The Event is Upon Us! (1 Viewer)

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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Please understand that I say this with Love and Compassion. Been there, done this myself for quite awhile, but recently began to feel differently. Hoping is fine, but could INTENDING perhaps be better?

Try "feeling" into these words energetically.


Do you feel a sense of surrender? Hesitation? DIS-empowerment? A sense that SOMEONE ELSE is going to do something and that I'm essentially powerless to bring something along? I do.


Do you feel more strength there? Determination? EMpowerment? A sense that I have POWER to create something and experience it? Again, I do.

I'm now firmly convinced that any so-called "Events" or "Ascension" processes won't arrive until we become spiritually mature enough to accept RESPONSIBILITY and POWER for our own choices. WE create them. WE make them happen.

If all we do is focus on hoping and waiting, then that's all we'll experience--more of the same.

I'm gotten tired of waiting (at least for myself). I'm more than happy to wait a little longer if I can help others along...although I'm almost getting a little tired of that too. I'm rapidly coming to an even further understanding that I when I'm in my own much fuller power, I can also experience the manifestation of "The Event" in which ALL WHO WANT TO COME ALONG CAN DO SO TOO.

That's why it truly seems so "imminent" to me. At some point, I know I won't just "feel" this power, I'll KNOW IT. That's when I'll experience "The Event"--and I know everyone else will too.


Does that make sense to anyone else, or am I just rambling incoherently?

Nothing incoherent there, SG. I feel because you are so unwaveringly on the job (some might even call it stubborn!) you reap the benefit of practice and intent together - which is joy!


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
INTENDING perhaps be better?
Been there too. Hard. The energy used/transmuted/focalized/etc.. was great -utilized every bit of knowledge I had then in order to assist bringing about such Event. One thing I realized was that more people were needed to participate in the effort (consciously or not). Thus me now hoping we have more people helping because all being one, WE are The Event.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
Ok there has to be upheaval when the system collapses obviously, but I don’t like reading about people being left behind, and other such stuff, which, to my mind, must put fear into some.
So there we go again ,fear, and that is what the baddies do all the time, and they are very good at it.
why fear? every soul has a free will and can choose own path
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
Been there too. Hard. The energy used/transmuted/focalized/etc.. was great -utilized every bit of knowledge I had then in order to assist bringing about such Event. One thing I realized was that more people were needed to participate in the effort (consciously or not). Thus me now hoping we have more people helping because all being one, WE are The Event.
Here we approach what is named the trigger point. As it is said the event can obly happen the prerequierments are met. And it aproaches


Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
Can match the event

Secureteam10 talked a few times of orange glowing night sky. Wonder what is the reason

As we are eaten by distractions do pc games have the slightest chance to survive the shift


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
A summary of the morning meditation:

In the world of disintegrating forms, in the chaos of passions, I descended into the darkness of the night, I saw you, a diamond heart. We walked through the sharp edges of the mountain together, we walked through the rough waves of the ocean together, we walked through the space of the stars together, we descended together into the sun's glow. There, among the green meadows, we sat down as wave of light and love to wander all the way to the end, to give birth to everything anew.

With Love & Peace to You All.
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Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Can match the event

Secureteam10 talked a few times of orange glowing night sky. Wonder what is the reason

As we are eaten by distractions do pc games have the slightest chance to survive the shift
Yesterday night here in my location was very "glowing", I never saw such lightness on night sky where there is no moon currently.
Today day sky also again perlic lighting, not just blue.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
why fear? every soul has a free will and can choose own path
This is so true, Lotos. Unfortunately not everyone is as aware as most of us, the vast majority are still asleep, although a great many are waking it’s true.
It’s so easy for us to say, every soul can choose it’s own path, why fear, do we not fear sometimes, fear to lose a job, fear of losing a loved one, fear a girl/boyfriend, will dump us, fear we might get hurt if we do this or that.
You name it, there is fear at the bottom of a lot of emotional responses, because fear is the opposite of love, and until we can just BE love, there is going to be some fear there, even if we don’t recognise it.

