Lindometer Readings - Prophetic Dreams (1 Viewer)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I often share my early morning dreams and visions here and there. A couple of friends said they were like a barometer for these times and I ought to put them together in one place like the Schu.

So here we go.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Monday, January 18th

Woke up with one of those freeze-frame visions. People were crossing a street in a large group, walking with purpose. A title appeared over the image - An Election of People. The walkers were wearing long sleeves but not coats. The trees were budding out.

My take - in early spring there will be an election.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Tuesday, January 19th

Waking dream about having worked hours on something another person wanted. I'd even purchased supplies to help. When I saw the person, they said - Oh, I forgot to tell you. I'm not interested in that anymore.

My take - stay true to your mission / purpose. Helping others is ok to a point, but they need to do their own work to discover their path.

It is the idea of having "skin in the game" - people do not appreciate a result if they have not contributed to it.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Tuesday, January 19th

Waking dream about having worked hours on something another person wanted. I'd even purchased supplies to help. When I saw the person, they said - Oh, I forgot to tell you. I'm not interested in that anymore.

My take - stay true to your mission / purpose. Helping others is ok to a point, but they need to do their own work to discover their path.

It is the idea of having "skin in the game" - people do not appreciate a result if they have not contributed to it.
Hey, I must have incorporated this idea. There is a sense of freedom, and my communications are coming more easily.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
Monday, January 18th
My take - in early spring there will be an election.
That's the rumors I'm hearing, but it's really hush hush. There will be another US election in a few months. It should be open and fully audited IMO. Cameras and hidden mics should be everywhere during vote counting to reduce fraud. Why hidden mics? Because if they are visible people will try to disable them.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Wednesday, January 20th

No waking dream or image but an overwhelming feeling - Betrayal

My Take - What happens when a person discovers someone they trusted lied to them? Betrayal is an emotion that smacks you in the gut. People often respond with anger and violence, or depression and withdrawal. There is another alternative - hold the other one accountable, look to yourself to make sure it does not happen again, and move on.
  • I agree
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Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
That's the rumors I'm hearing, but it's really hush hush. There will be another US election in a few months. It should be open and fully audited IMO. Cameras and hidden mics should be everywhere during vote counting to reduce fraud. Why hidden mics? Because if they are visible people will try to disable them.
As mention before, take anything with a lot of salt. That may be, a very good possibility, another ruse to keep people from open rebellion still hoping for change while the dark side consolidates power.
They monitor ALL forms of communication so they put down fires before they start to consolidate into a movement that could jeopardize their position.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
As mention before, take anything with a lot of salt. That may be, a very good possibility, another ruse to keep people from open rebellion still hoping for change while the dark side consolidates power.
They monitor ALL forms of communication so they put down fires before they start to consolidate into a movement that could jeopardize their position.
Gee, Carl, thanks for the vote of confidence.

Kevin C

Involved Wayfarer
Jul 27, 2016
As mention before, take anything with a lot of salt. That may be, a very good possibility, another ruse to keep people from open rebellion still hoping for change while the dark side consolidates power.
They monitor ALL forms of communication so they put down fires before they start to consolidate into a movement that could jeopardize their position.
Carl, LOL.
So far, I get the feeling that if I were living with you, I'd be cowering with fear and staying home. I wouldn't even be on transients, and I'd be buying burner phones every day. I wouldn't even have a bank account or a credit card. Cars are rented with cash, and I wear masks and fake hair all day long so cameras can't recognize me.
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Involved Wayfarer
Jul 30, 2016
Tuesday, January 19th

Waking dream about having worked hours on something another person wanted. I'd even purchased supplies to help. When I saw the person, they said - Oh, I forgot to tell you. I'm not interested in that anymore.

My take - stay true to your mission / purpose. Helping others is ok to a point, but they need to do their own work to discover their path.

