Total Solar Eclipse 2017 (1 Viewer)

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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
There have been a few mentions of the upcoming total solar eclipse (on August 21, 2017) in a variety of other posts, but I wanted to start a specific thread for it so we could share thoughts, ideas, and experiences before, during, and after the event.

This is a rare event in that the "umbra" or shadow of the eclipse will traverse the entire continental United States, sweeping from the coast of Oregon to the coast of South Carolina in a matter of just a few hours. There are quite a variety of websites and information dedicated to this phenomenon and, of course, much anticipation for the event for those interested in astrology, astronomy, esoteric research, and metaphysics.

Based upon quite a few recent and related blog posts, articles, and discussions, many with interest in "mystical", energetic, and spiritual realms seem to feel (as I do) that this is not just a landmark event for our collective, but an opportunity as well. It can be seen as a once-in-a-lifetime experience--one in which our collective and individual highest intentions may be carried forward with added power and speed.

I'm greatly looking forward to the eclipse and will be travelling to Oregon with my family. We'll be taking a "mini vacation" that weekend and checking out the area carefully as, rather coincidentally, we're considering the possibility of moving there one day.

I've already received my solar eclipse viewing glasses and lodging confirmation, as this event is already being billed as one of the heaviest travel times in the US--perhaps EVER!

In any case, I'll look forward to the updates, photos, and conversations as we all experience this fascinating event in our own unique way!


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I hear the camping spots are full.
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I hear the car ping spots are full.
Everything for at least 500 miles around the area was booked when I started searching about a month ago. I couldn't believe it when, after several hours of research and a dozen disappointing phone calls, I finally found a cabin on a little riverside resort in the mountains that was PERFECT.

There was clearly some "Divine Intervention " going on there!


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Earlier this evening, I sent emails to the families at our end of the street about the eclipse and gave them the website for Wow, this site has everything you could possibly want to know.

Then my husband handed me a book he just finished reading - American Eclipse that is about the one that happened in the late 1800s. People traveled to see it then, too. I'll let you all know about the book.

I figured I could make eclipse cookies - shortbread cookies (sun) with chocolate icing (moon).


QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
I just used the Forum bookmark feature to keep an eye on this one. It would be good if people could post information they have found that relates to this upcoming event. I may make an article out of everything we come up with for the front page sometimes, so we can get opinions from many sources.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
There are quite a variety of websites and information dedicated to this phenomenon and, of course, much anticipation for the event for those interested in astrology, astronomy, esoteric research, and metaphysics.
Yeah! Astrologer Mark Lerner has an article dealing with it in his site and spoke about it during a nationally syndicated radio program a few days ago. Here is the article for those astrology-minded folks:


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Yeah! Astrologer Mark Lerner has an article dealing with it in his site and spoke about it during a nationally syndicated radio program a few days ago. Here is the article for those astrology-minded folks:
Interesting article! It's a bit too "doom and gloom" for me though, despite the author's insistence that he doesn't believe in it.

Believe me, I do understand the safety issues, but my feeling is that this event (as with everything else) can go down smoothly and easily too. If one is travelling for this, it may certainly be wise to pay attention to and plan for contingencies like lodging, gas, food, water, and perhaps even have some cash on hand, just in case local ATMs run short or payment systems get overloaded. I plan on doing so and that's always prudent.

That being said however, I'm looking forward to enjoying a wonderful, awe-inspiring, and perhaps even mystical event! I might even have the rare opportunity to share the moment with a few "strangers" (who are really just "other selves" in earth disguise) along the way!

:) o:)

One of the author's comments about past attitudes really annoyed me though. He wrote, " the ancient shamans, scribes, and tribal chiefs, an event like the celestial magnitude of a TSE was something magical, mysterious, possibly dangerous and divine – more to be savored, understood and witnessed carefully by perhaps a single, wise individual or a small group, not necessarily everyone."

Wha...really? So the rest of the people were supposed to hide themselves in their caves, hovels, or tipis while the so-called "elite" and powerful enjoyed the spectacle? Pardon me for saying so, but this entire line of thinking really rubs me the wrong way--and it just reeks of an old, controlling, elitist energy. Since when, and by whose "wise counsel" or authority did it become inappropriate for the so-called "common person" to behold and enjoy one of the rarest and most awe-inspiring spectacles of Creation? Obviously, someone who wanted to appreciate the incredible sense of connection to Source--and keep it purely to themselves.

