The Incoming Energies Thread (1 Viewer)

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
I was thinking to my self, where should I create this thread on the Forum? I decided in the end to stick it on the shift in consciousness board, as while there are always going to be incoming energies, especially from the Sun and the astrological influences, the shift and the new earth situation is really the main catalyst in our lifetime. We have energies incoming from exploding stars, the galactic center (black hole), comets, dwarf planets, and more.

This thread is where you can go to report how you are feeling on an energetic level, to share and possibly validate with others. Feel free to include solar activity and so on and so forth based on influences you may be aware of.

Some great information came through about what is influencing us in one of the QHHT sessions I conducted with my client Lai Jumoke, who's one of our moderators on the Forum (He's not on much though as his new University position in CA, USA, keeps him busy.) The transcribed session can be found here. Below is a description of the parts of the article which relate:
  • Lai is taken to a broadcasting centre in the sixth dimension operated by energy beings. This place sends gamma-ray energy to the Earth for a number of different reasons. Detailed info explains what is going on this month with the energies, as well as mention of info packets being sent to Earth that contain new ways of doing things, such as new healing modalities — created by varying races of ETs.
  • A number of key sources sending energies our way, from asteroids, comets, Nibiru, the Sun, an alignment and the Galactic Center.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I don't know if it was the energies turning this way and that way last weekend, but Sun night I was so restless. Normally a sound sleeper I couldn't sleep. There was so much energy pouring through me. I've felt energy running through my body many times, usually when I'm relaxed in bed, but never quite this strong. It started in my head and initially stopped below the chest. The brow, throat and chest felt the most consentration, made me think. ' chakras ' then it descended down to my feet. It stayed for some time and gave me quite a headache. . I wondered if anyone else felt something similar.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I don't know if it was the energies turning this way and that way last weekend, but Sun night I was so restless.
I did, also - big energies, headache, and restlessness.


Mystic Healer and Astral Explorer Author
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High Solar radiations causing geomagnetic storms (and new light codes coming since the last weeks). I think of the last energy updates and channels I had posted here.
These are from the page of one of my FB friends who posted them today.

"It had to do with the fact that we were already going through more than a week of High Solar Radiation causing multiple GeoMagnetic Storms.
Then all of a sudden these significant Solar Flares sent intense x-Ray Radiowaves that reached us within minutes causing several Radio Blackouts in wide areas of our Planet.
And after several Solar Flare Explosions, a CME Coronal Mass Ejection occurred and these High Speed Solar Radiation Clouds take 1-3 days to reach Earth and then heat up our Heads and Bodies and destabilize our GeoMagnetic Field.

So that's where we are in now. The Solar Flare activity seems to slow down but can happen any moment again, and we are into New GeoMagnetic Storms" From Timothy's post.

I have been having these same symptoms for more than a week. It began on March actually and I have been coping with them. Sometimes I al all sweaty. i cannot control the heat coming. Al I can do is sending it back to Earth. And it works. Earth help us so well in this !



Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I had a hard time getting to sleep too. Big energies, no headache, but it's all good. When that happens now, I just try to feel "grounded" and immersed in "All That Is" and relax into it. I then imagine the energy flowing through me and blasting Love out to everything like a beacon!



Mystic Healer and Astral Explorer Author
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I had a hard time getting to sleep too. Big energies, no headache, but it's all good. When that happens now, I just try to feel "grounded" and immersed in "All That Is" and relax into it. I then imagine the energy flowing through me and blasting Love out to everything like a beacon!

I do the same
I feel it coming
It comes from above then I feel it in the heart
So I guess there is something going on at that level.
I just accept it and send it to earth to share that love and energy


Frequency Modulator
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Jul 25, 2016
This may be a helpful resource to explore: HeartMath Institute's Live Data page

You'll find lots of charts, including Schumann resonance, solar wind, Global Consciousness Project variance... all on one handy-dandy page.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand " A moderately strong G2-class geomagnetic storm is underway on May 27-28 as Earth moves through the wake of a CME that swept past our planet just hours ago. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras, especially in the southern hemisphere where deepening autumn darkness favors visibility."

Here's the state of the kpindex right now.


See how it's reached seven? That indicates that this is now a G3 storm, not a G2. Here's the information on what that can indicate, below.

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Mystic Healer and Astral Explorer Author
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From a Facebook Friend Timothy Roberts

"This whole last week shows quite some extremes, and it is for everyone to see and feel what kind of Space Weather Anomaly impacts and impacted you the most.

Since May 20th, we have been in a constant Electron Storm with around 100,000 Electrons per cm2 instead of only 1,000. Many of us Feel Highly Charged all week because of this and have loud beeps in both ears. (First picture)

May 23rd, a partly EarthFacing CME occurred, expecting to impact Earth last Friday 26th afternoon UTC.