It is the idea of having "skin in the game" - people do not appreciate a result if they have not contributed to it.
Dont i know it ;)


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Carl, LOL.
So far, I get the feeling that if I were living with you, I'd be cowering with fear and staying home. I wouldn't even be on transients, and I'd be buying burner phones every day. I wouldn't even have a bank account or a credit card. Cars are rented with cash, and I wear masks and fake hair all day long so cameras can't recognize me.
Not al all. Just for your information, i am a registered Republican (no mask wearer, walk between 5-6 miles per day, etc., and will be 70 in les than 2 months), however, I have seen the same play before in another country, same players (less technology though), plus professionally have direct experience (was even responsable for security for more that 20 years). The devil knows not because he is the devil, but because he is old.

Kevin C

Involved Wayfarer
Jul 27, 2016
Not al all. Just for your information, i am a registered Republican (no mask wearer, walk between 5-6 miles per day, etc., and will be 70 in les than 2 months), however, I have seen the same play before in another country, same players (less technology though), plus professionally have direct experience (was even responsable for security for more that 20 years). The devil knows not because he is the devil, but because he is old.
Thanks for the explanation, Carl. I totally understand.... Also aware of how convoluted and pervasive the security control complex is - see China.
But let's keep this thread innocent and let Linda be Linda!


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Friday, January 22

Woke up in early hours to the smell of a skunk - sigh... Several weeks ago, our dog had a skunk incident in the backyard, and I looked up the message of the skunk then - proceeds on their path with confidence from a most potent protection. I figured I needed to refresh this idea in my life.

I did not consider this a morning message until an hour later when I checked my email. There was one from the neighborhood group about an attempted car-jacking right around the corner from us. (They were unsuccessful.) We live in the back of a subdivision with no easy ins and outs, which provides some protection from less lighted folks, so this was shocking to me.

I think most of us will agree that whatever is going on with the energies has ramped up the crazy response in some people. So, let's all take a note from the skunk - confident with the best protection and share with all those around you.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
So, let's all take a note from the skunk - confident with the best protection and share with all those around you.
Shared the info with neighbors at our end of the street, and it turned into a discussion about how we now know what to do.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Waking dream about having worked hours on something another person wanted. I'd even purchased supplies to help. When I saw the person, they said - Oh, I forgot to tell you. I'm not interested in that anymore.
Pod pointed out that this also could apply to the inauguration. Had not thought of that - but yes.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Saturday - January 23

Vision as I woke up but had not opened my eyes.

Most houses on our end of the street had large cardboard delivery boxes on the porches. There were no markings except for leaves painted on a corner like a decoration or logo. Ours were blue and red, and across the street, green and yellow. There was another aspect that I found very interesting and a bit amusing. However, as soon as I got up, that part vanished from my awareness.

So, I have no take on it, other than it seemed that each family was getting something they needed.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
So, I have no take on it, other than it seemed that each family was getting something they needed.

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Sunday - January 24

Woke up twice with the same vision. It was a screen with red background and words in white letters. I don't remember the exact message now, but it was something positive about living freely. What I did focus on was at the bottom of the screen - it was along the lines of #JoinTogether.

My take - It felt like a large public message to the population - almost along the lines of a campaign message. However, it definitely was not Dem or Rep. Watching the drama in the house and senate unfold in past few weeks shows me that many in each party are entrenched in the old ways. So, I'm thinking this may be the start of a new party, which makes some sense as I look back over the week's info. Those of us in the USA are living in a revolution, but not everyone understands.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
OK I would read that red is the root chakra, the colour of blood, the life force. Being human, connected to Earth,

The white lettering is SOUL the soul usually manifests as white in a dream. So we are being asked to recognise our oneness in soul energy whilst in our human bodies. This is a message from the soul! Beautiful.

Interestingly, I bought two bunches of tulips the other day, one red and one white. I wanted the polarity of soul and human on my window sill. It is a powerful colour combination. Many years ago I had red poppies and white ox eye daisies in my hand and actually experienced a shift, an opening within myself directly from these two colours!

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
My take - It felt like a large public message to the population - almost along the lines of a campaign message. However, it definitely was not Dem or Rep.
Checking the news and found a press release about Sidney Powell and Mike Lindell (My Pillow) forming a super pac to raise funds to support candidates who will fight for constitutional rights, free speech - Restore the Republic - does not say Dems or Reps - just people.


