Lindometer Readings - Prophetic Dreams (3 Viewers)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I checked with the Sabian Oracle about the harness dream. The answer was illuminating and very funny. You all feel free to laugh, too.


I shared the dream with a friend who wrote back with an interesting piece of history. The first parachute was designed by a pilot who was a former trapeze artist. There you go....
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I was being fitted for a harness that was like a belt and suspenders.

I used to do trampoline and used a training belt which allowed me to do double backs and full twisters without fear of injury. Things is with a belt, someone has to be on the other end and ready to yank on it to stop you if it looks like you are going off the trampoline or landing incorrectly!

I like your harness and like to think your HS is on the other end!


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Thursday - April 15

Waking Dream

I was being fitted for a harness that was like a belt and suspenders. It reminded me of a training harness that a trapeze artist would wear while figuring out a tricky move. I'm not sure it was even a solid material - maybe more energetic. The fitting process was about getting the right color, and we settled on teal. I thought it was odd but sensed no ulterior motives because I could take it off when I wanted.

My Take

Perhaps it means bringing some abilities online in a quick fashion, which is the reason for the extra help of a harness. This is the second time the teal color has come up. About a week ago I did a healing meditation that Pod posted and was surrounded by teal energy. In one way it does make some sense to me. I've been home so much and not as active and my physical body is not as strong as it was, so it could be some kind of healing aid.
I think of beautiful clear waters when I see the color teal.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Tuesday - April 20

Waking Dream

College dorm with 2 roommates that had been together for awhile. I arrived as the new roommate. I made an observation about something, and one roommate started weeping and the second went to comfort her. They each glared at me, and I had a WTH look on my face because it made no sense to me.

My Take

Sometimes dreaming of 3 people is an indication of aspects of yourself, and I feel that is the case here. One aspect is overwhelmed, another tries to comfort, and the third is seeing things as they are. I had a little laugh to myself when grocery shopping this morning. The prices on some items are even higher than 2 weeks ago, and I was concerned, but then I noticed the price of chocolate had not increased. Also, I've been talking with a friend about container gardening with nets. (I've got a lot of wildlife that would assume I planted it all for them.) Making some changes requires effort and doing something different. Otherwise, you are left boo-hooing and eating chocolate. lol

One65 posted a dream on another thread that ties in here. In it, her ego or perhaps an entity was trying to hold back her progress.

Just as I was approaching the end of the journey, a person pretending to be a policeman stopped me and was pretending to give me a ticket. What he was really doing was slowing me down. I then looked at the "policeman" and realized he was another version of me. But he was quite "rough around the edges". He then put physical pressure on me and kept me off-balance so that I could not continue to finish my ride. The dream ended there. I have come to realize that the "policeman" is my ego or possibly an entity, doing their best to keep me off-balance and prevent me from my mission.

I know sometimes we all are exhausted just trying to keep going, and making some changes may seem overwhelming. If we keep in mind the fake policeman and the roommates, that may help us center and continue on.


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
during a discussion at work there came the discussion of the price evolution of suguary products but what rose not over the years

this whole slowing down, distracting is but too familiar to me, but has less and less power over me


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I know sometimes we all are exhausted just trying to keep going, and making some changes may seem overwhelming. If we keep in mind the fake policeman and the roommates, that may help us center and continue on.
I had another thought about this dream - what about the idea of manifestation. Could it be said that the worried and supporting aspects derail our abilities to manifest what we want?
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday - April 21


Sometimes an event happens, and I know it is significant but am not sure why. Today was one of those times.

I was entering a freeway, and it was a point with an entrance and exit in the same stretch. It can be tricky but usually manageable. As I was entering, there was no one in the first lane of the freeway, and I was getting up to highway speed in order to merge over. Suddenly two large trucks cut across the freeway lanes to exit - one in front and one behind me. I was overcome with calm awareness and successfully moved between them. The key was maintaining my speed.

My Take

This event has been rolling around in my head for hours. I knew it was meaningful beyond the "extra" help I got in sliding between the trucks. It was something about being able to enter and continue on through people exiting in a hurry.

