Government Advises Airlines To Spray Pesticides On Passengers (2 Viewers)

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Roaming Contributor
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Jul 23, 2016
Arkansas, USA
"Have you ever felt sick after flying, only to assume it's jetlag or a virus you picked up from another passenger? Well, think again! You might have been exposed to an insecticide, pesticides or other toxic chemicals – deliberately used by airline staff.

I think airline passengers should be outraged to know that poisonous chemicals are now being sprayed on planes regularly – DURING the flight, while travelers are inside the plane, This is true – the United States government is actually pushing this agenda of poisoning passengers."

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Involved Wayfarer
Jul 31, 2016
Vickie, I almost always end up feeling ill after a flight. It's disgusting that they are deliberately spraying us with these harmful chemicals. I remember flying into India from Dubai and being sprayed with God only knows what. Both my partner and I suffered instantaneous headaches and sore throats. The announcement was that they were spraying to prevent us from taking any potentially harmful bacteria onto land. Slightly unbelievable landing in what's considered to be one of the dirtiest countries on the planet!
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Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
Are they getting us used to being treated like insects? I see chemtrail planes as if they're flying cans of roach spray. Certain populations have always been exposed to it without a second thought. I know military are sprayed with stuff. My dad was burned badly when he was in a lineup of men on the ship being routinely sprayed with DDT while in the South Pacific (WWII)... it was supposed to be a certain low concentration but someone messed up and all the men got burned from the chemicals. My mother-in-law said kids were dusted with DDT powder coming into Australia, and they put it on their own bedsheets often (and I guess if you live in Aus you would know why!). I've heard lots of people say how they'd run behind the bug spray trucks that would drive around in the summers in the US, spraying for mosquitoes or Japanese beetles, to cool off and play in the cloud of pesticides. Now they're using small planes to spread pesticides over cities.

But this makes the friendly skies so much less friendly! I can't imagine sitting through a flight breathing that in. :confused:


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Are they getting us used to being treated like insects? I see chemtrail planes as if they're flying cans of roach spray. Certain populations have always been exposed to it without a second thought. I know military are sprayed with stuff. My dad was burned badly when he was in a lineup of men on the ship being routinely sprayed with DDT while in the South Pacific (WWII)... it was supposed to be a certain low concentration but someone messed up and all the men got burned from the chemicals. My mother-in-law said kids were dusted with DDT powder coming into Australia, and they put it on their own bedsheets often (and I guess if you live in Aus you would know why!). I've heard lots of people say how they'd run behind the bug spray trucks that would drive around in the summers in the US, spraying for mosquitoes or Japanese beetles, to cool off and play in the cloud of pesticides. Now they're using small planes to spread pesticides over cities.

But this makes the friendly skies so much less friendly! I can't imagine sitting through a flight breathing that in. :confused:
When I flew to and from Thailand I used to wear the eye cover over my nose and mouth with diluted colloidal silver in it because I did not want to breathe in the air from hundreds of people. But of course with these sprays, they are also getting into your skin. Ugh. Only thing I would suggest is dosing with MMS before and after the flight.
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Roaming Contributor
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Jul 23, 2016
Arkansas, USA
I've felt sick many times after flying but I had no idea why. I thought it was motion sickness. This is crazy!
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Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
... checked in with mum-in-law, and she said they probably still do it, as they were in the 1990s. Guys in spacesuits coming in the plane to spray everyone before they were allowed to disembark (her words). Probably why Aus hasn't got much in the way of hoof and mouth or mad cow, she says. I guess she means hazmat suits, lol... anyway, now apparently they're not bothering with specialists in protective suits, nor are they affording the flight attendants any protection:
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Roaming Contributor
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Jul 23, 2016
Arkansas, USA
... checked in with mum-in-law, and she said they probably still do it, as they were in the 1990s. Guys in spacesuits coming in the plane to spray everyone before they were allowed to disembark (her words). Probably why Aus hasn't got much in the way of hoof and mouth or mad cow, she says. I guess she means hazmat suits, lol... anyway, now apparently they're not bothering with specialists in protective suits, nor are they affording the flight attendants any protection:
I can't believe that, Maryann. It just seems like science fiction.
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Karen Albert