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
So, I'm thinking this may be the start of a new party, which makes some sense as I look back over the week's info. Those of us in the USA are living in a revolution, but not everyone understands.
Interesting Linda. Somewhere I read that the Republicans are afraid that Trump could start a third MAGA party that would take away people from theirs (and also some Democrats obviously).
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Interesting Linda. Somewhere I read that the Republicans are afraid that Trump could start a third MAGA party that would take away people from theirs (and also some Democrats obviously).
The Restore the Republic super pac may be step one.

Pod's idea about life-force and soul plays into the idea, too.
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Monday - January 25

I slept soundly - had no waking visions or recalled dreams - so I thought I had no message for today. But noooo - Mother Nature came in with a bang. As I walked outside early this morning, a flock of robins were all over the yard and in the trees - lots and lots of robins.

Since I get many messages from nature and especially birds, I knew this was one because it was startling to see so many birds. What is the symbolism of robins - renewal, joy, good fortune, and protection. The Blackfoot tribe believed if a flock of robins visited, then the campsite would be safe.

My Take - I was tired last night - not so much physically, but rather mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I have my own inner concerns, as well as those of people I am around. I know we are in a war, and the outcome is unknown. I look for some clues but have grown weary. To see so many of the robins in my yard was uplifting and a reminder to set my sights high and live in joy. Apparently, I've got a lot of protection, too.


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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Wednesday, January 20th

No waking dream or image but an overwhelming feeling - Betrayal

My Take - What happens when a person discovers someone they trusted lied to them? Betrayal is an emotion that smacks you in the gut. People often respond with anger and violence, or depression and withdrawal. There is another alternative - hold the other one accountable, look to yourself to make sure it does not happen again, and move on.


Staff member
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Monday - January 25

I slept soundly - had no waking visions or recalled dreams - so I thought I had no message for today. But noooo - Mother Nature came in with a bang. As I walked outside early this morning, a flock of robins were all over the yard and in the trees - lots and lots of robins.

Since I get many messages from nature and especially birds, I knew this was one because it was startling to see so many birds. What is the symbolism of robins - renewal, joy, good fortune, and protection. The Blackfoot tribe believed if a flock of robins visited, then the campsite would be safe.

My Take - I was tired last night - not so much physically, but rather mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I have my own inner concerns, as well as those of people I am around. I know we are in a war, and the outcome is unknown. I look for some clues but have grown weary. To see so many of the robins in my yard was uplifting and a reminder to set my sights high and live in joy. Apparently, I've got a lot of protection, too.
Your antecedents with the North American ancestors is clear.


Staff member
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Friday, January 22

Woke up in early hours to the smell of a skunk - sigh... Several weeks ago, our dog had a skunk incident in the backyard, and I looked up the message of the skunk then - proceeds on their path with confidence from a most potent protection. I figured I needed to refresh this idea in my life.

I did not consider this a morning message until an hour later when I checked my email. There was one from the neighborhood group about an attempted car-jacking right around the corner from us. (They were unsuccessful.) We live in the back of a subdivision with no easy ins and outs, which provides some protection from less lighted folks, so this was shocking to me.

I think most of us will agree that whatever is going on with the energies has ramped up the crazy response in some people. So, let's all take a note from the skunk - confident with the best protection and share with all those around you.
On a par but obviously different message - I came home late last Friday night to over 50 small black bush flies (inside my home). Obvious inference - they were born that day, somewhere inside the house. My thoughts were: kitchen rubbish bin. Yes, sure enough, the bin flap has gotten worn out, so it was off to the hardware for a new closable bin. Funnily enough, same day, I found mouse droppings. I have lived here 5+ years and only ever seen 1 mouse. After cleaning all that up, and killing the flies, my house is back to "normal".

What do you think of that?


Staff member
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Saturday - January 23

Vision as I woke up but had not opened my eyes.

Most houses on our end of the street had large cardboard delivery boxes on the porches. There were no markings except for leaves painted on a corner like a decoration or logo. Ours were blue and red, and across the street, green and yellow. There was another aspect that I found very interesting and a bit amusing. However, as soon as I got up, that part vanished from my awareness.

So, I have no take on it, other than it seemed that each family was getting something they needed.
Leaving a pre-conditioned concept? Blue and red are the colours of Democrat and Republican, are they not?

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