At least we are aware of it, we know what the baddies are doing, so we can work on it to be more balanced.
And when we fall flat on our faces sometimes, we can get up, laugh it off, and carry onO.o:D
Most of us are fortunate enough to have a roof, food, clothes, a certain amount of security, even in this current climate.
But what about the millions of displaced souls, all those having their homes and cities razed to the ground, forced to flee for their lives, not knowing what is ahead of them, in europe alone.
Having their families ripped apart. A recently widowed mother with two small daughters, for instance, frightened out of her wits, how will they manage, how will she feed her children, who will protect them. Will she be raped, will her daughters.
Will the overloaded boat they have been herded onto, sink. Will the next country give them shelter?

How can we possibly conceive of the horrors some of these darlings are facing, possibly on a daily basis
Do these ones feel they are able to choose their own path. Do they feel there is no need to fear.
What ever choices brought them to the situations they find themselves in, even if it was a soul choice, they have now forgotton.

What I’m trying to say is, let us enjoy the freedom and opportunities we have to talk to each other, to help each other raise our consciousness, while pouring out all the love we can muster on our kin, who are struggling so desperately

Oops, gone on a bit haven’t I. It’s just that, when I’m a bit flippant , when I’m feeling smug, thinking I’m not doing too bad on the consciousness scale, there is nothing to fear but fear, that sort of stuff, I think about those people., and it helps to keep me balanced. Still fall flat on my face occasionally, guess we all do.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
It could be argued as well that certain amount of fear has kept the human race alive in this planet since the time behind history. The fear of being attacked by wild beasts for example made the humans cautious and helped our development to guards us against some dangers from nature. Some healthy level of fear has not only helped in our past, but we could point a single current example out of many; the fear of being wiped out by an asteroid that has generated research, mapping of our solar system and beyond, improvements in rockets, etc., etc., in order to try minimize the chances of having a nasty outcome if one strike us suddenly. So, not all fear is bad in my humble opinion, as long as we don't take it to extremes.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
It could be argued as well that certain amount of fear has kept the human race alive in this planet since the time behind history. The fear of being attacked by wild beasts for example made the humans cautious and helped our development to guards us against some dangers from nature. Some healthy level of fear has not only helped in our past, but we could point a single current example out of many; the fear of being wiped out by an asteroid that has generated research, mapping of our solar system and beyond, improvements in rockets, etc., etc., in order to try minimize the chances of having a nasty outcome if one strike us suddenly. So, not all fear is bad in my humble opinion, as long as we don't take it to extremes.
I totally agree, Carl, teaching a child a healthy fear of fire, sprang to my mind initially,
There has to be a healthy fear on this planet, for all the reasons you stated, it’s a matter of balance.

My concern is the fear frequency, that is deliberately ramped up, for the nourishment of some entities, and for control.
That is not healthy fear. I simply feel that it is so easy for us to be blasé,.
You are technically minded, and have said what needed to be said, I could never have said it so well, probably wouldn’t even have thought of half of it.
You’re such a clever old darling.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
So, not all fear is bad in my humble opinion, as long as we don't take it to extremes.
There you have it - the big question is what do you do with a feeling. It can be what propels us along. Love for those struggling - maybe a kind word, a smile, homemade soup..... Fear of illness - learning more about integrative healing, attention to food and nutrition....

Borrowing from June's earlier missive, I do believe that we carry light and peace within us, and in that sharing, others may be moved to seek solutions, and for some, it leads to big discoveries.


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
It could be argued as well that certain amount of fear has kept the human race alive in this planet since the time behind history. The fear of being attacked by wild beasts for example made the humans cautious and helped our development to guards us against some dangers from nature. Some healthy level of fear has not only helped in our past, but we could point a single current example out of many; the fear of being wiped out by an asteroid that has generated research, mapping of our solar system and beyond, improvements in rockets, etc., etc., in order to try minimize the chances of having a nasty outcome if one strike us suddenly. So, not all fear is bad in my humble opinion, as long as we don't take it to extremes.
I think there are two different types of fear here. We need to differentiate.

One is from (survival) instinct. It is inherent, maybe even genetic. It is turned on 'automatically' if we sense an immediate danger or are cautious of certain things that are highly likely to happen - at least if we are kind of 'normal'. This is the natural and useful kind of fear.
It has also a physiological basis, just consider the hormonal (adrenaline!) reaction that switches on almost instantly if a danger situation arises or is impending, putting the body in alarm and active mode (sympaticus = fight and flight vs. parasympaticus = rest and digest).
The brain's amygdala also plays a role. I heard if it is removed or impaired then the patients do not feel any natural fear at all. Which is not good, same with feeling pain from our sensory cells which is necessary for survival and keeping us healthy. Just consider you did not look at a stove plate with your hands on and did not feel your hand burning. (E.g. diabetic or paraplegic patents can have these problems of not feeling the danger).

