The Event is Upon Us! (1 Viewer)

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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
We have another big energy wave coming in again. It started this morning and is intensifying. This wave of energy is going to our pineal glands. So this will be affecting our third eye. You could have headaches or sharp pains in the forehead. You can be experiencing brain fog and/or confusion. I had a hard time driving this morning. I also woke up feeling like I hadn’t slept at all after 7 hours of sleep.
The pineal gland produces melatonin, a serotonin-derived hormone. So this energy will either make you very sleepy and just plain tired or energized and hyper. I am feeling exhausted. I am emotionally and mentally exhausted but I feel calm and peaceful.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
From the country that brought us the guillotine........

It's Spreading Throughout Europe And Now The World!



Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
I've been waiting for The Event for a few years now. I'm just so tired of the world being full of hate, division, and greed and all the negative energy.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
he pineal gland produces melatonin, a serotonin-derived hormone. So this energy will either make you very sleepy and just plain tired or energized and hyper. I am feeling exhausted. I am emotionally and mentally exhausted but I feel calm and peaceful.
Yes this started with me yesterday, and although it was a bright and beautiful sunny day I could not bear the light and waited until almost dark until I went for a star walk.

Thanks Lotos.


Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
This wave of energy is going to our pineal glands. So this will be affecting our third eye. You could have headaches or sharp pains in the forehead.
I seem to be able to activate my pineal gland on demand (or the chakra there), it gets kind of tingly/happy, it's not unpleasant at all. And when I meditate I do that too, to "exercise" that chakra (I think it's a chakra).

I think the pineal gland has to do with wisdom and sight. I seem to have had wisdom from a very young age. When I was a kid, people commented a lot on how I seemed much older than I was. And I preferred the company of adults since they had more interesting things to say, and those things made me think more deeply.


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
We have another big energy wave coming in again. It started this morning and is intensifying. This wave of energy is going to our pineal glands. So this will be affecting our third eye. You could have headaches or sharp pains in the forehead. You can be experiencing brain fog and/or confusion. I had a hard time driving this morning. I also woke up feeling like I hadn’t slept at all after 7 hours of sleep.
The pineal gland produces melatonin, a serotonin-derived hormone. So this energy will either make you very sleepy and just plain tired or energized and hyper. I am feeling exhausted. I am emotionally and mentally exhausted but I feel calm and peaceful.
Heat is suely also part


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Our dog woke me up very, very early. So, I got up with him for breakfast, etc. Went back to bed and he was walking around - not agitated or worried but more like aware of something. Then he jumped up beside me and settled down. I closed my eyes and a vision popped in along with the words - "this is your gift". Is this my gift to the world or a gift to me - don't know. Here is a picture of what I saw.

View attachment 5982
You know what I think, Linda? I think you are a birth attendant.
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Kevin C

Involved Wayfarer
Jul 27, 2016
From the country that brought us the guillotine........

It's Spreading Throughout Europe And Now The World!


Pod, nice post. But looking at their "demands", they are not going to get much popular support.
-Default on public debt
-cut taxes to 25%
-better public services?
-mass hiring of civil servants?
I don't see that happening - where's the money coming from after cutting taxes/revenues by 50%, and no borrowing? :fp

New constitution? Might as well go with French Revolution 2....Overthrow the entire French government, behead Macron as a figurehead. Then a new "Magna Carta"....

Economics aside, the spirit of revolution is spreading. Information is spreading fast... Global Awakening is here. O.o:D


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
Will the angels make themselves seen in the coming event?

Angels have been seen always. Those with eyes to see will see them now - when the event takes place there will be experiences of what will be called celestial intervention.

Some will see what they imagine to be angels. This according to their preparation, experience, expectation and ability.

Others, due their own fear, will perceive only 3D. What they imagine to be miracles will in fact be performed by unseen angels.

This happens now.

You know this, have experienced this. Those witnesses often question what was seen.

I will tell you this. At the time of the event there will be no question. Those numbers of you with eyes to see beyond 3D will be and have multiplied now. This answers the question.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
Organic Timeline Restoration

For years the Divine Team upstairs have said that 3D technically no longer exists. As with most of this intel, the supportive experiences and documentation eventually come to light. I AM feeling this strongly as I approach my 20th anniversary of delivering messages. Anniversaries are popping up everywhere for me, another indication that timeline shifts are upon us.

We have been running parallel collective realities for quite a while, with a slow divide as the lower realities/timelines drop away (aka division of worlds.) The inorganic timelines embedded in the lower realities were a creation fueled by HUman agreement. Lightworkers and Gaia made the choice during the harmonic convergence of 1987 to engage with the Ascension timelines. Rather than reset in an all-at-once, game-over scenario, we chose to walk through the 2012 Gateway as one, let the old realities dissolve, and experience creating the new.

