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Tomorrow Venus unites with Neptune, Neptune being in his own sign at his best higher octave and also drswing out the same for Venus as this elevates her to a higher level of spirituality and multidimensional bliss, or at least that is possible…
Technically for the less evolved it could bring out the need for escape into alcohol or other forms of mind altering substances which in my opinion neither Venus or Neptune need as they are already there.
I have seen it written by the masters that any contact of Venus and Neptune will lift the senses to higher levels of spiritual awareness and if seen in our birthchart it certainly has that potential to point us in that direction even from birth.
But in the birth chart it does bring extreme sensitivity, even low self esteem at times as I well know as my Venus was in my Sun sign of Pisces and in a yod formation along with Neptune and Pluto which is why it was a relief when I found out that was a good thing!
Later I found out I am an honorary Libran as my Venus is in mutual reception with Neptune, Pisces to Libra.
Being born a Pisces I can use all the help I can get on this three dimensional world to enhance my self esteem and confidence although as I grow older I am getting a little better at this even though nothing changes the fact, even though I may put on a show of courage and be able to defend my boundaries I still shrink inside and hurt deep down when bullied by loud and overly confident people.
But nevertheless Venus IS going to be with Neptune tomorrow and I will hope for the higher Octave energies to be bestowed upon me.
This happens at 24 degrees Pisces which is almost exactly on my IC right in my home zone. I wonder who or what will appear in an angel form to lift this Piscean out of a stuck place.
But all Pisceans and Taureans, Libras or anyone at all with planets or points near that degree or even near the opposite degree in Virgo should benefit from this . As for the rest you can all tune into this beautiful energy for creative inspiration and to access other realms of being, in the coming two days while this influence is in effect.
Mercury in Aquarius will support this with a trine to Ceres the Mother Goddess planet, who is of the nature of Cancer and Taurus, currently transiting Libra at 5 degrees. This one is all about unconditional giving of care and nurturing , counselling too if needed , to remind us that we are all equal on the inner core of our being and all deserve to be heard as with this aspect we can maintain an objectivity so we don’t make it all about us as can happen so easily if the ego has been triggered, and is on high alert.
The Moon will be in brave, adventurous Sagittarius for some of tomorrow before moving into Capricorn later in the day or night depending where you are on the globe.
A change of signs brings a switch of energy and perhaps in this case a need to calm ourselves and really listen to messages from within, not to mention to claim our own authority if we are feeling pressured .
This in turn prepares us for the following day and I do hope Venus/Neptune has prepared us well to fortify our inner core and our mental, emotional and physical boundaries as the Sun will conjunct Saturn in one of the most powerful aspects of the year , hopefully having the effect of helping us to maintain structure and self discipline in our lives to face any new challenges from “authorities” around us , maybe in the form of Government bodies that seem to have their own very strange agenda happening at this time which is intent of controlling how we want to live our lives, not to mention our enjoyment of the same.
The Sun is about the powers that rule us as is Saturn a Gov/rules/ planet.
The aspect happens at 27 degrees Aquarius and although its given for our 17th its in effect the 16th but lasts two days or so anyway .
So again if you have planets or points near that degree, tune into the gift of courage and resilience that Saturn is offering and indeed make sure you are totally in your own authority during this period .
But we are after all being fortified from by spirit thanks to Venus/ Neptune leading up to this and possibly during as well.
Leos and Capricorns may have some powerful realisations and moments during this transit but in fact this is really “leader” material with the right motive and if that is what you really want to be.
Pallas will go direct in Cancer ready to impart her wisdom with hints on how best to navigate any new rules that are being implemented (just in case) . This is actually a helpful influence to have when we need wise people and voices standing by to support us, and Pallas with her warrior Goddess energy is the best ally to have on our side.
A lighter tone the following day on 18th/19th with Mercury sextile to Jupiter , Aquarius to Aries around 9 degrees, humour will return to our lives plus a feeling of relief I would imagine or release.
The Balsamic Moon phase will begin in two days from now which will be an unfavorable time for beginning something new, but favorable for closing something, putting it behind us, and for endings in general. A time for personal reflection, tying up loose ends.
Keywords: Incubation; Preparation; Closure; Surrender
Art by Alex Florschultz
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