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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I will be back supporting the community when I can. Thank you Laron. You guys are all very awesome and inspiring. I sense such beauty and power in each one of you. <3:D
You are us and we are you. So you are that beauty and power too. :)

<3 Love is what draws us all together. <3

<3 Big hugs for you, Karla! <3


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I love your compassion, wisdom and empathy, which are so welcome in these times and am honoured to have you here for as long as you choose to be with us<3


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Thank you, Linda, for expressing this. Krena's sensitivity with flower blooms which are the crowning joy expressions in our dimension; Lorna's incisive understanding and bravery; Laron's even-handed balance; and Karla's deep gift to us of her insight, so dearly bought and purchased. Karla, my friend, all is but a moment in this whirlwind world of illusion, and I feel that what will happen, whenever you are ready, is an ecstatic mind-meld with the mind that created all that is. And when that joyous moment arrives, in the now where time never exists, all the grace, compassion and forgiveness that you have striven to find throughout your lifetimes of searching will burst in our world in an etheric showering of fragrant petals. Those of us with use of our third eye will know in that moment you have found reunion.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
What kind of lung cancer do you have and what is tbe cause? I will try to find some new answers.
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Involved Wayfarer
Dec 24, 2016
Perth Western Australia
Oh Dear Karla , Love is often borne of pain. Being alive however is truly the greatest gift of all and You are on your special unique journey and we are all here for you wanting the greatest outcome whatever that may turn out to be.
Much love and Be gentle on yourself.
Ps I don't know why I want to write this here but have you tried cbd oil to assist your physical state? Just putting it out there.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Karla, what I meant about the song in my throat chakra was that I experienced an actual, physical movement right there, like a frog chirrup, but it came out without physical sound. Although I heard a sound in my head. And it was joyous. I think it was just aligning with you in love, as I do love you.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Just a thought, Karla, but as this year progresses on wings, ideas, concepts and projects that were once blocked because it was not their time, are sometimes manifesting almost instantaneously, just popping up out of the unified field, because they can now. I had one like this yesterday, I will talk about it on another thread later.


Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
Oh my sweet sister... I have seen you charm the dragon of death many times already, and I think he is teaching you another new dance step now. Where it leads, well, there is the mystery, but you have so much burgeoning love to carry you higher and higher!

I join my breath in my own healing with yours and breathe light for you as well. May all who suffer know peace, and all who are so tired of this journey know the vitality of life's source in love, to go another day, another precious step.

Every day that you are present here in this world, you bring so much movement to a wall of ignorance and alter many timelines that would lead to a more dismal reality for sure. For that, I am not alone in thanking you. Stay a while as you are able, won't you, and know we are all at your side?

You know you have my love always, and it is such a tiny thing to offer in light of what you are carrying. I am breathing soft, pink rose petal-scented love to your lungs, sweet breath to wrap light around your heart and transform pain into wholeness.


Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
very likely what I felt earlier as a wave of intense energies flooding my being are your lovely pink energies
If it was about an hour and a half ago, that was me :) It's all I can do right now, with what reserves of energy I have right now... but tapping into the love is always there.

Swim in the golden nectar and let it penetrate every atom and the spaces between. Let the healing be complete, and beautiful.

And what I have been learning of opalescence these days...


Yes my dear sis, it was received, very much appreciated and it is now being assimilated. Do not worry though, continue using your resources for your own integration, I know this is tumultuous. I guess that later on I'll come up with a new plan to amplify all the love received by you and others, and then flood you all with more new loving codes. Just wait and see...



Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Sometimes it is hard to believe or understand why we put ourselves through so much
Hallo My Dearling,

A break in the gardening, wonderful weather here in Scotland, today I am going to [plant seeds, lettuce, beetroot, coriander, etc etc. It is a day for planting seeds I think.

Your question is important to understand I think. I was musing on this before I got out of bed, in that halfway world where it is easy to let thoughts find their way home.

I was shown a few years ago that as souls, we choose to experience certain energies in our incarnation. I certainly chose "victim hood" in this incarnation, like many others, more specifically, "victim of the patriarchy"

The soul learns about the energy from experiences and of course, this is uploaded to Source, the main data bank.

But it is also in healing the programme that we learn the most about the energies, maybe not so much consciously but on other levels, the effects on the body, the psyche etc.

My love to you all

Don Hicks

Involved Wayfarer
Mar 19, 2017
Even though I could occasionally cry, it felt like I just could not let it all out. Some days I could, but in general I could not. Not even with daily energy work I could reach the blocks. So these huge blocks determined something even worse that happened between the years 2014 and last year, which were the years when my body began collapsing and the tumors formed inside my lungs and below the lungs. Then, I noticed my hair became just horrible. I went through some really ugly things.
Hi, Karla,

I just stumbled on this thread. For me, it is reinforcement that you never know what someone else is going through when certain events happen, and I am sorry to learn of your struggle.

