Do we really want to say "Heartbroken" (1 Viewer)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Heartbroken - a word I've used over the past few days regarding Hurricane Harvey - a word I've heard from others, including reporters. Just now, I saw it in a headline about the hurricane and something within me snapped.

Take a moment to notice and feel your body and spirit when you say that word - slumped shoulders, incredible weight of sadness, closed eyes, and images of struggling people. What just happened in that moment - did you feel a brokeness within you?

Much is written about the power and magic of words - word-spells some call it. Well, that is what happening when we use that word.

I suggest that each time we hear and see that word that we take an energetic hand and wipe it away. If we want to describe situations, perhaps we can use words like fortitude, indomitable spirit, compassion, and others you might think of.

We also can expand the idea to Houston and the Gulf Coast as a part of Gaia. Rather than use words like devastation and catastrophic let's think of other ways to name this situation.

One of my friends who knows we have family on the coast told me something interesting. She was sending energy to support the safety and well-being of the people when she heard Gaia say - I need some help, too. I admit that I've had some questions about this storm that came out of nowhere and is acting in an atypical manner. Are other forces at work here? Who knows. However, what we do have is an opportunity to change the road in front of us.

Watching the mayor of Houston and other officials speak shows us what conviction and foresight looks like. These people carefully and calmly explain what they are doing and why. They have a plan to get through this storm. Seeing stories of regular people also is uplifting. No one is wailing; they are calmly doing what needs to be done.

I propose we use our own words to support the people who are making their way through this situation. I see comfort, safety, and aid for all who seek it. I see love and compassion for all who offer help.

I propose we use our words to support Gaia as she moves through this event. I see calm and gentle energy throughout this region. I see the indomitable spirit of the natural world raising it head in strength and belief in beauty and life.


Embracing Mystery, Mostly
Retired Moderator
Jul 30, 2016
This is wise, Linda, but many things do make me heartbroken. And apparently my heart has taken note.

I agree word choice and the attending energy are critical. BUT. Sometimes, there is no other truth than to feel it, note it, walk through and around it, transmute it, take action if possible and/or layer it in a compartment in our life experience that accumulates to create the soul we inhabit.

I am not disagreeing with you. Your action plan is filled with wisdom and compassion. You are right to alert others about the power of thoughts, words and feelings. I love your vision and observations that have truth amidst the rubble.

Yet, no matter what you say AND no matter how hard I try to change, my heart still breaks when I observe many things like suffering, pain, injustice, inequality, insensitivity on this planet.

I do not think you are saying not to feel heartbroken. Your wish, it seems to me, is to widen our vision and interpretation of how we see. But yes, I do really want to say that I am answer your question. There are times when that word is the utter truth.

I have had to make space to see all of it. I am a witness.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Well said, Krena. There are times when you have an honest feeling of being heartbroken, and it is wise to go with it - to honor it.

And yes, you are right. It is my intent to look up and see if we are being managed or led into a feeling or if it is our true feeling. When I saw that headline about heartbreak I realized I had a choice of how I looked at the scene - and I chose to see people of courage, rather than the victims the news was portraying.

Bill, I also agree with you. The news has been filled non-stop with stories of civil unrest, but now we see the people of an entire state coming together with compassion and desire to help.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Yet, no matter what you say AND no matter how hard I try to change, my heart still breaks when I observe many things like suffering, pain, injustice, inequality, insensitivity on this planet.
Maybe look at it this way Krena...

“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. Therefore, trust the physician and drink his remedy in silence and tranquillity.”

The Ethereal Banana

Just Arrived
Jul 31, 2017
Excellent post and thoughts Linda.

Our minds takes everything literally.
Our thoughts shape our reality moment by moment.

If I took my arm out in front of me and then behind me, it would stop at a point. Then if I said, now go farther, and did it again it would indeed go way farther. Which means our thoughts affect our entire lives and to say, " i am heartbroken" is something I would absolutely NEVER think of utter.

Why? In that moment I am taking all that I am and declaring to the universe those very words. Now knowing our mind is the genie and we give it that command, imagine what we open ourself to.

Organ language can be so detrimental to our lives and beings.

Organ language being
A pain in the neck
A pain in the butt
Heartbroken and so on.

What we put after the words, "I am" really needs to be done so with pure reverence.

Is this something we want to own in our lives for any period of time?

