The new book by Elena is terrific: The Seeders. It reads a bit like diary entries, but is recent (2022) and confirms many things that I suspected but could not put my finger on. Elena receives her information from first contact experiences, not channelling. One of the entries describes the many ways that the dark lords have attempted to penetrate the new age movement. I really appreciate this, as I was becoming increasingly skeptical about spaceship evacuation, solar flashes, etc. Also, there are also new influencers who have appeared "out of nowhere" and have been flipping my BS detector. I'd love to get someone else's opinion on this book!

Elena's website
Also, I found this blurb on her website. Nice and concise:
How to counter the doings of the army of darkness:
-Physical level: Fight assimilation by individual freedom and sovereignty.
-Mind level: Fight division by unity and love.
-Consciousness level: Fight discouragement by listening to your own heart.
-Etheric level: Fight possession by keeping your frequency high, fight addictions by meditation.
-Soul level: Fight the harvesting of your soul by standing up on your feet and refuse to kneel in front of any one or any thing or concept, religion etc, for you know better for yourself, and you need to find the connection to Source through your own being, for we are all a fractal of Source, or God if you want to call her like that, and that is what the enemy fears: that you one day understand, that you understand how powerful you are.
All wounds are coming up to the surface, all angers, jalousies, ego wrongly magnified, fears, insecurities, for you cannot ascend in consciousness if all of these wounds haven't been healed, that is why they come up for certain of you. It is the time to heal and embrace our inner child with love. These are the time of the Apocalypse, the Revelation, the Disclosure, when our own demons awaken and reveal themselves, before our true light to dissolve them into self-love. For the Apocalypse, the greatest Revelation of all, is happening within you.

Elena's website
Also, I found this blurb on her website. Nice and concise:
How to counter the doings of the army of darkness:
-Physical level: Fight assimilation by individual freedom and sovereignty.
-Mind level: Fight division by unity and love.
-Consciousness level: Fight discouragement by listening to your own heart.
-Etheric level: Fight possession by keeping your frequency high, fight addictions by meditation.
-Soul level: Fight the harvesting of your soul by standing up on your feet and refuse to kneel in front of any one or any thing or concept, religion etc, for you know better for yourself, and you need to find the connection to Source through your own being, for we are all a fractal of Source, or God if you want to call her like that, and that is what the enemy fears: that you one day understand, that you understand how powerful you are.
All wounds are coming up to the surface, all angers, jalousies, ego wrongly magnified, fears, insecurities, for you cannot ascend in consciousness if all of these wounds haven't been healed, that is why they come up for certain of you. It is the time to heal and embrace our inner child with love. These are the time of the Apocalypse, the Revelation, the Disclosure, when our own demons awaken and reveal themselves, before our true light to dissolve them into self-love. For the Apocalypse, the greatest Revelation of all, is happening within you.