Apparently I'm a 'Starseed'. Erm... (1 Viewer)

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Archetypal Dreamer

Involved Wayfarer
Aug 27, 2016
Hi all,

You can skip the bold section below if you like, but I'd advise that you read it in order to understand a bit more about me. I know it's a bore to read such inane drivel, but it might save unnecessary conflict in the future. I raise this because I'm new to the forum and do not wish to get off on the wrong foot with anyone. Hopefully this will never be an issue, but I've found it good practice to highlight these things in the past.

I'll only mention this the once, so don't worry about future spam.. and I apologise for the verbose nature of the post. I'm usually a great deal more succinct, but I'm new here and... argh. So many things on my mind that I need to get out:

Before I set out with this post, please be aware that I am not seeking to undermine anyone's belief system here. I'm a natural sceptic (I believe a healthy dose of scepticism is almost always prudent!) but I'm also open minded insofar as my own experiences permit... and I've had quite a few, I assure you. Also, one need only look at some of the latest discoveries in various scientific fields to come to the conclusion that we're a long way off fully understanding the nature of the universe and, probably even more importantly, consciousness. In other words, I am open-minded because we don't yet have all the answers and I have personally glimpsed 'the other side'. There's a lot of room for speculation, shall we say.

Point being, if I come across as quite contentious please be assured that it isn't purposeful. I'm here to learn and hopefully grow. I do so by asking questions and sometimes taking the hard line. I do certainly encourage debate, but it is never my intention to initiate by way of lighting a fire, as it were.

Ach... I'm rambling. Basically, I'm known in real life as a genuinely good guy, but also incredibly forthright and somewhat argumentative. It hasn't been uncommon (unfortunately) for me to upset another person because of these traits. From my perspective, we were having a polite conversation with a little mental sparring interspersed. From their perspective, I was ripping them a new one. I seem to fail at grasping the more delicate aspects of interaction. If anyone is an MBTI fan here, note that I am (a professionally confirmed) INTJ. That says it all, really :p

PLEASE tell me if I'm coming across too strong. It isn't my intention. Ever. Regardless, I have to face the facts: I am who I am, so I'm passing out my disclaimer 'just in case' :p

If at any point you think my behaviour or attitude is unacceptable, I implore you to tell me. I have incredibly thick skin, so do not be worried about offending me. I promise you, you won't; more likely, you'll be thanked for highlighting crappy behaviour on my part.

So, with that in mind...

The Starseed thing bothers me. Not in and of itself, mind; going out on a limb, it certainly isn't inconceivable that we are in fact conscious beings simply inhabiting vessels and therefore not 'human'. From there, it doesn't take much of a leap to arrive at the conclusion that consciousness could take many forms across the universe - and maybe even have an agenda upon arrival. Add to this the recent research I have been conducting into reincarnation (who knew there were so many clear cut cases? Wow!) and I'm starting to get an increasingly complete and rather intriguing picture.

In some ways, then, the idea of a 'Star seed' could well make sense. Perhaps consciousness is connected somehow, and for some as yet unknown reason we zip about the universe acting as a counter-balance. Achieve optimal conditions in one area; move to another to aid with the efforts there; rinse and repeat. Again, not (in my mind) inconceivable.

No, what bothers me is the fact that I am supposedly a starseed myself... and I'm really not comfortable with that.

Long story short, I've had a lifetime of strange experiences. By and large I acknowledged them by way of thinking "Huh? Cool." and whilst I did some preliminary toe-dipping into the field(s) pertaining to the metaphysical whilst younger, I ultimately became very despondent with the whole thing because I was running in to special snowflake after special snowflake. Or, to put it more plainly, very poorly developed individuals playing make-believe. I realise now that my mistake was looking to the external for guidance. Really, I should have been looking within.

Anyway, aforementioned 'events' were, as I said, predominantly ignored. A cursory and occasional raised eyebrow seemed to be my default response for quite a few years. I simply assumed that this stuff was normal, and was entirely permitted by the laws of physics - a field which our finest minds are still grappling with. 'Interesting anomalies' is how I saw them. Sincerely, I thought pretty much everyone had a run in with these kinds of events every once in a while. I didn't see them as unique to me. I just assumed they were happening around me and I was in the right place at the right time. Oh how stupid I was. Still am, maybe!

One day in 2014 however, I got talking with a chap who is interested in all of this stuff. It became apparent that in fact I was outside of 'the norm' as according to his own experiences and fairly extensive research, a great many people never have anything strange happen.

Said chat combined with a close friend suddenly reminding me of events I had long since suppressed the memories of (very unexpected; said friend is 100% sceptic and never usually speaks of these things) set me off on a trail of further inquiry. I began to connect the dots and a rather disconcerting pattern began to emerge. At one point, things seemed rather dark. I thought I was losing my mind. Reality began to slip away... it wasn't my finest moment.

In a strange and frenzied state, I compiled a 6800+ word document which noted some of the events I remember, then posted it on a forum which dealt with this sort of stuff. The process was somehow both cathartic yet terrifying. I felt like I was dredging things up from the depths that wanted to stay buried. It was dark and at times filled me with dread, but I had to get it all out there. I'm glad I did - the thread went pretty wild and I was quickly pointed towards MUFON. I pondered for a while and then thought "Screw it, why not". MUFON were quick to advise that I seek a professional hypnotherapist to take me through regression. Still somewhat sceptical, I agreed because enigma is my bag. Consciousness is arguably the greatest enigma and I enjoy experiencing altered states of it. So, sure - I went.

One thing about me: I have an impeccable BS detector. Seriously. If there's one thing I'm good at in this life, it's spotting a BSer. I can smell them coming a country mile off. Much to my surprise (hey - I'm only human; judgemental can sometimes describe me :p) I was greeted by a woman who did not set my detector off at all. She was young (slightly older than me, maybe mid 30s), softly spoken and very sincere. She told me about her roots. She had come from Australia (all of this is taking place in the UK, by the way) and her parents were in to Paganism, Druidism... all that fancy pants stuff. In short, she had grown up around spiritual people and had embarked on her own journey down the path very early on in life.