The ideas about the vaccine injured and the potential outcome has been front and center in my consciousness for a couple of days. There may be coming a time when people exit this life from vax injuries. Others may seek remedies and find them in the older healing modalities - wholesome food and water, "alternative" healing, and energetic healing. I believe it will be a combination of all three that will make the difference. Also, it may be a tipping point that causes people to turn away from big food and Pharma.

(That's me in the toyota with an energetic bubble around us - lol.)
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Saturday - April 24


Awakened in the wee hours of the morning to a bird call right outside my window. It was a member of the nightjar family, which makes a very loud and repetitive call. (Whippoorwills are better known members of this family.) I was standing up, wide awake, and going outside to see if I could spot it - could not in the dark, but it was right in front of me.

My Take

Not much is handed down about whippoorwills in Native American lore - omens of death or a directional guardian. Considering my immediate response of wonder and desire to see more, I'm not feeling these explanations. It was a call to wake-up and go outside. Then I found this and knew it was right for me.

Whippoorwill's nocturnal nature teaches the art of night time movements and camouflage. The art of invisibility may be utilized when he appears. Heightened senses may be activated at twilight, dawn with special emphasis on moonlit nights. It is time to adjust your cycle to correspond to the lunar one. Pay attention to the cycles and themes you are experiencing around the moon phases. It is time to listen to sounds in the spiritual realm and in your surroundings. Whippoorwill shows how to adapt to this new phase.

It also plays into the info from Janne in her latest post about the Scorpio moon (I'm a Scorpio).

What are the themes I'm seeing right now - more interest in non-western healing, manifestation of needed items, people responding so positively to smiles and "thank-you", and growing interest in the natural world.

What am I holding back - well, not my observations, as some people will attest to - I've been pretty direct (in a nice way) lately. However, I do feel that I'm holding back with my own gifts. For example, I've still yet to write any of my stories.

All in all, I'm looking at this event as an invitation to move forward. Oh yeah, moving forward was a theme a couple of days ago, too.

Giddy- up, folks.

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday - April 28

Event (Birds and more birds)

One of my dearest friends called me yesterday saying - a female wild turkey just ran in front of my car. She lives in a place that is similar to ours, so wild turkeys are possible, but no one has seen one before. She was stunned and then understood how I felt. We have had several parallel experiences, so I consider this significant.

Cardinals have been coming close to me - perching on the deck rail or in the tree next to the deck. We've had cardinals in the past, but in the last few years not so much. They are year-round birds and have a home territory. I guess the previous group left for some reason (cough-hawks-cough), and now we have a new group. Usually, only the wrens and chickadees (and that blue parakeet) come so close, so this is different, too.

My Take

In my earlier post about the turkey, I wrote that wild turkeys tell us about sharing our blessings with our community, shining our own love lights, and in some Native American stories, the turkey helped create the world. Given that my friend and I often are in sync, perhaps a project is on the horizon.

Cardinals have many meanings, but in general they are about life, energy, courage, and good luck. With them coming back after our snowmageddon, I'm feeling as though there is a fresh start now with more good things coming - particularly when paired with the turkey messenger.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Still Wednesday

A new bird for this area - swallow-tail kite, which are known as the most graceful of flyers. They are stunning to see because of the wing shape and deep V tail. I was transfixed and ran around to keep it in sight. One meaning refers to the ease of work, with resources appearing.

Also saw two hummingbirds in a fracas. They were very large with dark feathers. Based on size and appearance, the Magnificent Hummingbird is a contender; however, its known range is far, far west of here. The other possibility is the Ruby throated hummingbird, which is common here. They are large, and perhaps the brilliant throat feather were not visible in the tussle. It was going on a few feet from me, and I was perplexed trying to figure out what was going on with all the buzz/drone sounds and crazy movements. They symbolize love and balance.

