Article Latest woo and effects of the jab (1 Viewer)

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Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
I thought I'd throw this out there. This Clif's view as to what's happening with the folk who got stuck. Some scary stuff in his view...

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Yikes - tough news - but he does say that there is so much we don't know about these times. Also, perhaps the effects of the M jab could be mitigated. Thinking that this might the time that the traditional healers work together and fix the mess.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Actually, as I think on this some more, this could be an event that turns people away from much of western medicine.

I'm not getting an extinction message or feeling, so perhaps something else happens.


Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
Actually, as I think on this some more, this could be an event that turns people away from much of western medicine.

I'm not getting an extinction message or feeling, so perhaps something else happens.
It is indeed a choice that has to be made and I see 2 camp's getting bigger; the pro and the con.
the mass of people just following is still the biggest but it is getting smaller.

I see people around me getting vaccinated and hope and pray for the best. everyone should have a free and well funded choice which is not the case...

I once had a good desciption of Western medicine: It is very good as a trauma healing but for other ailments it doesn't take away the cause of the problem. It just masks the problem. As such I'm very happy that it exists but it needs to know it's place. it is not all knowing.


Involved Wayfarer
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Jul 31, 2018
I once had a good desciption of Western medicine: It is very good as a trauma healing but for other ailments it doesn't take away the cause of the problem. It just masks the problem. As such I'm very happy that it exists but it needs to know it's place. it is not all knowing.
Beautifully put.
  • I agree
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Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
I have to see more evidence trickling in before I believe the m-rna vax caused infertility. (I know about Bill Gate's criminal experiments in Africa with the HCG hormone, that is why many countries there threw him out of the country and protested, but it was a different method and not gene manipulation, so it would be conceivable it was done indeed, but there's no definite proof yet for me.).
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
karma will tell for the planers, when? perhaps next lifetimes or this if they skip not the lighning

there are a bit too much versions on all on the net to be able to say directly this is it here we are so 1/20 found where is 2/20 to 20/20


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Thinking that this might the time that the traditional healers work together and fix the mess.
And now I'm hearing just that.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Just listened to Cliff. First time for a while as I could not handle his energies before. However he seems to have calmed a lot and his lines of energy are much smoother. Happy to see him well and grounded.

He is right....I sense he is connected to "The Magic of Life" and knows that anything can happen.

Must point out that the mRNA being used in the jabs is mass produced, fermentation in bacteria, and is not always viable.

"So – the integrity of the RNA means of course the RNA quality. They have found that this is not very high: it was higher for the processes during the clinical phase. In this report they don’t say how high it is, but I have other information that says 78% of the RNA was good [translator: this refers to the integrity], the remainder was not, but now they have found new batches with only 55% RNA integrity, i.e., half of it is basically unviable. I’ll explain that again: during the synthesis of this RNA, the DNA serves as a template, and then the RNA is produced. It is possible that the entire RNA is not produced, the process is broken off prematurely, this has to be checked. There are analysis methods for checking what percentage of the product that has been produced has the full RNA length (100%), and what percentage is only 80% or whatever. These truncated pieces of RNA are more unstable as a result: at the end of the RNA there is an adenine attachment, and the longer this “tail” is, the more stable the RNA is in the cell. If this is truncated, the RNA is degraded in the cell relatively fast, and then no protein can be formed at all: in the worst case so little protein is formed that no immune response can take place"


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
None of this is based on studies is it? My lover has had two jabs and I have had my lover.

I can tell you that I have dowsed my body and I have no protein spikes, mRNA or antibodies from Covid jabs in my body.


Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
None of this is based on studies is it? My lover has had two jabs and I have had my lover.

I can tell you that I have dowsed my body and I have no protein spikes, mRNA or antibodies from Covid jabs in my body.
from what I know of biological systems.
mRNA is intrincically unstable. Otherwise no regulation of our bodies would be possible. thus the mRNA injected will be gone after a few hours to a few days. The proteins produced from the mRNA are different they have a longer lifetime and it is the reaction to the proteins that makes the immune response. the chance that you transmit it is very unlikely.

with the adenovaccines it is different. If the replication of the adenoviri still work then of course the virus replicates and the GMO adenovirus (vaccine) can be spread between people as an adenovirus is highly contageous.

that said my experience is that biology has no boundaries. GMO plants give genetic material to bacteria that give it back to neighboring plants,... it is not unthinkable that an mRNA piece is transcribed back to DNA. Also with the vaccines based on adenovirusses this chance is in my opinion bigger as it is known that virusses can cause changes in our DNA.

