Keepers: An Alien Message for the Human Race (1 Viewer)

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
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Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
the keepers.jpg
Has anyone read the book, Keepers: An Alien Message for the Human Race 2nd Edition? It was highly recommended to a family member of mine who mentioned it to me.

Amazon description: "We are not alone in the Universe — humans play a major role in the chain of universal life. Based on twenty years of conscious interaction with what he believes to be intelligent non-human beings, Jim Sparks is unique among contactees. Unlike others who report contact by aliens, Sparks has 95% conscious recall of his experiences, uninfluenced by hypnosis (or other trouble prone recall methods.) Today he has become a voice for the ridiculed and dismissed people who claim to have had contact with alien civilizations. When he was first “abducted,” he fought his uninvited visitors vehemently, but through an extraordinary series of learning experiences and exposure to alien technology, much of which is thought-activated, Sparks has attained a mutual understanding with them. In this second edition of The Keepers, An Alien Message for the Human Race, Sparks gets more intimate and reveals details of his family history, affirming what most people believe about alien abduction in that the ETs tend to track family lines for millennia. He explains how he and his mother share the same “social box” no matter how bizarre it seems to be. Jim Sparks removes our blinders to the truth of the ET presence among us. Read his astonishing experiences, his moving messages and his appeal to the people and governments of Earth to grant amnesty to those who have suppressed the truth. It is time for all humanity to embrace our universal connection. " (Amazon link)

Thoughts? I'm currently reading Unacknowledged by Steven Greer (the documentary is on Netflix).


Involved Wayfarer
Jul 28, 2016
I've read that book years ago. It's an interesting account of Jim Sparks' experiences with extraterrestrials.
I enjoyed reading it way back when and could see why you were reccomended it.


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
Thoughts? I'm currently reading Unacknowledged by Steven Greer (the documentary is on Netflix).
Hah, I have it on my Kindle and am also in the middle of it. Unfortunately due to eye probs I cannot read too long and too much anymore. But I intend to continue it. He assembles a lot of evidence by classified documents and eyewitness reports, that is what I like him for.

That Sparks book also seems interesting indeed. But as so often: He is the only witness, no corroboration seems offered (by the description). It's just like the Corey Goode stuff and similar experiencers. I have my reservations about this kind of information if it is not corroborated. He says he does not use hypnosis and it seems a bad thing for him, but it is what I would even trust a little more, at least some of the regression type (Dolores Cannon, etc.) although also here we might have problems with interpreting some of the stuff and other types of interference.
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Just Arrived
Nov 29, 2018
First of all I need to say that I haven't read this or any of the other books mentioned here.

Hah, I have it on my Kindle and am also in the middle of it. Unfortunately due to eye probs I cannot read too long and too much anymore. But I intend to continue it. He assembles a lot of evidence by classified documents and eyewitness reports, that is what I like him for.

That Sparks book also seems interesting indeed. But as so often: He is the only witness, no corroboration seems offered (by the description). It's just like the Corey Goode stuff and similar experiencers. I have my reservations about this kind of information if it is not corroborated. He says he does not use hypnosis and it seems a bad thing for him, but it is what I would even trust a little more, at least some of the regression type (Dolores Cannon, etc.) although also here we might have problems with interpreting some of the stuff and other types of interference.
And secondly, you Sinera have perfectly expressed the very reasons why people like myself don't typically join or write posts on forums, no matter how advanced and open they seem to be. What I'm going to say next is not directed solely at you personally Sinear but at everyone who continues to insist upon people such as "scientists" and "professionals" and other left-brained individuals define reality for them because you believe and trust them over individuals who've repeatedly lived these things and much more themselves!

For all of my 67 years, lower frequency left-brain patriarchal consciousness has been considered god-freakin'-almighty while right-brained consciousness has been intentionally demeaned, looked down upon, considered ridiculous, insulted, ridiculed, suspicious and not to be trusted. Many have been murdered, burned at the sake, tortured etc. because they were capable of accessing other areas of their brains and Higher Awareness. When people are desired to be herded and contained by others, they claim that anything from the right-brain is suspect, dangerous and/or outright evil. However, if you honestly take a good long look around, this has been changing and it's due to the evolutionary Ascension Process taking place now.