It's been quite a day.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
It's been eagles for me recently... and woodpeckers too
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Thursday March 25


I did not realize that this was an event until later this afternoon. I've been having trouble with my right hip. It is not a joint problem, but a muscular issue and figured it was part of not being a spring chicken. Mentioned it to a younger friend, who was shocked because she and another friend were having the exact same problem. It was then that we came to the same realization - we've had one foot in two worlds for a long time, and now the gap is too much for us to manage.

My Take

I'm done with keeping up with current events and will focus on being the best me. In other words both feet are firmly placed in the best possible outcome - the one on which I keep my focus.
I've had the same issues, more my left side, but bursitis in the muscle. Not the hip joint itself. Interesting analysis.
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Thursday April 1


Weird week - feel swirling - then this song and movie clip popped into my head. I was more of a Mustang rather than a TransAm person, but I can forgive it because it does make the movie. We've got a long way to go and short time to get there ....

Boys will be boys! This clip reminds me of a story:

When I was 27 I drove a Ute right across Australia by myself - Western Australia over to Melbourne in Victoria. I stopped at night though, in highway motels across the Nullabor Plain (no towns, just the pit stop). At one of them, about 5:30pm, some truckers told me I should drive my Ute up in the back of their rig. Yes, they were going to Perth (other direction) but they would get me to Melbourne quicker than I could do it by myself, meaning they don't stop overnights, and they break the speed limits. I declined - but I was so nervous that one of them may have heard the check-in receptionist say my room number that I went and got a different room for the night. Creepy.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
some truckers told me I should drive my Ute up in the back of their rig
Although it would be fun to ride in the cab, I could see many other possibilities. Wise move.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
If we keep in mind the fake policeman and the roommates, that may help us center and continue on.
Fake policemen, real policemen. Fake power, LOTS of egos. LOTS of people trying to have authority over us. Here is a good story. Happened to me about two weeks ago.

Our local Lidls had overstocked on Easter Eggs, Bags of normal egg sized chocolate wrapped in brightly coloured foil and bags of baby eggs too. Hundreds of them. So I filled my rucksack and cycled to Castle Dykes Park where I put them everywhere, under stones, on trees, behind the slides, next to the swings. I laid eggs! I so wanted the children to have some magic back in their lives and only days earlier, we had been released from our strict lockdown into lovely sunshine.

I did put a post on Ootn Aboot so that parents would know it was OK. But someone said it was a stupid thing to do because it was dangerous for children (yawn) and someone else wrote of rat poison injected popcorn balls and razor blades in apples left for children at Halloween.

Ootn Aboot goes all over the world and I was not prepared to leave such comments up without a challenge. So after collecting and laying even more eggs in the park I rode to the police station to ask if anyone had ever suffered from razor blades or rat poison.

The duty sergeant went off and inquired and then came back and said no one had every heard of that happening. "But it is not a good idea is it?"

"What is not a good idea?" I asked.

"An Easter Egg Event" I explained it was not an "event" I was not inviting people to the park to hunt eggs, I merely laid some there for the children to find once they arrived to play.

"That is what I mean, it is not a good idea?"

"Why not?" (He then proceeds to talk to me as if I am 6 years old) Too boring to relate but the upshot of his questioning was that it is dangerous for the adults to go to the park with children because we are supposed to be locked down.

I pointed out that lockdown had eased and asked him what law, rule or guidance he was relying on. Could not give me any.

"OK then" I asked, "Can you give me any scientific evidence to back up your advice?"

Of course he could not and now he was really angry that I was challenging him and not complying like a good citizen (he so read me wrong)

"The children have been locked up for months. They need sunshine and play and fresh air and magic! I think it is a brilliant idea!"

"I am not arguing with you" he snorted and turned to go back in his office.

"Good!" I said to his back "Because I still think it is a brilliant idea!"

Later in the day a woman posted a comment that she had taken her daughter and friends to the park to celebrate daughter's birthday and they loved finding eggs!

Of course it was a brilliant idea!

