Article Canceling the Psychological Effects of Mask Use (1 Viewer)

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David Topi

Metaphysical & Spiritual Teacher
Jun 13, 2017
Now that I hope you have started cleaning the energy load of the "covid egregor " that I mentioned a couple of articles ago, another one of the important aspects that we can minimize from the impact that the measures imposed in almost all countries on this issue are having, is the psychological shock that the use of masks entails, which is mandatory in almost the entire globe.


Leaving aside the use that they may have to stop or not the transmission of the virus, that I am not going to go into, because for the CS and RIC the physiological or health part is not important, since they care very little if it is applied as a measure to spread less or more, what must be taken into account is the effect and what they can achieve with this measure in the human psyche and in the programming of our mental spheres.

A huge egregor with programming to be downloaded to our psyche

What the RIC are doing, or have already done, and we are going to dismantle, is a huge egregor located in the lowest part of the mental plane of the planet, in its location 3.1.1 (that is, mental plane, third plane, sub-level 1, energy sub-sublevel 1) built with energy of "submission" and programmed with archetypes of obedience, compliance and "silence".

Now, why have they built this for? What do they want? What is the use of having an energy field of these characteristics? As you can already imagine, the idea is to connect humanity with it and "plug" our mental spheres to it.

In order to “plug” all of humanity into an energy field of whatever characteristics, it is necessary to create the entire network of mental, etheric and physical connections that communicate the three lower planes of the planet's structure, and that define what happens in our reality, so, for this, they have had to introduce physical, etheric and mental elements so that everyone “connects” to this field and begins to “lower” its content to the mental body and the mental spheres.

A little history of the RIC's long-term plans

To understand what we are going to disassemble, we must understand what the RIC and CS intend in the medium and long term. I think it is clear, for the majority, that China is a nation that, in a few years, is going to become the first world power in all aspects, relegating and replacing the United States in the role of "global dominant force" at the geopolitical and economic levels.

This is not by chance, but the result of the planning from the Asimoss and CS for years seeking certain long-term changes that we are going to explain shortly, and, for this, the USA must now "reduce" its power and "withdraw in its borders,” ceasing to be a global power, and China must take that role around the globe.

The reason that this geopolitical and economic change is already taking place now, and will be completed in several years (there is no definite time), is due to the functioning of the Chinese psyche, where, I think you all know, the national collective unconscious is really imbued with all kinds of programs of submission and compliance with authority, ensuring that the Chinese population, in general (individually, there is always every kind) is people that "meekly" obeys their leaders and follows the rules and regulations imposed by the Chinese Communist Party without protest or almost without any dissent.

The “uniformity” of “unique” thought in China is the ideal that the Asimoss want to export to all humanity for several future generations, because, as we have commented in the previous article, if you live 15,000 years you have no problem waiting 50 to see the achievement of your goals.

Exporting global psychic control models

But there is an important stumbling block for the Asimoss, how are they going to be able to turn the entire human psyche into a global and common "docile" China-like psyche and implement it across the globe? There are, fortunately, few countries where the global behavior of the Chinese people can be easily replicated. And it is that this, as you can imagine, in turn is the behavior rehearsed and designed before in North Korea, the place and test laboratory for all the models of psychological manipulation of humanity that will later be put into operation in other places. From North Korea, the most psychologically controlled and manipulated site on the planet, it is exported and implemented in China, and from China, they want to export and implement it all over the world.

In any case, it is very difficult for the Asimoss to achieve this if they do it little by little, and “the easy way,” letting the Chinese influence expand economically and politically, and then psychologically, and assume command of the entire world geopolitics, which is now in the hands of the United States, at the natural pace that events can give. And, although it may seem otherwise, the national committee that directs the USA is also behind this, since they have been ordered to do so from the higher levels of the CS, so they assist and manipulate American policies themselves so that those in power, no matter what president or party is in the White House, execute this "withdrawal" from everything "international" and the United States will no longer have the global weight that it now has. Again, all within a few years.

Elements to unite the mental part, with the etheric and with the physical

So, going back to the "how" to get the entire world population to begin to model their collective unconscious and behavior programs towards models of compliance, submission and obedience to the power structure closer to what the Asimoss seek for all humanity, it has been installed this macro egregor on the mental plane that we mentioned at the beginning.

So what elements are the RIC still missing to “connect all the dots”? What has to happen on a physical level so that they can tune us to such an egregor? How each individual human mind is quickly connected to a specifically prepared mental energy field?

Well, on a physical level this connection is being made through the use of the mask as a "muzzle" for the avatar, having previously connected at the etheric level, with filaments throughout the globe, the action of wearing masks with the mental egregor of control and compliance.

