The Event is Upon Us! (2 Viewers)

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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
There are so many posting a lot of different info, it’s confusing, probably deliberately, because if you cause enough chaos, you never get to the truth. The dark side is working hard to keep us from the light.
In my book, it’s best to go with your gut feeling, your intuition. If something feels wrong, it usually is.
Over many years, I’ve discovered that, if I ignore these feelings, it is to my cost, I’ve learned the hard way to take heed.

And don’t worry, Therium, it blocks everything, the higher self can’t get through. Worry is fear, which is the opposite of love, and if we can call anything an enemy, it is fear.
Meditation is such a help, just to sit and put all worries/anxieties aside. It’s paticularly good if one can go out into nature, and just ‘ BE ‘. It’s amazing how insights/knowledge can come to us at these times, especially while keeping infinite love in mind.
What insights come to us personally, have got to be the best, them I trust. We can only listen to what others have to say and use our judgement. <3


Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
Michigan used to be a free website with nice optional music, or sounds, a nice relaxing animated scene, and a timer, all on the free account. It looks like they don't have the free account anymore. Anyone know of any free websites like
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
Incoming Wave NOW…it’s stepped up significantly in it’s energy (or have we?). Both…
Wait, at 1:45am EST? Last night? Your post said 1:45am so I assume it has been adjusted to my time zone. Because yesterday at 1:15pm EST I got sick, just super tired, and just went home from work. It started in the morning about 4am EST but just got worse as I tried to fight off the fatigue. Fatigue and general malaise continues today but my stomach is messed up, which has no explanation as I've been really good at avoiding acidic foods for 5+ days in a row.


Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
Pod, thanks for your link. That explains a lot with me especially my constant fatigue. I (my soul) might very well be in the 4d and a bit in the 5d. I haven't had nightmares in 20 years! I've already faced those decades ago.
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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
I'm confused. Forgive me, this site is new to me but it's the next step in my path. So this site is like me beginning a new class (related to my dreams I mentioned in another post).

How does all the violence and negativity bring up the planet's frequency to be more positive?
You must break down old system to build new one! violence and negativity are part of this transition

more about indigo
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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
In the evening of October 29th and all the night into October 30th, there was a massive magnetic pole reversal on all remaining lower timelines that were merged together and destroyed. We experienced it in the 3D as a violent tempest with heavy rain and wind gusts of up to 80 – 100 km where we live and also in most parts of Italy that caused extensive floodings and numerous victims. This is the ultimate cleansing that will prepare Gaia and humanity for the final quantum shift. We did a powerful invocation and stabilized Gaia’s fields, so that the worst impact was avoided. In the coming days we will know more about this extreme energetic event of gargantuan proportions.

Therefore, it is absolutely wrong to have any doubts that nothing happens, quite on the contrary, we are now in an ever-expanding and exponentially ascending spiral and we no longer feel human. The shifts happen daily and each one of them may lead to the final quantum leap, or a major quantum leap of the timelines we live in that will change our reality for ever.

The old matrix is now crumbling big time and one must be blind not to see it. It follows very much the itinerary of the year 1989 when the Iron Curtain fell and even the march of the immigrant caravans in Central America towards Trump’s fictitious wall on the south border is a repetition of the Cold War scenario when the trains of emigrant candidates from DDR that were stranded in the West German embassies in Prague and Budapest drove through East Germany and triggered the dissolution of this ludicrous state end of October 1989.

Therefore, we can expect a lot to happen in November and keep an eye on 11.11.11 (11 = 2018) when all heads of western states, including Putin, will meet in Paris to commemorate the end of WW1 one hundred years ago. Something huge may happen around this powerful stargate that we first opened 7 years ago. And now enjoy Carla’s discussion that was inspired by the Agarthans and their message, which they were very adamant to disseminate through us.
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
The future ascension candidates will be aware during that time about the dire destiny that is awaiting the descending humans
I would suggest that a return to 3D isn't "dire". We've all been there for a long, long time (many lives) and there is no real death--just the death of a physical body/incarnation. As spiritual beings, we have infinite opportunities for growth and learning. I always try to remember that there IS no true separation, there is only the illusion of it. We are all "Source" and "Source" is us...therefore there can BE no real separation.