Easter Eggs!.jpg


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
The duty sergeant went off and inquired and then came back and said no one had every heard of that happening. "But it is not a good idea is it?"
Yep, fake enforcement.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Saturday - May 1

Event and Dreams

Friday evening I flipped on the TV to watch a recorded nature program when I saw an old movie about to play. It was The Uninvited, which is a 1940s film about a young woman and spirits haunting a house. It surprised me because I'd not seen it since I was a girl when my parents woke me up one weekend night to watch it. My mom thought I would like it. Watching it as an adult, I understood why they wanted me to see it.

This morning was filled with dreams of refining products and actions to "get it just right". It was much like an athlete training until the action just flows.

My Take

The movie is about a young woman, who misunderstands the spirit influences. She is open without any protections and nearly dies. In the end, she discovers that there are two spirits, and one loves her while the other does not. Yes, discernment is a good word for this. My parents were aware and accepting of my odd set of abilities and likely wanted me to take care. The dreams were the next step in the process. After knowing what product/action was "mine", I was working on improving the process.

I'm sure we all have something more to do and are being reminded to use discernment - not running into a situation blindly, as well as being ready with whatever it is we are to do. I also believe the small actions are as important as the large.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday - May 5

Waking Dream

I'm watching a live commercial with happy people dressed casually, singing and dancing along a neighborhood street (much like mine). They are singing - "Cloud World, before you go - ooh, ooh, ooh, make sure you know - ooh, ohh, ooh, that ...... I don't know if they sang the last line or if I don't recall it.

My Take

My HS, Guides, etc. have a wicked sense of humor. I mean, who else gets a song and dance commercial as a message? As I sat outside contemplating this message (it is an obvious a message that one could get), I considered "cloud world" and what it meant to me. We've got the obvious computer cloud services - BUT - I've also got the Cloud City experience in a QHHT session. The place must have been new earth because people were free, albeit confused, to do and accomplish what they wished. Good food, clean water, fresh air, decent housing were there for everyone. So, I'm going with Cloud City.

What is it I need to be aware of? I'm thinking it is my attitude about troublesome people we see everyday. Last night I wrote to a friend that I wished Billy-boy would just stop talking. (Don't we all!) Yet, as I considered it this morning, I realized that I could be interfering with the life paths of many, many people. Perhaps Billy's saga needs to play out so others can come to the point where their eyes are opened. Also, every 3D, less positive thought, and us versus them thinking ties me to this insanity a little longer. A better response would be that he go to the place of his highest good - or maybe not even think about him at all.

Hailstones Melt wrote of a similar experience in her post, In a Nutshell. We can step out of that endless circle like Dr. Dolittle's pushmi pullyu animal that had to cooperate with its other half to get anywhere. That idea sums it up nicely.

push me pull me.jpg
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Aug 29, 2017
that with the interference on others rings something in me, especially at work and in the traffic
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
That pushmi pullyu creature is wild. Imagine if one head was the nervous type, and the other the adventurous! And the way it's designed, they would always be back-biting. Ever heard the expression: "Knock two heads together?" A better design would have been one head and one heart. Who has that now, I wonder? Hearts and heads work better together, than 2 heads, IMO.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Thursday - May 13


Many years ago, I had dreams and visions of our family living in a large home and helping out people who found us. These images went on for some time and suddenly stopped.

Now they've started up again, but this time I recognize some of the people dropping in. Also, in these dreams there is so much chaos outside our place.


People close to me either have gotten the shot, or are considering it, but no one will tell me directly. Why are they getting it - because they are tired of dealing with the situation.

My Take

These new dreams are lining up with some of the others I've posted here. I'm seeing evidence of chaos when I'm out and about. Some people either are out of it, or are so frazzled that they are not functioning well. Then there are others who are so tired of all the rules and insanity around the bug that they are willing to accept the shot - thinking that somehow things will change. Interestingly, no one will talk to me directly - I'm guessing that they know what I'll say, although we've never discussed it. For me, it is kind of weird - as if people somehow sense where I'm going to be on this issue.