This way, the "physical" mask that we have to put on when we go out, carries energy "threads" to this mental field, and when we carry out the action of putting on the mask, we connect the physical avatar through etheric filaments with the mental field, the archetypes and programs descend just as they do from the collective unconscious, they settle in the mental body and in the mental spheres (in the subconscious and in the preconscious), and without really being any perceptible change in the personality (because there is none and no one suddenly becomes "submissive" by magic), these archetypes begin to act in the psyche, gaining power and processing power.

Once installed, and from then on, all humans are modeling, very little by little, our behavior towards one related to not protesting, not talking, not complaining, suppressing what you want to say, abiding, submitting, etc. And that is the idea of this egregor, and of the use of masks.

Programs that act in the long term in "hidden" mode

This "submission" they seek is not something that suddenly you can say that everyone is going to be subjected to "something" for wearing the mask, and now all of us for a month have obeyed without question, not by far, what they are looking for is to install the program to "abide by default" what reaches us through external means perceived as authoritarian, subconsciously, without complaining, or complaining less and in private but obeying in public, which is what interests them.

This is done little by little, so that nobody notices anything, or almost nothing, but, in a few years or decades, with these programs and archetypes working below the conscious level of the mind, the psyche of each human being has been shaped more towards a “China” type of behavior, saving the differences that will occur during the process, and in the long term from our point of view.

And that is why the subject of the mask, because this type of connection to download this type of programs and patterns is only achieved by establishing the use of the mask for long enough by default throughout the planet, because it produces the effect of "shutting us up," “blocking us,” “silence us,” so that all human beings connect sooner or later to this egregor, download the programs and archetypes to their psyche, and have them working even when the pandemic ends and they no longer have to carry masks anywhere. When this happens, the plan of the RIC and CS is that we already have the desired programming imbued, and, unless it is deprogrammed, it will remain active in us for life, something that we are going to avoid and that we are going to start disassembling to block their humanity massive programming attempt.

Connecting the etheric mold with the mental egregor

First, and in order not to leave any loose points, how can you connect something “physical” such as a mask, present all over the world, of a thousand different types, with something energetic like a mental field?

This type of connection and "bridge" between the physical level of something and its mental counterpart is made through the etheric structure and the "mold" of which the mask, in this case, represents. That is, all physical objects in our reality are "made" from an energy mold. So a physical chair has its etheric counterpart in the form of an "energy chair," and a mask has its etheric counterpart with the same mask shape, it doesn't matter that later there are different models, colors or textures. What the RIC have done is to connect the etheric mold of the physical element "mask," to which they have full access and technology to manipulate, with the field and egregor "compliance" of the mental plane, and this way, the physical element "mask,” through the etheric “mask” template now connects every human who wears a “mask” with the field of programs and archetypes that we have mentioned.

Eliminating the programming from our energy structure

Therefore, the request to eliminate and disassemble this programming in us and undo everything that the RIC have done so far, is the following, several times, until you are sure that everything you have received in recent weeks from this mental egregor since it was put into operation has been deprogrammed. To know when you have finished, use signals in your reality the same way that we did when I explained how to ask about the level of the timeline you are in. Choose an element, as I explained to you, and ask your Higher Self to show it to you when 100% of what you have received in your psyche, mental spheres and mental body related to the programming imbued and associated with the use of masks has been deprogrammed and eliminated.

The request is as follows:

I request and give permanent permission to my Higher Self to eliminate, deprogram and erase from my mental spheres, my mental body and the rest of the components of my psyche and my energy structure, all the programs, archetypes, data packages and instructions that I have received through the connection with the mental egregor associated with the use of masks, created by the Asimoss for the manipulation of the human psyche, and with programs of compliance, submission, suppression of the capacity for expression from humanity and all the rest of manipulative energies installed and present in this egregor.​
I request and give permanent permission to my Higher Self to begin the dissolution, erasure and elimination of this mental field throughout the planet, canceling its effects, eliminating its programs and archetypes and diluting its energy, converting the monads that form it into neutral monads without content or effect on the human psyche.​
I request and give permanent permission to my Higher Self to eliminate, cut and dissolve all the energetic threads, "cables" and filaments that join this mental field with the "etheric mold" of the "mask" element and cancel and eliminate them from my psyche and energy structure that the effect of its use has had on me.​
I request and give permanent permission to my Higher Self for this request to be extended to all the souls and super-souls of all human beings, so that they can execute it on their avatars and energy systems if they wish, even when their personalities have not been able to access the content of this request due to ignorance or inability to understand it.​
I request and give permanent permission to my Higher Self to assist the planetary forces in the cleaning of all the remains and energy conglomerates related to this mental field and to dissolve its programs and content in all the collective unconscious of humanity in all its levels, leaving without effect the programs and archetypes installed by the Asimoss and other races in them.​
I request and give permanent permission to my Higher Self to clean and eliminate from my collective family unconscious and from the dual collective unconscious that I have with my relatives and close relations the programs and archetypes installed by the connection with this mental field leaving them free from them and without any effect. Thank you.​