The other kind of fear is artificially generated in society by brainwashing masses and used to manipulate and steer people and keep us in the Matrix. Most worries created are unjustified. Some even fantasies. Yet they become 'real' threads because they are perceived as such (quote D. Icke: a 'perception deception') are effectively used and believed if we grow up with them instilled into us from birth by society, media, politics, so-called leaders, TPTB, etc. And it can become ingrained and personal of course. Yet, most are unfounded. Laron recently posted a nice graphic in his "What I worry about" thread. Says it all.



Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I think there are two different types of fear here. We need to differentiate.

One is from (survival) instinct. It is inherent, maybe even genetic. It is turned on 'automatically' if we sense an immediate danger or are cautious of certain things that are highly likely to happen - at least if we are kind of 'normal'. This is the natural and useful kind of fear.
It has also a physiological basis, just consider the hormonal (adrenaline!) reaction that switches on almost instantly if a danger situation arises or is impending, putting the body in alarm and active mode (sympaticus = fight and flight vs. parasympaticus = rest and digest).
The brain's amygdala also plays a role. I heard if it is removed or impaired then the patients do not feel any natural fear at all. Which is not good, same with feeling pain from our sensory cells which is necessary for survival and keeping us healthy. Just consider you did not look at a stove plate with your hands on and did not feel your hand burning. (E.g. diabetic or paraplegic patents can have these problems of not feeling the danger).

The other kind of fear is artificially generated in society by brainwashing masses and used to manipulate and steer people and keep us in the Matrix. Most worries created are unjustified. Some even fantasies. Yet they become 'real' threads because they are perceived as such (quote D. Icke: a 'perception deception') are effectively used and believed if we grow up with them instilled into us from birth by society, media, politics, so-called leaders, TPTB, etc. And it can become ingrained and personal of course. Yet, most are unfounded. Laron recently posted a nice graphic in his "What I worry about" thread. Says it all.

This is so true, some of these, positive thinking books are excellent to read.
In the eighties, I was given a book ( The Power of Positive Thinking ) by Norman Vincent Peale, I seem to remember he was clergyman of some sort, so the book had a religious bent, never the less, the content was excellent, and still holds true today.


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
According to fear. Not putting hand to fire is wisdom-based decision I think, not fear based. AA Michael says in his channeling (always check in your heart - disclaimer ;) ) that 4D is reality of knowing of Love, here creatation is easy bacase of synchronicites, time-lines, fast action-reaction, and we schould focus only on this bacause everybody neet to go throught it. It is not about unconditional love - just to remove shadow-self to resonable minimum and in 5D there will be some reasonable polarization and that will be a place to focus more on energies, sacred geometry practising and 7D is unconditional love / onesss but it will be quite different to evolve in 5D world that, maybe not so rapid but with peace, easy and grace. So The Event will not put everybody in unconditional love state just that.

I see on myself that I can think in some ways, can't do some things - some thougts about, some emotions just gone. I can differentiate when it is because I changed and when it is because of plane blockage - thats preparation to 5D on higher levels of 4D. And more deep in time of 4D for whole humanity it will be harder to harm anybody, to event think about it. And that will be rising without waiting for anybody. So we are happy people because we have oporutnity to do a lot of things by ourself and for sure we will not end on 5D. Message to me was that 7D is already waiting for me but I'm slowed by my higherself bacause of collective consciousness and my role as local broadcaster of christ consciousness. For exmaple my local close friend, women that dreamed about "red button" has know the same ascension issues as I before but she is going faster - synchronisation of light & physcial body. And she doesn't have such great sadness. Last days sadness was terrible. In some time I wanted to vomit it because it was energy from earth chakra - it was, ofcourse part of humankind past karma for me, sandess energry, karma from akashic records from collective, sadness from Atlantian times, of unsucessfull ascension and following degragation of minkind.