If individuals don't think to think for themselves, and more importantly don't think to FEEL, intuit and discern everything and everyone etc. for themselves then they're super easy to mind control and worse. But, when individuals start "waking up" and discover that THEY must learn to discern for themselves, they discover they don't need or want anyone else to define reality for them anymore because they know themselves because they've lived it and continue living it at greater, higher and more complex levels of awareness every day.

The choice is yours, the choice is each of ours whether or not we're brave enough to start thinking for ourselves, start FEELING realities for ourselves, expand our backsides out of the old lower consciousness box called accepted reality and start discerning people, words, events, claims, belief systems and so on or continue to try and sit back and wait for other people to define reality to us based on their beliefs and lack of direct personal experience. The intentional disempowerment of humanity and human consciousness has been freaking epic and this is just another layer of it. Thankfully evolution is at hand so the Divine push is on for all of humanity to grow and grow up and much more. People like me are trying to help people like you believe it or not. Just sayin'.
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Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
People like me are trying to help people like you believe it or not.
Wow, quite some hybris in this statement. Modesty - a word you ever heard of?

Since you seem to make it PERSONAL for whatever reason, despite your contradictory statement at the beginning, I have to answer this way and talk about me (which I normally do not like doing):

Seems you mistake me for someone else. Read some of my past posts and you will know. There are many. Obviously you don't know me well or what I had written before. I don't blame you for this. But take a look. E.g. there are even three of my former posts that Laron asked me to make articles for Transients. (I did not ask for it, he asked me).

I'm also an artist (songwriter, musician) and also do some of AP/OBE stuff and write about it. So I am not left-brained. That's not what left-brainers or materalists do. Most people would describe me as being rather right-brained.

Regarding your 'patriarchal' comment: Maybe you think I'm a woman? I am a man with a female avatar and name (which honours a past life of mine as a woman in 17th century France). No left-brainer would do that either methinks.

To sum up, I am not a 'skeptic' or scientist or left brain or materialist or whatever. I criticize scientism and left-brain materialist science almost on a daily basis. Also did so here on this forum.

However, discernment must be to all sides. ALL sides.

The best approach in my view to reach some conclusions (or beliefs if you will) about this confusing reality and info overload we live in is the HOLISTIC perspective: the combination of right and left-brain.

Holism is NOT right brain only. It is both.

Using discernment about other experiences, stories and beliefs (even here) is a healthy open-minded skepicism that I also favour. It is the essence of HOLISM if it is open-minded.

And do you believe everything someone tells you or writes, just instantly, just so? Fine. Free will. I do not take this right from you. If it makes you happy then do so.

Moreover, you can tell me any time you don't believe what I tell you. And (you won't believe it, haha ...) I'm fine with it!

But why do you force me to believe what you believe? Do you see the hypocrisy in your statement? You decry my doubts or my discernment. Stating it is 'false' - just in principle? That is a very dogmatic approach you have. Not mine. I do not like dogma. I do 'not believe in' dogma.

You don't tell me what I have to believe or not believe. You don't. Simple as that.

You also seem to misunderstand 'not believe'. It does not mean 'disbelieve'. It just means 'I don't know' in other words.

So I did not even say that Corey Goode or Sparks 'are wrong'. Read above again. Where did I say it? I only say I don't know and don't believe it 'just so'.

I believe in the right to not believe.
(I would add this to my signature if it wasn't already too long anyway ...)

Of course everyone has a belief system. Me too. I base mine on my experiences and other peoples experiences by comparison (and corroboration if possible) that are similar and trustworthy to some degree. This also concerns the corroboration issue I was talking about in the post above.

E.g. I know that alien abduction exist. It's been examined. Many have been through it. Although there are different explanations (aliens, humans / government, out-of-body experiences) and all of them could be true, even at once. I also know that grey aliens exist, at least in the non-physical because I met them. (Again: You do not have to believe me. Honestly, I don't care if you do or not).

