Anyone else reading Elena Danaan's new book "The Seeders"? (1 Viewer)

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Involved Wayfarer
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Dec 31, 2016
Northern California
The new book by Elena is terrific: The Seeders. It reads a bit like diary entries, but is recent (2022) and confirms many things that I suspected but could not put my finger on. Elena receives her information from first contact experiences, not channelling. One of the entries describes the many ways that the dark lords have attempted to penetrate the new age movement. I really appreciate this, as I was becoming increasingly skeptical about spaceship evacuation, solar flashes, etc. Also, there are also new influencers who have appeared "out of nowhere" and have been flipping my BS detector. I'd love to get someone else's opinion on this book!


Elena's website

Also, I found this blurb on her website. Nice and concise:

How to counter the doings of the army of darkness:

-Physical level: Fight assimilation by individual freedom and sovereignty.

-Mind level: Fight division by unity and love.

-Consciousness level: Fight discouragement by listening to your own heart.

-Etheric level: Fight possession by keeping your frequency high, fight addictions by meditation.

-Soul level: Fight the harvesting of your soul by standing up on your feet and refuse to kneel in front of any one or any thing or concept, religion etc, for you know better for yourself, and you need to find the connection to Source through your own being, for we are all a fractal of Source, or God if you want to call her like that, and that is what the enemy fears: that you one day understand, that you understand how powerful you are.

All wounds are coming up to the surface, all angers, jalousies, ego wrongly magnified, fears, insecurities, for you cannot ascend in consciousness if all of these wounds haven't been healed, that is why they come up for certain of you. It is the time to heal and embrace our inner child with love. These are the time of the Apocalypse, the Revelation, the Disclosure, when our own demons awaken and reveal themselves, before our true light to dissolve them into self-love. For the Apocalypse, the greatest Revelation of all, is happening within you.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I haven't read this book but now that you mention it, I might ;)
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Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
read some of the articles on the website.

reminds me of the books of Zicharia Sitchin:
i have read those books a long time ago. Very hard to read books but with good info.
written from the context of "were the gods astronauts".

the last two articles go well with the info we share on the timeline and current state of the earth.
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Involved Wayfarer
Mar 9, 2017
Sounds very interesting.
I know of at least one such person. They claim Elena Danaan is a liar. Well, well ... I wonder why.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Dec 31, 2016
Northern California
It's so hard to sort out the charlatans, isn't it?? I still have reservations, even about the people I follow the most. Still, I appreciate all the different viewpoints so I can make up my mind. Billy Carson said something that really struck me: read the texts yourself. He said that if you read the actual stone tablets, find the generally accepted translation of the figures/hieroglyphs and do it yourself, you will know who to trust. Many of these influencers proclaim things from channeling or downloads which directly contradict the actual tablets. I like Billy. He seems solid.


Involved Wayfarer
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Jan 10, 2019
It's so hard to sort out the charlatans, isn't it?? I still have reservations, even about the people I follow the most. Still, I appreciate all the different viewpoints so I can make up my mind. Billy Carson said something that really struck me: read the texts yourself. He said that if you read the actual stone tablets, find the generally accepted translation of the figures/hieroglyphs and do it yourself, you will know who to trust. Many of these influencers proclaim things from channeling or downloads which directly contradict the actual tablets. I like Billy. He seems solid.
I think having reservations is always a good thing. Even with qualified, honest translators it is a difficult task.

The issue with translation is that all words have different meanings. If you look at English a 100 years ago and now you get totally different meanings. Here we talk about tablets that can differ a 1000 years in age. And even now: how many times do e-mails get misinterpreted even if you speak the same language...
Also the translation is done from the viewpoint of a certain level of cultural and technical sophistication. I once read that if you translate the old tablets from the viewpoint of a high knowledge and sophistication and open mind towards technological development (airplanes, rockets, space travel, ...) these tekst are much more easy to translate.

Concerning translations I once read a story of a university professor for Latin who translated a modern text on work with excavators, digging craves, trcks to latin and had that translated on an exam to English. He got very creative translations as students block all modern technology if they start translating these kind of texts.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Dec 16, 2017
I am researching this subject for 30 years. For about the same time, I am a dowser and studied I Ging, which is excellent for finding flaws in a story. For a couple of years, I am following Alex Collier, and some others who had delivered genuine reports about their experience. None of them became rich but have been harassed and threatened in a way that silenced them sometimes forever. At a time when too many people knew what I am interested in, my life was in danger too. Btw, if you research the Vimeo videos for Jean Charles Moyen, it is hard to find (wonder why); you get in his documentary enough proof that also Elenas story is true. If it weren't, it would not bother the other side.
I read all three of her books and found the content very important and confirmed a lot of other information I got years ago. Try to feel what frequency is emanating from her book, this is the best proof. Love and true excitement is not prevailing on the other side. If hate speaks, we know where this comes from. Don't worry too much about translation; she speaks English too and lives in Ireland, so she should be able to find real mistakes. Enjoy the read!


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
And the girl can draw!
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Involved Wayfarer
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Dec 31, 2016
Northern California
Don't worry too much about translation; she speaks English too and lives in Ireland, so she should be able to find real mistakes. Enjoy the read!
My translation comment above got a little turned around. My initial comment was regarding Billy Carson and his observation that it is important to read the ancient stone tablets on one’s own. Not to use translations from other people. By doing this, we can tell who is actually speaking directly from the tablets and has actually read them. Rather than influencers who have “downloaded” their own version of what they believe is happening.

I totally agree regarding Elena and Alex and also get heart energy, exactly as you do. I can feel
when Elena is deliberately withholding information and it took awhile for me to trust that it was not lying, but just being careful. I do NOT get that same high vibration from most influencers in the new age movement at this time, 2022. Even Barbara Marciniak, who I’ve followed since the early 90’s, has a different energy. And I’m uncomfortable with it, but still listen to her and decide on my own.

Siggie, I am very interested in what you consider good material. I will look into the work of Jean, as you mentioned above.


Involved Wayfarer
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Dec 16, 2017
Hi, Moonseal and everyone else interested, I was also looking into the work of David Rousseau who happened to meet Jean Charles Moyen in space. Their recounts confirm each other, and it was very mystical how they learned about each other on the earth plane. David's first book is available as an ebook, but the first and second will be published in England by the company that was founded by Dolores Cannon. David is like Elena, a fantastic artist who created impressive images of the beings he is meeting. He seems to be a very genuine and humble person and is spiritually, as well as through his music, connected to the American Natives. I read his first book in English and his second in French with my private translation. Both books emanate high frequencies and come from a genuine place. His third book will be published in French next year. He endured massive threats, even death threats, after the translation of his first book; this is why he was not going public much. He stays in France and was talking publicly recently at a conference.
Regarding Barbara Marciniak, I was also an early follower after her first book. The second already had a different vibe, and so I was not particularly interested in her publications so much. I have been dowsing for almost 30 years, and this is generally my best tool to find out where the information comes from. With physical books, I don't even need a dowsing tool. If there is something wrong with the content, I just cannot read it , I get stuck very soon.
Another interesting book I just came about is from Will Beaudoin "Twenty and Back" written as a fiction novel probably in the 90ies. It confirms the recent book by Tony Rodriguez who was in this special 20 year program, "Ceres Colony Cavalier". He retrieved a lot of his memories with the QHHT method. He recovered and healed beautifully from the trauma and is now helping others who had similar traumatic experiences.
Happy reading to everyone!
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