What I can bring to the Roundtable (2 Viewers)

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Out of Time

Roaming Contributor
Sep 5, 2016
I guess it is very strange to have somebody with such a user name on a forum that is all bout love and light and spiritual growth and I should begin with a short explanation of it. According to a vision I had, this is how I call my last incarnation before coming to Earth. It seems that it was originally regarded as a negative one but I wanted to work in the direction of understanding and accepting the myself that I was. Now I see things in a different way.

My point is that maybe I am familiar with some ways of accepting dark incarnations and if somebody here is struggling with accepting such, I may be of some help.
Out of Time

Out of Time

Roaming Contributor
Sep 5, 2016
I am, even though not exactly of that band. But they have a song called God Hates Us All, which is a wisdom many are opening their eyes to. I am referring to the evil reptilian-related entity, not source.

However, there are people who somehow manage to combine spirituality and religion, managing to cull the truth from the BS. I have a lot of respect for them because it is a role I can not play. You see, religion is just not popular in the place where I come from.


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
Sometimes I am still on the 'Starseeds' forum and from there I am used to are a lot of posts by people who identify as 'dark (incarnations)' as opposed to the 'light'worker type. It gives an interesting perspective to a forum and therefore I am glad you are here and can give your views from that angle. This is what a forum should all be about, to give perspectives.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I am, even though not exactly of that band. But they have a song called God Hates Us All, which is a wisdom many are opening their eyes to. I am referring to the evil reptilian-related entity, not source.

However, there are people who somehow manage to combine spirituality and religion, managing to cull the truth from the BS. I have a lot of respect for them because it is a role I can not play. You see, religion is just not popular in the place where I come from.
From my perspective, religions are just collective belief systems that the masses from many different cultures have accepted. While I initially rejected religion and judged it as a human control system (and many aspects of it are certainly used in that way), it still performs a valuable service. In many ways, religion is merely humanity's attempt to understand and explain the unexplainable. If nothing else, it helps us begin to question and expand our perception beyond the physical realms.

I definitely agree, Slayer. True spiritually transcends all religions and belief systems--and it is our natural way of "being". Those who can somehow find their way through all the curtains of collective belief to discover their own understanding and expression of Truth are truly blessed.
Out of Time

Out of Time

Roaming Contributor
Sep 5, 2016
I spent all my life until last year being religious and it was then that my true process of remembering began. The shell of my religious beliefs was cracking but what really marked my exit was the story of Asket of Temmer taking Billy Meier to visit Immanuel (Jesus).


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I just popped on to GLP which is a forum I spent quite some time on last year, but hardly ever go to now. It is full of negativity, rants, and people shutting other people's perspectives down, with no consideration that they could learn something. But the intuition to go there today paid off, because there was one REALLY GOOD post.

Slayer, as an artist, I can say that all image creation is contrasting nuance, light and dark, making unconscious come up to conscious awareness through recognition and acceptance. Or another way of saying it, in our illusory world, living in duality, being somewhere on the pendulum swing between extremes.

I express this with an avatar pic I have used.


So thank you for bringing your own special nuance to the forum, I'll look out for it.
Out of Time

Out of Time

Roaming Contributor
Sep 5, 2016
Oh, one very important thing I forgot to mention is that I have the awareness of being in a soul twin (twin flame) couple. So if anybody has their questions regarding that aspect of spirituality, I can give you my perspectives.
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Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
I'm programming a kind of Metal on my computer. It is actually dark, to be honest. It has some references to literary romanticism too.

My lyrics are mostly metaphysical and so I try to transport some spiritual content with it. But the medium is, as said, a kind of 'dark' and partly violent harsh sounding Metal music. With a bit of relief though here and there (I have some catchy organ melodies and more quiet and melodic instrumentals too as a counter element that give it an interesting twist).


QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of transients.info & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
I wouldn’t say we are all about love and light and I hope that is not the first impression a person gets, as I make a point of taking a less direct approach with appearances otherwise a person can be put a bit off if there is too much of that, including myself. :-D

To reach the true light you have to go through the darkness, but that doesn’t mean the darkness has to be in this one life now, as it’s usually a combination of many lives. I have traveled through different stages along the path and can now see why being positive is so important, and therefore the love and light, however, we can approach positiveness and love and light in our own unique ways — and this is what I think is really key, otherwise a person is simply following a what everyone else is doing in that area (sheeple style), which is not always healthy.

Hearing someone tell you that you need to focus on the light, and manifest only the positive, is very different from actually reaching that stage naturally while on the path. I never resonated with how certain teachings would say you had to live, but then I reached the same stages such teachings were expressing without having to force myself, so can understand why they were taught, but still see life and spirituality a bit differently. I think such information is best used as more as a guide to validate where one gets to.

But if a person focuses on the dark, they will attract that. They may want to attract that and that is fine. They may want to continue being in a lower vibration; that is fine. They may want to play the victim archetype; that is fine. But the person will eventually see they have to move beyond that and focus on where they want to end up, which will help them reach that destination.

We can wear black colored clothes. We can listen to death metal music. We can have a diet of mostly red meat. We can live in anger and let ego rule us with our actions and reactions in life. We can pick a handle to go by that reminds us of a darker past, or we can chose a name that represents where we are wanting to go. It’s all choice, and choice is important.

Slayer, I think it is honorable to drop in here with such intentions of helping others, but think about how your name reflects who you are and how that reflects on what you are trying to achieve. You can accomplish your intentions here without having to have such a chaotic and murderous name. >:)s But that is totally up to you as you have the choice.

Lorna Wilson

Roaming Contributor
Retired Global Moderator
Aug 4, 2016
The paradox is that when we focus on 'light or dark' we are reinforcing our duality or separation. It's a clever mind game we play to push us in a certain direction for growth that is most probably an unconscious drive. Then the conscious mind finds ways to validate those needs/desires. I see that ultimately we can unite with our true all- accepting- Self when we shift away from duality into a more unified acceptance of ALL layers and levels of consciousness without judgement or speculation of what has more 'value' than another.
Out of Time

Out of Time

Roaming Contributor
Sep 5, 2016
Laron , mentioning my screen name reminds me of the discussion regarding the terms 'transients' (as referring to homeless people) and 'Earthbound soul' (as in a soul trapped into the twisted reincarnation cycle). Everybody is free to make up their mind on how to interpret words and often times the original message is lost.

Hopefully, I am going to a place where I am at peace with all of my incarnations, as a way of loving myself. I expect most of the people on earth to be slayers too since the history of humanity as the one that is said to have started on Lyra is marked by the war with the Draco reptilians, and everybody who has ever tried to enter any of the conflicts is most likely... a slayer.

Also, in this incarnation, the Slayer that I am is vegetarian and suffering from hematophobia. I am disgusted by even the sight and smell of meat and the sight of blood makes me very sick, potentially up to the point of losing consciousness.


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
You can see it like Yin and Yang, without seeing either Yin or Yang as solely the negative aspect. One does no exist without the other 'down here'. It is balance and unity as a whole, just the different aspects of the same in duality as expression. If we see unity like in that symbol then we actually see indeed that it is all aspect of the same source. One is contained in the other.

Duality is created here in 3D, yes - it is an illusion, but why not talk about that illusion and make art, poetry, literature, pictures or even fun of it - both Yin and Yang, dark and light? Art and talk are things of this world too.

Of course there is also a lot of evil and negativity in the 'dark', but we can focus on the more positive aspect of the 'darker' yin. The "Void" where astral projectors and NDEs can go is often dark (not entirely though) and people feel it is comfortable there. Even Dolores Cannon wrote about it in one of her books that it is the starting point of creation. After a long hot summer day I enjoy the night - especially when it is cold. (Night and cold are both Yin). After all it is all part of our physical life experience down here to deal with Yang as well as Yin.