With this we continue to heal, deprogram and disassemble what the RIC and CS have put in place in recent months, related in this case to the use of the mask, while we also finish eliminating the energies of overwhelming, trauma, shock, fatigue, etc., and everything we saw in the previous article, associated with this issue and all the effects that it has caused us and that this situation brings with it.

A hug,

David Topí

The article above has been translated from Spanish to English by Carl. Minor editorial changes made by Laron. David has given direct permission to share his articles in this manner.

Creative CommonsThis work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). You’re allowed to share this article for non-commercial purposes, but you must not edit or modify the contents. You must include all links and images, as well as provide appropriate credit — which includes a link leading directly back to this article at the top of your re-post. You must also include this licence information.

About the Author
David Topi is an engineer, multifaceted writer, trainer and therapist. One of his main areas of focus is educating and helping people through spiritual and personal processes. He is an energy healer and uses the “Akashic” healing technique. He is trained in metaphysics, alternative methods, inherent spiritual abilities and in personal deployment systems that allow humans to express their maximum potential and find answers for their questions. Back in 2013 he created EMEDT, Metaphysics and Transpersonal Deployment School, to provide a framework, organised and structured to the training he teaches. The website for David Topi's Spanish based Metaphysics and Transpersonal Deployment School can be found here, David Topi's home page can be found here,


Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Nov 1, 2018
Here's how I deal with wearing a mask.
  1. I know, based on studies and observation, that the CONVID is a con used for political purposes. That also means I do not let this belief make me angry. I do not take part in the anger. I am still able to express my own opinion without creating anger around me because I choose to do it that way.
  2. I wear a mask because I don't want to get a business in trouble. I know it's all a farce, but I don't let that put me in a negative context.
  3. I wear a mask because it assuages other peoples' feelings, and their feelings are very delicate right now. Right now, it's just their path to not understand. It is not my right to interfere with THEIR path. They will wake up one day and know they've been had and I'll be there to help them get through the confusion of the awakening process. Until then, it's not my choice to spread negativity or conflict.
  4. I don't do things to fall into the "negativity trap".
  5. I choose to have only light and happiness around me. Old negative habits are replaced by new positive habits, and positive energy around me that I create draws more positive events and positive people to me, and it all snowballs in a positive direction.
  6. DISCLAIMER: I retain the right to occasionally get snarky to vent frustration. :)
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Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Dec 16, 2017
Now that I hope you have started cleaning the energy load of the "covid egregor " that I mentioned a couple of articles ago, another one of the important aspects that we can minimize from the impact that the measures imposed in almost all countries on this issue are having, is the psychological shock that the use of masks entails, which is mandatory in almost the entire globe.

Leaving aside the use that they may have to stop or not the transmission of the virus, that I am not going to go into, because for the CS and RIC the physiological or health part is not important, since they care very little if it is applied as a measure to spread less or more, what must be taken into account is the effect and what they can achieve with this measure in the human psyche and in the programming of our mental spheres.

A huge egregor with programming to be downloaded to our psyche

What the RIC are doing, or have already done, and we are going to dismantle, is a huge egregor located in the lowest part of the mental plane of the planet, in its location 3.1.1 (that is, mental plane, third plane, sub-level 1, energy sub-sublevel 1) built with energy of "submission" and programmed with archetypes of obedience, compliance and "silence".

Now, why have they built this for? What do they want? What is the use of having an energy field of these characteristics? As you can already imagine, the idea is to connect humanity with it and "plug" our mental spheres to it.

In order to “plug” all of humanity into an energy field of whatever characteristics, it is necessary to create the entire network of mental, etheric and physical connections that communicate the three lower planes of the planet's structure, and that define what happens in our reality, so, for this, they have had to introduce physical, etheric and mental elements so that everyone “connects” to this field and begins to “lower” its content to the mental body and the mental spheres.

A little history of the RIC's long-term plans

To understand what we are going to disassemble, we must understand what the RIC and CS intend in the medium and long term. I think it is clear, for the majority, that China is a nation that, in a few years, is going to become the first world power in all aspects, relegating and replacing the United States in the role of "global dominant force" at the geopolitical and economic levels.

