The Event is very close now...10 - 9 - 8 - (1 Viewer)

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Wow! Thanks Carl. I knew that it was proving tough because he has not posted anything about it for days. Strange that his Mantid family have not been able to verify anything.
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
I have been weeping on and off for two days. It is just so hard for some wounded parts of my psyche to accept being loved. And, no I do not want lots of heart/hug ratings, I am just dealing with it. Not a poor you moment thank you!
Very interesting comment Pod. I too got very emotional yesterday afternoon -family issue triggered, karma/old would ties. The important thing though is that my Third Eye Chakra was very active yesterday, but today feels like a pressure point non-stop.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
As far as I remember, Valiant made the prediction of the shift to happen in 2019.
There are quite a few times/dates thrown out there as we all attempt to make sense of and manifest change in our own way. I really like what Alison Coe has been saying lately--that each of us will be experiencing this "event" in his or her own unique way. I suspect that the timing of it will be something similar. Perhaps each of us will experience it at the precise moment that is best for us!

Maybe something did happen in 2112.
I feel strongly that it did. Kryon has said that December 21, 2012 was the waymark for our survival. Once we passed that moment without destroying ourselves and our world, it was our assurance that we had achieved our potential--that there would be no large-scale/world war. It was also the opening point for us to choose our own way--in essence that we were now in uncharted territory and that the training wheels were off! :)

In short, of course I don't know, but here are some reasons where my innards are stirring:-
Mine too, HM! I keep feeling that March 18, 2018 is of vital importance for some reason. I don't know what will happen on that day, but feel it will be quite pivotal. I know it's two days before the equinox, but that doesn't seem to be (for me, anyway) why it's important. Dunno...?

the date 27th February 2018 has manifested in my intuition - that is next week.
Well, that IS my birthday! :) I can't say that anything super earth-shaking happened, but I've been feeling quite strongly that incoming energies ARE ramping up rather "bigly". Perhaps we're intuitively "tapping in" to the approximate times these "waves" arrive--and will continue to arrive.

The Sabian matches in nicely with the Chaldean numerology :
27 is a number of karmic reward, earned in more than one previous incarnation
Numerologically speaking, it adds up to a "9", with the energy of completion. March 18 seems to have a similar "vibe" for me.

The point is to get out there each day and be willing to share our joy, love, and insights wherever needed.
Absolutely! In every breath, action, thought we allow, and choice we make, we express our intentions to the Universe. I've found that by looking for, recognizing, and being grateful for the countless "positive steps" happening in the world around me, I'm much more able to maintain my preferred "upward spiral" and I see more and more of such positive steps every day.

I remember my mother telling me that in her life, she always felt that something "special" would happen, but then from her experience as an older person she realised that nothing ever really does. It's a pity she didn't have the spiritual overview to see that personal evolution can occur, if worked on it might be speeded up. But that, at times of high congruency where time intersects, anything is possible.
I'm so glad you were able to expand past your mother's limitations, HM. I'm sure she is quite pleased about that--and proud of you! :) While many conditions may contribute to growth and leaps forward (time, space, etc.), they don't define who or what we truly are or can be. I believe you're absolutely right. Anything IS possible! :)


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Scientists at the Russian Academy of Sciences have warned that a huge magnetic storm will strike Earth on March 18, disrupting satellites, GPS navigation and power grids across the planet.
Oh. WOW!!! Their description of things (people feeling tired, etc.) coincides VERY well with what Alison has described from her sessions. And this only amplifies my excitement about March 18. VERY cool.

Can't wait to see what haps!


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I mean the US would be NUTS to start a war now....oh I forgot, the deep state IS nuts.

I have ZERO concerns about any kind of large scale war. My own feelings and intentions (and I'll even say "sense of knowing") are that our future is exceptionally bright. I see the shift happening in a very smooth, graceful way. Quite awhile back, one of the few strange, personal experiences I've had was the sudden, very clear thought in my mind (during meditation) of the words, "Ease and Grace". I seemed to intuitively know what they meant and received many synchronistic validations of the words over the next week or so. I'm confident that our transition to expanded consciousness will be just that.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Yeah it is quite talked about that many conservative and/or alternative sites are shut down and kept out of YT/Google/Twitter/FB who all serve the system. It is a bit frightening indeed how freedom of speech and information is disregarded by these media giants. We live in Orwellian times.
In quite a few of the "awakened" outlets (Magenta Pixie and Alison Coe come to mind), they've mentioned this development. Their information (or "take" on it) resonates very well with my own views--that these attempts at censorship are not only failing miserably, they're back-firing. They're only waking people up and turning them against those who want greater control.

One of the things that absolutely fascinates the crap out of me is the idea that this is all happening in order to nudge us into a form of telepathy, where we can "tune in" to one another on a collective scale. The idea that once this "Event" or "Shift" happens, we won't need the physical technology anymore...we can just connect to one another telepathically.

