A Total Solar Eclipse is coming across the U.S.A. in 2017 (1 Viewer)

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of transients.info & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Today on my morning round of transients.info maintenance, I noticed this astronomy pic of the day over on the NASA site and thought it would be nice to share it here. On the 20th of August next year the transients.info group going to Peru will be arriving in Pisac, and the day after we will actually be making huachuma medicine around the time of this eclipse. (I will have a new article up in the coming week or two about the latest itinerary and costs for our plant medicine spiritual journey.)

I just mentioned this to Sue, one of our two hosts, to see if we could swap our first ceremony around to begin on the day of this eclipse.

You can find more technical info on this eclipse here on the NASA site: http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SEgoogle/SEgoogle2001/SE2017Aug21Tgoogle.html

Explanation: "
Would you like to see a total eclipse of the Sun? If so, do any friends or relatives live near the path of next summer's eclipse? If yes again, then you might want to arrange a visit for one year from today. Next year on this exact date, the path of a total solar eclipse will cut right across the center of the contiguous USA. All of North America and part of South America will experience, at the least, a partial solar eclipse. Featured here is a map of the path of totality, computed by eclipse expert Fred Espenak of NASA's GSFC. Many people who have seen a total solar eclipse tell stories about it for the rest of their lives. The last path of solar totality that included any part of the contiguous USA was in 1979, and the next two will be in 2024 and 2044." — http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/



Involved Wayfarer
Jul 31, 2016

I was lucky enough to experience the last full solar eclipse in the UK in 1999. We were on the Lizard peninsula in West Cornwall and the weather stayed clear enough for us to see the whole thing from start to finish. The full eclipse happened at 10.10am and the photo above shows the "diamond ring effect" as totality ended.

The most interesting part of the experience was nature's reaction to it - as the sun disappeared all the birds started to roost thinking that night was coming. During the eclipse, there was total, eerie, silence, and then when the sun appeared again, the birds started to sing as they do at dawn.
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