We can speak as an I versed of self as you have so eloquently stated in this thread and note that, I am experiencing anguish etc and take it off of self for we are not our thoughts or feelings. Just experiencing those issues and not defined by them.

Great thread!
Love the honesty and the insights.

Love the perspectives.

They try to shepherd us into spaces of thought with fear and so on and it is up to us to be aware and be who we know we can be.
Then it doesn't take root.

Always easy? Not always for we are humans.. Beings. Organic and we allowed to vent and rage etc.

Just we aren't allowed to camp there.

We got this.
And we have lovely folk with us in this.



Embracing Mystery, Mostly
Retired Moderator
Jul 30, 2016
Maybe look at it this way Krena...

“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. Therefore, trust the physician and drink his remedy in silence and tranquillity.”

Dear Pod,

Words tend to simplify my process of understanding. I do embrace the idea and sentiment of the quote you kindly provided. Silence, however, is not the beginning of my comprehension and acceptance.

I get cranky, I export my disappointment in verbal or written form, I may pace and ruminate. And then, I can go silently and peacefully.

Dear Ethereal Banana (love your handle), I am a writer, and I must say if my mind took everything literally, I would have had a much earlier demise.

I do not say that disrespectfully. I think the mind is still quite beyond our total understanding of its workings. Our complexity is awesome. Yet, I have also experienced exactly what you suggest, as I have intentionally used my mind for the purpose of literal assistance, and it worked. Stating intentions, for instance, are a powerful tool. I do not think you are wrong, but perhaps we do not have the entire miraculous picture.

I am not afraid of saying that I am heartbroken if that is my truth, even knowing its possible detrimental effects on my physical being. I rather be honest. It is part of my path. And I am not always successful.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
to say, " i am heartbroken" is something I would absolutely NEVER think of utter.
Just a little thought to add to the awesome discussion above:
Having perhaps truthfully uttered the above words, we can take the same process and utter other words to follow, transmuting our challenges into beauty.

This might sound something like 'my healing heart brings me more joy than ever' or 'compassion arises from a heart that had once felt broken', 'the healed heart has more power to mend than the original' or ....
well, lots of beautiful possibilities!:-D


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Lila, you posted this comment on another thread, but I was struck with how these ideas apply to the hurricane. A friend in Boston sent me a note about how the people of Boston are gathering supplies to send to Houston. I believe this will become a national awareness and perhaps an awakening, too.

I am looking for a completion/meaning for a message I received in which Thunderbird clan was to be reborn. It is a clan that includes much, including the power of thunder (natural forces, sound...), the mystical (return/acknowledgement of old stories in the flesh), the link to the skies and stars.
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Embracing Mystery, Mostly
Retired Moderator
Jul 30, 2016
A friend in Boston sent me a note about how the people of Boston are gathering supplies to send to Houston. I believe this will become a national awareness and perhaps an awakening, too.
I am also HEARTENED.

I feel deeply thrilled at the demonstration of all the heroic efforts helping, and I feel compassion for those who have lost so much.

As I have aged, I have noted that there are times when I am sad, happy, concerned, relieved: all manner of flooding opposite reactions, situations and emotions occurring simultaneously. Much of the feelings that run through are involuntary, bypassing intellect as my body simply reacts.

It is confusing. It is life.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
We also can expand the idea to Houston and the Gulf Coast as a part of Gaia. Rather than use words like devastation and catastrophic let's think of other ways to name this situation.
I AM Grateful. While it may be difficult for many to see, this storm and so many other events going on worldwide are serving as reminders to remind us all what's truly important.

It's not about our technology. It's not about our politics, our religions or our allegiances. It's not about our status symbols or "wealth". It's not about our differences. It's about the fact that we are all human beings. We are all connected. We are all of value--and we are all a part of this beautiful "spaceship" and experience that we call Earth.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I have heard teenagers say they are broken. A statement which really does open the eyes of compassion within me, to think that ones so tenderly young may know and experience this feeling. I think this is an affliction of the young as well as older ones, the world around, in these days. To add to the great truths that have been shared in this thread, may I give the word "elevate". If we elevate our view, comprehension, understanding we can connect. We can perhaps see evidence of an overpowering truth which would normally swamp our ability to connect, but if we elevate it to a higher place, we can still connect with our heart space while seeing the truth.

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