<Sigh> I guess that kind of attitude is just one of the reasons that humanity and society have become such a fouled up mess.

:rolleyes: O_o :confused:

Well, I'm certainly glad to see that times have changed--and that everyone can enjoy this event. I sure plan on doing so!!!



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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I gave the avatar/name Nash to a phone contact of mine, because he likes music, and I was thinking of Nashville. Then I saw a Path of Totality map with Nashville being one of the key viewing spots (and obviously being washed with all the cosmic energies as it is directly in the path).
I wonder if my intuition has spiked on something here? Anyone in the US feel as if Nashville could be the place to be?

From Solar Eclipse Fast Facts

  • The last total eclipses visible in Nashville were July 7, 1442, and July 29, 1478, (right at sunrise) with annular eclipses Dec. 25, 1628, (right at sunrise) and Oct. 19, 1865.
  • The next total eclipse Nashville can anticipate seeing is on Aug. 16, 2566, with 2 minutes and 15 seconds of totality


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
One of the author's comments about past attitudes really annoyed me though. He wrote, " the ancient shamans, scribes, and tribal chiefs, an event like the celestial magnitude of a TSE was something magical, mysterious, possibly dangerous and divine – more to be savored, understood and witnessed carefully by perhaps a single, wise individual or a small group, not necessarily everyone."
My reading of that is that since humanity accepted the illusion of separation as their state of being, only those who were spiritually inward-looking (which would be few in number) would be attuned to the sacred and zodiacal meanings of celestial events. Others perhaps were too tied up in the mundane, egoic world of "winner takes all".

The same is the case today - but maybe not for much longer! if refined levels of esoteric consciousness can permeate the collective consciousness.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Interesting article! It's a bit too "doom and gloom" for me though, despite the author's insistence that he doesn't believe in it./QUOTE]
It seems to me that one could also read that article as being a story of attempted 'nudging' Bloom's features by some, which are unvalidated by the manyas as a result of the Regulus, Sirius 'nudging' Love's aspects he discussed toward the end of the article.
Stargazer, I am guessing that this would be much more of an interpretation you might resonate :)

I will
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Since I'll likely be held in slack-jawed awe for the roughly two minutes it'll take for the eclipse's shadow to pass over, I'm starting now, "out of time", to set my intentions for this wonderful celestial event. This way, while I may not be able to actually meditate through the eclipse, I'm choosing to enjoy it to its fullest AND make fullest use of its energies!

Therefore, my intentions are:

1) To profoundly enhance my conscious connection with (or identity as) Source/Spirit;
2) To energetically support and assist humanity in its evolution process and this ongoing "Shift in Consciousness ";
3) To energetically support Mother Earth/Gaia in her ascension process--and our creation of The New Earth;
4) To support and create an experience that is for the highest good of all beings; and,
5) Greet this celestial balancing of Moon (Divine Feminine) and Sun (Divine Masculine) from our earth perspective with joy, honor, and the deepest appreciation.

I'll also be thinking of all of you and feeling your presence as the eclipse passes by. This is going to be a wonderful and unforgettable experience!



Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Interesting article! It's a bit too "doom and gloom" for me though, despite the author's insistence that he doesn't believe in it.

Believe me, I do understand the safety issues, but my feeling is that this event (as with everything else) can go down smoothly and easily too. If one is travelling for this, it may certainly be wise to pay attention to and plan for contingencies like lodging, gas, food, water, and perhaps even have some cash on hand, just in case local ATMs run short or payment systems get overloaded. I plan on doing so and that's always prudent.

That being said however, I'm looking forward to enjoying a wonderful, awe-inspiring, and perhaps even mystical event! I might even have the rare opportunity to share the moment with a few "strangers" (who are really just "other selves" in earth disguise) along the way!

:) o:)

One of the author's comments about past attitudes really annoyed me though. He wrote, " the ancient shamans, scribes, and tribal chiefs, an event like the celestial magnitude of a TSE was something magical, mysterious, possibly dangerous and divine – more to be savored, understood and witnessed carefully by perhaps a single, wise individual or a small group, not necessarily everyone."

Wha...really? So the rest of the people were supposed to hide themselves in their caves, hovels, or tipis while the so-called "elite" and powerful enjoyed the spectacle? Pardon me for saying so, but this entire line of thinking really rubs me the wrong way--and it just reeks of an old, controlling, elitist energy. Since when, and by whose "wise counsel" or authority did it become inappropriate for the so-called "common person" to behold and enjoy one of the rarest and most awe-inspiring spectacles of Creation? Obviously, someone who wanted to appreciate the incredible sense of connection to Source--and keep it purely to themselves.