She seemed really together, so I went ahead.

What I saw whilst under... I won't go in to it. I treated it as entertainment, assuming that my brain was making images up. We all know how iffy regression can be, so - meh. It is what it is.

But as I left, she threw me a bone:

"The second I opened the door, I knew you were not from here. You come from a place far, far away". I laughed and replied with something along the lines of "Africa?" She shook her head and pointed skyward.

Later, she emailed materials pertaining to star seeds and hybrids, etc. "Great. More new age nonsense" was my initial reaction, but in the spirit of open-mindedness I'm (now) interested in exploring.

So, FINALLY - to the questions!

Is there any way I can verify this? I've looked at all the check-list things. Yeah, I feel like an alien in this world and yeah, I feel like I have a mission but I don't know what that is. Those points (and more) can be explained by taking my cognitive preferences (Ni; Te) into account. So, no dice there.

I guess I'd like to know:

A) is there really something to this 'star seed' thing, or is someone yanking my chain?


B) if there is something to it, how do I verify? Can I verify?

Thanks, and if you made it to the end of all this inane waffling, you deserve a medal!

- P


Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Retired Moderator
Jul 26, 2016
Vayuna, via Switzerland
a1) does it really matter to you to know whether you are or are not a soul experiencing being a starseed in a human body? does it change any of your experience, perception, thinking or aspect of purpose if you know for sure? does it in any way change your life experience on earth to extract this knowledge forcibly out of your thoughts? does it bring you closer to your desires, alignment, does it make you a better person or does it satiate your curiosity? why are you eager to find a definitive answer?
a2) there is indeed lots of BS out there concerning the topic of starseeds, soul-forks, soul-braids, walk-ins etc... but there is also truth to much of it. in my opinion, there are not many people able to tell the differences when they look at others. it is something that each individual can best discern for themselves i think, by using tools, methods, like intuition, past-life regression, shamanic and other meditation techniques... i think, when an individual person "needs" to know about how their soul-relation to this planet, other people and the body is, for the reason of fulfilling a purpose or simple expansion, the knowledge will be revealed in a clarity that leaves no doubt. the "higher self" or how ever you may call it will arrange ways to find out. and in the end... well i have had a glimpse of it and not more, but in the end all in this universe is an expression of the one source consciousness, so no matter what planet a soul-stream has favored for incarnation, all are in some ways starseeds.
b) by your own intuition, following the feeling process... i know its vague but i dont know of a better way.

haha i didnt read all of it i admit, no medals for me please ;)


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
RT Supporter
Retired Moderator
Aug 12, 2016
If anyone is an MBTI fan here, note that I am (a professionally confirmed) INTJ. That says it all, really
Did a Myer-Briggs too long ago in an online test. I'm an INFJ (Introvert 100%, Intuitive 62%, Feeling and Judging categories lower / supposed to be 'counselor'.)

A) is there really something to this 'star seed' thing, or is someone yanking my chain?
It depends also on one aspect: How do you define starseed? There might be differences among people who think they are. I can give my perspective.

In my view, it also ties into the old-young-soul paradigm a little. As older souls we have had more life experience in other energy and reality systems, including physical planets. Actually however, I believe that all humans are starseed because we all have different experiences 'elsewhere'.

It is just that old souls / starseeds have a more subconscious 'memory' of it (and some even claim to have it consciously) at the being level - not the intellectual waking consciousness one.

And yes, some might be more earth-bound souls who are kind of 'trapped' in the karmic system of Earth lives. Starseeds might be 'visitors' who drop in now and then to make an experience, research or even to help during crucial times on Earth such as these we are in now (see Dolores Cannon's books).

and B) if there is something to it, how do I verify? Can I verify?
No, I do not think you can verify 'scientifically' anything like this by 100%. Just get hints and clues. This is what we do in metaphysical practices. ;)s

Maybe you can do more hypnotic regressions? Try to find answers during astral projections, talk to guides - or even ET - if that is sth for you. Ask your Higher Self for answers (dreams, experiences, projections). For the adventurous: Ask to be taken to a space-ship (agreed abduction - yeah, I know that's a bold one). Or ask a medium if that is sth for you - not for me as I like to find out things by myself. Read D. Cannon's books and ask yourself if you somehow resonnate with the featured regressees who turned out to be star seed.

Thanks, and if you made it to the end of all this inane waffling, you deserve a medal!
Great post and you also deserve one! (:
Archetypal Dreamer

Archetypal Dreamer

Involved Wayfarer
Aug 27, 2016
a1) does it really matter to you to know whether you are or are not a soul experiencing being a starseed in a human body?
Not really. In spite of my scepticism, I have always felt like a remote observer of this reality. It's a ham-fisted explanation, but the 'real me' seems to be far removed from this place in space and time. To put it another way, I've always had an innate sense that this reality is illusory in nature. This overrides everything else. It's like some kind of ultimate truth. I understand that this is simply my subjective perception of the world, but it permeates every facet of my being. It's inescapable and overpowering. Always has been, and I suspect it always will be.

In other words, nothing else really matters. I feel like the truth has been with me since the beginning. Everything/anything else is simply filling in the gaps as a child colours in an activity book. The outline is there, but to complete it we must colour the various sections in. My life is about colouring :p

why are you eager to find a definitive answer?
I like absolutes. Yes/no; black/white. Grey areas do intrigue me, but when it comes to myself I like to be exacting. Plus, I figured that exploring the question could prove to be fun.

I like what you have to say in this reply, Lilia. Especially the conclusion you draw about all of us being 'starseeds' in some capacity. Makes sense, actually. Thank you for your input.

Did a Myer-Briggs too long ago in an online test. I'm an INFJ (Introvert 100%, Intuitive 62%, Feeling and Judging categories lower / supposed to be 'counselor'.)
I'm fortunate in that I know a couple of INFJs. Highly intuitive and also compassionate. We share the same dominant function (Ni aka introverted intuition) which is very likely largely responsible for the perception of reality I describe above. It isn't at all uncommon for an Ni dominant to feel like an alien in this world.

