Remote Group Healing: weekend of September 23, 2023: gathering with June (1 Viewer)

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
There's no doubt there will be dancing at this RGH session where we'll be gathering around our clearing with the crystal in the center, near the waterfall to remember our dear June who passed to that other side that we visit in places like our clearing. Dancing and singing too, because June was that kind of gal. Her poems inspired. Her love radiated from every bit of her. Her incredible experiences with her horse, her favorite smells from 'nowhere', her chats with whomever was out there and her incredible ability to take it all in with joy and grace will no doubt make their way to whatever gatherings we have from here on in. Because, again, June was that kind of gal <3:-D<3

Bring a friend or bring a rememberance and definitely bring your spirit to our session this weekend. As a focal point I was inspired to offer a sunset because earlier when I saw ours full of soft colors that no palette can imitate I immediately thought of June. I've had plenty of 'fly-bys' from her recently; in all of them she is bursting with joy and shows it in different way; some quite and others rambunctious. That's our gal.

Any tears will only fill our waterfall more full. Joy will fill our hearts. All of it fits as June's heart had room for it all. She's made her transition, the 'BIG ONE' and, from all I hear and feel, did it with panache. Each and every one of us could be so lucky when our time comes.

Any other intentions are welcome below too, because, again, June always loved to share!

(PS: apologies for the lack of pics. I can't seem to get them to load up. You'll have to imagine those amazing colors which is just as well because I'm sure they'll be much better than any pic)

Additional Info & Timing

We hope you check in and perhaps join us. No experience or 'special abilities' required. A sense of wonder and fun recommended. If you're joining us for the first time this week your timing is great.

If the exact time in your area does not work for you, then just join when you can. Many of us no problems connecting a few hours earlier or later but find somewhere in a 24-hour window works best. Some people have even set the to join in dream time.

We especially welcome new Roundtable members to our sessions. This week that group includes eckasha

Instructions are posted below. Let us know if you have any questions and welcome.

The time for the session is the same each week based on 8am Sunday, New Zealand time, unless there is a daylight saving change in you area (if so, just go by Sunday 8am Auckland, New Zealand time). This time is calculated to make the sessions accessible to as many as possible. You can use the time converter here to check your time.

USA: Saturday: 4 pm EDT, 2 PM MDT, 3 pm CDT, 1 pm PDT
Europe: France (Paris), Switzerland, Sweden, Saturday: 10 pm
UK: England (London), Ireland (Dublin), Saturday: 9 pm
Russia: (Moscow), Saturday: 11 pm
South Africa: (Johannesburg), Saturday: 10 pm
Australia: (Sydney, AEST) Sunday: 6 am, (Perth) Sunday, 4 am (remember, you can do the session out of time within 24 hours and it will work exactly the same.

About these Sessions

For those new to these sessions, or if you simply want to be reminded on how to connect in and what methods you can use to send healing, see this article here. The purpose of these weekly sessions is to send healing to each participant, which can be accomplished by focusing on individuals or the group, depending on what methods you chose to use. You are always free to set secondary intentions around focusing on world events that may need some helping energy — on other levels our group also works in a multi-dimensional sense. Sometimes we get healing requests within the replies here, so do check back here just before the sessions begins.

Let us know if you are joining by responding below or or contacting us through the Contact Forum Admin link here. The session is 20-30 minutes and you can send, and or receive healing; it is up to you. Anyone can heal. No training is required to participate.

Please provide any feedback on here if you receive any and feel comfortable sharing.

The place we have chosen to visualize when first connecting in, and to anchor that connection, is a forest clearing. Think of an opening inside a forest where there is a large crystal in the center that we gather around. The ground could have moss or grass, perhaps even dirt or another surface that appears to you. There may be the sound of a waterfall nearby which could result in a river that you could see, or not. You could start off here and then go off to another place of your choosing to send and/or receive healing. Some people find themselves being taken on a journey where they are shown other things during a session, but we all experience this in our own unique ways. :)) :ROFL:


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Figure this ought to be a great time for healing, so bring sparkling health to Lisa's liver and John's kidneys.

dancing with lights.jpg


Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Jul 31, 2018
I send Love and Light to you all. June was an important cornerstone of this community. Whether stated or not in print, actually, you all are.

Energetically I will be with you. Unfortunately travelling., but you and June will be on my mind. I wish I had corresponded with her directly but did not. However, I always took note of her posts. She was full of wisdom and grace. A beautiful soul clearly.

Cheers my friends!