I also am skeptical of my own experiences and always seek some alternate explanations doing a post-analysis. Not to explain away the paranormal (as materialists do) but in my case normally they vary between different 'paranormal' explanations. It is often done on this forum, also by others.

Just a recent example: See the ghost / sleep paralysis terror thread where we made several theories, e.g. s.o. stated it is the Higher Self, another said it is ghosts/spirits, another said (that was me) it is a fear test to help you. All in theory because we don't know for sure.

So again, this is not what a left-brained materialist or close-minded skeptic would do.

I question and revise my own beliefs every day and I treat others as I treat myself. That's only fair.
(oops, another one I should add...)

Yes, admittedly, there are certainly things I do DIS-believe (think of not being true, made up, false, mistakes whatever) for some reasons which I normally can state but sometimes it is also intuitive, well, so I believe (sounds ironic, I know). But the examples in this thread (Goode or Sparks) were not even some of them.

People on both sides (left/right-brain, materialist and spiritual), so it seems to me, have a problem with "not knowing". I don't. I say it all the time.

My very definition of HUMAN is 'not really knowing a friggin' thing'. (Exception: Knowing that we don't know.)

I hope you now understand better what I wrote and why I wrote it. If not, at least I tried.
I will not write more in this thread.

As said: I believe in the right to not believe (and to express it any time).

I (or my posts) might not be popular in forums like these. But that will not keep me from trying my posts to be more search-for-truth-driven instead of service-to-ego-driven. They abound anyway. I see your post as one of them.

I do not seek popularity. I do not seek 'fans'. I do not seek 'good ratings'.
I seek truth. At least so I ... well ... yeah ... believe.

Yes, it is almost a pardox if you seek truth and then you admit you don't know truth. But believe me (or not)... This kind of Modesty is maybe the first step or at least the best way to really approach it. Knowing that we don't know is one of the safest truths we have. So I ... believe.

There is a saying that goes: 'Stand up for what you believe in. Even if it means standing alone.'

I am standing alone.

So be it.

(Have a nice day anyway.)


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
I am standing alone
You’re not standing alone, Sinera! What you’ve said makes sense...but I don’t think Lapis’ comment was intended to be about you specifically. I think it was meant to be more about our system of “modern science” and its so-called authority over everyone. o:)

And I agree with both of you that it’s too bad things have gotten so far out of balance where science and intuition/creativity are concerned. Just imagine what humanity could accomplish if we could find balance in our search for knowledge of ourselves and our world!
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
You do some of your best work when you are hot under the collar, Sinera. I love your expression, this time. Happy when roused.
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Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
Is this the book where a guy was being abducted and was forced to learn an alien alphabet? And then he later learned his wife was being abducted too and also learning the alphabet? I read that one.

I do agree that everyone should question these stories. But after reading dozens of stories of abductions, there are some things that are similar to all the abductions.
  1. During the night the abductee is taken somewhere. It's common for the human to see themselves floating up through the roof into a ship on a beam of light.
  2. They are taken to a room that is all white and put on an operating table of some sort.
  3. They are usually paralyzed.
  4. They are terrified when they see the different grays. Usually the small (3-4ft) workers grays are there, sometimes a supervisor gray (about 5 ft tall) is there. The supervisor often has powerful mental abilities like telepathy.
  5. Only sometimes is there a "nurse gray" that tries to calm the human down.
  6. The grays almost always show a distinct lack of emotion even when the person is in pain. The tall grays have bred out their emotions and part of their research program involves getting those emotions back, by integrating their human DNA into their own.
  7. Women often have their fetus taken away after about 2-3 months. The grays say the human already agreed to do this, but the human does not remember. Such is the human experience.
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Roaming Contributor
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Aug 29, 2017
Has anyone read the book, Keepers: An Alien Message for the Human Race 2nd Edition? It was highly recommended to a family member of mine who mentioned it to me.