Yin - Yang
Dark Light
Matter Spirit
Earth Sky
Female Male
Passive Active
Tiger Dragon
Down Up
North South
Water Fire
Winter Summer
Shade Sunlight
Receptive Creative
Valleys Mountains
Even Numbers Odd Numbers
Moon Sun
Cold Heat
Death Life


QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of transients.info & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
into a more unified acceptance of ALL layers and levels of consciousness without judgement or speculation of what has more 'value' than another.
What this triggers in me is how it's important to come to the stage where we realise that we can create additional karma for both parties involved from our own interference when we are actually forcing a duality on another, such as doing something we think that is good and of the light. For example, by interfering in a situation without permission we may actually be influencing the path of an individual which was meant to go in a different direction, even if that direction had a negative outcome without our input, as it may have been planned and meant to be for growth of the person involved and growth of those around them.

A good example of what I am getting at was mentioned in Invisible Helpers by Charles Webster Leadbeater. He spoke of those of the Theosophical Society who had advanced a great deal with control of their astral experiences, and were able to travel in the astral and manifest in the physical into a solid enough etheric form to actually help people in situations that required physical help from another person, but this may have actually been interfering in the karma and soul path of those going through the ordeal in the physical.

It's important to understand though that the dark can be harnessed for growth, but it can only get a person so far, so it is limiting in that sense. But like Lorna explained, if we move beyond duality, possibly after heading into the light a good distance at some stage first, but without forcing it, we are not only finding a balance but we reach a stage of seeing the system completely differently as we have risen above it naturally. Bad things happen for a reason and not because of being unlucky, they are there for growth and lessons to be learnt. I think the Buddhist teachings around suffering is an excellent way to understand this aspect.

Laron , mentioning my screen name reminds me of the discussion regarding the terms 'transients' (as referring to homeless people) and 'Earthbound soul' (as in a soul trapped into the twisted reincarnation cycle). Everybody is free to make up their mind on how to interpret words and often times the original message is lost.
I was reminded of this as well yesterday. So I was thinking to myself that this is a great space to show people that we can change their thinking of what society pushes on them based on how we view these things differently by the norm. It's just that Slayer is a word that is much more commonly associated with death and eating cake perhaps.
Out of Time

Out of Time

Roaming Contributor
Sep 5, 2016
Sinera , I don't think that duality is a thing restricted to 3D. It definitely exists in 4D, where we are supposed to be going. I have my doubts on whether to even try to abolish the perspective of duality because it comes with a direction of who I want to be. The awareness of unconditionality is good and the knowledge about how source views all definitely helps me understand how things work. But I am afraid that would mean rejecting all the experience I have and accepting things like causing suffering and slavery. At that point I can't do that.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Sinera , I don't think that duality is a thing restricted to 3D. It definitely exists in 4D, where we are supposed to be going. I have my doubts on whether to even try to abolish the perspective of duality because it comes with a direction of who I want to be. The awareness of unconditionality is good and the knowledge about how source views all definitely helps me understand how things work. But I am afraid that would mean rejecting all the experience I have and accepting things like causing suffering and slavery. At that point I can't do that.
My feeling is that 4D is more about finding an appropriate balance between the starker contrasts of the "lower" realms. I also don't think we need to reject all the wonderful or not-so-wonderful experiences we've had! They were all quite valuable lessons and we are so much wiser and more expanded through having them. I'm not sure that we have to accept things like suffering or slavery either. My feeling is that we can understand their value as "lower" lessons and transcend or rise beyond the need to ever experience them again. :)


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
A good example of what I am getting at was mentioned in Invisible Helpers by Charles Webster Leadbeater. He spoke of those of the Theosophical Society who had advanced a great deal with control of their astral experiences, and were able to travel in the astral and manifest in the physical into a solid enough etheric form to actually help people in situations that required physical help from another person, but this may have actually been interfering in the karma and soul path of those going through the ordeal in the physical.
I read this book a year ago or so. I recommend it. It is also not very large, so it is a quick read. Truly fascinating. As someone who once did a few 'retrievals' in the astral (be they true ones or training exercises staged by my guides, honestly, which I cannot tell) it is very interesting. It is even more fascinating since it for a great part deals with astral projectors helping and appearing to physical people in the body - a thing I could never do or learn in this life I suppose. Those people were masters if they really could do it.