So everything is possible. especially if you vaccinate a couple of billion people,...
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
So everything is possible. especially if you vaccinate a couple of billion people,...

Thanks Bert, I always value your wisdom and opinions.

Just to be on the safe side, I have embarked on a "Cancer Protocol" with MSM (chlorine dioxide) so if there are any nasties in my body they will be blown up!


Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
Yesterday I had another reflection that I want to share.
Here in Europe we have a stringent GMO policy with tests and procedures to make sure GMO's don't have collateral damage and that they stay stable and don't spread the GMO part to other organisms.
The astra zenica and JnJ vaccin are vectored adonevirusses which is a fancy way of saying that they are GMO organisms.

So in Europe they are putting GMO's in humans with limited testing and without proper information about it.
and they are live virusses so they can reproduce from one person to another,...

we live in one really big experiment at the moment.


Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
I'm not a lawyer and I don't know if this is correct, I'm just repeating it for your consideration.

  1. Do not "refuse" the vaccine, you can "decline" it. Legally, in the US, they are different. If you "refuse" you will be marked as non-compliant. A patient marked as non-compliant too many times can be kicked out by their doctor, so you must find a new doctor. This normally only happens if the patient is hard to deal with though as doctors need those billable hours.
  2. Do not sign a waiver that says you "refuse" the vaccine. In fact, do not sign a waiver at all. However, in the US, your doctor can kick you out of their practice. Be ready for this.
  3. All of this is part of society splitting into 2 parts: the vaxxers/compliant/sheeple, and the non-vaxxers/non-sheeple. I'm not going to judge people who wear a mask or get the jab, that's their choice and their path.
  4. Some US states are making laws or EOs that say restrictions cannot be forced onto business, they are optional.
2021-0406. @GovAbbott (Texas) this morning issued an executive order banning government entities from requiring people "provide documentation of vaccine status" to enter a place. #GalvNews
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
It is indeed a choice that has to be made and I see 2 camp's getting bigger; the pro and the con.
the mass of people just following is still the biggest but it is getting smaller.

I see people around me getting vaccinated and hope and pray for the best. everyone should have a free and well funded choice which is not the case...

I once had a good desciption of Western medicine: It is very good as a trauma healing but for other ailments it doesn't take away the cause of the problem. It just masks the problem. As such I'm very happy that it exists but it needs to know it's place. it is not all knowing.
Well, I agree. Western medicine can be something that tips you over the edge .... out of Calamity-ville into the Bardo, let's say.
The healers who wrote books in the 90's that illness is many times a case of emotional reaction, hardened or crystallised into the body and stopping the flow of chi, are definitely the ones who need to be speaking out now. Just seeing images of body bags with bodies in them from some countries, calling it "COVID", is enough to shutdown emotional intelligence in many people if they are a little vulnerable that way.

You know a grass roots movement starts very slowly, hardly noticeable except for those in it, then it ramps up speed (snowballs) as it develops muscle? What we need in our local communities now, is festivals where people are joyfully taught how to "up" their frequency. No lies, no grumping. Just get it up and maintain it up or at least fluctuating in a higher capacity. And this can be your normal, everyday people. Everyone likes to feel happy. There doesn't have to be an agenda, or any egos. No-one is making it happen, just the people themselves are learning how they suppress their happiness, and how they can boost their happiness. And be happy for longer and longer periods.


Involved Wayfarer
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Mar 2, 2017
Dublin, Ireland
i respect Cliff's attempts to process the data and get these predictions out but i do not resonate with this at all i have to say. its an interesting thing to consider but does not hold with me at all. Actually, lately, everything is so ungrounded it is extremely difficult to find any voice that still carries strength and resonance. TBTB are equally as mute as we are now. this i feel is the result of the galactic energies finally overwhelming everything to bring about a neutral equilibrium. currently, i cannot pinpoint a sense of a time period when the neutrality will finally start to tip towards a stable rising frequency but i am stuck between 2025 - 2033 intuitively. either way, whatever may be attempted by the old baddies has failed, is failing, will fail. the outcome has been determined and they will continue on their own path, Earth will not follow. Ground yourself to Earth now more than ever, she has/is/will carr-ied/-ying/-y us home :)


QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
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