Amazon description: "We are not alone in the Universe — humans play a major role in the chain of universal life. Based on twenty years of conscious interaction with what he believes to be intelligent non-human beings, Jim Sparks is unique among contactees. Unlike others who report contact by aliens, Sparks has 95% conscious recall of his experiences, uninfluenced by hypnosis (or other trouble prone recall methods.) Today he has become a voice for the ridiculed and dismissed people who claim to have had contact with alien civilizations. When he was first “abducted,” he fought his uninvited visitors vehemently, but through an extraordinary series of learning experiences and exposure to alien technology, much of which is thought-activated, Sparks has attained a mutual understanding with them. In this second edition of The Keepers, An Alien Message for the Human Race, Sparks gets more intimate and reveals details of his family history, affirming what most people believe about alien abduction in that the ETs tend to track family lines for millennia. He explains how he and his mother share the same “social box” no matter how bizarre it seems to be. Jim Sparks removes our blinders to the truth of the ET presence among us. Read his astonishing experiences, his moving messages and his appeal to the people and governments of Earth to grant amnesty to those who have suppressed the truth. It is time for all humanity to embrace our universal connection. " (Amazon link)

Thoughts? I'm currently reading Unacknowledged by Steven Greer (the documentary is on Netflix).
i like well to read it but by knowing how it is at my home impossible to achieve at least for the moment :)


Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
My very definition of HUMAN is 'not really knowing a friggin' thing'. (Exception: Knowing that we don't know.)
out of all knowledge we know not even 1% and then i don t even speak of the brain capacity used that is rasing and rasing with the shift if not blocked by ourselfs

Yes, it is almost a pardox if you seek truth and then you admit you don't know truth. But believe me (or not)... This kind of Modesty is maybe the first step or at least the best way to really approach it. Knowing that we don't know is one of the safest truths we have. So I ... believe.
as more than one source says it rest critical so you analyse and so you find before unseen answers that lead to even more complex thinking. such as well we have problems from outside how to protect the plannet as they did on erra. i can belief it or not but i can imagine vaguely what those wars in the sky can have as impact. luckilly we don t see or feel them here
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Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Nov 1, 2018
You’re not standing alone, Sinera! What you’ve said makes sense...but I don’t think Lapis’ comment was intended to be about you specifically. I think it was meant to be more about our system of “modern science” and its so-called authority over everyone.
I agree with the comment about the "cult of science" as I call it. I'm interested in science and have been for 40+ years. I'm in a STEM field. But through my research I've seen a lot of hard evidence "lost", stolen, attacked, or otherwise taken away. The scientific method is supposed to be scientists choosing the most logical choice to explain things, even if it's hard to swallow. There is a distinct pattern of behavior in western science where certain things are wiped from all records that don't fit a narrative someone is pushing. That pattern is markedly reduced in the history and culture of India.

"Forbidden Archaeology" was a big, thick book about anomalous artifacts that could not be explained. Advanced gold chains and other artifacts of human manufacture were found in rock and coal deposits going back 1 million to 180 million years or so. I can form a theory about this: Civilizations rise and fall and have done so for a much longer time than we initially though. I'm not saying those people from 100 million years ago were homo sapiens, but I think they were intelligent and made tools, decorations, and art. But mainstream "scientists" just immediately poo pooed the book. The author got a lot of flack over this book so I think he was on to the truth.


Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
This parallels with Dolores Cannon too, (apart from taking fetus away) but she makes out that Nurse is always there, that these aliens have only kindness and compassion for us...
That was the experience of DC's clients. In other abduction cases from the 1970s, 80s, and even 90s there was rarely a nurse-figure reported that was trying to calm the person down.
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Staff member
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
That was the experience of DC's clients. In other abduction cases from the 1970s, 80s, and even 90s there was rarely a nurse-figure reported that was trying to calm the person down.
I've read Dolores Cannon many years ago now, but I also recall that Simon Parkes mentions that the Mantid race are doctors and/or nurse types and usually accompany any procedures that are being carried out by Tall Greys (the smaller Greys being just the trolley attendants, IMO).
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