It’s the first quarter moon phase when issues arise that require taking action or making adjustments. This can be considered a stage of conflict, but also of building. Things are beginning to take off and to gain momentum after the recent new moon with it's new beginnings.
This phase is a time for taking action, not for contemplation or reflection.
And there are plenty of aspects to help today, although the quincunx of Sun in Gemini to Saturn in Capricorn does put a bit of a serious slant on things, and means we have no choice but to go ahead with plans even if it means some serious juggling of energies and extra effort to be made to get the results we want.
Capricorns and Geminis types take note.
Also the square of the Sun to Neptune in Pisces could be a bit tricky too as it makes us want to sit around and daydream a bit much, or not face reality quite enough but Saturn will soon take care of that with a bit of “reality bites” energy to bring us down to earth.,
But in fact creativity and intuition too will be strong, and with the blend of Saturn and Neptune, our left and right brains get equal power and should make for interesting results.
Venus now in Gemini is quintile to Neptune which is great for using our imagination and intuition in clever ways . This is very good for the artists and musicians amongst us if any of us have to step up and perform, which actually reminds me of a dream I recently had about the same, when I didn’t know the words to the song and was in a bit of a panic about it.
The Sun /Saturn aspect could in fact bring about that same kind of fear, but Neptune will prevail as on the day he is the stronger force.
For all of the above there is a mix of Leo energies, Piscean and Gemini, with some Capricorn thrown in plus Taurus and Libra, so those signs should have a very interesting day indeed .
With the moon in Virgo urging us to take care of the details and data, we could be striving too much for perfection rather than enjoying the Venus/Neptune energies and relaxing , letting go of worries for a while , so remember to relax and enjoy the days experiences no matter what…
Tomorrow we can forget the slight edge of Saturn's fears and throw all to the wind, as the Sun in Gemini opposes Jupiter in Sagittarius.
What a day to seek our freedom and travel off into the wilds or unknown corners of the universe. A day when some of us are more likely to be motivated to take risks we wouldn’t normally take.
Especially if we are Sagittarian type people or Gemini types.
Mercury will square Pallas, Pallas being the Goddess of good judgement, who sees all the various sides to a situation, so it shouldn’t be too hard to make the decisions, and if anyone objects to our wild ramblings then too bad for them as they will miss out on the fun.
This phase is a time for taking action, not for contemplation or reflection.
And there are plenty of aspects to help today, although the quincunx of Sun in Gemini to Saturn in Capricorn does put a bit of a serious slant on things, and means we have no choice but to go ahead with plans even if it means some serious juggling of energies and extra effort to be made to get the results we want.
Capricorns and Geminis types take note.
Also the square of the Sun to Neptune in Pisces could be a bit tricky too as it makes us want to sit around and daydream a bit much, or not face reality quite enough but Saturn will soon take care of that with a bit of “reality bites” energy to bring us down to earth.,
But in fact creativity and intuition too will be strong, and with the blend of Saturn and Neptune, our left and right brains get equal power and should make for interesting results.
Venus now in Gemini is quintile to Neptune which is great for using our imagination and intuition in clever ways . This is very good for the artists and musicians amongst us if any of us have to step up and perform, which actually reminds me of a dream I recently had about the same, when I didn’t know the words to the song and was in a bit of a panic about it.
The Sun /Saturn aspect could in fact bring about that same kind of fear, but Neptune will prevail as on the day he is the stronger force.
For all of the above there is a mix of Leo energies, Piscean and Gemini, with some Capricorn thrown in plus Taurus and Libra, so those signs should have a very interesting day indeed .
With the moon in Virgo urging us to take care of the details and data, we could be striving too much for perfection rather than enjoying the Venus/Neptune energies and relaxing , letting go of worries for a while , so remember to relax and enjoy the days experiences no matter what…
Tomorrow we can forget the slight edge of Saturn's fears and throw all to the wind, as the Sun in Gemini opposes Jupiter in Sagittarius.
What a day to seek our freedom and travel off into the wilds or unknown corners of the universe. A day when some of us are more likely to be motivated to take risks we wouldn’t normally take.
Especially if we are Sagittarian type people or Gemini types.
Mercury will square Pallas, Pallas being the Goddess of good judgement, who sees all the various sides to a situation, so it shouldn’t be too hard to make the decisions, and if anyone objects to our wild ramblings then too bad for them as they will miss out on the fun.
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