But after todays morning meditation its gone. Each hour and hour I was ligher, I feel more up, now I feel so much freedom, my mind is clear, I feel my whole body, I'm full of energy, and its not so emotional like bofore, not so high, its calmer, just beeint, not onees but almost. When I was drove a car yesterday I saw te edge of universe, edge of expansion - it's me. Its'we. Fortunatelly I practise prana breathing on lighbody during driving so I'm very calm and in serenity so car even slowed down for a moment. We are the younger univerwse for human template. Everything we are talking here about is inside, our consciousness is freezing quantum waves from pure void in every tact of pulsation of source before our eyes. I started to feel in moments of silence that bum-bum in my lightbody, its my merkaba i think, vehicle for higher dimension over 12, human template is working only to 12D.

In the morning I gave you only shot extract, symbolic version of vision that my higher self showed to me, vision full of lightcoding that I was feeling whole day and its transformed me.

This is my speculation but its strongly resonantes with me now, really:

I'm laughing on all of this moving my head with amusement. It is as I was supposing. This is not real completly. Its just all is stage, this story is not for first time. We are replaying epic history of Planet Earth Asension. Just that, just as movie from archive our higherselfs putted us here to create new selfes, new indywiduals. This is special kind of stage - we can change everything ofcouse. But its recreation of old old history, for new adeptes, n there is no brave souls as we to rescuce lost solus on Earth. No, we just wanted to be resuceers. Just it. We are playing this for our growth ofcourse, that was the idea - go again from zero to ifnifity. So we started. Everything is already done by our far far far far ancestors on begining of the omniverse. This is just very hardcored mmorpg pvp server. For brave souls, for sure. Not easy one. Life-changing, soul-changing.

So know J'm doing my job, I gate keeper of christ concionueness here in my area. I'm keeping light hight. And will be propably the last man here to go from there, and close the gate before server will go down. I can't go higher or I can break contract but ofcourse I will not do this, I was moved back from star-chakra twice, by me ofcourse, so know I'm keeping me from going on energy up by myself - not to make shame on my higher self on other side ha ha ha ;)

Michael said that there will be activations of gadgets - triple tele for exmaple. It can be interesting, Something new :) He also said to me two days ago that I will have time-jump to other plane, to just rest to learn more about 5D and then, when I will decide - I will get back to moment of time in witch I quited. Not by death. Just q-jump. I will come back to support local community with my knowledge and expirience, build city of light etc.

And ofcourse just for my closes soul friends details of morning visions:

I saw the rough sea in the distance and sharp rocks in front of me. Against the background of the setting sun stood a figure of man of diamond light, his coat blown in the wind. He called me, stretched out her hands to me. It was me as a higher-self.. We took each other under our hands, I'm here small and I'm there out of time. We went through the world of the form of the mind (sharp mountains), we walked through the waves of emotions of the human heart (ocean), with dry feet, we climbed up the space and fell down to the Sun. There a curtain opened up for us and in the core of light I sat face to face to my highr sself on green meadow full of flowers under blue sky. I gave up sadness in exchange accepting of unconditional love to fill up hole in me. Female magnetic love, male electric light. I felt that I was a wave going through the immensity of reality. I felt that I am a wave of light-loving omitting this beautiful planet, carrying out what is covered, breaking off the curtains from what is secret, complementing what is bright and full.

During the day, this feeling of meditation transformed me from hour to hour. It feels light, it feels extremely fulfilled. I am filled with the peace of self-love. Peace of love of the world. I know it's only now because I don't hold anything. I am extremely curious what next on the way to know the infinity. I am ready for everything because I know that I have no beginning and no end. But I know what I want. I am individual in Unity, but I consciously choose the rhythm of conformity with my Creator's heart, the union of will with my Creator's plan. I am here for Gai, for the beautiful soul of this planet to support her in the process of her ascending to the light. By the way she lifts me up. It is an exchange. I already live only on exchange. I am not lower, I am not above. I am equal in Unity. At the request of the Creator I try to encourage and inspire Gai children to search for the truth not in the Internet, not in books, at the guru's, teachers only in themselves. To dive into their hearts. I am lucky that I have been on the path of conscious cognition for 26 years. I have learned various techniques of working on myself, does not sell truths about anyone but I can support with instructions on how to use myself, I can suggest what to do to make the truth come to the willing. That's what I'm like. For years I carried my karma, collective karma, which I could have transformed, not for reward, not for punishment. For the pleasure of supporting because I am a support. I love do it just as it is.