Talk about a giant leap forward...


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
I keep feeling that March 18, 2018 is of vital importance for some reason.
Same here -even though I never found corroboration for what the supposedly Russia scientists predicted, specially considering that when the prediction was made it was weeks in advance to the 18 and the Sun's activity can't be predicted too far in the future. There is another possibility though, that their equipment has detected something different/new, another kind of wave perhaps, approaching from space and to avoid panic since they don't know its effect on Earth they said magnetic storm -pure speculation on my part though.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Before I forget, this morning when I was looking for any new video made by Allison Coe I read a comment that I felt was very thought provoking (believe it actually was in a brief video Allison made promoting her upcoming Q&A later in the day).

Here it is: "Do you think it's possible that a lot of this massive energy shift we are experiencing now and possible event could be being caused by all of this QHHT? All of these people are changing the future by healing from the past. If karma is being cleared and negative attachments are being cut/cleared it seems this could impact the future time line when it happens on a large scale. Like if we heal form the past and all that goes with that our future outcome could be a whole lot brighter. WE would become what we were meant to be had we not had any of the crap and trauma. Would make for a different outcome."



Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
We manifest our future. So if enough of think there will be war, then there will be war. That's what fed WW2. Now if the 100th monkey decides there will be a shift, then there will be one. However I'm a believer in cycles, such as Mr Moore points out. So is it it time for a shift after going thru hell first?


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Me. I shifted to a reality where I have no car anymore. (It broke down for good today, motor gone kaputt.). Can't afford a new one right now.

New Earth sucks without a car. Don't like it. Wanna go back or at least a refund.
It sounds like your paradigm is getting bent out of shape - best way to go IMO.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
There's always that understanding gap/chasm when you are dealing in the public world - and you think nobody could understand where you're coming from, because your journey has been so high and so low, and so intense, and so other world. But I think the gap is being bridged now all the time. We are the bridge masons!


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Hey Carl,

Good video. I like Allison Coe, she seems sensible and she laughs a lot which to me is always a good sign. Does not take herself so seriously.

I am halfway through the video, one of the things she said that I thought was important: In the last 2 months about 25 clients have received information about The Event, some asked for it and for others it came through spontaneously (paraphrased) A high percentage, though she did not say how many clients she had during this time.

Something else that occurred to me today. I am not sure how I would feel about this projected Event, if I had not had my own very powerful notification about it nearly 11 years ago. I think I might be deeply sceptical, despite the energy shifts I feel and the strong inner urging to release, let go, deeper, more, release.

I have been weeping on and off for two days. It is just so hard for some wounded parts of my psyche to accept being loved. And, no I do not want lots of heart/hug ratings, I am just dealing with it. Not a poor you moment thank you!
I was crying while driving today. Not a good look. Get a grip, I told myself. The tears wouldn't listen.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Simon Parkes just posted something:

CERN Update
Wednesday, March 14, 2018

It has proven extremely difficult to obtain any further information regarding any explosion at the CERN facility.
All that can be said is that the device is presently shutdown.
Until further evidence comes my way, I must conclude that the collider is still in an operable condition.
Very many thanks to all of you who undertook research to find the truth, including those of you who travelled and spoke to some of the leading scientists there.
That's Simon for you! He wouldn't just post unconfirmed gibberish to get his name up in lights.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Before I forget, this morning when I was looking for any new video made by Allison Coe I read a comment that I felt was very thought provoking (believe it actually was in a brief video Allison made promoting her upcoming Q&A later in the day).

Here it is: "Do you think it's possible that a lot of this massive energy shift we are experiencing now and possible event could be being caused by all of this QHHT? All of these people are changing the future by healing from the past. If karma is being cleared and negative attachments are being cut/cleared it seems this could impact the future time line when it happens on a large scale. Like if we heal form the past and all that goes with that our future outcome could be a whole lot brighter. WE would become what we were meant to be had we not had any of the crap and trauma. Would make for a different outcome."

Yes, that was my favourite part of the session by Alison Coe (BTW, it's from the session posted a page back). I believe it ties in to the timeline intersections her host, Candace, mentioned. For a while now it has felt to me like anything I (or anyone) do to heal an old wound accelerates the future we seek; the one where we are healed and healthy all the time. QHHT typically has a review of a past life/lives where one's perspective on it can be shifted. This can result in healing of an old wound and a shift in the way one looks at similar issues in future. This healing of old traumas includes anything I do for myself, my family, humanity, animals, etc. We can all do plenty of this by taking any thought or reaction we identify as having come from past trauma and sending love to our younger self who experienced the trauma (or fear, grief, whatever in reaction to an event earlier in life).