It depends also on one aspect: How do you define starseed? There might be differences among people who think they are. I can give my perspective.
From what I read (which admittedly wasn't much; I was too busy dry-barfing at the time) star seeds are essentially ET souls which have incarnated here to help build something / nurture humankind, or something akin to that. I really don't put much stock in to it. The objective here was to explore the theory and see if there was any way to verify. I suspected not, but exploration can be fun so... blah :)

Maybe you can do more hypnotic regressions? Try to find answers during astral projections, talk to guides - or even ET - if that is sth for you. Ask your Higher Self for answers (dreams, experiences, projections). For the adventurous: Ask to be taken to a space-ship (agreed abduction - yeah, I know that's a bold one). Or ask a medium if that is sth for you - not for me as I like to find out things by myself. Read D. Cannon's books and ask yourself if you somehow resonnate with the featured regressees who turned out to be star seed.
All good suggestions - but asking to be taken aboard a space ship? If I thought for one second that would garner any real results, I would have asked a long time ago! I'd love to be whisked away to see the stars ;)

Projection wise, I've had some limited experiences with that stuff but nothing really noteworthy. Many times I have found myself at the point where my body is asleep but my mind is wide awake. I always try to break out, and I always get the auditory buzzing... but I never really manage it. Or if I do, I seem to be stepping out into a reality which is more dreamlike. It resembles my physical surroundings but everything is always bathed in a golden light, like dawn during the summer months.

Thanks for your response. It is very much appreciated :)

(also, apologies for typos - it has been a long day and by now I'm running on fumes).


Involved Wayfarer
Jul 28, 2016
7% of the population.
If this website works for these tests...

I won't be offended by anything you say, long complex explanations or just being blunt with your thinking.

What I saw whilst under... I won't go in to it. I treated it as entertainment, assuming that my brain was making images up. We all know how iffy regression can be, so - meh. It is what it is.
I won't probe you for the details, but that explanation is usually a tall tale sign that whatever you saw is based in truth. When the concious mind rejects the experience occurring, thus seeing it as entertainment, then that means the concious mind didn't make it up, which leads to your subconscious mind or a deeper mind's unbias memory of said event as you watch as an observer. Thus, star seeds do exist, but the significance of knowing and not knowing isn't vital to living your life, which is the most important thing we could do especially when taking into account the 'mission' tailored specifically for us to complete within this lifetime.

If you want verification, then meditate and keep on thinking about the possibility of it. If you seek the truth then you'll find it eventually. Deep thought on the subject should lead to a yes, it resonates to me or no, it doesn't.

Well, there's some of my thoughts. :p
Archetypal Dreamer

Archetypal Dreamer

Involved Wayfarer
Aug 27, 2016
I'll go in to it if people want to hear it... so long as everyone fully understands that I didn't for one second take it seriously, and choose to continue not to.

As for the MBTI, I should point out that there's a lot of 'debunkers' out there. Their points are typically valid... if we were back in 1990. The theory has evolved since then and, cutting a long and (to me at least) fairly interesting story short, there's a lot of cool stuff going on in the field right now. I've had the opportunity to work alongside some of the best and brightest, and would class a couple of them as friends.

It's all based on Jung's theory of Psychological Types, which is very much worth a read.

The most accurate and free test I have ever come across is located here:

It's also nice and short - yet very accurate.


Involved Wayfarer
Jul 28, 2016
I'll go in to it if people want to hear it... so long as everyone fully understands that I didn't for one second take it seriously, and choose to continue not to.

As for the MBTI, I should point out that there's a lot of 'debunkers' out there. Their points are typically valid... if we were back in 1990. The theory has evolved since then and, cutting a long and (to me at least) fairly interesting story short, there's a lot of cool stuff going on in the field right now. I've had the opportunity to work alongside some of the best and brightest, and would class a couple of them as friends.

It's all based on Jung's theory of Psychological Types, which is very much worth a read.

The most accurate and free test I have ever come across is located here:

It's also nice and short - yet very accurate.
Thanks for the link. Seems to work, also I like how it gives the types closest to you too.

I wouldn't mind hearing of your experiences, nor do I mind sharing the ones that I conciously remember of. Of course, if you want to say it, then I'm all ears. :)s
Archetypal Dreamer

Archetypal Dreamer

Involved Wayfarer
Aug 27, 2016
I'll type something up in a little while. I have to head out now.

FYI, one of the 'friend' practitioners I mention is an ENFP. I tend to get along with people of your type very well... but then again, so do most people. ENFPs are typically (in my experience) very fun to be around.


Involved Wayfarer
Jul 28, 2016
I'll type something up in a little while. I have to head out now.

FYI, one of the 'friend' practitioners I mention is an ENFP. I tend to get along with people of your type very well... but then again, so do most people. ENFPs are typically (in my experience) very fun to be around.
Heh. Good to know. I always thought I got along with others easily and that others didn't see me as stepping over any boundaries. Take your time. I have some of my experiences written down around the Round Table. Just sit down on a few of the different chairs and you'll find them.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Thanks for the link. Seems to work, also I like how it gives the types closest to you too.

View attachment 714
I wouldn't mind hearing of your experiences, nor do I mind sharing the ones that I conciously remember of. Of course, if you want to say it, then I'm all ears. :)s
Wow...that is an interesting test! Quite accurate for me...


QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Is there any way I can verify this?
A) is there really something to this 'star seed' thing, or is someone yanking my chain? B) if there is something to it, how do I verify? Can I verify?
I highly recommend you read this book here,, as I think it will resonate because of your background in I.T., but also based on what you have revealed so far about your self on the Forum. You can find more about Tom Campbell via the menu on here,, as I have a dedicated a section to him. While the book is not directly focused on your questions, I feel it will be of great benefit.


