Mayan Astrology Readings — Find Your Dreamspell Galactic Signature (2 Viewers)

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Questionable soul

Just Arrived
Nov 23, 2018
Can you define what it is that is making you feel some anxiety over this? Sending you some calm vibes. All is well. We are all divine.
I lose focus, concentration and energy. Trying to follow the links the chart maker made and the ones Laron so graciously provided. It gets to the point, I can't see the page, just the light of the screen. I have suspected an outside force for some time was up to mischief. This is more like a full on attack into the psyche with physical debilitation.. it just zaps the crap out of me.. it's similar in nature to when I have tried to get closer in a religious setting, the more stuff goes wrong and the more hardship I encounter. But this is intamately personal, ears ring, head pressure, nausea, twitches and spasms..and I am not a sickly or weak guy..
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
I lose focus, concentration and energy. Trying to follow the links the chart maker made and the ones Laron so graciously provided. It gets to the point, I can't see the page, just the light of the screen. I have suspected an outside force for some time was up to mischief. This is more like a full on attack into the psyche with physical debilitation.. it just zaps the crap out of me.. it's similar in nature to when I have tried to get closer in a religious setting, the more stuff goes wrong and the more hardship I encounter. But this is intamately personal, ears ring, head pressure, nausea, twitches and spasms..and I am not a sickly or weak guy..
What protection are you putting up?

Questionable soul

Just Arrived
Nov 23, 2018
I did wake up from a nap, energized and Suddenly at that.. someone was here... then I saw your post from earlier. Thank you, you made the trip..
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
I am brand new in the discovery, NONE. that's why I feel like I am in trouble here.. I have been unable to get to or through the various links with the info to protect, learn and explore.. it is like falling off a 3 story building..
You are newly awakened. Aww! Well, let us take you under our wing. I am sending you protection vibes. A friend, who is also a reiki master, taught me to put on my white light clothes daily. Imagine pants and and a shirt made of white light that you wear and protects you. This should be easy to visualize. No being can touch you as nothing of lower vibration can survive the light. You are stronger than you know. Also tree meditations are good for grounding excess energy. Imagine yourself as a tree & and all excess energy flowing down into your roots and into the Earth. You are strong & stable.

Questionable soul

Just Arrived
Nov 23, 2018
Thank you, I was attuned through the night and midday today, to an influence.. i figured someone was at it, whether they read things i posted and contributed a reply or just read it and decided to do their thing... it's kinda shocking to feel.. i am usually rather detailed in describing things.. not this.. I trust you all know what I mean.. any way.. I drive a truck, if you saw the weather girl the last few days, you know it's been kinda punky in places.. I got my fill the past few hours.. so I am done.. I cannot thank all of you enough.. and call any name, would possibly compromise those silent yet watchful..


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
My brother drives a truck too; he’s a trucker. He is also as a friend describes it “force sensitive.” You’re not alone in feeling the unseen.
Perhaps the practice of focusing on the pinpoint of the horizon ahead brings these abilities forth.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
Perhaps the practice of focusing on the pinpoint of the horizon ahead brings these abilities forth.
My brother & I discussed this a bit and the whys. He is alone for long stretches. He drives for 3 weeks and is home with his wife for 1 week. I think the isolation is a factor.
He once had a vision of Jesus sitting next to him in his truck. He said, “Be good!” & then vanished.

Questionable soul

Just Arrived
Nov 23, 2018
My brother & I discussed this a bit and the whys. He is alone for long stretches. He drives for 3 weeks and is home with his wife for 1 week. I think the isolation is a factor.
He once had a vision of Jesus sitting next to him in his truck. He said, “Be good!” & then vanished.
You do see stuff..and some kind of Devine stuff happens if you take the time to pay attention. I have been saved from disaster in bad weather numerous times. Simple things, like a parking spot appears in a full lot after take it. Then find out the next morning, had you continued. You'd have been exactly where a bad wreck occurred at the exact time. This started for me, 8 or 9 years ago.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
You do see stuff..and some kind of Devine stuff happens if you take the time to pay attention. I have been saved from disaster in bad weather numerous times. Simple things, like a parking spot appears in a full lot after take it. Then find out the next morning, had you continued. You'd have been exactly where a bad wreck occurred at the exact time. This started for me, 8 or 9 years ago.
You’re protected. :) I’ll have to ask my brother about this happening to him. Due for a phonecall!
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
Sounds logic to me. I had also when driving my focus drifted a bit away but pulled me back to rest safe while driving. So said a new kind of ascension syntom?
I think it relates to hypnosis and engaging other areas of the brain when we focus on one thing. I was asked to practice this before my hypnosis session.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Brian thanks so much for updating the info. I'm finding the similarities quite interesting, especially looking at the Clans.


Involved Wayfarer
Feb 21, 2018
Red Overtone Serpent
Red Eastern Castle of Turning
Earth family- Polar Clan- Blood
I empower in order to survive
Commanding instinct
I seal the store of life force
With the overtone tone of radiance
I am guided by the power of space

Kin 5
Harmonic 2:
Galactic Store
Remember elegance of integrity

Dreamspell : Overtone Serpent
Mayan Tzolkin : 8 Ak'b'al
Haab : 1 Pop
Last edited:


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I’m getting there guys, I’m getting there, you know what a dumbo I am sometimes. I don’t know if I’ve done this properly. Hopefully you will understand it better than me.