We get so much more out of the journey this way. We learn to create in unity consciousness while old realities dismantle. We get the experience of transformation through the physical. And we learn time dynamics, honoring free will, and the true power of serving Source through the heart. Brilliant.

Lightworkers engaged in collective ceremony and constant gridwork through the 1-1-1, 2-2-2, 3-3-3 ... for twelve years, ending in the finale of the 12-12-12 when Gaia birthed the higher realm of New Earth. Gaia broke away from the lower timeline reality back in 2011, a few months before the 11-11-11 reignited the Christed Heart flame in all willing vessels. An elegant orchestration of events. The Primary Christed timelines, a creation of our future selves as a possibility of experiencing Ascension for both the planet and physical BEings, began to override the lower and inorganic realities.

The Primary timelines became a physical experience available to all with the August 2017 Solar eclipse. This accelerated the drop-off of energetic support for lower timelines, which have been running on collective agreement. As we hit tipping points in collective awakening, the agreement dissolves in the higher vibration, and those manipulative realities can no longer operate. Old Earth can run for another 100 years if needed; there are benevolent timelines in place to bridge Gaia’s expressions. They can endure only a certain level of photonic light quotient before they collapse. Collective choice will reveal how long those are needed.

Gaia will make a shift in her magnetic flow with a cosmic alignment between 12-12 and 12-27.

Cosmic rays are anticipated, however the adjustment is coming from Gaia herself, in order to align more fully with the Primary timelines. The lower timelines have no energetic support, so this event assists the organic reality to become more predominant.
It will cause a reverberation across the dimensions as the organic timeline restoration takes place. It won't be over in a moment, it will initiate a phase of accelerated migration. This is a core rebirthing to allow the through-line of our past, present and future experience to self-correct.
Migrating denser realities to crystalline level during an Ascension cycle is a brand new experience, so it is unpredictable how this will unfold. We pray, intend and co-create a palpable and peaceful shift.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Pod, nice post. But looking at their "demands", they are not going to get much popular support
They already have a lot of public support perhaps 50% Maybe their demands are unrealistic at this time, but at least they know what the problems are and what needs to be done.

They have rejected Macron's response as they say it will not really benefit the majority of them. They are sensible, which means a lot. And they are not led by any party.

"Macron’s promise of a €100 minimum wage increase, tax-free overtime pay and end-of-year bonuses, Mélenchon argued, will not affect any “considerable part” of the French population. Yet the leader of La France Insoumise stressed that the “decision” to rise up rests with “those who are in action.”
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Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Yes, organic way. Hm. It is wonderfull to feel that I'm artist and I claim to be because I love what I done. Always wanted to write a book or create computer game. Always dreamed about possibility to show more. And something was keeping me from that. Now I know why :) I'm so embioded currently that last weeks was a narrow path. I locked my heart to be at center non-stop and alligned so I hope it wille good.

It is one to say "unconditional love" and second to live with it. Also oness, transparency, openess, and balance. But finally i just gave some free to go statement to Source to not wait for me to "realise what next".

But I'm trully happy that I done what I can to make it so fast as it was safe for my family, without fear for them and no to become creazy ha ha.

I found that finnaly music done what words have diffculty. It is just noting bad. I am so open fo everything that it is really good that I finnaly gave a free with at for a while. I love my Spirit, I love my humannity and I love my unique blend of tastes.

And now also I now that I remeber. Just not all at once because of heart. Um.

Great time.
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Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
I don't see that happening - where's the money coming from after cutting taxes/revenues by 50%, and no borrowing? :fp
They got you fooled Kevin. the parasites siphon off massive amounts of money to pad their bank accounts to fund wars, chem trails and bloated militaries. A 15% flat tax on income with nobody getting tax breaks could easily fund it. We could easily slash sales taxes and vats and still have money left over. The "rich" pay no tax and yet tax you to the hilt to pay their fair share.


Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
Corporations and banks also pay little or no taxes on billion dollar profits every year. The carbon tax is yet another scam netting them billions... Theres plenty of money in the economy to buy every one a new car, home and food. Homelessness and hunger can be eradicated in a heartbeat just by not building one aircraft carrier or submarine.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Yesterday, I had the vision of the inside of a horn torus field and heard "This is your gift".

Today ....... Started out early again, and after breakfast, I noticed the sunrise was a rose color light that bathed everything - the houses and yards here and around me filled with this glorious light. It was something to see. I felt so warm and loved and sensed I needed to go back to sleep. As I came into the bedroom, a painting done long ago by my mother-in-law was illuminated by the light. (This painting has been meaningful to me all my adult life.) It is a verse from Hebrews - Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. I smiled and felt peaceful and happy.

