Can ADD / ADHD be a gift? (1 Viewer)

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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Ah, the positive spin.
It puts a whole new perspective on everything!
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
It serves to be reminded that we're not in a sausage factory here - pushing out the same little product in either a skirt or pants. No, what is contained in that thin membrane of skin is a completely unknowable bag of potential - and part of the unfolding of life is for the person themselves to take time and repeated attempts at something (anything) to start to get an inkling of what that potential could be leading up to. Repressed potential due to fear of failure is so sad, and you can look at anyone in any decade to see that! The days of being pushed into mummy and daddy's limiting perspective of how you might be, or face the rest of your life living with rejection and non-acceptance, are finally over. Yay! I feel a celebration coming on.


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
Certainly thought provoking.

The question is however if there is suffering involved for the ADHS child on some level or not, even if only long-term. ADHS is not an easy life for some children (and later as youngsters or adults).

Children are normally very active, so this is still a part of 'normal' childhood behaviour. The general criticism is often that it gets diagnosed way too much. Some even argue that as a pathology it does not even really exist but just as a ploy for Big Pharma to prescibe their Ritalin drugs.

On the other hand, we have today so many factors in our society that might contribute to this behaviour such as e.g. overload of multimedia, electric radiation, food contamination, vaccines, drugs, constantly extroverted and ego-driven narcissistic (had to look it up how it's spelled honestly) behaviour fostered by social media, etc.

We also could do the same for the other "extreme" side of the (pathological?) spectrum: Autism / Aspergers / Savants. Personally, I see even more positive and less pathologal aspects in their behaviour, but maybe because as an introvert myself I sympathise or even 'identify' in part with this side of the spectrum.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Certainly thought provoking.

The question is however if there is suffering involved for the ADHS child on some level or not, even if only long-term. ADHS is not an easy life for some children (and later as youngsters or adults).

Children are normally very active, so this is still a part of 'normal' childhood behaviour. The general criticism is often that it gets diagnosed way too much. Some even argue that as a pathology it does not even really exist but just as a ploy for Big Pharma to prescibe their Ritalin drugs.

On the other hand, we have today so many factors in our society that might contribute to this behaviour such as e.g. overload of multimedia, electric radiation, food contamination, vaccines, drugs, constantly extroverted and ego-driven narcissistic (had to look it up how it's spelled honestly) behaviour fostered by social media, etc.

We also could do the same for the other "extreme" side of the (pathological?) spectrum: Autism / Aspergers / Savants. Personally, I see even more positive and less pathologal aspects in their behaviour, but maybe because as an introvert myself I sympathise or even 'identify' in part with this side of the spectrum.
Thank you for the synopsis, Sinera. I have a twin brother on the Autism/Aspergers spectrum, but not to the extent that it stops him living a "normal" life. It does make it harder for people to connect to him, though. I think this is a soul choice, as I was not born with it. When we were children, I was taken out of the middle of a school lesson to go to be tested, since they thought as his twin I must be the same. What a shock it must have been for them to find out that boy/girl twins not only have obvious differences, but in my view, the soul inhabiting the body is indeed quite different, with different multidimensional pathway histories/futures and different ways of being whilst being in this body in this life. Needless to say, my twin tested very highly on the intelligence quotient (IQ) I think between 120-130, and that pipped me, for sure (mine being high, but not in that range). It is sad that his Autism/Aspergers symptoms eclipse that level of intelligence, meaning he has the intelligence, but has difficulty in applying it, at least in a meaningful way when communicating with others.

On the other hand, my daughter believes she has ADD although that is not diagnosed and is not treated with Ritalin. What it means is that she is always saying she is bored, and she can't connect for long with any subject in particular, not even in conversation (which is frustrating for me as I like conversation!) When I look back on my life, I have never known a minute when I actually stated I was bored. Everything is fascinating, everything can go deeper, new secrets or occult meanings get turned inside out all the time, coming up to the light of day (especially on this forum, I find). Reading books is a treasure trove. But my daughter finds everything boring, nothing is worth the effort, and mind-glazing is her idea of fun. Having met many of her friends, I'm wondering if this is a generational thing? Is there some way where we as parents have failed in getting that young generation (millennial - born 2000 or later) to open up to the interest to be had in everything surrounding and within them?