This is one of those life changing books for those that are ready for it.

does it really matter to you to know whether you are or are not a soul experiencing being a starseed in a human body
I think that Lilia touched on something really important in terms of where you are at Archetypal Dreamer.

You can experience many things, through many different means, and still be left with some doubt while you are having a life in this experience here. So you could learn to consciously astral project and end up in a location that is far more real than what you are experiencing right now (I have had these experiences), and that space may provide insight and a stronger validation around your question, based on where you end up and what you see, but when you return that will remain a memory and will not be your current focus. In that instance, you would have gained a way to verify your question based on what you experienced. But does it then become a belief of yours, or simply a possibility? You may then be more open to the idea, but memories fade and life goes on because of how this plane and system we are in functions.

You may have a past life regression and have your higher self show you information that also provides validation, such as seeing a simultaneous experience or life on another planet, as another being, or a similar experience from the past — if you consider time to be relevant, and important or not, when pondering on such things; then you come out of it and based on your current state, it will mean something, or it will mean nothing.

When I say current state, what I mean is that not just your level of being in terms of progression in life through aging, experience, wisdom, and knowledge, but also your spiritual state based on how your energy frequency (aka vibration) has developed over this one lifetime. What I have found is that as the years pass, I look back on certain information, events, and situations, and I can revisit them in an entirely different light and understanding. We will only ever have access to, and be shown, what we are ready for and need to go through, in the moment.

It's important to not give up, and be patient sometimes.

You could try Ayahuasca plant medicine and again be shown things based on what you need to see in that moment in time, to help you, but also heal you in ways you may not understand. Again, you come out of that experience and you take from it what you take from it. It may provide validation, or it may yet be another failed attempt at finding the truth for you.

Each of us can try all these things, yet come out of them with a totally different perception around if they helped us or not, based on our state at that moment.

The only way to be sure is to develop spiritually enough, and move beyond belief to reach a stage of just knowing. This can take life times, or it can be accomplished in the one lifetime, depending on many factors, and one of those is if you are a volunteer soul (aka star seed) or not, as volunteers tend to come into this life with a higher level of spiritual development / a higher level of frequency, in comparison to the average earthbound soul. So development can be easier for them.

Is there any way I can verify this?
So I could tell you right now, ‘Yes’. But then that really depends on a few things, like I previously touched upon. So the answer can also be ‘No’, as it depends on where you are at spiritually and where you get to later on in life.
if there is something to it, how do I verify? Can I verify?
You can approach accurate and reliable psychics, get readings, and be told who you are. But, like I said before, you will take out of that experience only what you are ready to accept and be open to. Is that going to be enough to validate your questions if they tell you who you are? They may be psychics who have a track record that you have personally followed, of getting things right, so you may then be swayed to believe in them that little bit more, but then not all readings are accurate, even if the psychic is very accurate as there are other factors at play.

You will gravitate towards what you resonate with. In a couple of years time you will be in a different situation and again gravitate towards what resonates. In ten years time you may be a completely different person, understanding so much of what you had so many uncertainties about a decade before.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I'll only mention this the once, so don't worry about future spam.. and I apologise for the verbose nature of the post. I'm usually a great deal more succinct, but I'm new here and... argh. So many things on my mind that I need to get out:
No worries, AD...go for it!

PLEASE tell me if I'm coming across too strong. It isn't my intention. Ever. Regardless, I have to face the facts: I am who I am, so I'm passing out my disclaimer 'just in case' :p

LOL...well thanks for the warning! :D

In some ways, then, the idea of a 'Star seed' could well make sense. Perhaps consciousness is connected somehow, and for some as yet unknown reason we zip about the universe acting as a counter-balance. Achieve optimal conditions in one area; move to another to aid with the efforts there; rinse and repeat. Again, not (in my mind) inconceivable.

No, what bothers me is the fact that I am supposedly a starseed myself... and I'm really not comfortable with that.
AD, as I see it, no matter what our supposed "mission" may be for coming here (and I do firmly believe that we are spiritual beings just temporarily occupying these physical bodies), we are sovereign beings. To me, that means we always have the choice of how to react to anything we experience or discover. If you feel that you've come here for a specific purpose, for example (whether you call that a "starseed" or whatever), you have the choice to honor that purpose--or not.

That said, the decision will have its consequences in either case. In my experience, if I decide to go against my intuition and ignore those inner nudges, many times I'll seem to have circumstances (almost like blockages) that continually come up--as if to ask me, "are you sure?" "Are you sure?" "Are you sure?" Oftentimes, for me, if I go with my intuition I find that things go exceedingly smoothly and well. But I take comfort in knowing that I always have the choice. When it comes to "surrendering" to my so-called "Higher Self", I'm learning to trust that my HS ultimately has my best interests at heart--and that it also has a much broader perspective of things than I do.

Long story short, I've had a lifetime of strange experiences. By and large I acknowledged them by way of thinking "Huh? Cool." and whilst I did some preliminary toe-dipping into the field(s) pertaining to the metaphysical whilst younger, I ultimately became very despondent with the whole thing because I was running in to special snowflake after special snowflake. Or, to put it more plainly, very poorly developed individuals playing make-believe. I realise now that my mistake was looking to the external for guidance. Really, I should have been looking within.
I can't wait to learn more about your experiences! And yes, it's very important to look within.

One day in 2014 however, I got talking with a chap who is interested in all of this stuff. It became apparent that in fact I was outside of 'the norm' as according to his own experiences and fairly extensive research, a great many people never have anything strange happen.
I think I have to take some exception with this fella's "research". I would submit that a great many people are completely clueless about anything that goes on around them. If it doesn't have to do with sports, entertainment/celebrity gossip, technology, consumerism, or whatever fear porn the mainstream media is pumping out, they'd have no idea that anything unusual is happening. Spirit and the Universe work in very subtle ways. Let's face it, the average person today seems completely glued to a screen of some type--so much in fact, that they're walking off cliffs, stepping in front of buses, and falling over things. They could have a full-blown, light flashing UFO land nearby or a 10-foot inter-dimensional being manifest next to them and they'd have absolutely no idea it was there! O.O (Yay...I've been waiting for a chance to use that emoji and I finally got one! LOL!)

