
  1. Brad

    Article Violet Light Meditation By Brad Austen

    Many people around the world are feeling frustrated, confused and angry about the lockdowns and the situation on the planet. If you are a light worker or simply want to help in some way during these times, then this meditation may inspire you during your quiet times and meditation. The...
  2. Vickie

    How I Heal Myself

    The world can sometimes be a tough place to live in this incarnation. We witness, and are a part of, so many negative events around the world. Even trying to keep food on the table and a roof over our heads can sometimes be very daunting. This stress plays a big part in how we feel and a very...
  3. Mike

    using visualization imagery to speed up healing of injury

    This is talking about sport injury but in my opinion can be used for normal everyday injuries. This explains how it can be useful for self healing using visualization imagery with intention to speed up recovery. At the end their is a sample visualization or meditation for an injured knee but the...
  4. Brad

    Tips Taming the Monkey Mind

    One of the tricky things about meditation, can be taming the monkey mind, or constant chatter. Even regularly meditators can experience this from time to time. It can be an unrealistic assumption to have no thoughts during meditation, but with practice you can extend the gaps of silence in your...