Involved Wayfarer
Aug 5, 2016
Wow. I don't fly much thank goodness, but I've never seen this happen. I am extremely sensitive to aerosol sprays, if I even hear my husband spray something in another room, I can tell, and end up coughing or feeling odd for hours afterwards.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
How about new products in travel wear - jackets that repel sprays, etc.
With this insanity, it could be a growth industry.
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Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
Love it, Linda! Back in the '60s, paper dresses were all the rage. Disposable and neat, and trendy too. Maybe it's time for that. Except they're very flammable, but one must measure one's risks.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Love it, Linda! Back in the '60s, paper dresses were all the rage. Disposable and neat, and trendy too. Maybe it's time for that. Except they're very flammable, but one must measure one's risks.
Not good on rainy days, either. :eek:
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Roaming Contributor
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Jul 23, 2016
Arkansas, USA
Love it, Linda! Back in the '60s, paper dresses were all the rage. Disposable and neat, and trendy too. Maybe it's time for that. Except they're very flammable, but one must measure one's risks.
Haha!! My mom had a few of those paper dresses. Someone gave her a few but she never wore them. She gave them to me and my sisters to play in. They were cool!!
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Tammy Kilgore

Lover of the the Light
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Jul 23, 2016
Pontiac, Illinois (USA)
My sinuses kicked in literally on flight when we went to Arizona in JUNE!!
NONE of it made any sense to me. That time of year is typically clear for me. That kind of dry heat is typically not a stimulator WHATSOEVER!!
This makes all the sense in the world to me as to what the heck happened. Thankfully I packed my trusted thieves essential oil and was able to get in under control after a few days. But this infuriates me!!!!!
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Roaming Contributor
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Jul 23, 2016
Arkansas, USA
My sinuses kicked in literally on flight when we went to Arizona in JUNE!!
NONE of it made any sense to me. That time of year is typically clear for me. That kind of dry heat is typically not a stimulator WHATSOEVER!!
This makes all the sense in the world to me as to what the heck happened. Thankfully I packed my trusted thieves essential oil and was able to get in under control after a few days. But this infuriates me!!!!!
I bet pesticide was either sprayed while you were on board or before. There shouldn't be anything allergy related in Arizona and especially in June.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
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Roaming Contributor
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Jul 23, 2016
Arkansas, USA
Zika Update: Mass Chemical Spraying Before All Dolphins Games To Officially Begin!

And this weird headline:
Dolphins spraying for mosquitos near stadium to ease Zika fears
Here we go as the Zika scare gets intense in the US. A few Brazilian doctors have already revealed that the head deformities shown are not caused by Zika. I wonder what's behind this. Is it the vaccines or something else?

(Weird, my comment repeated a few times when I pressed reply)
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Here we go as the Zika scare gets intense in the US. A few Brazilian doctors have already revealed that the head deformities shown are not caused by Zika. I wonder what's behind this. Is it the vaccines or something else?

(Weird, my comment repeated a few times when I pressed reply)
Just getting people accustomed to being sprayed.
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Healer & Empath
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Jul 31, 2016
Southern, California
Here we go as the Zika scare gets intense in the US. A few Brazilian doctors have already revealed that the head deformities shown are not caused by Zika. I wonder what's behind this. Is it the vaccines or something else?

(Weird, my comment repeated a few times when I pressed reply)
What if it's the fukashima disaster causing all the crap and they are blaming it on other things. I for one Never hear about fukashima on the news.
As far as being sprayed on aircraft thank goodness I don't fly but just thinking about it ticks me off. Unbelievable
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Very apt Salli....I've been "Grrrring" on and off for about a week now! When I book my next flight, then I will specifically ask if the airline sprays passengers and then decline their custom if they do. It is the only way to stop this.

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