"The second I opened the door, I knew you were not from here. You come from a place far, far away". I laughed and replied with something along the lines of "Africa?" She shook her head and pointed skyward.

Later, she emailed materials pertaining to star seeds and hybrids, etc. "Great. More new age nonsense" was my initial reaction, but in the spirit of open-mindedness I'm (now) interested in exploring.
I'm glad you're keeping an open mind. It's important to remember that those who want to keep us separated from our own spiritual nature will stop at nothing to maintain control. To that end, society has been taught to ridicule, shun, or label anyone who has any experiences that are "outside the norm" as someone to be feared or who is insane. It's only when we start waking up to these tactics--and our true nature, that we can learn who and what we truly are.

So, FINALLY - to the questions!

Is there any way I can verify this? I've looked at all the check-list things. Yeah, I feel like an alien in this world and yeah, I feel like I have a mission but I don't know what that is. Those points (and more) can be explained by taking my cognitive preferences (Ni; Te) into account. So, no dice there.

I guess I'd like to know:

A) is there really something to this 'star seed' thing, or is someone yanking my chain?


B) if there is something to it, how do I verify? Can I verify?

Thanks, and if you made it to the end of all this inane waffling, you deserve a medal!

- P
In my opinion, there is (and may not ever be) any concrete "proof" of any of least not until society changes and scientific and educational institutions start approaching things with a completely open mind.

At the end of the day, when it comes to deciding what is "True" for you, you are the only one who can decide that. I've found that the things I'm most certain about are those things that not only feel true to me, they make sense when "plugged in" to my currently understood worldview. The more I open my consciousness to the possibilities, have experiences, and learn from them, the more firmly I trust in my own internal compass. I can appreciate other viewpoints and I can certainly respect them as well, but that doesn't mean I accept them as my Truth. I reserve the right to make up my own mind about things--even if others think I'm a nut. As I see it, if they're willing to accept the reality that others have created or are programming for them, they're welcome to it. That's not going to be my reality.

Now I'm the one rambling! :)

But to answer your other question, yes, I believe in "starseeds". And I do believe I'm one. For me, nothing resonates so strongly as the idea that I'm a volunteer, here to help create positive change in the world--and perhaps even usher in a new age of higher consciousness and peaceful evolution for humanity.

Bottom line? Trust in yourself. Trust in your own judgment. As you consciously expand yourself to the possibilities and learn more about your own purpose here, you have the ultimate choices for your future direction. No one else can do it for you--unless you allow them to.

Last edited:
Archetypal Dreamer

Archetypal Dreamer

Involved Wayfarer
Aug 27, 2016
Thank you Laron and Stargazer - your input is very much appreciated and I really enjoyed your posts.

Apologies for the brevity in my response. I'll get back to you when I have more time. Today is quite a busy one for me; I should get to sit at a computer later this evening, but if not it'll be Tuesday.
Archetypal Dreamer

Archetypal Dreamer

Involved Wayfarer
Aug 27, 2016
Hi all,

Apologies - this is going to be a rushed post. Since the family got back on the 31st, I've had very little time to myself. I'm blasting this out in the few minutes I have left at work. Proper responses to the last couple of posts will possibly arrive this evening if I get chance, or... well, ASAP I guess.

So, my regression.

Please note: I really do treat this as entertainment. I do not trust that what I saw or experienced is in any way anything other than a work of fiction courtesy of my brain. With that in mind:

I'll type more about this when I can, but to cut a long story short I had *a lot* of weird experiences as a child. One such experience was the time I saw a 6" sliver of pure white light 'bouncing' up the stairs toward me in the darkness of the early morning (about 3am) at around age seven or eight. It proceeded slowly and methodically. As ridiculous as it sounds, it was (UFO I once saw aside; the two of them are equal) the 'purest' white light I have ever seen. It was otherworldly.

I stood mesmerised at the top of the stairs for a while. Eventually, it got right to the side of me and actually began to turn toward me. At this point, it was only 3-4ft to my left. I then proceeded to run into my bedroom and hide under the duvet.

There were a few things 'off' about the situation, but that's for another day I guess. I think the main issue is that all of this happened in the dark. At that age, I was terrified of the dark because I used to have night terrors... but here I was, strolling about the house without a care in the world. I can go into more detail at a later date if anyone wants the full story.

It was this memory which I resisted first.

Strangely (or not) I never actually saw the light, nor the stairs. I simply saw myself in bed as three 'I guess' stereotypical greys came in to the room. They were what you'd expect with two distinct differences. For a start, they were taller than one would expect (maybe 5ft or more) and one of them had brilliant blue irises to the point of being vaguely luminous. They pierced through the dark.

It was the blue eyed guy that got close to me. Really close. His left eye was right up in my face, and I felt as though there was some kind of data transfer going on (perhaps predominantly upload, but this was merely an intuition).

At no point did I feel threatened. Quite the contrary - I felt as though I was being visited by beings I had a very close bond with. In spite of their cold demeanour, I felt warmth from them... but, as strange as it sounds (like the rest of this, ha!) it was a highly-evolved warmth. Far greater in depth and scope than we humans can muster.

The beings left without further incident. The hypnotherapist asked me what the experience felt like, and I said "Almost like some kind of check up". I have the whole thing in an audio file somewhere.

There was a lot more to the regression. The blue-eyed dude turned up again later on. Very briefly, the UFO I saw that 'flew over' the car actually didn't - or so the regression informs me. Apparently it stopped > blue eyed guy > another scan > no further incident.

Sorry, I have to dash now. I hope there aren't too many errors, and I'd be happy to share the whole thing when I have time.

Hope you're all well :)
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QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
AD, this sounds completely plausible and typical of a visitation experience. I have had a few QHHT clients which have experienced something similar. And not once have I ran into any situations that I would label as ‘negative’.