Or is this just another effect of the evolution we are all currently moving through? I do feel potentially they are not connecting to things of 3D too much, because all that is going to change for them within their life times, and on a soul level they know that.


Elder Entity
Jul 28, 2016
Or is this just another effect of the evolution we are all currently moving through? I do feel potentially they are not connecting to things of 3D too much, because all that is going to change for them within their life times, and on a soul level they know that.
I get the impression these are maybe multi dimensional beings with a better understanding of out world and an inability to communicate (are they telepathic?) with us that drives a frustration- "Why don't these people get it?"I think they maybe more suited to post ascension life then now. Maybe they are Vanguards?
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Involved Wayfarer
Nov 13, 2017
I LOVE THIS! me and my ten year old daughter are very ADHD and she asked me a while ba ck if there was something wrong with her; if it was a bad thing... I told her that it wasn't her that everyone else is just viberating on a much slower level and they cant keep up so its not a problem for you its only a problem for those who dont keep up with her.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I heard that the very popular Percy Jackson series of books for kids started as bedside stories told by a father to his son as a way to explain that the boy's ADHD symptoms were really survival mechanisms for demigods<3... and I guess the stories progressed from there.

Questionable soul

Just Arrived
Nov 23, 2018
Thank you for the synopsis, Sinera. I have a twin brother on the Autism/Aspergers spectrum, but not to the extent that it stops him living a "normal" life. It does make it harder for people to connect to him, though. I think this is a soul choice, as I was not born with it. When we were children, I was taken out of the middle of a school lesson to go to be tested, since they thought as his twin I must be the same. What a shock it must have been for them to find out that boy/girl twins not only have obvious differences, but in my view, the soul inhabiting the body is indeed quite different, with different multidimensional pathway histories/futures and different ways of being whilst being in this body in this life. Needless to say, my twin tested very highly on the intelligence quotient (IQ) I think between 120-130, and that pipped me, for sure (mine being high, but not in that range). It is sad that his Autism/Aspergers symptoms eclipse that level of intelligence, meaning he has the intelligence, but has difficulty in applying it, at least in a meaningful way when communicating with others.

On the other hand, my daughter believes she has ADD although that is not diagnosed and is not treated with Ritalin. What it means is that she is always saying she is bored, and she can't connect for long with any subject in particular, not even in conversation (which is frustrating for me as I like conversation!) When I look back on my life, I have never known a minute when I actually stated I was bored. Everything is fascinating, everything can go deeper, new secrets or occult meanings get turned inside out all the time, coming up to the light of day (especially on this forum, I find). Reading books is a treasure trove. But my daughter finds everything boring, nothing is worth the effort, and mind-glazing is her idea of fun. Having met many of her friends, I'm wondering if this is a generational thing? Is there some way where we as parents have failed in getting that young generation (millennial - born 2000 or later) to open up to the interest to be had in everything surrounding and within them?

Or is this just another effect of the evolution we are all currently moving through? I do feel potentially they are not connecting to things of 3D too much, because all that is going to change for them within their life times, and on a soul level they know that.
I would beg you, with every fiber of my soul to avoid ritalin.. I made a post here a few moments ago on parenting, my boy and I. I neglected to state (if you read it) I was put on that stuff for 6 years, it was effective.. dumbed me right down all right.. it also led to a fairly prolific addiction to speed in my late teens early twenties... a place I found loads of comfort, because my head was moving at the speed of light.. I had the time to explore everything thanks to the effects.. my wit, identification, all sorts of stuff just really clicked.. like it should have without Ritalin.. numerous studies confirm it's bad shit.. those are difficult to find.. but I can tell you, of the ones I read, my life was in lockstep with the findings. I am no scientist, but I can say.. from the first pill, I noticed a change and I fought for all I was worth every single day not to take them.. and lost.. 6 years... and I will continue to pay for it till I leave this body... dont do this to your kid..Please. if I have offended you, I apologize..