This is not by chance, but the result of the planning from the Asimoss and CS for years seeking certain long-term changes that we are going to explain shortly, and, for this, the USA must now "reduce" its power and "withdraw in its borders,” ceasing to be a global power, and China must take that role around the globe.

The reason that this geopolitical and economic change is already taking place now, and will be completed in several years (there is no definite time), is due to the functioning of the Chinese psyche, where, I think you all know, the national collective unconscious is really imbued with all kinds of programs of submission and compliance with authority, ensuring that the Chinese population, in general (individually, there is always every kind) is people that "meekly" obeys their leaders and follows the rules and regulations imposed by the Chinese Communist Party without protest or almost without any dissent.

The “uniformity” of “unique” thought in China is the ideal that the Asimoss want to export to all humanity for several future generations, because, as we have commented in the previous article, if you live 15,000 years you have no problem waiting 50 to see the achievement of your goals.

Exporting global psychic control models

But there is an important stumbling block for the Asimoss, how are they going to be able to turn the entire human psyche into a global and common "docile" China-like psyche and implement it across the globe? There are, fortunately, few countries where the global behavior of the Chinese people can be easily replicated. And it is that this, as you can imagine, in turn is the behavior rehearsed and designed before in North Korea, the place and test laboratory for all the models of psychological manipulation of humanity that will later be put into operation in other places. From North Korea, the most psychologically controlled and manipulated site on the planet, it is exported and implemented in China, and from China, they want to export and implement it all over the world.

In any case, it is very difficult for the Asimoss to achieve this if they do it little by little, and “the easy way,” letting the Chinese influence expand economically and politically, and then psychologically, and assume command of the entire world geopolitics, which is now in the hands of the United States, at the natural pace that events can give. And, although it may seem otherwise, the national committee that directs the USA is also behind this, since they have been ordered to do so from the higher levels of the CS, so they assist and manipulate American policies themselves so that those in power, no matter what president or party is in the White House, execute this "withdrawal" from everything "international" and the United States will no longer have the global weight that it now has. Again, all within a few years.

Elements to unite the mental part, with the etheric and with the physical

So, going back to the "how" to get the entire world population to begin to model their collective unconscious and behavior programs towards models of compliance, submission and obedience to the power structure closer to what the Asimoss seek for all humanity, it has been installed this macro egregor on the mental plane that we mentioned at the beginning.

So what elements are the RIC still missing to “connect all the dots”? What has to happen on a physical level so that they can tune us to such an egregor? How each individual human mind is quickly connected to a specifically prepared mental energy field?

Well, on a physical level this connection is being made through the use of the mask as a "muzzle" for the avatar, having previously connected at the etheric level, with filaments throughout the globe, the action of wearing masks with the mental egregor of control and compliance.

This way, the "physical" mask that we have to put on when we go out, carries energy "threads" to this mental field, and when we carry out the action of putting on the mask, we connect the physical avatar through etheric filaments with the mental field, the archetypes and programs descend just as they do from the collective unconscious, they settle in the mental body and in the mental spheres (in the subconscious and in the preconscious), and without really being any perceptible change in the personality (because there is none and no one suddenly becomes "submissive" by magic), these archetypes begin to act in the psyche, gaining power and processing power.

Once installed, and from then on, all humans are modeling, very little by little, our behavior towards one related to not protesting, not talking, not complaining, suppressing what you want to say, abiding, submitting, etc. And that is the idea of this egregor, and of the use of masks.

Programs that act in the long term in "hidden" mode

This "submission" they seek is not something that suddenly you can say that everyone is going to be subjected to "something" for wearing the mask, and now all of us for a month have obeyed without question, not by far, what they are looking for is to install the program to "abide by default" what reaches us through external means perceived as authoritarian, subconsciously, without complaining, or complaining less and in private but obeying in public, which is what interests them.

This is done little by little, so that nobody notices anything, or almost nothing, but, in a few years or decades, with these programs and archetypes working below the conscious level of the mind, the psyche of each human being has been shaped more towards a “China” type of behavior, saving the differences that will occur during the process, and in the long term from our point of view.

And that is why the subject of the mask, because this type of connection to download this type of programs and patterns is only achieved by establishing the use of the mask for long enough by default throughout the planet, because it produces the effect of "shutting us up," “blocking us,” “silence us,” so that all human beings connect sooner or later to this egregor, download the programs and archetypes to their psyche, and have them working even when the pandemic ends and they no longer have to carry masks anywhere. When this happens, the plan of the RIC and CS is that we already have the desired programming imbued, and, unless it is deprogrammed, it will remain active in us for life, something that we are going to avoid and that we are going to start disassembling to block their humanity massive programming attempt.

