lobsang rampa

  1. Snowmelt

    Lobsang Rampa books from my library shelf

    There may be some interest in the old Lobsang Rampa books (Tuesday Lobsang Rampa). Some of us read these as children or young adults, and then they went out of print, and we moved on and some of our books moved on to other places. I was first introduced as a young teen, as my parents had an...
  2. Laron

    Gardeners of the Earth, as Discussed in 'The Hermit' by Lobsang Rampa

    laron submitted a new transients.info article. Gardeners of the Earth, as Discussed in 'The Hermit' by Lobsang Rampa I consider Lobsang Rampa to be one of the pioneers in metaphysical information, a person who wrote so much which has since been verified through many other authors and teachers...