ascension symptoms

  1. therium

    Anyone else having illness or confusion or odd things messing with their energy since July 2019?

    Mods, If this type of thread is not allowed feel free to delete this. But some big changes seemed to start in July 2019 for me, and I was real sick for over 3 weeks in October 2019, I even missed a week of work and had 4 visits to the doctor. Some bad congestion turned into bacterial...
  2. Stargazer

    Vera Ingeborg: On the Speedtrain-The Resurrection Pathway

    I thought this recent article by Vera Ingeborg struck a lot of resonant notes. The "train" reference was an added synchronicity, considering yesterday's post about my recent dream. In that, a number of folks were joining me on a train (of sorts) to The New Earth. Here are a few quotes that...
  3. Gunther

    Experiencing incoming energies??

    Not sure whether this is the correct place to post this, but mods can move to correct place. So here’s something weird I’m experiencing at the moment. There is this incredibly powerful itch that I’ve been feeling in different parts of my body. Trying to describe the itch is almost impossible...
  4. Laron

    Soul Groups, New Health Perspectives, Vibrational Defragmenting | QHHT Session Info by Tai (Part 2)

    laron submitted a new article. Soul Groups, New Health Perspectives, Vibrational Defragmenting | QHHT Session Info by Tai (Part 2) Here is part two of this two part series covering the past life regression session that Tai conducted with her client Lorna last year. Lorna is one...
  5. Laron

    New Earth, Source, Shift in Consciousness, Volunteers | The Cosmic Journey of Lai Part 6

    Laron submitted a new article. Continue to the full article here.