As soon as I put my head on the pillow, I was off. This time I was in a part of the city where I lived long ago. It is older with big trees, and a long park that follows a creek. Also, it is at the base of an extinct volcano. (Volcanos seem to be a repeating theme in this life, as I feel energized around them. I've not been around an active one - just extinct.)

I was riding my bike and stopped at short tunnel with a window at the end. The stone walls and ceiling were white painted plaster and had a Mediterranean feel. I went to the window and was gazing out. As I was leaving, a man who tended to the place came to me and said "Oh, you are back again. Here are jackets you've left behind before." I did not know him, although he knew me. I did not recognize the jackets, which were of much older styles. One had a multi-color harlequin design.

I woke up thinking that was an interesting dream and realized the tunnel and window were for sun observation, such as an equinox.

Hope you all are enjoying my dream ride because I certainly am. I feel great - expectant, happy, peaceful.


Involved Wayfarer
Sep 23, 2018
Lovely, yes. It our new paradigmat. Why not to try to just center you on heart with self love and say to our self. Hello. Boss is back and I love what i found at home - me. :) And then, beacuse all are dive beeings with infitnite possiblites just say - oh, I intent to have fun now.



Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
I seem to be able to activate my pineal gland on demand (or the chakra there), it gets kind of tingly/happy, it's not unpleasant at all. And when I meditate I do that too, to "exercise" that chakra (I think it's a chakra).

I think the pineal gland has to do with wisdom and sight. I seem to have had wisdom from a very young age. When I was a kid, people commented a lot on how I seemed much older than I was. And I preferred the company of adults since they had more interesting things to say, and those things made me think more deeply.
Funny your second paragraph went also for me but i didn t understood the why entirely.

The pineal gland is liated to the third eye. If i remember well in the center od the brain home of our soul
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
really? or people just need more money - better jobs,low taxes....etc
We will see. Macron apparently rose the revenu of 100 euro. Bit what most don t see is the well made web at long term. Rhe anti christ can rest where he is
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Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
I dunno. I won't be buying more milk. But maybe be able to afford a descent holiday or a newer car or to maintain my older one better. etc. Besides with more money in the hands of consumers they'd be able to live more comfortably and buy items they've been putting off. ergo more jobs building these items.


Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
There will always be people on welfare that's a fact. it's also a fact that I and most others abhor being on welfare except as a bridge between jobs or if they get ill. I make more then double the minimum wage and still can't alweays afford a $100 oil change or when the "check engine" light goes on and a major repair looms. Why should I choose between Car repairs, heat for my apt or food? I can barely afford to take my grand kids out to dinner while those better off laugh at me. While still working a 40 hour week. I need lots of overtime to pay for the above mentioned items. The working man gets stiffed and the top execs in the company I work for maker several million dollars a year!
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Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
Socialism and capitalism are both sides of the same coin. The so called elite reap the rewards off the backs of those producing cars etc. We need a new and fairer system. Wall street rigs the market for it's own gain. Why do stocks of a company go up when a company lays off a lot of employees?


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
My recent visions are about a horn torus energy field and the winter solstice (in 10 days on December 21st).

Has anyone else gotten info about this?
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Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
Smiley, I mostly agree with you. I owned a family supermarket with about 10 employees. I know what it's like to work 15 hour days trying to make payroll and the rent. Sometime not even collecting a paychq. Those at the top of my company work ridiculous hours. They too have the same headaches of keeping the company afloat. Been there, done that. No I am not angry but rather trying to get a point across. On the shop floor 90% of the work is performed by 30% of the workers. There are takers and givers everywhere. Most middle managers are middle class having worked their way up to the top. With great deal of empathy for the working stiff. However most workers are their own worst enemy. Sabotaging themselves and the hand that feeds them. They take and take and give nothing back. That's humanity for ya. there is a silent majority who give and get little back. I can go on but lets call it a day on this dicussion. I'm only trying to get the point across that many of us work hard for our bread and get little appreciation for our efforts. Monetarily and otherwise. Mt brother is very rich (self made) and I've met his millionaire friends who show thinly disguised disdain for the average folk. I've been around the block more then once. Peace brother I'm just trying to get a point across. we live in a rigged system and I'm tired of it. The new Earth promises to change all that. We certainly hope so.


Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
Why do stocks of a company go up when a company lays off a lot of employees?
Because the company expenses go down, and the future looks better for the company because the company appears more stable. It's a psychological thing.

As expenses for a company go up, like payroll or minimum wage, the price a company charges for goods or services has to go up also. So a person earning more has more money, but not more buying power. Those are 2 different things.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
Your non egoic reaction (which is a big surprise) speaks much more about you than any text could,
The people here are very mature, and it certainly is refreshing to be able to talk about things like adults. I hope the frustration of being around less advanced people does not bring you down. It sure can be a challenge. O.o:D
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