Event Group Distant Healing | Weekend: June 9, 2018 (1 Viewer)

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Creator of transients.info & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
I hope some of you don't miss this thread because I've again made a bit of a change with the title. With our remote viewing events, the title has been somewhat similar to these threads. I've always used the term distant, rather than remote, for distant healing, but originally went with remote for this purpose because that was the more popular word online when it came to distant healing. (I'm not about popularity though, I'm about doing my own thing!)

Last week we had a focus on using the power of manifestation to create mechanisms to help us, but not in the physical sense, as the focus was beyond the physical. This week we will return to a regular session of sending and/or receiving healing so that we are in the best state possible to help others, and ourselves.

If you missed it, I'm putting together a series of courses on consciousness exploration (aka spiritual development). So far it's looking like I may have up to five or six courses, from beginners to advanced. There are different levels, with the uppermost level being out of body exploration. Being able to consciously leave this reality is a very powerful and direct experience for us. It automatically dissolves layers of fear, but enables us to have many opportunities of further spiritual growth. It's not just one door that opens, but many when having a conscious experience out of body.

I'm offering a 50% discount on the price of the courses to anyone that signs up now to the email newsletter, which will just keep people updated on the progress and will be a way to let people know when the courses are available. Contact me if you would like to be added to the list — it doesn't mean you have to actually take up the courses and purchase anything. (You can unsubscribe — "opt out" anytime from within the email, which seems to be the new term going around.) There will still be a discount for long term members of the Forum when the courses are leased but it won't be that large.

What this means, about the courses, is that I will likely be running more activities in the long run, possibly live group activities online. The courses are self paced, therefore there is no scheduled time to have to listen to me, as I will include pre-recorded material alongside a lot of other written materials and activities/tasks to complete. But to assist people, group work is powerful and very motivational, so having a group to join rather than doing it alone, whatever the activity is, can make a huge difference.

Anyways, I will leave it there and I will sense you all tomorrow for this distant group healing!

The usual introduction is below for our healing sessions

For those new to these sessions, or if you simply want to me reminded on how to connect in and what methods you could use to send healing, see this article hereon transients.info.

The purpose of these 30 minute weekly sessions is to send healing to each participant, which can be accomplished by focusing on individuals or the group, deepening on what methods you chose to use. You are always free to set secondary intentions around focusing on world events that may need some helping energy — on other levels our group also works in a multi-dimensional sense. Sometimes we get healing requests within the replies here, so do check back here just before the sessions begins.

Let us know if you are joining by responding here or contacting me from the Contact Us form on transients.info. The session is only 20 minutes and you can send, and or receive healing; it is up to you. Anyone can heal, no training is required to participate.

Please provide any feedback on here if you receive any and feel comfortable sharing.

The setting we have chosen to visualize when first connecting in, and to anchor that connection, is a forest clearing. Think of a opening inside a forest where there is a large crystal in the center that we gather around. The ground could have moss or grass, perhaps even dirt or another surface that appears to you. There may be the sound of a waterfall nearby which could result in a river that you could see, or not. You could start off here and then go off to another place of your choosing to send and/or receive healing. Some people find themselves being taken on a journey where they are shown other things during a session, but we all experience this in our own unique ways.

You can find further information about these sessions through the link, Weekend Healing, on transients.info.

Current Timing

The time for the session is the same each week, based around Laron's time to make things easier, which is 1 PM on a Saturday in Texas, USA (CDT). All the other times reflect this time, but this time is worked out to accommodate the greater number of people based on their geographical location.

USA: Saturday: 2 pm EDT, 12 PM MDT, 1 pm CDT, 11 am PDT
Europe: France (Paris), Switzerland, Sweden, Saturday: 8 pm
UK: England (London), Ireland (Dublin), Saturday: 7 pm
Russia: (Moscow), Saturday: 9 pm
South Africa: (Johannesburg), Saturday: 8 pm
Australia: (Sydney, AEST) Sunday: 4 am, (Perth) Sunday, 2 am
New Zealand: (Auckland) Sunday: 6 am

To understand about joining outside of the set time, which you are free to do so and the hosts do this sometimes because of other commitments, just check out the instructions on how to send healing here, which I linked to above as well.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I will find some time to join in.

Please keep our family in your thoughts as my father passed away this week. I feel I know he is exactly where he needs to be, and in some ways closer to me than ever so it's really for the rest of us that I am asking for healing.