The best, and most reliable book that I have ran into on this topic is, The Custodians, by Dolores Cannon. Dolores taught me the past life regression method I use, QHHT. This book is dedicated to the topic of ET’s and is based on case studies/transcripts which have come up in sessions, from thousands of clients that Dolores had over the years. You may get a lot out of this and find some validation around why your mind came up with what it did.

Keepers of the Garden is also a great book which also touches on the topic of ET influence throughout human history, but from the angle of them monitoring our existence and being part of seeding life here.

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Archetypal Dreamer

Archetypal Dreamer

Involved Wayfarer
Aug 27, 2016
Thanks Laron, I'll be sure to check those titles out.

Again, it comes back to my inner tug-o-war between the fantastical / open-mindedness and pragmatism. Finding a balance is tough, and whilst I 100% accept that other people are having these experiences, I find it impossible to even consider that as a possibility for myself.

Whilst I'm off the deep end, have you ever come across any clients claiming they've had luminous retinas for a short period?

... I'll get into that further if there's anything to it. It's right up there as my biggest 'WTF' experience and I tend to never mention it because it's so ridiculous.
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QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
have you ever come across any clients claiming they've had luminous retinas for a short period?
No, but Lorna Wilson may have some insight around that.

When it comes to abductions and visitations, it's also important to understand that these beings are usually multi-dimensional, in the sense that they either have the technology, and/or the ability innate within, to not only manipulate time and memories, but transcend our third dimension. So when a person has an experience, that experience can be multi-dimensional, so we are not just picking up on what our third dimensional eyesight 'sees', but we can pick up on what our astral body sees through a different type of sense within the astral vibration and plane tied into the third dimension.

In other words, what you see and sense while having an out of body experience (aka astral experience) can greatly vary, because conscious beings have the ability to change form and look like anything, and if they know what we are comfortable with, then they will move into that shape and form, but, they will only do that if they know we are going to remember the experience and be conscious of it. So their natural form is sometimes caught through hypnosis/regressionists, as people are recalling memories they were not conscious of, and recalling the actual truth behind the experience.

(When we sleep, simultaneously to our dream state, we are also having an out of body experience via a copy of our consciousness that heads off and does other things. As to what it gets up to depends on our state of spiritual development in this life. Many abduction cases are also experienced and viewed through this part of us, and not through the actual physical part that we are so familiar with. It can be hard for a person to differentiate between the two sometimes.)

So there will be things that come to us in a regression which don't make any sense, as they are beyond what we are used to with our five human senses in the third dimension, so having an open mind is important as one day the answers may come along which explain exactly what we thought might have been made up by us at an earlier time.

Lorna Wilson

Roaming Contributor
Retired Global Moderator
Aug 4, 2016
Archetypal Dreamer said:
have you ever come across any clients claiming they've had luminous retinas for a short period?

By this do you mean 'glowing eyes'?
What would happen within your thoughts, feelings and intuition,( or how would those areas expand or evolve your awareness) if for a week or so you 'pretended' that your experiences/memories were true? I use the word 'pretend' so that it opens up the freedom to shift perspectives by 'seeing' it from other angles or perceptions. I'm curious because when we work hard at 'closing doors in our mind' with absolute 'denial', it begs the question, that what if it were true....

One consciousness explorer that I love is Bruce Moen who like myself is a natural skeptic so he explores by seeking evidence that makes sense to him, and he has a knack for sharing his information in a humble and expressive way.



Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
One consciousness explorer that I love is Bruce Moen who like myself is a natural skeptic so he explores by seeking evidence that makes sense to him, and he has a knack for sharing his information in a humble and expressive way.
I like him too a lot. Read two books by him iirc. I also tried his method(s) for a short period of time from his 2005 book "Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook: A Manual for the Art of Retrieval and Afterlife Exploration", but after a while I let it be because it was just not my way to explore or do retrievals, since he uses a form of projection that is different from the rest. Still, I like his style of writing and the way he describes his afterlife explorations are fascinating.
Archetypal Dreamer

Archetypal Dreamer

Involved Wayfarer
Aug 27, 2016
Thanks for the replies. Again, this is rushed and so I apologise.

Re: the eyes, think 'Kate Beckinsale in Underworld'. Not quite to that extent, but not far off.

I seldom mention it because it was utterly perplexing and sounds ridiculous... but it really did happen.

Long story short (that is fast becoming my catchphrase!) I woke up early AM to go to the bathroom. I was about 23/24 at the time, so I wasn't some kid potentially misremembering things.

Strangely, I didn't turn any lights on (this seems to be the case all the time when I'm having a weird experience).

As I approached the sink to wash my hands, I noticed that my retinas were 'glowing' an intense blue colour. I got right in close to my reflection to check it out. Sure enough, I wasn't imagining anything. I pinched / slapped myself a few times to make sure that I was fully conscious. I was: 100%. This was not a dream.

The luminosity faded after a couple of seconds. I was left alone in the dark thinking "WTF just happened?"

Sounds insane, I know.

The next day I googled it looking for medical / other rational explanations, but I couldn't find any.

(and no - I wasn't on drugs ;p)


Brother of Awen
Retired Global Moderator
Jul 22, 2016
Shrewsbury, UK
Thanks for the replies. Again, this is rushed and so I apologise.

Re: the eyes, think 'Kate Beckinsale in Underworld'. Not quite to that extent, but not far off.

I seldom mention it because it was utterly perplexing and sounds ridiculous... but it really did happen.

Long story short (that is fast becoming my catchphrase!) I woke up early AM to go to the bathroom. I was about 23/24 at the time, so I wasn't some kid potentially misremembering things.

Strangely, I didn't turn any lights on (this seems to be the case all the time when I'm having a weird experience).

As I approached the sink to wash my hands, I noticed that my retinas were 'glowing' an intense blue colour. I got right in close to my reflection to check it out. Sure enough, I wasn't imagining anything. I pinched / slapped myself a few times to make sure that I was fully conscious. I was: 100%. This was not a dream.