<Sigh> I guess that kind of attitude is just one of the reasons that humanity and society have become such a fouled up mess.

:rolleyes: O_o :confused:

Well, I'm certainly glad to see that times have changed--and that everyone can enjoy this event. I sure plan on doing so!!!

That's. telling em SG.:))


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
I would love to have the ability to just think myself somewhere and poof!!!!
That would be way too dangerous for me. I would probably end up visiting every chocolate factory I could think of :).
It is a shame that my health doesn't let me enjoy chocolate anymore:( . Well, there may be perhaps another reincarnation to enjoy its taste again ;) .


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
That would be way too dangerous for me. I would probably end up visiting every chocolate factory I could think of :).
It is a shame that my health doesn't let me enjoy chocolate anymore:( . Well, there may be perhaps another reincarnation to enjoy its taste again ;) .
If we were that far advanced Carl I doubt we would have any health problems, so you could go and be a little piggy all over the planet and I wouldn't be too far behind you. O.o:DO.o:D


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Although the total eclipse moment will last approx. 2 minutes, I think each aware being staying consciously aware throughout is enough to raise the collective consciousness whilst the magic is happening.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Since I'll likely be held in slack-jawed awe for the roughly two minutes it'll take for the eclipse's shadow to pass over, I'm starting now, "out of time", to set my intentions for this wonderful celestial event. This way, while I may not be able to actually meditate through the eclipse, I'm choosing to enjoy it to its fullest AND make fullest use of its energies!

Therefore, my intentions are:

1) To profoundly enhance my conscious connection with (or identity as) Source/Spirit;
2) To energetically support and assist humanity in its evolution process and this ongoing "Shift in Consciousness ";
3) To energetically support Mother Earth/Gaia in her ascension process--and our creation of The New Earth;
4) To support and create an experience that is for the highest good of all beings; and,
5) Greet this celestial balancing of Moon (Divine Feminine) and Sun (Divine Masculine) from our earth perspective with joy, honor, and the deepest appreciation.

I'll also be thinking of all of you and feeling your presence as the eclipse passes by. This is going to be a wonderful and unforgettable experience!

The saying is that copying is the highest form of admiration. Well,.Stargazer,. I would like to copy this idea and intentions, w my own bent on it, as usual :)


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Well, the clock is ticking down! My family and I will be packing up tomorrow and heading to Oregon the next day. Despite all the "fear porn" flying around this eclipse, I'm expecting to have a WONDERFUL time--and I'm continuing to intend that we'll all have the highest experience for the benefit of all.

I love the many positive ideas, articles, and videos out there (such as those by Jordan Sather, Magenta Pixie, and more) that see this event as a highly important and beneficial turning point for humanity. Together with the massive incoming energies, our individual and collective intentions can--and WILL be incredibly powerful. In fact, I wouldn't be at all surprised if this celestial occurrence (coupled with our intentions) would be the one to trigger "The Event"!

There's a really great channeling here by Ron Head, from "The Council". I couldn't agree more with the suggestion that we needn't "fight" against anything. By casting our intentions for peace and harmony forth, trusting in the most benevolent outcome for ALL, and standing firm in our own Divine Power as Source (experiencing life in our own unique human form), we can accomplish anything:


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Oh, my...and here's another encouraging channel from Daniel Scranton (another favorite):∞the-9th-dimensional-arcturian-council/

Their message is quite similar: "You don’t have to tear down the house of cards. It will fall all on its own. All you have to do in order to create the reality that you want to experience is put your attention on that which you want to create. You don’t need to look outside of yourselves for anyone else to create that for you."

The house of cards is already swaying and trembling...and the gentle breeze from a butterfly's wings may be all that's needed to topple it!



Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
Well, the clock is ticking down! My family and I will be packing up tomorrow and heading to Oregon the next day. Despite all the "fear porn" flying around this eclipse, I'm expecting to have a WONDERFUL time--and I'm continuing to intend that we'll all have the highest experience for the benefit of all.

I love the many positive ideas, articles, and videos out there (such as those by Jordan Sather, Magenta Pixie, and more) that see this event as a highly important and beneficial turning point for humanity. Together with the massive incoming energies, our individual and collective intentions can--and WILL be incredibly powerful. In fact, I wouldn't be at all surprised if this celestial occurrence (coupled with our intentions) would be the one to trigger "The Event"!