As I see it, there is unlimited "help" available (in the form of angels, guides, etc.) and ALL will eventually find their way "back to Source". Some may just stay a bit longer in the 3D "playground". It's all good...

How does all the violence and negativity bring up the planet's frequency to be more positive?
It's merely an experience and, particularly a catalyst for our own soul experience and growth. From the so-called "Higher" viewpoint, there is no true "negativity". That's a judgement we make from our human viewpoint when immersed in 3D. From the "Higher" viewpoint (really not "Higher", just more expanded) all is free will choice, creation, and beautiful.

Is it a "teaching moment" that says "if you don't fix things then things will be like this forever"?
Nothing is forever. Everything is in a constant state of change. What we humans think of as "forever" is really just the blink of an eye for beings with a more expanded viewpoint. Time is just a human construct and a 3D experience (although it can be experienced in 4D as well). It's much more "flexible" in 4D because we start to learn how to work around it.

In my book, it’s best to go with your gut feeling, your intuition. If something feels wrong, it usually is.
Spot on, June! You're a wise, young bird! :D <3


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Here is today's unusual happening.

Driving home on a 4-lane expressway, going 75 mph (speed limit). Traffic is light to moderate, with a big pickup truck to my right and a couple of cars behind me. There are several cars and trucks ahead. Suddenly I hear a male voice say "Yeah - let's go", which freaked me out because there was no way I would be hearing any voices with my windows up and going that fast. I immediately eased off the accelerator because I had anxiety about a hidden danger - those exact words - hidden danger. The cars behind me obviously slowed down, but the interesting thing was the truck beside me slowed down, too. I was scanning the highway for the "danger" when 2 sports cars a little ways in front hit the gas and took off in a race. One of them fishtailed but managed to straightened out.

Had we all not slowed down, the truck beside me would have been behind the car that fishtailed and possibly been hit, which would have set up a multi-car accident that included me.

This is today's puzzle - somehow I heard the voice of one of those drivers, which resulted in a change of behavior of several other drivers and possibly avoiding a major wreck. I did not have a feeling - I heard an actual voice.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I'm confused. Forgive me, this site is new to me but it's the next step in my path. So this site is like me beginning a new class (related to my dreams I mentioned in another post).
I'm confused too. I've been on this site for quite a while and I've found a lot of real gems here. Like June says above, some things others write will resonate for each of us and we'll hone our 'gut feeling' (or discernment) by doing so. Honing that gut feeling is, I believe, important.

I'm realizing that it's okay to feel confused sometimes and, in fact, I'm coming around to feeling that there are some things I won't be able to understand from where I now sit. Not really.
At least not until I do understand.
And that's okay. It's okay when I don't get it. It's okay when I do get it.

Have you ever read the book "Flatland"? It's about a being of 2 dimensions who cannot see the third dimension (above and below him). That is normal and it's how everyone else lives too. But then he starts to get glimpses. He can't really see that third dimension but he does start to become aware of it in glimpses. It's tough because nobody else sees even the glimpses and they call him crazy at first. Gradually the book, his awareness and his ability to deal with all of it, unfolds.
Sound familiar?
Great book. Could definitely read it as a bedtime story to one's kids and it's one of those stories that one's children would probably 'get' before the adults did:rolleyes:


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
This is today's puzzle - somehow I heard the voice of one of those drivers, which resulted in a change of behavior of several other drivers and possibly avoiding a major wreck. I did not have a feeling - I heard an actual voice.
It sounds like you summed it up below: 'God is afoot. Magic is alive. Alive is afoot. Magic never died.'
It also seems that it is getting easier to get in touch with these things. I guess they never died.
Perhaps they're waking from a long sleep.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I'm confused too. I've been on this site for quite a while and I've found a lot of real gems here. Like June says above, some things others write will resonate for each of us and we'll hone our 'gut feeling' (or discernment) by doing so. Honing that gut feeling is, I believe, important.