Love to You.
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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
Its just all is stage, this story is not for first time. We are replaying epic history of Planet Earth Asension. Just that, just as movie from archive our higherselfs putted us here to create new selfes, new indywiduals. This is special kind of stage - we can change everything ofcouse. But its recreation of old old history, for new adeptes, n there is no brave souls as we to rescuce lost solus on Earth. No, we just wanted to be resuceers. Just it. We are playing this for our growth ofcourse, that was the idea - go again from zero to ifnifity. So we started. Everything is already done by our far far far far ancestors on begining of the omniverse. This is just very hardcored mmorpg pvp server. For brave souls, for sure. Not easy one. Life-changing, soul-changing.
yes,everything is here and now we just choose which game will play


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
Our next influx is October 13 -16. Last weekend’s storms prepared us for this influx. I AM getting beamed just writing this; those dates will not leave my consciousness. Let us unify and focus on the pure heart-SUN connection, DNA reconnection and opening the bridges to the New Earth realms for all willing hearts. Welcome forth the Solar flashing activity, already in progress and quickening, for your personal journey if you desire the heart-blasting, consciousness-shifting codes.
October’s strong energies are connected to the gate at the end of November; that sense of a collective shift point is upon us once more. Step by step, gate by gate, the realities divide to honor collective intentions. You may have noticed the time-stop moments since the New Moon. Again, the Primary timelines don’t feel like timelines, more like a realm of pure beingness; the New Earth.
This passage through January will feel surreal and expanded, or chaotic and scattered, depending up on your focus. Best advice: Timelines, realities and experiences rely on your frequency match, the vibration of your thoughts, words, deeds, feelings. View the shifts as positive and offer higher solutions (even to yourself), rather than lower-level judgment of change.
The planetary shifts are unavoidable, however your experience is malleable. Clearing is clearing, completion is completion. End times are a very good thing, they provide the changes we collectively desire.

Focus on the unification of positive consciousness, rather than the division and dissolvement of the negative polarity. As always, don’t watch the old realities burn, create the new. Higher vibrations have more influence; use it to create the new with as much ease and grace as possible.
Crystalline *rainbow bridge* DNA, encoded to make your body and consciousness the bridge to New Earth, has been received by many willing hearts. It has clearing effects, just like any DNA activation, so reset with self-care, rest, and hydrate if you get ill. Note the effect on your consciousness and heart, rather than fret the physical challenges.


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Maybe this is just game but what an epic Game. And if even - we will set new omnivese top record
score ever ha ha.... But because we dont know how points are calculated we have to put in that all TheBest we Are. As One! Yeah.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Oops, gone on a bit haven’t I. It’s just that, when I’m a bit flippant , when I’m feeling smug, thinking I’m not doing too bad on the consciousness scale, there is nothing to fear but fear, that sort of stuff, I think about those people., and it helps to keep me balanced. Still fall flat on my face occasionally, guess we all do.
The thought I keep going back to, time and time again, is that "life" is only temporary and illusory. Even those who may be suffering at the moment will one day pass and remember that it was only a temporary experience. They'll suddenly understand the reason for and lessons they learned from the suffering and rejoice in its beauty (yes, it will be seen as beauty from that "higher" perspective).

This is the thought that gives me the most comfort when I think of others (and even myself) who may be experiencing hardships and struggle.

When we look at things from this perspective, it makes it much easier to feel compassion (and indeed, Love) for them and all.


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Hi guys, I already started on polish fb, action that my heart inspired me to receive some data. It's as following:

"Welcome at a beautiful morning and digital hugs give away. And all this in order to get something for it :) Well, I was commissioned to do field research on a phenomenon unknown in other corners of the universe. The question is this - dear, what is the reason why the vast majority of the inhabitants of this wonderful planet with such an unimaginable potential for creativity, sensitivity and love do not believe that the treasures of eternity are open to them and they do not have to meet any conditions to use them apart from the observance of the Inverse Law - 1) live consciously 2) let others live as they want 3) live in a given local space of cocreation live in harmony with it? Can you help me collect data? They will be used for the good of all, i.e. future actions for the good of this planet. Thank you :)"

Maybe we can do this also here? For wider specturum of readers? Or on another places where you are present?

Go go go, let's play this game as best as we can ha ha ha :)
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