Connecting the etheric mold with the mental egregor

First, and in order not to leave any loose points, how can you connect something “physical” such as a mask, present all over the world, of a thousand different types, with something energetic like a mental field?

This type of connection and "bridge" between the physical level of something and its mental counterpart is made through the etheric structure and the "mold" of which the mask, in this case, represents. That is, all physical objects in our reality are "made" from an energy mold. So a physical chair has its etheric counterpart in the form of an "energy chair," and a mask has its etheric counterpart with the same mask shape, it doesn't matter that later there are different models, colors or textures. What the RIC have done is to connect the etheric mold of the physical element "mask," to which they have full access and technology to manipulate, with the field and egregor "compliance" of the mental plane, and this way, the physical element "mask,” through the etheric “mask” template now connects every human who wears a “mask” with the field of programs and archetypes that we have mentioned.

Eliminating the programming from our energy structure

Therefore, the request to eliminate and disassemble this programming in us and undo everything that the RIC have done so far, is the following, several times, until you are sure that everything you have received in recent weeks from this mental egregor since it was put into operation has been deprogrammed. To know when you have finished, use signals in your reality the same way that we did when I explained how to ask about the level of the timeline you are in. Choose an element, as I explained to you, and ask your Higher Self to show it to you when 100% of what you have received in your psyche, mental spheres and mental body related to the programming imbued and associated with the use of masks has been deprogrammed and eliminated.

The request is as follows:

I request and give permanent permission to my Higher Self to eliminate, deprogram and erase from my mental spheres, my mental body and the rest of the components of my psyche and my energy structure, all the programs, archetypes, data packages and instructions that I have received through the connection with the mental egregor associated with the use of masks, created by the Asimoss for the manipulation of the human psyche, and with programs of compliance, submission, suppression of the capacity for expression from humanity and all the rest of manipulative energies installed and present in this egregor.​
I request and give permanent permission to my Higher Self to begin the dissolution, erasure and elimination of this mental field throughout the planet, canceling its effects, eliminating its programs and archetypes and diluting its energy, converting the monads that form it into neutral monads without content or effect on the human psyche.​
I request and give permanent permission to my Higher Self to eliminate, cut and dissolve all the energetic threads, "cables" and filaments that join this mental field with the "etheric mold" of the "mask" element and cancel and eliminate them from my psyche and energy structure that the effect of its use has had on me.​
I request and give permanent permission to my Higher Self for this request to be extended to all the souls and super-souls of all human beings, so that they can execute it on their avatars and energy systems if they wish, even when their personalities have not been able to access the content of this request due to ignorance or inability to understand it.​
I request and give permanent permission to my Higher Self to assist the planetary forces in the cleaning of all the remains and energy conglomerates related to this mental field and to dissolve its programs and content in all the collective unconscious of humanity in all its levels, leaving without effect the programs and archetypes installed by the Asimoss and other races in them.​
I request and give permanent permission to my Higher Self to clean and eliminate from my collective family unconscious and from the dual collective unconscious that I have with my relatives and close relations the programs and archetypes installed by the connection with this mental field leaving them free from them and without any effect. Thank you.​

With this we continue to heal, deprogram and disassemble what the RIC and CS have put in place in recent months, related in this case to the use of the mask, while we also finish eliminating the energies of overwhelming, trauma, shock, fatigue, etc., and everything we saw in the previous article, associated with this issue and all the effects that it has caused us and that this situation brings with it.

A hug,

David Topí

The article above has been translated from Spanish to English by Carl. Minor editorial changes made by Laron. David has given direct permission to share his articles in this manner.

Creative CommonsThis work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). You’re allowed to share this article for non-commercial purposes, but you must not edit or modify the contents. You must include all links and images, as well as provide appropriate credit — which includes a link leading directly back to this article at the top of your re-post. You must also include this licence information.

About the Author
David Topi is an engineer, multifaceted writer, trainer and therapist. One of his main areas of focus is educating and helping people through spiritual and personal processes. He is an energy healer and uses the “Akashic” healing technique. He is trained in metaphysics, alternative methods, inherent spiritual abilities and in personal deployment systems that allow humans to express their maximum potential and find answers for their questions. Back in 2013 he created EMEDT, Metaphysics and Transpersonal Deployment School, to provide a framework, organised and structured to the training he teaches. The website for David Topi's Spanish based Metaphysics and Transpersonal Deployment School can be found here, David Topi's home page can be found here,
Thank you for the translation, David Topi is spot on!

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