
  1. monterrey

    Is it possible to apply Newton's third law of motion as a dynamic cycle system in a motor device physically in a + positive way?

    Is it possible to apply physically Newton's third law of motion as a dynamic cycle system in a motor device in a + positive way? 3rd Thermodynamic Law Applicate in a Power-Plant Device. The Reaction at From of the Action. New Torque Power. It’s a simple Plus Formula of the Interaction of the...
  2. Pod

    Study finds psychiatric diagnosis to be 'scientifically meaningless'

    A new study, published in Psychiatry Research, has concluded that psychiatric diagnoses are scientifically worthless as tools to identify discrete mental health disorders. The study, led by researchers from the University of Liverpool, involved a detailed analysis of five key chapters of the...
  3. Laron

    Corruption and Fraudulent Research in Scientific Journals (Post links here)

    I'm starting this thread which I will edit links into, leading to articles reporting on the ongoing fraudulent research and corruption within papers published in Scientific journals, or even studies not published. I've just seen so many instances in recent years as further secrets are revealed...
  4. Lila

    Is sending your child to play football child abuse?

    Bennet Omalu was born as his Biafran refugee camp was being bombed and his father left for dead. His father survived that day and named his son Benoit, meaning "blessed by God". His African name, Onyemalukwube, manes "If you know, come forth and speak" He is a man who has lived through...
  5. G

    Researching vaccines: Where do we start

    To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? This can be a very challenging question to answer for (new) parents (to be) and researching this polarising topic can be very daunting. This article on where to start when researching vaccines is really helpful to get you on your way...
  6. AngelicView

    ET Encounter Research

    I wanted to call your attention to this website where they are doing research on Extra-Terrestrial Encounters. I found it very fascinating. I have never had an encounter - but I'm certainly open to the idea of it! The site is called "The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into...