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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I saw this posted on the Jim Stone site this morning.

Yes of course the MSM is saying it is photoshopped BUT there is a video which clearly shows the sphinx with it's eyes shut. During the 6 minute film, the videographer receives an alert and the phone vibrates! I do not think this is fake.

I have been chatting about this with June whose "shiver gauge" seems to confirm this.

I think The Sphinx is a sort of computer that has something to do with the programme of Earth. I sense the sphinx records and uploads life on Earth and it has closed it's eyes because the programme, as we know it, is about to end. Think the last scene in "Startrek. Next Generation" when Will and Deanna stand on the holodeck and say "Computer; end programme" and everythiing vanishes.

In 2006 I went to Egypt for the total solar eclipse. I expected to witness it in Luxor where I was staying, but the day before, My Lady Isis, who was mentoring me at the time, asked me to experience the eclipse in Giza.

My friend and I managed to get a train to Giza and after going round the pyramids on horseback (I was not interested in the pyramids at all) we found ourselves, still on horseback, next to The Sphinx.

I realised looking up that the eclipse has started (few people seemed aware of it) and suddenly I felt my heart being squeezed. In that moment I was told that my heart would experience all the pain a man could do to a woman! This has pretty much been the case.

This sort of information makes me think that the Sphinx was "reading my programme" created by my soul.

And that is why I think the Wave Event is coming now to wipe out the old programme. The closed eyes signify there is nothing much more for the sphinx to upload. It is not so much mystical as technical!

I cannot upload the video, it is too large but you can see it on Jim Stone's website. It has been banned on Youtube!

sphinx open eys.jpg


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I saw this posted on the Jim Stone site this morning.

Yes of course the MSM is saying it is photoshoped BUT there is a video which clearly shows the sphinx with it's eyes shut. During the 6 minute film, the videographer receives an alert and the phone vibrates! I do not think this is fake.

I have been chatting about this with June whose "shiver gauge" seems to confirm this.

I think The Sphinx is a sort of computer that has something to do with the programme of Earth. I sense the sphinx records and uploads life on Earth and it has closed it's eyes because the programme, as we know it, is about to end. Think the last scene in "Startrek. Next Generation" when Will and Deanna stand on the holodeck and say "Computer; end programme" and everythiing vanishes.

In 2006 I went to Egypt for the total solar eclipse. I expected to witess it in Luxor where I was staying, but the day before, My Lady Isis who was mentoring me at the time, asked me to experience the eclipse in Giza.

My friend and I managed to get a train to Giza and after going round the pyramids on horseback (I was not interested in the pyramids at all) we found ourselves, still on horseback, next to The Sphinx.

I realised looking up that the eclipse has started (few people seemed aware of it) and suddenly I felt my heart being squeezed. In that moment I was told that my heart would experience all the pain a man could do to a woman! This has pretty much been the case.

This sort of information makes me think that the Sphinx was "reading my programme" created by my soul.

And that is why I think the Wave Event is coming now to wipe out the old programme. The closed eyes signift there is nothing much more for the sphinx to upload. It is not so much mystical as technical!

I cannot upload the video, it is too large but yoou ca see it on Jim Stone's website.

View attachment 13461
Pod sent me this video and while watching I was thinking the eyes could have been built to move mechanically, those ETs were clever, way beyond our technology.

We spoke later on the phone and while she was explaining about the program of the Sphinx coming to an end because it s the end of the world as we know it, I felt very strongly that she was right, shiver guage and my emotions all told me so.

Something is coming, I can feel it all about me as can many others, we are getting more and more pointers telling those who listen that this is so.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
This was added by Jim Stone. There is also lots of stuff about the three days of darkness but I do not really buy into it. Jim Stone is deeply Christian so he runs a programme of a vengeful God!

"The Egyptian prophecy with regard to the eyes closing is that whoever built the sphynx has returned to wipe out mankind"
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
I used to visit Jim Stone's site in 2015-2016. He's one of those Woo antennas with parameters way out there.

I must congratulate you, Pod, in bringing forth to our notice something of high quality Woo. When you do deliver, you deliver the greatest and most high quality Woo!

There can be no subdivision with this kind of Woo. You're either on it, or you're not. I liked your share about your personal experience with the Sphinx.