My favourite way of doing this is to imagine 'younger me' and cradle her in a loving embrace while sending her waves of compassion. I've even had her send 'cradling embraces' to even younger versions of myself, going back into other lifetimes, in a domino-like effect with a bunch of ever-younger 'mes' cradling and being cradled. It feels like a good thing, so I do this periodically.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
For a while now it has felt to me like anything I (or anyone) do to heal an old wound accelerates the future we seek; the one where we are healed and healthy all the time.
Technically, assuming you believe that we are being hit already or will be soon by a transformative energy wave, we could visualize already sending some of that energy to our past to heal old wounds to accelerate our personal transformations and potentially help making our consciousness expansion (and/or move to 5d/New Earth if you wish) with "Ease and Grace" as Stargazer said above.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Yes, that was my favourite part of the session by Alison Coe (BTW, it's from the session posted a page back). I believe it ties in to the timeline intersections her host, Candace, mentioned. For a while now it has felt to me like anything I (or anyone) do to heal an old wound accelerates the future we seek; the one where we are healed and healthy all the time. QHHT typically has a review of a past life/lives where one's perspective on it can be shifted. This can result in healing of an old wound and a shift in the way one looks at similar issues in future. This healing of old traumas includes anything I do for myself, my family, humanity, animals, etc. We can all do plenty of this by taking any thought or reaction we identify as having come from past trauma and sending love to our younger self who experienced the trauma (or fear, grief, whatever in reaction to an event earlier in life).

My favourite way of doing this is to imagine 'younger me' and cradle her in a loving embrace while sending her waves of compassion. I've even had her send 'cradling embraces' to even younger versions of myself, going back into other lifetimes, in a domino-like effect with a bunch of ever-younger 'mes' cradling and being cradled. It feels like a good thing, so I do this periodically.
Lila, I've been saving this image for the right moment <3
Unicorns in Jo_s out of this world food art.jpg


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Listening to Allison Coe and Candace in the clip, where they were discussing precognitive dreams, I remember in my dream last night I heard: "You seriously have to listen to this", and that's all I remember... :fp
Sorry, I really needed a 'hand slap to forehead' icon for that one:fp


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Technically, assuming you believe that we are being hit already or will be soon by a transformative energy wave, we could visualize already sending some of that energy to our past to heal old wounds to accelerate our personal transformations and potentially help making our consciousness expansion (and/or move to 5d/New Earth if you wish) with "Ease and Grace" as Stargazer said above.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
All of these people are changing the future by healing from the past. If karma is being cleared and negative attachments are being cut/cleared it seems this could impact the future time line when it happens on a large scale.
Much of my new understanding (within the last few years) of things is that ALL things, ALL possibilities, and ALL outcomes are already present and exist right now. In the more expanded realms of consciousness, there IS no time. This apparently means that we humans are focused bits of "The One Consciousness" (Source, Universe, God, etc.), exploring and experiencing ALL these different timelines. This is a HUGE concept to wrap one's head around, but if every possibility exists (as I believe it does), then I agree to this with a RESOUNDING YES!

I think I posted something quite awhile back (can't find it now), in which I strongly felt that part of my mission here in the physical was not only to heal myself and clear any of my own negative karma, but to also do so for my ancestors and soul family. As a result of much study of reincarnation, Near Death Experiences, QHHT sessions, etc., I've learned and now believe that aspects of our "oversoul" are born and reborn over and over again in the same family groups largely for that purpose. Dolores Cannon wrote about that concept many times in her work.

There are a great many negative family patterns I've noticed (broken marriages, unhealthy relationships, unsuccessful careers, illnesses, addictions, etc.) in my own lineage--and I'm very grateful that I was able to recognize, avoid, and even resolve them in myself. I realized I had broken a long chain of them, going back many generations...and I'm certain that this has "cleared the way" for my son and any of our family's future progeny. For example, although my parents did the best they could, they never quite seemed to be able to find a way to love one another unconditionally and were constantly fighting, at odds with, or avoiding one another. It was a classic case of "Jekyll" and "Hyde" behavior for both of them--and at any moment I never knew which personality I might have to deal with. In direct contrast, my beautiful wife and I have somehow managed to maintain a loving, mutually supportive relationship for over 30 years--and my son has had this as his example growing up. Although he is only a young adult in his first year of college, he has had a terrific relationship with a wonderful young lady since he was around 13 years old! :) I'm not saying that the two of them are "destined for one another" or anything like that, but I certainly don't see him or his future relationships being anything at all like the psychologically damaging ones my parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents had going back over the last 100 years.