I friend of mine learned he had stage 3 colon cancer in 2009. His wife practiced herbal medicines and (much to his doctor's dismay), she convinced him to drink a daily cup of a soursop tea concoction she blended. Within 45 days, to the shock of his doctors, he was found to be 100% cancer free.

You are spot on when you associate your disease with "dis-ease" in life. The two are the same and go hand-in-hand, and all things are about balance. While I am not a strict Bible adherent, I do find much wisdom in the Bible, and parts of Ecclesiastes 3 are now dancing through my mind. To every thing there is a season and a purpose. A time to be born and a time to die, a time to sow and a time to reap, a time to give and a time to receive, a time to embrace and a time to let go.

Often in life, there is a time to cut cords and let go and prevent "dis-ease". But even in this, we want to preserve (and pre-serve) balance to prevent other forms of dis-ease. It does us no good to replace Crone's disease with Epilepsy, and so on. It is a two-edged sword, and we do not want to replace one form of discord with another, such as getting rid of a person in our life, yet filling our hearts with regrets of how we treated the person during that letting go process. If we rid ourselves of the person, but fill ourselves with regrets and anguish that silently add to our Hurt Locker and eat at our soul, what have we accomplished?

When we act with Love we always find balance. Let every question be answered by Love.

In January I started doing very heavy inner child work, reaching many important breakthroughs. Then, with the assistance of Pod so much began clearing even further, and she let me know of my problem of my root being shut down. That along with the additional help I received from many of you, and even help that I received during the previous years from some dear friends that are here in this network.
"Physician: Heal Thy Self!"

I am a strong believer that "Healthy Self" equals "Heal-Thy-Self", and as a result, I have healed many of my own maladies that would have traditionally required surgery. So while I do not want to diminish in any way the assistance you received from Pod (no doubt it helped tremendously!), I would ask that you consider healing yourself.

How? It's really quite simple. It is so simple, it seems unbelievable. Simply ask God/Source/Universe for healing, then meditate and send the green energy of healing to all who are asking, and then simply wait for your own power to return to you. Again, it is about balance. It is about karma and receiving exactly what you give. (No doubt, you are already receiving your own benefits from the weekly healing sessions).

When I meditate this afternoon, I will send you waves of healing and comfort. Many blessings, and thank you for all that you do here. :)
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Hi, Karla,

I just stumbled on this thread. For me, it is reinforcement that you never know what someone else is going through when certain events happen, and I am sorry to learn of your struggle.

I friend of mine learned he had stage 3 colon cancer in 2009. His wife practiced herbal medicines and (much to his doctor's dismay), she convinced him to drink a daily cup of a soursop tea concoction she blended. Within 45 days, to the shock of his doctors, he was found to be 100% cancer free.

You are spot on when you associate your disease with "dis-ease" in life. The two are the same and go hand-in-hand, and all things are about balance. While I am not a strict Bible adherent, I do find much wisdom in the Bible, and parts of Ecclesiastes 3 are now dancing through my mind. To every thing there is a season and a purpose. A time to be born and a time to die, a time to sow and a time to reap, a time to give and a time to receive, a time to embrace and a time to let go.

Often in life, there is a time to cut cords and let go and prevent "dis-ease". But even in this, we want to preserve (and pre-serve) balance to prevent other forms of dis-ease. It does us no good to replace Crone's disease with Epilepsy, and so on. It is a two-edged sword, and we do not want to replace one form of discord with another, such as getting rid of a person in our life, yet filling our hearts with regrets of how we treated the person during that letting go process. If we rid ourselves of the person, but fill ourselves with regrets and anguish that silently add to our Hurt Locker and eat at our soul, what have we accomplished?

When we act with Love we always find balance. Let every question be answered by Love.

"Physician: Heal Thy Self!"

I am a strong believer that "Healthy Self" equals "Heal-Thy-Self", and as a result, I have healed many of my own maladies that would have traditionally required surgery. So while I do not want to diminish in any way the assistance you received from Pod (no doubt it helped tremendously!), I would ask that you consider healing yourself.

How? It's really quite simple. It is so simple, it seems unbelievable. Simply ask God/Source/Universe for healing, then meditate and send the green energy of healing to all who are asking, and then simply wait for your own power to return to you. Again, it is about balance. It is about karma and receiving exactly what you give. (No doubt, you are already receiving your own benefits from the weekly healing sessions).

When I meditate this afternoon, I will send you waves of healing and comfort. Many blessings, and thank you for all that you do here. :)
Dear Don,

I think your post is really arrogant and unfeeling. You have absolutely no concept of what Karla has gone through, yet you suppose to preach to her about how she should heal herself.

Don Hicks

Involved Wayfarer
Mar 19, 2017
Dear Don,You have absolutely no concept of what Karla has gone through, yet you suppose to preach to her about how she should heal herself.
Hi, Pod,

I agree I have absolutely no clue as to what Karla has been through. Up until this morning I didn't even know she was ill (per the first line of my post). I'm sure it has been a struggle, and I in no way mean to come off as arrogant. I'm guessing she has tried many many things, and I certainly want to help and support her in any way I can. No harm or preaching intended.
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