I'm realizing that it's okay to feel confused sometimes and, in fact, I'm coming around to feeling that there are some things I won't be able to understand from where I now sit. Not really.
At least not until I do understand.
And that's okay. It's okay when I don't get it. It's okay when I do get it.

Have you ever read the book "Flatland"? It's about a being of 2 dimensions who cannot see the third dimension (above and below him). That is normal and it's how everyone else lives too. But then he starts to get glimpses. He can't really see that third dimension but he does start to become aware of it in glimpses. It's tough because nobody else sees even the glimpses and they call him crazy at first. Gradually the book, his awareness and his ability to deal with all of it, unfolds.
Sound familiar?
Great book. Could definitely read it as a bedtime story to one's kids and it's one of those stories that one's children would probably 'get' before the adults did:rolleyes:
I like the sound of that book, Lila, is it by Edwin Abbott? There seemed to be a couple with the same name
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Yup, that's the author.
He had some follow up books too.
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
And that's okay. It's okay when I don't get it. It's okay when I do get it.
That’s what I’ve been concluding lately, too. And it’s OK if I don’t have the same abilities that others may have...we can all work TOGETHER as a team, each with his or her own talents! And I’m learning to trust that the right person or resource will come online or across my path at just the right moment.

It reminds me of a license plate frame I saw said, “Take the leap...the net will appear”! :)
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Involved Wayfarer
Feb 23, 2018
Q: Will the quantum shift be a global event?

A: The quantum shift is a global event, it takes place/ originates from “Italy”, as this is the highest vibration (location) on the planet now in this moment. North America is falling in frequency due to extreme judgment for which there is no recovery. This means there are extremely low vibrations/ vibratory actions taking place there.

It is the case that Italy and some other European nations (I see Croatia, Austria, southern Germany, and others) carry the energy of “Live and let live” – this forms the basis of their expanded consciousness and which is so important to the mission of the integration of the New Lemurian mission.

The quantum shift is global and will affect pockets of societies. The highest frequency societies shift first and yes, of course, there are individuals who shall shift, but there will also be whole societies that shall emerge victorious into the Light.

The Cities of Light shall manifest before those (people) of the highest frequency, who have done their successful inner work and who can hold a constant, steady frequency that will support their shift fully.

This shift will be characterized by experiences that will run the gamut from knowing nothing to knowing everything. This means the experience will not be fully available to all in the present moment, and it may be the case where some shall not notice anything, where some shall notice some minor changes and those perhaps on a more subconscious level, and some still will live and experience the full change.

The Cities of Light therefore will not manifest before all of humanity; the humans involved in the quantum shift shall move to the City of Light Shambala.
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Kevin C

Involved Wayfarer
Jul 27, 2016
Lotos: Very timely message! Synchronicity!

Yesterday I was considering asking a question about a dream I had the night before (two nights ago-Nov 1), and yet you may have answered the question.

I must have visited the City of Light Shambala that night.

In my dream, I was either AT/OBE/HS'd to a land of light, and a set of gates showed up. Similar to this:

Then the gates opened, and after walking in, beings of light started approaching me.
The scene is similar to this:

The light beings like this:

There were hundreds across the landscape, and they all came and greeted me as I walked/hovered(?) across the landscape. It seems they were welcoming me to the place.

Then they took me to the top of a tower in the middle of the land (instantaneous teleport), and looking downwards and around the tower, I could see the land similar in structure to Atlantis.
Basically the same as the picture in the article:

After that, they were telepathically telling me that the time is coming, be patient. To pass the message on.

Then the scene was filled with bright light, and I woke up in the middle of the night.

Anyone else had a similar experience?


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
I know that different analogies work for different people.