There's a really great channeling here by Ron Head, from "The Council". I couldn't agree more with the suggestion that we needn't "fight" against anything. By casting our intentions for peace and harmony forth, trusting in the most benevolent outcome for ALL, and standing firm in our own Divine Power as Source (experiencing life in our own unique human form), we can accomplish anything:
I'm agreeing with you again SG, we must be on the same wavelength. I don't think we have to do anything other than, BE, in the moment. Remember we are multi dimensional, divine beings, and practice unconditional love. Of course we can accomplish anything. I feel, rightly or wrongly, that we sometimes complicate things, healing other timelines or healing past lives, are we doing this or that right. Although we don't realise it, some of this stuff is fear based. Having said all this we have to walk our own path in our own way, but I really do feel it is quite simple and uncomplicated. Surely we should be wary of complicated, that's the way of the ones who are doing their best to stop us reaching our full potential, confuse any issue enough and you never find the truth, all it does is make us unsure and in some people it fractures their mind, they don't know where they are. Let's try to keep our positive hats on and not worry. Oh we will fall flat on our faces sometimes, as long as we pick ourselves up and keep going, and most of all throw fear on the bonfire we are doing okay.
Hope you and your family enjoy your trip SG, wish I was coming with you.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
"You don’t have to tear down the house of cards. It will fall all on its own. All you have to do in order to create the reality that you want to experience is put your attention on that which you want to create. You don’t need to look outside of yourselves for anyone else to create that for you."
I believe we will have two camps here. One will be created by the ones that can manifest a positive reality for themselves, family, etc.; while the other camp unfortunately will be formed by the ones caught in their own negativity or what is being feed to them through the different disinformation channels. The ones creating something like what SG is attempting to do will form islands that will be surrounded by fields of negativity and despair. It is up to us not only to try to create islands as big as possible but to make them constantly growing so that they start progressively bringing light to the fields of negativity and despair.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I noticed that yesterday and today are the 30th anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence. In 1987 before the internet of today, there was a global event for world peace - even Johnny Carson led his audience in a group "OM". I figure we've increased our numbers since then, so the eclipse might be really interesting.

PS - Stargazer - heard from someone in Oregon last night - the influx of eclipse watchers is crazy - she's run into people who came from Australia for the event. BTW - gasoline may be a little iffy, so remember my Grandfather's advice - ride on the top half.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
BTW - gasoline may be a little iffy, so remember my Grandfather's advice - ride on the top half.
Absolutely! I'm planning on running on the top 1/8th! :) Although that may not be all that necessary, since I'm trusting that the "Traffic Angel" will be helping us out along the way. I loved what one of the channels said about our guides "working on overtime" this weekend! I know they will...and I definitely appreciate it!


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Energy operators on the US grid are making use of the eclipse to check on power supplies. With an increase in residential and commercial solar power, individuals have become users and generators.

Charlie Gay, director of the U.S. Energy Department’s SunShot Initiative, expects the eclipse to provide instant validation for power forecasting models being developed. The department is working with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and grid operators to improve software controls that balance supply and demand as the continent goes dark.

“It gives us a test for the models,” he said. Using satellite data and maps of solar plant locations, the group expects to be able to match forecasts with what actually occurs before, during and after the eclipse.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
Now that's making lemonade out of lemons... and having a blast doing soO.o:D:ROFL::cool:
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Well, after a full day on the road, we're here in central Oregon! The traffic angels must have been working their magic because, despite all the news reports to the contrary, there were no traffic backups or gas shortages whatsoever. There were lots of folks quite obviously on their way to witness the eclipse (as evidenced by the cars and trucks full of tents, coolers, and sleeping bags) but we flowed right through with ease and grace!

Our cabin by the river is AMAZING! We're surrounded by tall redwoods, the grounds are beautifully landscaped with sweeping lawns and flowers, and the river meanders lazily by our little rocky beach. This part of the river is PERFECT, as it's quite "relaxed" and quiet, but we can hear more active parts (patches of mild whitewater) riffling quietly on either side of us.

Frogs and crickets kept us company all night and this place is truly a "heaven on earth!" I can't believe how lucky we were to "stumble" across the vacancy when we did (thank you, Spirit)!

In any case, we'll be relaxing and enjoying Gaia's splendor for the next few days, then heading a bit more "upstate" for the eclipse on Monday morning.

Here're a couple of pics from our cabin...geez, I'd love to live here permanently one day! Setting intentions to do so now!



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