Some of the frazzled behavior may come from cognitive dissonance - people don't even understand what it is - just that sense that we're on the train to crazy town. I will say that sometimes it gets to me, too. Yet, I know that refreshing, centering, and calming help me, and I'm able to stand sure in my own space. I'm bringing this up again because it feels as though something is ramping up - not only in the world at large - but in our immediate lives. Remember, we all have friends here, and that is becoming more and more important these days.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Still Thursday

Had a conversation with a friend about how our Dads taught us to observe, analyze, and fix things - in other words - how to think.

Her conclusion - Yeah, thinking is a lost art.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Friday - May 14

Must Sleep Now Dream / Whatever

We had a group over for a celebration meal (everyone wearing short-sleeves, so summer or fall). Two of the people wanted a food I did not have, so I said drive me to the grocery store, and I'll pop in and get it. Off we went. As I entered the store, I was stunned to see June, greeted her warmly, and asked how in the world she ended up here. She said she was not sure but had wanted to come. I was going to take her to the car when she said she met a young prince and princess from Spain on the trip and needed to watch over them until their people came for them. As we all were walking to the door, a not-so-nice celebrity saw the kids and was quite interested in them. I stepped between and said the children were with me. We locked eyes for a moment, and he departed.

We go outside and wait at the curb with the children. A group of big SUVs pulls up for the children, and they get in and drive away. I wave to the person driving me, he pulls up, and June gets in the car while turn to go back into the store. Suddenly I hear a commotion and yelling, and see a group of reindeer running through. I hug a large round pillar, and they went around me. I made eye contact with a few, and we knew each other (friendly). Once they had passed through, I woke up.

My Take

This was a must sleep now dream. There are times when I'm going about my day, and I know I must get on the sofa or bed because I'm about to be gone, and there is nothing that will stop it. Also, when I awoke, I staggered to the kitchen and ate chocolate - had to have it. (These situations come on from time to time, and I know the drill. It is either an important message, or action I'm taking in the astral realm, or both. The absolute need for chocolate when I return is another clue.)

The grocery store is a place of things of sustenance, and knowing those two people, I can understand that I needed a little something different for them (got the shot). This goes along with a knowing I have that there is a way to help the shot people, and it is through alternative means.

June and I have talked for years about having personal craft that would allow us to visit or maybe the ability to bi-locate. So, is this type of ability on the horizon, or were June and working in tandem to help out a situation. Don't know.

A prince and princess can indicate new abilities. The exchange I had with that dream person is one that has happened in waking life. I'm passing a person that I sense is very unpleasant, and we lock eyes, knowing exactly who the other is. It is like rival gangs driving slowly by each other and not engaging but clearly indicating who they are. Again, are the children symbols for new abilities, or for children in general who need our help. The interesting part is that June and I worked together on this.

And then the reindeer.... I've actually met a couple of them before, as they were all the way down here at Christmas. I felt very comfortable with them, even more so than our own little deer herd around here. Interestingly, reindeer are the only ones in the deer family where females grow antlers, too.

Reindeer symbolize ability to travel, endurance, and strong inner compass. As dream symbols, they can indicate success in travel, including mystical adventures. There is another aspect to this part of the dream because twice before I've been in similar situations. Once long ago when I was a special ed teacher, we were on a field trip to the FAA (Future Farmers of America) live stock show. It was a great place to see farm animals up close. I was at the rear of the group with a young boy who was on crutches (spina bifida) when there was a commotion and people yelling to clear the area. The rest of the class and adults moved quickly away, but I knew the boy could not. So, I pulled him against a support pillar as a huge, irritated hog ran amuck (300 pounds or more). We were fine, and he thought it was cool to be so close to a hog. The second time I was in the front yard with one of dogs (not on a leash) when I hear barking and feel a pounding sensation from the ground. I look in that direction and see a big dog chasing our deer herd, and they were almost to us. I grabbed our dog and pulled us into a big tree, and the herd thundered by on either side of us.

Soooo - stuff is happening all around and let's keep our eyes open.
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