I really like this elevator analogy. I particularly like its acknowledgement that we are on multiple levels all the time and that we can and do go to different levels without necessarily realizing that we've done so. As Pod points out above, dreams count too and we all dream so, even if we don't think we do this, we almost certainly do; and that's just one relatively easy example.

I guess we can call them multiple dimensions or spaces or whatever we are learning to call them as we acknowledge that they exist. It seems to me fundamental to realize + acknowledge that there are multiple levels and that we can move between them.
Once we are 'all' pretty clear on this it seems likely that the language around it will sort itself out, since this seems to be how 'memes' work.
Then, once we have the language we can start trading ideas and having 'this worked for me. What worked for you?' conversations so much more easily. We can see this starting all around us and gaining momentum, which I love<3

It seems to me that that is when the fun really begins!:-D
i must think at charlie and the chocolate fabric with that, very entertaining film with was it jonny depp in it, ups i got the name wrong
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Anyone else had a similar experience?
I've been having a series of reoccurring dreams about being able to open a gate so people can pass through. I can see people moving around, happy and peaceful on the other side, but I stay at the gate to get people through. A startling experience was about healing for my dog, which is in this post.

I sure do like yours - as soon as I get all the people through the gate, I want to walk around there!
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
In the evening of October 29th and all the night into October 30th, there was a massive magnetic pole reversal on all remaining lower timelines that were merged together and destroyed. We experienced it in the 3D as a violent tempest with heavy rain and wind gusts of up to 80 – 100 km where we live and also in most parts of Italy that caused extensive floodings and numerous victims. This is the ultimate cleansing that will prepare Gaia and humanity for the final quantum shift. We did a powerful invocation and stabilized Gaia’s fields, so that the worst impact was avoided. In the coming days we will know more about this extreme energetic event of gargantuan proportions.

Therefore, it is absolutely wrong to have any doubts that nothing happens, quite on the contrary, we are now in an ever-expanding and exponentially ascending spiral and we no longer feel human. The shifts happen daily and each one of them may lead to the final quantum leap, or a major quantum leap of the timelines we live in that will change our reality for ever.

The old matrix is now crumbling big time and one must be blind not to see it. It follows very much the itinerary of the year 1989 when the Iron Curtain fell and even the march of the immigrant caravans in Central America towards Trump’s fictitious wall on the south border is a repetition of the Cold War scenario when the trains of emigrant candidates from DDR that were stranded in the West German embassies in Prague and Budapest drove through East Germany and triggered the dissolution of this ludicrous state end of October 1989.

Therefore, we can expect a lot to happen in November and keep an eye on 11.11.11 (11 = 2018) when all heads of western states, including Putin, will meet in Paris to commemorate the end of WW1 one hundred years ago. Something huge may happen around this powerful stargate that we first opened 7 years ago. And now enjoy Carla’s discussion that was inspired by the Agarthans and their message, which they were very adamant to disseminate through us.

and i was surprised by the rain amount and wind that explains it thx, even than not taken into account the rain was needed
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
This is today's puzzle - somehow I heard the voice of one of those drivers, which resulted in a change of behavior of several other drivers and possibly avoiding a major wreck. I did not have a feeling - I heard an actual voice.
Wow Linda.....that is an amazing experience. You are too valuable to Source to be lost in some crazy pile up so LIFE acted. You listened. Great.

I think it is going to be like this for many of us now.

Also I think that when we are driving a car or doing some monotonous task we can slip into a slightly hypnotic state which allows such messages to be heard.

Well Acted Dear Lady.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
A: The quantum shift is a global event, it takes place/ originates from “Italy”, as this is the highest vibration (location) on the planet now in this moment. North America is falling in frequency due to extreme judgment for which there is no recovery. This means there are extremely low vibrations/ vibratory actions taking place there.
An interesting post. This statement sets off "red flags" for me though. The events going on here (and indeed everywhere) are catalysts for growth. Some may be "falling in frequency", but MANY are not. Many are WAKING UP as a result of these actions. And I do not believe there is ANY case from which there can be no "recovery". Miracles can AND WILL happen! :D :)


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
So I had a very vivid and interesting dream just before waking this morning. In it, I and a few people whom I didn’t recognize but were clearly friends, were at a strange home in an urban environment. There had been some kind of accident, where we had been pushing a car (?) and it rolled into the home’s garage and did some damage. We were trying to contact the home owner, but no one appeared to be home.