The luminosity faded after a couple of seconds. I was left alone in the dark thinking "WTF just happened?"

Sounds insane, I know.

The next day I googled it looking for medical / other rational explanations, but I couldn't find any.

(and no - I wasn't on drugs ;p)
FWIW I don't have anything to add on eye luminosity other than to say I have noticed people's eyes changing their frequency of colour much more rapidly recently, but never brightness. That said, I don't doubt that this has happened to you at all, I find it perfectly plausible. You seem very defensive about your experiences and offer many disclaimers to fend off potentially aggressive responses to your experiences. Well...we are not about that here and encourage you to share them so that we can all learn.

My own personal slant on this is that I can "see" in the dark with my eyes closed. It looks like you would imagine night vision but reversed in terms of black and green and I have no egotistical attachment to that statement other than to offer a friendly hand that can (sort of lol!) relate. I'm failing to see what the use of this ability is to me yet but I appropriate it a side effect of developing my inner eye during meditation. I'm wondering if it's something similar to/for you maybe. Just a thought.

Also (again FWIW) you do have a compelling depth to your eyes in your introductory picture here.

Out of Time

Roaming Contributor
Sep 5, 2016
The original post is very interesting.

To begin with, according to a source I have chosen to trust, 70% of the people currently alive are starseeds, so there is nothing unusual about that. The path of remembering can be really special and positive... unless you come across some trauma that bothers you. But even if you come across a negative incarnation, please, don't get down. Everybody had and the reasons for this vary. I guess some choose to do so to gain experience, others get manipulated to do so. Sometimes, the energies of the particular place are so dark that it is inevitable. The task here is to find the peace of understanding that would allow you to feel better and love yourself, because it is the way to go on and love others too.

Love has its mechanisms of turning entities back to its highest vibrations.

I think that one of the biggest lies that is still around is that we are human. In the very least, we are supposed to have some reptilian DNA just because they were allowed to make those changes and they are very good at doing that. We still have enough human in our pool to be considered brethren to the Pleiadians and I have heard that the guys from Andromeda consider us royalties :)

Changing eye colour is not as strange as it may appear. I would like to give Teal Swan as an example. Her eyes would change depending on whether she speaks on behalf of the earth human she is, or the Arcturian aspect of hers.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Hi AD, I read your original post in fullness and entirety. Being too old to be caught up in the label of starseed (as it's generally thought to be an Indigo or later trait), I just know I am intuitive, and psychic. Not that I go out to peddle these abilities to make money. I've found it's just better to let things unfold as they will, and meanings to accrete as they will. As someone above aptly said, everyone is a starseed since they are experiencing an Earth-based life here now. I did Myer-Briggs 20 years ago as part of a corporate psychological testing in an engineering firm, and I was in the opposite quadrant of all of the techs and engineers! Intuition and compassion and extrovert thrown in. Basically a counter-balance to everything they were doing in the corporation. I've always enjoyed that job of being a counter-weight. And now I get to be an anchor as well.

Speak to you again on another post.
Archetypal Dreamer

Archetypal Dreamer

Involved Wayfarer
Aug 27, 2016
Apologies all, between work and a serious family conflict my hands have been incredibly tied. I'm going to attempt replying bit by bit. I can't promise this will be anything more than completely sporadic :p I'm also exhausted, so apologies in advance for typos, lack of depth, incoherent ramblings, etc.

I think that Lilia touched on something really important in terms of where you are at Archetypal Dreamer.

You can experience many things, through many different means, and still be left with some doubt while you are having a life in this experience here. So you could learn to consciously astral project and end up in a location that is far more real than what you are experiencing right now (I have had these experiences), and that space may provide insight and a stronger validation around your question, based on where you end up and what you see, but when you return that will remain a memory and will not be your current focus. In that instance, you would have gained a way to verify your question based on what you experienced. But does it then become a belief of yours, or simply a possibility? You may then be more open to the idea, but memories fade and life goes on because of how this plane and system we are in functions.
I have most certainly had 'dreams' which have seemed far more real than waking reality. One such 'dream' has me pondering whether or not all of this really is (as per the scientific theory doing the rounds and gaining popularity) a simulation - but the experience came long before I was aware of said theory.

It began after apparently finishing one dream, possibly en route to the next. In a barely lucid state, I found myself floating across a place which was 'off' somehow. Disparate constituents of reality from different time periods, disjointed, floating and... I don't know. Like some kind of virtual dumping grounds for odds and sods.

I recall one of the 'chunks' (for lack of a better phrase) looked like a trench from WWI. I then floated over some barbed wire. The sky was dark and a storm seemed to be rolling in. It was a strange and desolate place.

As I floated, I heard someone saying "She's coming around!" (yes, "She") and a bit of commotion.

Next thing I know, I'm 'waking up' with a start. My vision is initially blurry and I'm grasping at some apparatus on my face. I tear off some kind of mask and everything comes in to focus; I'm in some sort of an upright pod and people are stood around me. Everything feels hyper-real. My senses are on fire like they never have been before; the reality I'm accustomed to is far more 'dense' and dreamlike, some how.

I fought to get out of the pod, but I was gently restrained and reassured. Kind faces all around me - nobody I actually knew, but they were obviously bothered about my well-being. As I slipped back in to the pod my head drooped a little, and sure enough I had a very female body! I wasn't white, either - my skin was a very pleasant mocha like shade.

My head was raised and the mask like thing was placed on. Before it was, I got to see that I was in some kind of very busy facility. Possibly hundreds of people milling about the place. It was very light, and very clean. The aesthetic of the place was an interesting fusion of traditional and slightly more modern than what I'm used to. Window panes were huge ovals; there was a lot of white and silver. It's a bit of a blur now, but yeah.

"She's ok" said one of the people. "She's drifting off again now". Everything went dark... and then I woke up bolt upright in my ''''real'''' bed wondering W-T-F just happened, and why in spite of waking up I felt as though this was the dream.



QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
When I first saw your photo I had some impressions come to me. This was before I knew anything about you. So what I picked up was an ET influence, but also something else that was with you which perhaps needed addressing somehow. All this happened within seconds and I didn’t purposefully tune in.

So to hear about these experiences just validates some of what I first noticed there.

What I see is that you are getting inklings of memories that are real, and a picture is slowly forming, one you can put aside in a back room, but not discard, or you can hang up on the wall and focus on it a bit more seriously. As time passes, more and more may make sense, and also fit into that same picture.

With that above dream, it seems like a real experience and possibly a simultaneous life you are having, or a memory for a past experience or life, but simultaneous or previous, it doesn’t matter, as it seems to be related directly to a part of you which makes up your essence. It is not unusual and what you shared is similar to the experiences that other people have whether through dream memories, past life regression or even spontaneous visions.

I will give you an example of an experience a past life regression client of mine had, based on a transcript I wrote of a part of the session. In the last section of this session here, this session here,, (do a find for “A lot of water. I’m on a cliff in a cave like area”) is an experience that reminds me of some dream/astral/parallel world experiences others have and what you shared.

I'm an INFJ
I’m an INFJ too and have found the Myer-Briggs system accurate and helpful over the years.
Archetypal Dreamer

Archetypal Dreamer

Involved Wayfarer
Aug 27, 2016
Hi Laron, and thanks for sharing - I'll read the link whilst having my dinner.

Were your intuitions anything to do with my eyes? It has been a recurring theme throughout my life that people (even those close to me, e.g. my wife) find it hard to maintain eye contact with me. My wife is now comfortable with it, but it took her at least two years. Apparently, I 'bore' in to people and can be "Too intense" (eyes, not anything else).

One of my friends suddenly started wearing sunglasses in my presence! I asked him why, and he said "Truthfully? Don't take this personally, but when you look into my eyes I feel like you're peeling layers of my being back, seeing things I don't want anyone to see".

This isn't something I intentionally do. I think it's just the good ol' 'INTJ death stare' :p

Always happy to have people read me though.

BTW, I don't know how much knowledge you have around the MBTI, but INTJs and INFJs share the same dominant function, 'introverted intuition'.

Feel like a disconnected consciousness remotely dialling in to a meat chariot? An alien in this world? Utterly convinced that all of this is a dream, or illusion? Tend to realise you know things without knowing how you know?

That's Ni for ya...
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Archetypal Dreamer

Archetypal Dreamer

Involved Wayfarer
Aug 27, 2016
Sorry, another quick one. I'll get there in the end ;p

What would happen within your thoughts, feelings and intuition,( or how would those areas expand or evolve your awareness) if for a week or so you 'pretended' that your experiences/memories were true? I use the word 'pretend' so that it opens up the freedom to shift perspectives by 'seeing' it from other angles or perceptions. I'm curious because when we work hard at 'closing doors in our mind' with absolute 'denial', it begs the question, that what if it were true....
Well, there's obviously some truth to them. I'm sound of mind enough to know without ambiguity that I have experienced certain things which lie way out of the agreed upon 'norm'. Some experiences have been shared with others.

So, it's more a case of coming to terms with "Why me?", "What does it mean?" and "Where can I go with this?"

I realise my initial intuitions were correct: many people do have these experiences. I just haven't come across many outside of my family here in Real Life™ :p


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Sorry, another quick one. I'll get there in the end ;p

Well, there's obviously some truth to them. I'm sound of mind enough to know without ambiguity that I have experienced certain things which lie way out of the agreed upon 'norm'. Some experiences have been shared with others.

So, it's more a case of coming to terms with "Why me?", "What does it mean?" and "Where can I go with this?" :p
I'm pretty sure we all get there in the end! This "reality" is just what we do to entertain ourselves when we're not home in the "higher" realms.


I'm growing more and more certain that these "outside the norm" experiences actually are the norm...we've just been programmed by this particular game to think otherwise.

All these "strange" things that happen are just breadcrumbs we've left for ourselves along the trail so we can eventually find our way home--if that is what we choose.



Very interesting post. I love that we can exchange ideas, personal experiences, and be open to what we all have to share in this community Some experiences help complement others and so on.

I totally understand the feeling of being annoyed with these things. Well...we all have our paths, our experiences, our feelings and my own path has been quite challenging in relationship to these things we call of "starseed" nature. Very difficult. I was at first fascinated while reading things about kids with abilities and coming from space, not knowing if I could have been one or not, but certainly I wanted to meet people like that. It came with a high cost lol. Years of feeling totally lost among people in forums sharing the weirdest experiences, and feeling so off, so shut down and just like an ordinary human cast out from heaven. For some reason I was there, wanting to meet new friends from other places, reading their stories, my vault of experiences back then, there was nothing to share except that I felt bad all the time at all levels because likely I was going through ascensionitis.

It was useful, back then, not to relate in any way to any of those things, not being a starseed, not being an indigo...or a crystal or so on you know. It was all about observing, what people shared. It wasn't until I met a man, who became my partner, some years ago, that with his own presence he activated something in me. Memories and experiences began flooding my consciousness. But there was something unique because now, when interacting with people who do not hold memories or an interest in these things, I have this idea or feeling, that everyone has an ET origin, in their DNA, maybe even hidden memories, but for many reasons I guess we just experience life differently and for some people it would not be in their best interest to even read about these things, because they do other things and the way they perceive themselves is different.

I do feel that so much of the starseed movement is about perceptions, how we perceive ourselves to be. It can even be out of lack or not being happy with life, like for example "If I do not feel that I fit anywhere, it must be because I am an alien." But if we read certain psychology books, even therapists mention that sometimes it is because of experiences since childhood that we might feel that we do not belong where we reside or in the family where we are born into, because of traumas or solitude, but they never mention anything about starseeds.Then they are given tools, and they feel once again like the whole world is their home, once certain things are solved for them, without even knowing these starseed things.

Peace to you and thank you for sharing your thoughts :)

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