New Zealand COVID Restrictions (Jan, 2022) (1 Viewer)

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
For those who haven’t been keeping up to date with what’s going on in New Zealand, since December 3, we can no longer do the following without taking the lethal clotshot and providing a passport:

• get a drivers licence
• attend University
• go to a library
• enter a Vet to help your sick animal
• get out in nature and camp or use a hut in a national park
• attend a funeral
• use accommodation such as a hotel or campground
• get a haircut
• visit family in rest homes
• eat a meal at a restaurant
• attend a concert / show or a movie theatre
• have a coffee at a café

There’s also been reports of people being denied medical care, such as urgent operations in hospitals without it.

Last year I was working at the Christchurch City Council. Today they enforced a mandate for all staff to have the V. Some of the border workers, and all of education and healthcare were mandated last year to get it—many have left.

Inhumane much?

Meanwhile, there’s daily reports of people dropping dead and getting severely sick, because of the V. Many medical professionals have reported hospitals filled with the V injured; I’ve been following the real news, not what MSM feeds us, very closely and I've seen so many nurses now sharing the truth on this in video interviews.

People still sit there going about their day letting this happen… for some, it’s becoming much more personal as their loved ones pass. As time flows, I’m sorry to say, more and more people will have the truth come into their homes — hopefully it’s not too late by then.

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Staff member
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
New Zealand was always one of the first to do things (like getting the vote). Now let's see them be the first to become noble.

In a bifurcating world:
  • drive without a licence and risk the fine (there will be too many doing so for an adequate police response)
  • learn from the multiverse
  • I can post you books from my personal stocks
  • wear a bleeding heart when you enter the Vet clinic unvaxxed. Say you are necessary to speak for the animal.
  • start frequenting the acres of friends who own their own
  • do not attend funerals - your prayers are head from wherever you pray
  • ditto start frequenting the acres of friends who own their own
  • Love shaggy hair
  • Take this one to court (visit family in rest homes)
  • The restaurants themselves will close in fellowship with their friends and customers who can't eat there
  • No more drama needed via entrainment
  • Have TeaBag parties
Mantra to transmute all the situations:

You are perfect, immortal (sister) brother spirit. Whole and Innocent. All is forgiven and released.

Sending love.


Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Dec 31, 2016
Northern California
The worlds are splitting and New Zealand will show the way. Sending you good thoughts to help keep your frequency high so you can walk forward like a ninja.
  • Thank you!
  • I agree
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Staff member
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Moonseal, I agree with you about New Zealand showing the way (and I am an Australian, not a New Zealander). I have lived there and I know their spirit. The denizens of deep dark Cabal lusted after that place because of its beauty and its neutrality. The inhabitants have grown up with many advantages - not over-populated, an incredible natural beauty, distance between them and insanity (until now).

They have definitely fallen far, under the assault of the dark. But they will gather their energies and they will resist, and they will change everything, because their land is volcanic, and their land is the result of tectonic plate movements. They themselves are tectonic. They are on the edge, and they will shift or be shifted!
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Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Dec 31, 2016
Northern California
That explains a lot. As a child, I would look at the globe and wished to see New Zealand. It seems magical.

I hope my region in the USA wakes up, but I believe it will be one of the last to stir. No accident that we are in the darkest of places. It takes lion hearts to keep the light burning in such darkness. I am here to wake the other lions. We all are.
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Involved Wayfarer
Nov 14, 2021
New Zealand
We now being forced into a societal parallel universe so let's run with it. Our group organised a great meet up with an awake pizza place with private land on the side it was highly enjoyable so there are things you can do vwe just have to put our determined, creative hat on ‍♂

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