We somehow managed to get into part of the home and learned that the person we were looking for was a Dr. Anderson. There was some kind of communication device, like high tech intercom, and we reached someone. They said they would come out. A short time later, a very advanced aircraft (it flew more like a “flying saucer” than a plane—although it was generally shaped like a modern fighter plane) arrived and landed nearby. A male with a beard and a female got out, but there was some confusion between us as to which one CLAIMED to be Dr. Anderson.

While my friends were engaged in conversation with these two in the back yard, I left the group to explore on the side of the house. Another pair, a clean-shaven dark haired male and an Asian female were in the glassed in front entry of the house, waving to get my attention. When I let them in, they told me that the first couple we met were imposters. The male seemed enamored with some onion plants at the side of the house and told me he had planted them some time ago and he was pleased at how much they had grown. The Asian woman offered to prove she was legit and located a hidden compartment in the side wall of the neighbor’s house. She pulled out a jeweled sword with a curved blade like a “schmittar”, then returned it to its hiding place. Then the two ducked back in the house to hide from the imposters.

I returned to my friends, managed to separate them from the imposters for a moment to explain what I had discovered. Then I showed them the sword in the hidden compartment as proof.

That was when all he’ll broke loose! For some reason, everyone started running to the house, we were engulfed in a strange energy that began to morph everything, and it looked very much like the scene in Tomorrowland where the characters are launched in the Eiffel Tower. There were all kinds of whirling stars, ripples in reality, etc. I remember realizing that we needed to STAY CALM, STAY VERY STILL, AND “NOT LEAVE OUR BODIES”. Even though I shouted out instructions to stay still and not move, some became frightened and ran around—and when they did, they split off into multiples. After a short time, perhaps just a few seconds, everything returned to normal and nothing appeared to have changed.

We decided to try and get back into the house, but there was only a tiny doorway that we tried to squeeze into. I managed only to get my head and one arm in, but I saw a control panel of sorts on the inside frame and read the simple directions to enlarge the opening so even the largest person could get in easily. When I activated that setting, the doorway enlarged to a very large opening and the house literally started to unfold and enlarge. What had been a small, city home quickly expanded into a sprawling, wood-clad mansion with a massive wooded lot. It even had its own ice skating rink in the back!

As we explored the property, we started to enter the rink. A couple of workmen approached, one riding a “Zamboni”. We were concerned about being rejected for trespassing and hid, but they saw us and were friendly, so we knew we were OK. That’s when I woke up.

I wasn’t initially going to share this dream, but then I ran across this Tw&tter post about a dream and suddenly knew I had to share it in all its ridiculous detail. You can read the Tw&tter post here:

The important thing that stood glaringly out for me was the part about “STAYING STILL”.

So...just putting this out there, for what it may be worth to any of you.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
i must think at charlie and the chocolate fabric with that, very entertaining film with was it jonny depp in it, ups i got the name wrong
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a hilarious book! I haven't seen the movie yet, but now that I know that Johnny Dep is in it, perhaps I will. He's an actor that seems to be able to make just about any scene (even morbid and icky scenes like so many those in the Pirates of the Caribbean series) funny and lighhearted.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I've been having a series of reoccurring dreams about being able to open a gate so people can pass through. I can see people moving around, happy and peaceful on the other side, but I stay at the gate to get people through. A startling experience was about healing for my dog, which is in this post.
Lol. I just posted about my remote group healing session which featured a stream running through it, which reminds of the stream your dog passed through. It's here:
Streams and gates like Kevin C's are ways to form a boundary.
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