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I would beg you, with every fiber of my soul to avoid ritalin.. I made a post here a few moments ago on parenting, my boy and I. I neglected to state (if you read it) I was put on that stuff for 6 years, it was effective.. dumbed me right down all right.. it also led to a fairly prolific addiction to speed in my late teens early twenties... a place I found loads of comfort, because my head was moving at the speed of light.. I had the time to explore everything thanks to the effects.. my wit, identification, all sorts of stuff just really clicked.. like it should have without Ritalin.. numerous studies confirm it's bad shit.. those are difficult to find.. but I can tell you, of the ones I read, my life was in lockstep with the findings. I am no scientist, but I can say.. from the first pill, I noticed a change and I fought for all I was worth every single day not to take them.. and lost.. 6 years... and I will continue to pay for it till I leave this body... dont do this to your kid..Please. if I have offended you, I apologize..
I'm sorry you had that experience with Big Pharma, and basically being moved about on the chessboard according to someone else's idea of what conforms. Love that you've moved passed it now, in your current era of life.


Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
A few things are familiar from my youth and even now nice suject


Involved Wayfarer
Jan 15, 2017
Oh yes I love this such an awesome perspective.a gift.
On a slightly different note, I don't believe it's an issue of illness/disease, but an issue with the label of such. Time to get rid of the box!
All of us, every single one, is a unique flavour, colour. An expression of the divine. Time to embrace it.
This subject is close to my heart.
My other half, given that label, ADHD. Fighting 40 years of stigma. Damaged by a system that condemns our gifts. Tells us we are "broken"
My eldest niece, 9 years old. ADHD. Medicated. Within the last year and a half I have watched the spirited, feisty soul disappear, she comes to me for our sleepovers now like a zombie, and I have to give her meds! heart breaking <\3
check , another spirit under control. :(( suppression,grrrr really boils my blood! my god how do THEY even still get away with it in this day in age!sigh.
With awareness increasing I just *know* the system is falling. No place for it anymore.
My own sweet darling daughter, my girl, so flowing and full of life, such energy.the fight in her, her spirit, wow, astounds me. Infact a lot of the kids being born now seem to be very advanced. Anyway.
they try to tell me, my girl Kaitlin, she is somehow wrong, they label her adhd and my blood runs cold. Overwhelming urge to protect her, mixed with anger/frustration at the system wana scream at them it's not her fault the school can't handle her and perhaps suggest they address that first!! I will pull my girl off the grid faster than they can say medication Grrrr!
These guys burn so fast they are like supernova I can't keep up with either of my two half of the time! they process in a way where everything comes rushing in like a train they have to keep flowing forever flowing so much energy to direct. they can't sit still in class because class is piss boring, and it doesn't sit right to them. Waste of energy. They see through/have little regard for the system. And THAT is why they are medicated, labelled.suppressed.A threat. A cowardly attempt to keep the world in its evil clutches.
With such immense intense energy, These guys are a force to be reckoned with. And the smiths know it ;)
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
anony. you might like to read your feisty little spirit the Rick Riordan books about Percy Jackson and friends. It was, I am told, written by a father who saw another narrative for his ADHD child/ren.

The first series starts with The Lightning Thief.

They are really fun books at a certain age (pre and early teens especially) and have a great alternate explanation for kids to sink their teeth into, even the ones who aren't necessarily into books. There are movies too, but I'm not sure if the movies share the ADHD part of the narrative. Mostly, I found something particularly magical about settling in for the night with a good book to read with our children. My husband and I used to push elbows a bit for the privilege, lol:ROFL: It warms all our hearts when we do so and finds a special place to settle into. Best done, in my experience, when jammies are on board and teeth are brushed. Yawn (in a great way)!


Involved Wayfarer
Jan 15, 2017
Lila thankyou for the recommendation I will definitely look into that :)) we love books in this house <3 i cherish those sleepy moments before bed as we cosy up to read, perfect end to a day :)
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