Thank you in advance. I don't imagine I'll have much time to answer any responses for a while.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
Lila , I am very, very sorry for your loss. *big hug* Sending you and your family love and comfort.
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Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I will find some time to join in.
Please keep our family in your thoughts as my father passed away this week. I feel I know he is exactly where he needs to be, and in some ways closer to me than ever so it's really for the rest of us that I am asking for healing.

Thank you in advance. I don't imagine I'll have much time to answer any responses for a while.
I will be joining.
So sorry Lila, I hadn’t read the posts properly.
Much love and hugs
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
So as I joined the group healing, I saw myself walking toward the clearing where we meet. My feet crunched fall leaves, then snow, then across a field of spring flowers, and then into the grassy clearning in the sunny summer. The crystal shown a bright white light that encapsuled me. I then saw Lila ’s and her family. I directed a soft pink light in the shape of a heart over them, providing peace & comfort & love.
I then directed this light at myself, providing self-love.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I joined this session twice.
Once was a brief visit during a joyful gospel choir concert that I had the thought I'd like to share with this group. So, if you sensed some dancing and clapping to the sounds of a rousing choir, that was from that event which, for me, was the perfect counterpoint to the sadness over the recent loss of my dad. Of course, gospel music has its tear jerking moments so there were tears for me too. What I most resonated with was how the songs took that grief and transformed it into joy and affirmation of life.

During the session in which I tuned in the usual way, I got a bunch of fairly typical images of joining our group outdoors in a circle with the crystal in the center and then I must have drifted off since I don't recall much for a while. What I recall clearly was then seeing my father as he looked when he'd died. He lay there until his eyes started to melt off his face and wander around the area. There were several sets of his eyes. I asked what was happening and felt that he was watching us (his family) so I asked if that was the case and got confirmation. When I looked back, he looked like he had been originally, and the sense of his eyes watching his loved ones remained. Then I saw a heart beating at the center of our circle. This felt like his heart beating with ours, adding his love to the group. Then his arms came and encircled the group in a big hug encompassing all of us together. Again, I asked if this was his way of showing that he was watching us, sending his love and embracing us and got a warm feeling of joy that I had gotten his message.

From here I saw a figure and heard the phrase 'Redefine the girl'. This was encompassed by bright light that lit the figure who became a multilayered figure of a girl, layered in time with younger and older versions of herself layered within the space as she glowed increasingly brightly. That's all I got for that image and I believe that message was meant precisely as it appeared; a message to redefine the girl I was and am and will be in a bright-lit kind of way. The feeling of it remained for a time in a way that seemed to emphasize the message and its import and so that I could 'get' all of the message clearly. This was all echoed in my head, and throughout my torso, as a strong tension that is in the process of resolving itself. (A piece of the tension in my head 'popped' into place as I was writing this).

To put this last comment (about the tension centered in my head) in perspective, this is what happened the day my father died. I had a healing session which had been scheduled more than a month ago when none of us expected things to go so rapidly for dad. I decided that healing was just what I needed that day so I went. There was a huge tension centered in my head which resonated throughout my torso and which had been building over the last few weeks and was really intense. When the person helping me connected with the tension what came up for me was that my father was there letting me know he was still with me in a way that felt closer than ever. He then did what some other 'figures' have done. These previous figures I believe to have been aspects of myself from past lives and, in particular, parts of myselves that had been put away for safekeeping until the time was right. He appeared in front of me, as these others had done, and then I was looking through his eyes which were looking through my eyes. I understand this 'seeing through my eyes' to be a process of 'integration' of parts of myself that were meant to rejoin me when the time was right. As my father's figure started to see through my eyes, the tension in my head and body mostly resolved. Pieces of it still remained to be followed up on. It felt like this figure that appeared when I was told to 'Redefine the girl' was a task/means of resolving the tension that is left.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Thanks to all of you who are sending your love.
Clearly, something/somebody/somebodies is/are helping me out:-D
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
Lila , thank you for sharing. I think it is important to talk about these things. I will send you the pink heart light daily at 7:30pm daily for a week & then go from there.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Yes, I agree that these things are very important to talk about, when one is able and willing.
Biiig thanks, @Anaeika<3:-D<3
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Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
thx for your sharing Lila that raised my horizon again to a certain degree :)
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