May 26th in the early Friday morning hours UTC (still Thursday evening in the US), I couldn't sleep because of High Speed Solar Winds of over 800 km/s and though this was likely an early arrival of the expected CME, it has never been reported as such. (Third picture)

On the Expected late afternoon CME arrival time, nothing happened. (Third picture)

Then yesterday evening UTC, more than 24 hours after the expected CME, a sudden increase in Solar activity with hardly any Solar Wind Speed increase but significant density and temperature increase, we went into extreme GeoMagnetic Storms.
(Third and Fourth picture)

The InterPlanetary Magnetic Field was Southward directed so it could very easily flow into our Earth's Magnetic Field.
It's a serious Storm that will continue being unstable for a few days.
Air Traffic is or was in trouble. London canceled all flights.
Power plants here and there were going down.
The week-lasting Electron Storm immediately stopped. (Second picture)

Right now, my ear beeps are still very strong and I still feel charged but my head feels a bit fevery again. Microwave Oven days."

I am having most of these symptoms and the ear beeps are very strong. The Earth is uploading crystalline energy from the Central Sun

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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
USA " A moderately strong G2-class geomagnetic storm is underway on May 27-28 as Earth moves through the wake of a CME that swept past our planet just hours ago. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras, especially in the southern hemisphere where deepening autumn darkness favors visibility."

Here's the state of the kpindex right now.

View attachment 2443

See how it's reached seven? That indicates that this is now a G3 storm, not a G2. Here's the information on what that can indicate, below.

View attachment 2444
Interesting how it completely ignores any possible affects on the human body...


QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Amazing pictures. I caught an article on with a few photos of the event as they saw it in New Zealand. This is the exact type of thing that I have been expecting to occur more frequently, and to appear in geographical spots that never see it, as the shift continues on!


QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
In Ben's latest video, he has a good section talking about the recent increase in solar rays.

I know some people had some trouble sleeping a couple of nights ago, this may relate. Below is a graph of the state of the electron flux.


While the kp index was low, other space energies can occur that also cause consciousness and physical changes!


Here is Ben's Suspicious0bservers YT channel video.



Thank you Laron :)

When there are no geomagnetic storms, the Cosmic energies flow more strongly and these ones are of much higher frequency than the solar ones. So what happens is that when the sun shows no apparent activity for many days then the Cosmic rays radiated become stronger and more constant.


Mystic Healer and Astral Explorer Author
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I was feeling this and had hard time with sleep during the last 3 nights
My thought is that something going on with all this
The Earth's frequency has increased and I can feel it in my feet and hands and also my crown chakra spinning with vertigos
Burning hands too


Embracing Mystery, Mostly
Retired Moderator
Jul 30, 2016
I could hardly sleep more than two hours in the past three nights. I took it as personal failure, as I was messing up my ability to work, though I could dredge up no remnants of self- sabotage. Meaning I did not know what was going on. So, I think that equals PHEW.

Thanks. I was not thinking of cosmic causation.
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The magic has always been within you.
Retired Global Moderator
Jul 21, 2016
From Kansas, living in Texas
Had an unusual occurrence this morning. Got a massive nosebleed that went on for 30 minutes before I could get it to stop. Laid down for an hour, got up, started again. Laid back down. Finally after 2.5 hrs I was able to get up and stay vertical but taking it very easy today. I never get nosebleeds but last week I had a one of a few drops then stopped. Didn't think too much about it...perhaps it was tied to a meaningful passage I was reading in the final few pages of the Hands of Light book and thought the universe was sending me a message but not sure. But after today it makes me wonder just what is going on?


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Bill, sometimes in the morning, after I've been "out and about" I have a bloody nose, but not one that has gone on for any length of time. I know mine are a result of experiences in the astral. I've not had one in a long time though.


Mystic Healer and Astral Explorer Author
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Nose Bleeds: A need for recognition. Feeling unnoticed. Crying for love. Nose represents self recognition.
Hope this would help you :)

Had an unusual occurrence this morning. Got a massive nosebleed that went on for 30 minutes before I could get it to stop. Laid down for an hour, got up, started again. Laid back down. Finally after 2.5 hrs I was able to get up and stay vertical but taking it very easy today. I never get nosebleeds but last week I had a one of a few drops then stopped. Didn't think too much about it...perhaps it was tied to a meaningful passage I was reading in the final few pages of the Hands of Light book and thought the universe was sending me a message but not sure. But after today it makes me wonder just what is going on?


The magic has always been within you.
Retired Global Moderator
Jul 21, 2016
From Kansas, living in Texas
Do you suffer from allergies? You may look into it. Sometimes they bring about nose bleeds -my case. Nevertheless, two and a half hours? Only knew of one case like that many years ago, my dad's. Doctors had to cauterize.
Carl - no particular allergies. It stopped after about 30 minutes as long as I was laying down. But took a couple of hours to heal up enough that it didn't restart when I stood up. Not painful, but very messy!


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Bill, I have been a nose-bleed sufferer all my life, and those long ones are very trying and worrying. However, I learned a simple trick along the way. Get a packet of frozen food and cushion that around the back of your neck (while sitting up). The cold has worked every time to shut off the bleed quickly. Once I was driving down a major highway and a bad bleed started up. I was forced to leave the highway, and seek help from a stranger at the first house I arrived at. Yes, the saviour was a bag of frozen corn and peas.


I used to bleed a lot as a child, and it would last for a very long time. Then when my mom found out how bad it was she learned a super easy method, I think as effective as the one Hailstones mentions. Just add some vinegar to a tissue and stick that inside your nose like this and it stops instantly:


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