Thessa Thijs

Involved Wayfarer
May 28, 2019
My and our sweet June is floating in Love and Light and enjoying Max her magic palamino. On teusday morning I asked myself out loud, because I felt her strongly, if she could have passed. And then I had, and never had that before on a tuesday, a riding class. At a certain point in the class I was completely zen and so, so happy. My teacher was quiet and I was just riding there in pure bliss. Later I heard June went to the other side that morning. Now I feel we were riding together for a short moment. What a blessing she was for me and still is. When she comes by I feel such a soft and spacious kind of peace and calmness and then I feel June how I knew her come through. Very precious. I love her dearly. Forever. She sent me this picture. I love her smile here.


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Thessa Thijs

Involved Wayfarer
May 28, 2019
Please sent healing to Melissa's herniated back and to Esmeralda a very beautiful and light human being in pain. She is helping thousands of Dutch people but is in need of help herself now. Thank you all. In Love and Light we stand as One XXX


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
This session was different for me - just jumped into a dancing message from June.
Set your intentions and dance over the impediments.
She was dancing just above flowers - as in seeds planted that now were flowering.

Makes sense to me - the impediments are 3D and we can operate above that.


Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Jan 10, 2019
When I arrived I immediately came to a dancing circle around the large crystal.
It was really a happy party and I felt it to be a ceremonially important party. similar to a solstice dance when you go from spring to summer. Here it was to celebrate the transition to the spirit realm of June.

I was then taken away and meet my grandparents and mother. They we all OK and I asked if they had a message; the message was have fun :) , enjoy your eathly life.

I then went back to the dancing circle where the party kept going...


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Such amazing messages above!

I first saw June swoop in mounted on something really fast. What she did next happened so fast that I caught little that went before it; she cracked a whip that snapped into the space, altering it somehow and showering us all with mounds and mounds of sparkles. She laughed and laughed, yelling happily how much she loved to be the 'sparkler' who sent sparklers wherever she wanted to. I realized, as the sparkles floated down on top of our dance party (around our crystal) that she'd gifted us each with whatever we most needed and had made it amazingly easy for us to get as many of these sparkly wishes for ourselves as we wanted. She only stayed a moment and off she went to sparkle some more elsewhere; a happily busy soul finally freed to fly around doing exactly what she wanted... spreading sparkling, loving wishes<3

At another, later point, she was again there as a huge, soft presence, in sunset oranges, peaches and pinks. She took up all the 'inside' space I had and just was there with me, spreading her love, this time in the gentlest possible way. I had the impression she may have been doing similar things with us all, or at least with some of us?

I've had lots of visits from her since, always full of love and smiles... oh, and sparkles too... in one way or another:-D That's 'our June'<3


Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Jan 10, 2019
She took up all the 'inside' space I had and just was there with me, spreading her love, this time in the gentlest possible way. I had the impression she may have been doing similar things with us all, or at least with some of us?
I also got the image that the circle/party/meeting point was inside of me and thinking of this even the entire universe was present inside of me.
Reminded me of the hopi creation story: which I find a really wise story.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I also got the image that the circle/party/meeting point was inside of me and thinking of this even the entire universe was present inside of me.
Reminded me of the hopi creation story: which I find a really wise story.
Love that story. It is one of my absolute favorites. Also, a true story.
So glad you shared that!
  • Divine
Reactions: Thessa Thijs

Thessa Thijs

Involved Wayfarer
May 28, 2019
Such amazing messages above!

I first saw June swoop in mounted on something really fast. What she did next happened so fast that I caught little that went before it; she cracked a whip that snapped into the space, altering it somehow and showering us all with mounds and mounds of sparkles. She laughed and laughed, yelling happily how much she loved to be the 'sparkler' who sent sparklers wherever she wanted to. I realized, as the sparkles floated down on top of our dance party (around our crystal) that she'd gifted us each with whatever we most needed and had made it amazingly easy for us to get as many of these sparkly wishes for ourselves as we wanted. She only stayed a moment and off she went to sparkle some more elsewhere; a happily busy soul finally freed to fly around doing exactly what she wanted... spreading sparkling, loving wishes<3

At another, later point, she was again there as a huge, soft presence, in sunset oranges, peaches and pinks. She took up all the 'inside' space I had and just was there with me, spreading her love, this time in the gentlest possible way. I had the impression she may have been doing similar things with us all, or at least with some of us?

I've had lots of visits from her since, always full of love and smiles... oh, and sparkles too... in one way or another:-D That's 'our June'<3
I saw her on Max and felt her love. And yes that was only a short moment. That was all I experienced.

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