What this triggers in me is how it's important to come to the stage where we realize that we can create additional karma for both parties involved from our own interference when we are actually forcing a duality on another, such as doing something we think that is good and of the light. For example, by interfering in a situation without permission we may actually be influencing the path of an individual which was meant to go in a different direction, even if that direction had a negative outcome without our input, as it may have been planned and meant to be for growth of the person involved and growth of those around them.

A good example of what I am getting at was mentioned in Invisible Helpers by Charles Webster Leadbeater. He spoke of those of the Theosophical Society who had advanced a great deal with control of their astral experiences, and were able to travel in the astral and manifest in the physical into a solid enough etheric form to actually help people in situations that required physical help from another person, but this may have actually been interfering in the karma and soul path of those going through the ordeal in the physical.
Omg Laron the part about solid enough forms is something I am trying to understand as a possibility for the not so far away future when it comes to people who pass away to the other side. My two soulmates who left the physical plane not long ago have said many times that in the future they will be seen and even felt as if they are here literally in the physical and I thought maybe it had something to do with a personal adjustment of third eye and other inner senses...but I also wonder a lot about many experiences that other people have with spirit forms and even one that I had not long ago. The one that I had was a very strange one, to not make the story too long it was something like this:

I was going through heavy adjustments and one day out of the blue I was doing a mental exercise to imagine how we are from above the crown chakra connected to the ocean of Source and it became all of a sudden something so strangely tangible...I was not having at all an OBE or astral projection because I was fully conscious and standing in my physical body, but everything became more fluid yet physical at the same time, like jumping to a different density that is lighter. I was in my body, but I could no longer feel the heaviness of my own aura because it was merged with this gel-like substance that is invisible but that everything that we cannot see is made up of. It was a very very very pleasant experience like moving through this gel without losing myself in it at all. But if I surrendered a bit more to it, I could release myself to the Will of the substance and feel the consciousness of the substance but also the substance closing off on me very lovingly. Then, I felt also other subtly thicker energies around like how fish swim in the ocean, these were entities but none were harmful at all, everything was fluid and perfect but at the same time nothing changed in its physical qualities. In this density, if I used my mind I would start doing things that could defy all known notions of space and time so it was dangerous because of lack of readiness for it. Mostly there was this impression, that with one intention, one can literally leave the physical plane at will and go fully to the spirit world, but I was aware this could be death literally. So, somehow, I managed to come out of that density state. It was so weird. Very scary after a little while.

This experience then left me wondering if the reverse can happen in the sense that if people who left the physical or who simply do not have an incarnated aspect at all can step into that density state of the physical plane to meet us, meaning that they can materialize. I only found one source that mentions that Jesus was able to do this at will, to come back from the spirit realm without being born and then leave taking his physical body or dematerialize it.

Maryann I thought about you with this because the Renegades say they can appear in physical and I think it is possible that this is the method they could use if some of them do not have an incarnated aspect.

I am not sure that the part about going up there dematerializing the body is accurate and neither the part about people who left materializing again without being born but maybe both are possible the way I describe it?

What do you guys think?
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Having kids is a practical way to learn about being a Helper being. You need to lay down the ground rules, and reinforce them, but many of the things you do to help can be just pushed aside or rejected. I see it as small cycles, and go on to do the next helpful thing, so that over time, a pattern of love and being loved becomes apparent to my child.

As for the subject of light and dark, I find all the comments above thought-provoking (especially Sinera's Yin-Yang list!) Tao in play.

