic alien materials taken from a UFO.

The next part of the comments was very interesting to me and what many of us have said here before. There are people who know a few things, and people who know a whole of things. The latter group is not talking.



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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
This 1897 story from a ranching community pops up every now and then, and came up again today. I love the matter of fact reporting and that the people gave the being a funeral. The grave site has long since disappeared, but I can believe aa group of ranchers and farmers in north Texas would do that.

View attachment 12361
The details are incredible: in our modern-day language: the UFO with alien pilot crashed into the small town destroying the Judge's flower garden!"
The level of detail is eye-opening.
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