Article The day after the Total eclipse (1 Viewer)

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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand


The day after the total eclipse which was the Cancerian new beginning of the year, brings Venus into Cancer which is a wonderful sign of love and nurturing for Cancerian people. As this sign is all about mothers and children, there have probably been a few reunions amongst people of this sign with long lost children, parents or relations in general.

Cancerians can enjoy the limelight and make plans for the year ahead with the focus so much on their sign, especially for all levels of security in their lives.

Taureans and Librans will be feeling the need for the same now their planet is in this sign, the best time for forming stronger bonds with family and upgrading their home life and security zones, showing their love and care for others, but also being willing to receive it.

This is also good for anyone who works in areas of people, the public, catering to peoples needs in some way within the work system.

Today is the day when sudden events can arise within families, although I would think a lot of this has already happened, but the Perigee moon coming up will “bring this home”, so expect some surprise announcements if you are strongly Aquarian or Taurean, Leo, and of course Cancerian or Capricorn, as Juno in Leo is square to Uranus in Taurus stirring any volatile family or relationship issues AND bringing skeletons out of the closet.

This can bring an influence of separation and letting go of people or the past if needed, as this is the right time to make these decisions unless its been taken out of your hands by fate by now.

Its interesting that Uranus is about media and technology and today has caused a big glitch in FB's system with images not loading as they should. This is world wide from what i can gather.

So just because the eclipse is over doesn’t mean the strongest effects won't be around until at least the next lunar eclipse on the 16th in Capricorn, so Cancerians and Capricorns and that "type" are still in the line of eclipse energy.

The Perigee moon tomorrow is very powerful, being close to the eclipse, acting like a strong full moon, exaggerating existing situations and bringing them more to a head globally and otherwise.

The sign of Cancer is about fresh water and rain, flooding too, and some may have noticed that a million or so people have been evacuated in Japan.

And regarding tectonic plates there are volcanos erupting around the world , some quite suddenly as in Italy.

In NZ there are hot thermal mudpool eruptions, one appearing under a house, also a spate of EQs disrupting the sewerage systems in built up areas of NZ’s north island.

Today Mars is trine Ceres which is positive generally for love and caring, and in fire signs this helps the spread and flow of love to those who need it, plus hands on help of a powerful kind.
All the fire signs will benefit from this supportive aspect.

The Perigee moon where it is closest to the earth, will be tomorrow and this in itself has been known to cause tectonic plates to move dramatically even without a total eclipse around, not to mention extreme weather..

So stay safe and alert people, as an observer of self and others while in this still volatile time…

The Perigee moon is in Leo so matters relating to world leaders are not yet over by any means…

The covert nature of some events which have not been fully in the public eye as yet, regarding at least two world powers, will become more public in the days ahead.


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Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
One eclipse down and one to go, I hope I survive this eclipse season, the last one last summer nearly killed me. O.o:D:-D:ROFL:
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
A Capricornian colleague had his 7-year old cat die in his arms this morning. Animals are leaving as much as people are.
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
so this time it was one of the strongest recorded erruptions of stromboli, a pitty no video of it is found without newsletter videos
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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
One eclipse down and one to go, I hope I survive this eclipse season, the last one last summer nearly killed me. O.o:D:-D:ROFL:
Yes I am a bit more worried about the lunar one that this last one as I have the Capricorn ascending sign and a prenatal eclipse in that sign, although the total solar just gone did bring the largest EQ for some time to Southern California, or more likely the Perigee moon today following it.

I do believe that we dont have to repeat bad experiences if we have learnt the lessons associated with them and if you look after yourself then you should be fine. Forewarned is forearmed.
Having said that I have some very old relations in their 90's now so I cant help wondering.


Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
so this time it was one of the strongest recorded erruptions of stromboli, a pitty no video of it is found without newsletter videos
Yes people were running into the sea in a panic and I think one man died. Today there is the largest EQ for a long time in Southern California. 6 5. No one hurt as far as I know but a town is cut off- its the Perigee moon today, very powerful near an eclipse.
  • Intriguing Post
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
Thats so sad as i also recently lost a loved cat and it broke my heart, just as the one before him did when he left in the Sag/Gemini eclipses of 2012. Cats are people too.
Persons like the human spiderman of france do so surely remember things like a cat climbing a tree
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