Taoist thought for the day: A good soldier is not violent. A good fighter is not angry.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I was going through heavy adjustments and one day out of the blue I was doing a mental exercise to imagine how we are from above the crown chakra connected to the ocean of Source and it became all of a sudden something so strangely tangible...I was not having at all an OBE or astral projection because I was fully conscious and standing in my physical body, but everything became more fluid yet physical at the same time, like jumping to a different density that is lighter. I was in my body, but I could no longer feel the heaviness of my own aura because it was merged with this gel-like substance that is invisible but that everything that we cannot see is made up of. It was a very very very pleasant experience like moving through this gel without losing myself in it at all. But if I surrendered a bit more to it, I could release myself to the Will of the substance and feel the consciousness of the substance but also the substance closing off on me very lovingly. Then, I felt also other subtly thicker energies around like how fish swim in the ocean, these were entities but none were harmful at all, everything was fluid and perfect but at the same time nothing changed in its physical qualities. In this density, if I used my mind I would start doing things that could defy all known notions of space and time so it was dangerous because of lack of readiness for it. Mostly there was this impression, that with one intention, one can literally leave the physical plane at will and go fully to the spirit world, but I was aware this could be death literally. So, somehow, I managed to come out of that density state. It was so weird. Very scary after a little while.
I sense what you mention here are the plasma beings. I had a dream this year that we are all going to be brought up to the status of plasma beings at one time or another.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of transients.info & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences there Karla.

This experience then left me wondering if the reverse can happen in the sense that if people who left the physical or who simply do not have an incarnated aspect at all can step into that density state of the physical plane to meet us, meaning that they can materialize. I only found one source that mentions that Jesus was able to do this at will, to come back from the spirit realm without being born and then leave taking his physical body or dematerialize it.
I am not sure that the part about going up there dematerializing the body is accurate and neither the part about people who left materializing again without being born but maybe both are possible the way I describe it?
What do you guys think?
So this is an area I know a lot about and I am wondering from which direction I should approach this first.

This is what I sense: Based on our time period right now, in connection to the astrological ages and cycles, which do fit into the Mayan long count calendar for another reference, the belief system and vibrational space the Earth resides in, makes it more difficult for some abilities to be used. So it's not so much about knowing how to do something and doing it, but that there is a limit on what can be done be accomplished at this time and in previous years.

Through many of my own past life regression clients (with the method QHHT) I have seen examples of their interactions down here on Earth, which are temporary, and they form a physical type of body for that temporary experience to accomplish their mission. This is one area of 'proof' for me.

So I mentioned Invisible Helpers by Charles Webster Leadbeater, which is a great and easy book to great that talks about this topic. But this is more focused on incarnated souls of course, however, the same principals apply.

People may wonder why this doesn't occur more frequenty, as in strange occurances in life that would be reported on film, in the media or alternative media, and so on, well, like I mentioned first, it's harder to do right now I feel, because of the time period and cycle we are in, but it will become a lot easier again, like it once was.

The other factor here is that the Earth is just one place, one plane, one realm, where when you finish a life here, you have other tasks to accomplish and other things to do as part of the process of soul growth, so unless there was some role / position, where you would permanently reside until you accomplished a certain goal that directly related with Earth, there would be no need to come down here and manifest.

Those who have passed over and want to visit their loved ones, won't immediately be able to do this, to manifest in the physical, unless they had a lifetime down here of mastering astral projection and the skills involved with materialising an etheric based physical form; but even then, to master astral projection and out of body travel, you would also be gaining an expanded level of spiritual and consciousness progression. And what this means is that your motivation to do such a thing after you finish a life here, may not exist, because of how you understand the functioning of life, and how it's important to detach and how such an experience would influence the life path of a person, so you may not even be 'allowed' to do it based on those monitoring you, which could be your own higher self.

So there are all these little reasons around why it's not more common, but most importantly I think it ties into our path. Just like with ET abductions, we are not meant to know about them as if we did, that would change everything for us. That is why our memories are manipulated so that it doesn't impact our soul contract.