To take this healing/time concept a step further, I also believe deeply that MANY of us human beings are here at this time to help heal "other selves". The "Starseed" concept resonates VERY strongly with me and I strongly believe (OK, somehow "know") that, like ripples on a pond, each person who heals themselves and their soul family can help many others heal themselves and their soul families too. When all this is multiplied and looked at from a much higher perspective, it becomes very clear to me that we can actually HEAL OUR EARTH--and even beyond! That is precisely why this "Shift of Consciousness" is such a big deal--it's a MASSIVE TIPPING POINT WHERE OUR HEALING, LOVING ENERGY SUDDENLY SHIFTS FROM ONE OF "SINGLE" INDIVIDUALS TO A COLLECTIVE ONE. Its like the collection of tiny sparks that suddenly touch off the brightest light of a powerful beacon--one that reaches out and illuminates even the darkest corners of all existence!

One other thing I'd like to add before I get off my soapbox is that this isn't something that's happening in future generations or something that will happen in "months" or "years". IT'S HAPPENING NOW!!! And I'm SO EXCITED to be a part of it all!

As Alison and Magenta and so many others are saying, I don't believe this is just something that will happen in "one big wave" and go away. I intend and expect it to be NOTICED BY ALL in one big wave, but I expect that it will take us to much higher--and SUSTAINED heights of expanded consciousness. Just imagine being in a place where everyone is suddenly able to break free from their judgements and prejudices. A place where they care as much for their fellow human beings as they do for themselves. And a place where EVERYONE can suddenly find understanding, healing, and perhaps even UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for all the terrible, traumatic experiences they've had.

I don't know about you, but I'm ready for it.



Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I am find it so intense at the moment. Third day of weeping.

I awoke during the night and as I slipped back into this realm I saw a dark blue circular disc with gold all over it. Very bright. As I looked at this disc, I thought "Wow it is really coming!"


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I am find it so intense at the moment. Third day of weeping.

I awoke during the night and as I slipped back into this realm I saw a dark blue circular disc with gold all over it. Very bright. As I looked at this disc, I thought "Wow it is really coming!"
Not just coming, my dear Pod. HERE. We're just feeling the leading edges of it

Just the scheme of things, over thousands (and perhaps even millions) of years, a year or two can seem like a flash.

I LOVE the idea that in a year or two, things will be so different we won't even recognize the place!!!



Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Lila, I've been saving this image for the right moment
Many years ago, my Dear Friend Christine was keeping watch as Lady Isis did a healing session on me (etherically) Christine saw a Unicorn pass from one side of the room to the other. "They are a symbol of Christ Consciousness" she said.

Looking at your Unicorns, I remembered and checked it out. Yup, she was spot on!

Unicorns are invariably shown to be White; this is a symbol of the purity attained by the highly evolved Soul, after self cleansing on the spiritual path, as she approaches the gate of Christ Consciousness. That purity is necessary so that one will be tolerated and accepted as one approaches Spirit to unite with Him.

The Unicorn

The unicorn esoterically represents the Christ in nature, or the Elemental Kingdom. It’s spiraling graceful horn sounds forth the Holy Tone (the World) into all of creation to seed the Christic vibration into the earth; or humans, so lucky as to have an encounter with one of the sacred creatures. The unicorn is the least understood and known of the Christic symbols, primarily because of it’s “fairytale” reputation. One can view them as a symbolic product of human imagination, or as an etheric creature of grace and beauty. Either way, the spiritual magic that the essence of their thought-form invokes is real enough to those who take the time to contemplate the symbol of the unicorn.



Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
While checking other forums today I did run into an interesting thread that started yesterday and now has 8 pages. Many kinds of comments but less than five of them associated with The Event. Here is what the original poster related: “I’m not psychic, but for many years I have periodically experienced a “knowing”, a conviction of some impending change. Whether it’s a future move, a future job, a pet dying soon, a person dying soon, etc., I have experienced moments in which I simply KNOW a thing is soon to occur.

So today I was driving to an appointment, and as I made a left turn onto a street, I was suddenly hit with a “knowing” that I will soon no longer be here.

But here’s the catch:

It was NOT a feeling of death. It was completely different. It felt like I am soon to be somewhere else, just not here in this present reality.

When I say “somewhere else”, I mean in a different “realm”, a different “existence”, a different “reality”.

No idea what it means, but I’ve experienced so many of these “knowing” moments over the years that I do not ignore them.

Anyone else ever experience anything like this?

I’d love to hear your stories.”


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
So today I was driving to an appointment, and as I made a left turn onto a street, I was suddenly hit with a “knowing” that I will soon no longer be here.

But here’s the catch:

It was NOT a feeling of death. It was completely different. It felt like I am soon to be somewhere else, just not here in this present reality.

When I say “somewhere else”, I mean in a different “realm”, a different “existence”, a different “reality”.
Wow Carl, what a gem!


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
I am all for Christ Consciousness. And it took us about 2000 years to get there! :)|

What do they call Christ Consciousness in other cultures/religions?

There is a Catholic priest who embraces & talks about Christ Consciousness. If I find the video, I’ll post it.

What important is that this energy affects everyone and does not discriminate.
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