Registered Baltimore Nurse Shares About COVID Vaccine Injuries (1 Viewer)

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
This registered nurse who’s a case manage in a Baltimore hospital, shares her experience in a 2 minute video of what’s going on in relation to vaccine injuries and deaths in her workplace. I’ve transcribed the entire video below.

“Boots on the ground report is that there’s a lot of patients being injured. I’ve never seen anything like this. Since January I’ve experienced personally six deaths and I’ve lost count of the injuries.

I’m not talking about typical adverse events like fevers, chills, sore muscles. I’m talking about things like urinating clots of blood, Para seizures, gastroparesis, altered mental status, respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest, new onset seizures, new onset diabetes. I have patients that can’t walk anymore, patients that keep complaining their feet and hands are burning. They forget where they are.

I’ve just never seen anything like this in all my years practicing medicine. What I’m seeing now is patients who were given the shots months ago who are now showing up in the hospital with equally strange and confusing events. Practitioners see this, their dissonance just flows, and they either ignore it or literally don’t know what to do with it.

Every healthcare professional working with patients across this country has to see what’s going on. What else do I see on the ground? A lot of great suffering that isn’t getting met with good care because we have no idea what to do with these patients who have injured by frankly, an experimental treatment.

And there’s no protocols to treat them. There’s no information on how to help them. Even breaking through the cognitive dissonance of physicians to accept that this patient has been vaccine injured is a chasm. It’s a huge chasm.”



Rambling Companion
Jul 15, 2021
I am flummoxed that the incredibly vulnerable sheeple are allowing themselves to be shoveled into this medical corral of khaos. It is with gratitude to you, Laron, for striving with such diligence to offer us this information so we may make an informed consent. Many heartfelt blessings your way!!!
  • Thank you!
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