I think that Lai's session with Mary and Jesus here is a good example to refer people to, to see how history has been influenced by higher vibational beings that sometimes manifest in the physical: The Cosmic Journey of Lai – Part 3 (note this is an automatically migrated article over to the new site so the formatting will be a bit off)

Topcis covered in the session (conducted in July, 2013):

-Joan of Arc and the task Lai had with helping her believe messages she was to be given
-The role the Pleiadians play with not only their interaction with Joan, but with many other interactions on Earth as well as with the shift in consciousness going on. The Sirians are also named as a primary group taking part
-The interaction and assistance Lai gave Mary while she was pregnant, and some very detailed information around Jesus’s birth and conception, as well as why he was sent to Earth in the first place
-Where Lai resides when he is not performing his tasks and roles
-Information on the status of the shift in consciousness/the event/GCE/the gathering, specifically around the timing of it and ongoing delays as well as detailed informationon what the cabal/dark forces/pirates are doing in relation to stopping specific events from occurring, to cause delays
-Information surrounding the earth changes relating to the shift​


Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences there Karla.

So this is an area I know a lot about and I am wondering from which direction I should approach this first.

This is what I sense: Based on our time period right now, in connection to the astrological ages and cycles, which do fit into the Mayan long count calendar for another reference, the belief system and vibrational space the Earth resides in, makes it more difficult for some abilities to be used. So it's not so much about knowing how to do something and doing it, but that there is a limit on what can be done be accomplished at this time and in previous years.

Through many of my own past life regression clients (with the method QHHT) I have seen examples of their interactions down here on Earth, which are temporary, and they form a physical type of body for that temporary experience to accomplish their mission. This is one area of 'proof' for me.

So I mentioned Invisible Helpers by Charles Webster Leadbeater, which is a great and easy book to great that talks about this topic. But this is more focused on incarnated souls of course, however, the same principals apply.

People may wonder why this doesn't occur more frequenty, as in strange occurances in life that would be reported on film, in the media or alternative media, and so on, well, like I mentioned first, it's harder to do right now I feel, because of the time period and cycle we are in, but it will become a lot easier again, like it once was.

The other factor here is that the Earth is just one place, one plane, one realm, where when you finish a life here, you have other tasks to accomplish and other things to do as part of the process of soul growth, so unless there was some role / position, where you would permanently reside until you accomplished a certain goal that directly related with Earth, there would be no need to come down here and manifest.

Those who have passed over and want to visit their loved ones, won't immediately be able to do this, to manifest in the physical, unless they had a lifetime down here of mastering astral projection and the skills involved with materialising an etheric based physical form; but even then, to master astral projection and out of body travel, you would also be gaining an expanded level of spiritual and consciousness progression. And what this means is that your motivation to do such a thing after you finish a life here, may not exist, because of how you understand the functioning of life, and how it's important to detach and how such an experience would influence the life path of a person, so you may not even be 'allowed' to do it based on those monitoring you, which could be your own higher self.

So there are all these little reasons around why it's not more common, but most importantly I think it ties into our path. Just like with ET abductions, we are not meant to know about them as if we did, that would change everything for us. That is why our memories are manipulated so that it doesn't impact our soul contract.

I think that Lai's session with Mary and Jesus here is a good example to refer people to, to see how history has been influenced by higher vibational beings that sometimes manifest in the physical: The Cosmic Journey of Lai – Part 3 (note this is an automatically migrated article over to the new site so the formatting will be a bit off)

Topcis covered in the session (conducted in July, 2013):

-Joan of Arc and the task Lai had with helping her believe messages she was to be given
-The role the Pleiadians play with not only their interaction with Joan, but with many other interactions on Earth as well as with the shift in consciousness going on. The Sirians are also named as a primary group taking part
-The interaction and assistance Lai gave Mary while she was pregnant, and some very detailed information around Jesus’s birth and conception, as well as why he was sent to Earth in the first place
-Where Lai resides when he is not performing his tasks and roles
-Information on the status of the shift in consciousness/the event/GCE/the gathering, specifically around the timing of it and ongoing delays as well as detailed informationon what the cabal/dark forces/pirates are doing in relation to stopping specific events from occurring, to cause delays
-Information surrounding the earth changes relating to the shift​

Laron your insights are fantastic! All the points you stated above resonate a lot. I love to understand many things through astrology because of how it reflects very well the electromagnetic influences at play individually and collectively and the cycles of such forces. Great explanation it really makes a lot of sense and also how some things can be allowed or not, especially the timing of many things that can happen when it comes to interaction with people on the other side. :D

I will read Lai's session, sounds very interesting.