Green central castle of enchantment
Earth family- Gateway- Clan-Sky
I dedicate in order to catalize
Universalising energy
I seal the matrix of self generation
With the crystal tone of cooperation I am guided by the power of magic.

Kin 259:-Harmonic 65- cosmic matrix self- regulate
Moon waning

Dreamspell-Crystal Storm
Mayan Tzolkin 10. EB
Haag. 0. Sotz

When searching the list I couldn’t find Blue Crystal Storm again, although that’s what came up initially, every other blue but that one.

My birth date is 21/06/1935, should anyone be interested in giving me a hand. :))
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I’m getting there guys, I’m getting there, you know what a dumbo I am sometimes. I don’t know if I’ve done this properly. Hopefully you will understand it better than me.

Green central castle of enchantment
Earth family- Gateway- Clan-Sky
I dedicate in order to catalize
Universalising energy
I seal the matrix of self generation
With the crystal tone of cooperation I am guided by the power of magic.

Kin 259:-Harmonic 65- cosmic matrix self- regulate
Moon waning

Dreamspell-Crystal Storm
Mayan Tzolkin 10. EB
Haag. 0. Sotz

When searching the list I couldn’t find Blue Crystal Storm again, although that’s what came up initially, every other blue but that one.

My birth date is 21/06/1935, should anyone be interested in giving me a hand. :))
Even though I can't say that I know you well, some of this 'feels' like June to me: Blue Crystal Storm, for example.
And "I dedicate in order to catalize".
"Universalising energy" makes me think of all the times you've so aptly written something like "All there is/all that matters is love."
And I could definitely imagine you being one to consider 'I seal the matrix of self generation."


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I’m getting there guys, I’m getting there, you know what a dumbo I am sometimes. I don’t know if I’ve done this properly. Hopefully you will understand it better than me.

Green central castle of enchantment
Earth family- Gateway- Clan-Sky
I dedicate in order to catalize
Universalising energy
I seal the matrix of self generation
With the crystal tone of cooperation I am guided by the power of magic.

Kin 259:-Harmonic 65- cosmic matrix self- regulate
Moon waning

Dreamspell-Crystal Storm
Mayan Tzolkin 10. EB
Haag. 0. Sotz

When searching the list I couldn’t find Blue Crystal Storm again, although that’s what came up initially, every other blue but that one.

My birth date is 21/06/1935, should anyone be interested in giving me a hand. :))
Joy, a solstice baby.


Staff member
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I’m getting there guys, I’m getting there, you know what a dumbo I am sometimes. I don’t know if I’ve done this properly. Hopefully you will understand it better than me.

Green central castle of enchantment
Earth family- Gateway- Clan-Sky
I dedicate in order to catalize
Universalising energy
I seal the matrix of self generation
With the crystal tone of cooperation I am guided by the power of magic.

Kin 259:-Harmonic 65- cosmic matrix self- regulate
Moon waning

Dreamspell-Crystal Storm
Mayan Tzolkin 10. EB
Haag. 0. Sotz

When searching the list I couldn’t find Blue Crystal Storm again, although that’s what came up initially, every other blue but that one.

My birth date is 21/06/1935, should anyone be interested in giving me a hand. :))
Pod is also clan Sky, June. Clanship gives an extra layer of meaning, and she is also guided by the power of magic. I am getting little trinklets of joy running up inside my inner being, when I realise I have these magical beings for friends.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
June, I believe you share your solstice birthday with Prince William of the UK, but in his case, I think his mother was induced to make him be delivered on that day, as it has occult meaning for those in the elite gang. You grace the "gangway portal" of the solstice by your Earth presence.
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Involved Wayfarer
Jun 7, 2017
Red Rhythmic Skywalker
Green Central Castle of Enchantment
Earth family- Signal
Clan- Truth

I organize in order to explore Balancing wakefullness I seal the output of space With the rhythmic tone of equality I am guided by my own power doubled
Kin 253 Harmonic
64: Solar Output Express intelligence of intention

Red Skywalker is your Conscious Self - who you are and who you are becoming. Red Skywalker is the skywalker, the time/space traveller who can jump dimensions to assist you in realizing heaven on Earth. Red Skywalker is unlimited in form but often chooses the form of the angelic messenger. A person who embodies cosmic wisdom may be known as a sky-walker, sage or bodhisattva. When others see such light in human form, they feel the vibration of heaven. This vibration may be embodied by you or experienced with a guru, master, an energy such as Red Skywalker, or in a 'chance' encounter with an extraordinary person. An encounter with the energy of Red Skywalker can spark a deep yearning within you for reunion with the Source. Yet from this place of love and compassion, you also have a desire (embodied in physical form) to serve the light. This is the place in you that has the courage to fully express unconditional love, the depths of your being. Red Skywalker asks you to live the new myth by bringing this heaven to Earth in your daily life. As this reality is lived, it touches and awakens the same truth in others: "They kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven." Red Skywalker represents balance in your life - not static balance, but a dynamic equilibrium that includes both your present expression and your starseeded self. In Red Skywalker's star-glyph you see that the pillars of heaven don't appear to touch the Earth. You are the element that appears to be missing in the star-glyph. You are the one whose expression of the light assists in drawing the pillars of heaven to Earth.

This was really neat Laron. Thank you for sharing!

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