Thank you very much my friend!! Hugs :D <3
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I sense what you mention here are the plasma beings. I had a dream this year that we are all going to be brought up to the status of plasma beings at one time or another.
LOL I like that!! Plasma beings sounds very fitting haha, which also reminds me how in the 80's people said that ghosts are made of ectoplasm, similar term.
Out of Time

Out of Time

Roaming Contributor
Sep 5, 2016
KarlaSM , I am glad to hear from you again and I hope you are doing fine, sis.

Laron , thank you for sharing this QHHT session. I do feel that the positive changes are delayed and I this is the reason why I didn't use to feel in alignment with the very hopeful. I am still not absolutely positive for the outcome and I think that if things don't happen in the next 20 years it will become progressively harder.

You are also right that if the truth is revealed that will affect our perception of reality. I really wanted to know why I got to have the karmic relationship with my ex wife. What I got to kind of made me respect her more but keep a bigger distance between us.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of transients.info & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
thank you for sharing this QHHT session
What I have found from following many different future forecasting sources and methods, (even though they all tap into the same thing) that anything talking about the future is likely going ot have a level of inaccuracy because of how the moment it is viewed, only the most likely possibilities can be determined. Meaning things change based on freewill and choice.

I had a strong feeling back in 2013 that things were meant to be very different, in terms of a number of expected earth changes, and that my plan had to be modified or updated to adjust for something that was more likely going to happen in my timeline and since then I have felt a bit out of place.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
KarlaSM , I am glad to hear from you again and I hope you are doing fine, sis.

Laron , thank you for sharing this QHHT session. I do feel that the positive changes are delayed and I this is the reason why I didn't use to feel in alignment with the very hopeful. I am still not absolutely positive for the outcome and I think that if things don't happen in the next 20 years it will become progressively harder.

You are also right that if the truth is revealed that will affect our perception of reality. I really wanted to know why I got to have the karmic relationship with my ex wife. What I got to kind of made me respect her more but keep a bigger distance between us.
I hear that, Slayer! I'm definitely one of those folks who feels that this shift needs to occur "NOW", dang it!

BUT, I do have to keep reminding myself that the kind of change we're talking about is in many ways a miracle...and we're also talking about something that has been unfolding for thousands of years. The fact that people are actually waking up and that they're creating positive change in the face of almost overwhelming negativity and control is HUGE. Add to that cultures of manipulation and control that have gone on for countless generations. I'm almost thunderstruck by the fact that it IS happening.

Have patience and take heart, my friend. In the cosmic sense, even a lifetime can be seen as the proverbial "blink of an eye". The fact that we're actually watching this all happen is absolutely awe-inspiring to me! As long as we hold our intentions firm in mind, make the personal choices that support that outcome, and work together to bring about positive change, at some point (that I believe is in the very near future) we'll be able to look at the world around us and know for certain that we did it.

Won't that be amazing????

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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
What I have found from following many different future forecasting sources and methods, (even though they all tap into the same thing) that anything talking about the future is likely going ot have a level of inaccuracy because of how the moment it is viewed, only the most likely possibilities can be determined. Meaning things change based on freewill and choice.

I had a strong feeling back in 2013 that things were meant to be very different, in terms of a number of expected earth changes, and that my plan had to be modified or updated to adjust for something that was more likely going to happen in my timeline and since then I have felt a bit out of place.
I certainly agree with that, Laron! Back in 2013-14, I was certain that things were going to get a bit rough. Although I was ready to accept that, I slowly came around to the feeling that things didn't necessarily have to go that way. I started envisioning a much smoother and more graceful transition, where many, many more people would be able to participate in the positive aspect of the changes. Thankfully, the timeline I seem to be experiencing thus seems to be just that...and I have every confidence that it will continue to be that way!

Out of Time

Out of Time

Roaming Contributor
Sep 5, 2016
Laron , thank you very much for including the League of Light in that article. I would be happy to know that more people in this distant world are aware of their existence.
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