I dismiss any fear-mongering of Jim's - I agree it is down to a matter of interpretation.

Anastasia of the Ringing Cedars fame is perfectly good Woo, too. Her alternative human history is quite eye-popping.

One of the points she shares is that a Vedic Age was once upon the Earth, and people within that civilisation lived in many diverse parts - Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, England, Germany, France, India and China (as well as others). One of the aspects was that the people from that time lived on multi-dimensions. Under attack from negative dark forces (possibly the ones still with us today) they lost conscious control of the physical matter plane, but continued in purity on some of the higher planes. Their physical avatars (as in, their descendants) chose to fight that particular threat by switching off layers of consciousness, in other words, falling spiritually asleep. We are in the awakening part of this now.

This quote is from Book 6, the Book of Kin, Anastasia's words:

"During the Vedic Age, mankind reached a level of sensitive knowledge allowing it to create energy images through collective thought. And then it underwent a transition into a new era of existence, known as the Image Age. With the help of energy images, created by collective thought, mankind was afforded the opportunity of co-creating in the Universe. It could have had the ability to create Earth-like life on other planets. And it would have, if it had not committed any mistakes in passing through the Image Age."

There is a lot more to this, but my intuition says that the Sphinx was part of the co-creation in the Image Age. The Sphinx is known to be a lot older than the pyramids in Giza. The Vedic Age was much longer than 9,000 Earth years, which is the total length of the Image Age. The Image Age gave way to the Occult Age, which lasted for one millenium. But we have now passed the end of the Occult Millenium (deadline: 2012). We have stepped over the deadline without having the usual global catastrophe (Anastasia asserts: "Ultimately a degradation of consciousness and an insufficient purity of thought, coupled with knowledge and opportunity at the highest level, would always lead mankind to a global disaster.")

So, on a Woo basis alone, the more people can consciously use thought to project for the highest good and the most pure outcome, the quicker we will rise above whatever is desirous of pulling us down to a negative level. The Sphinx is a result of a concept of the Image Age, where fulfilment was brought together by imagining it to be so, and now it is time for a new concept. It is entirely appropriate that the Sphinx relinquishes its part in the hologram, and gives a sign that it has done so.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I saw last night that someone had posted a response but was too tired to deal with it. "Hope it's Melt" I thought as I went to sleep.

And wow you did not disappoint. Thank you Melt for taking the time to write that. Can I ask then, what age are we in now?

I find it difficult to image what is the best outcome for situations (say for eg Russia/Ukraine) as I am aware that many souls are completing their "war" programmes so I wish to allow them to do so.

Similarly, I am aware that souls are completing their "power" programmes......there are programmes coming to an end everywhere.

For myself, I know this grief and rediscovering parts of my heart is also a programme of mine coming to an end.

So many issues, i do not think about at all as I am in a lower vibration a lot of the time. However when I do rise, it is to Love and total acceptance!

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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Pod, I haven't finished reading the whole series (9 books, I think) but I have read 3 or 4. I think that since we are out of the Occult Age we are now stepping into new territory, where we get to be in touch with our Human Natures and be co-creators again (such as was the case in the Vedic Age). It is based on the fairly direct premise that what we think we create. But to do so consciously in touch with the collective consciousness is to attract that paradisaical energy once more. So people who garden are the top fore-runners!
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Involved Wayfarer
Nov 10, 2016
Texas, USA
When I put this story up on my GETTR account (GH3K3), it ended up being one of the rare ones to not receive one like, comment, or repost. Too woo for the masses, I guess. But some dots got connected in my head; thought I'd share this "high octane speculation" with you all to see what you think.

The other day I watched a Stephen Greer video uploaded soon after Trump had beaten HRC in 2016. It was Greer's strongly held supposition that TPTB were planning a fake alien invasion, using manmade craft that he alleges have achieved technological parity with alien craft, except with respect to their interstellar capabilities. He insisted that 99.99% would fall for it and that it would look extremely convincing; they've also done beta testing by faking abductions, and these have been successful. Greer also insisted this false flag was imminent.

Now the speculation. If Trump found out about this false flag, it seems likely he would try to stop it, which might explain why he pushed through the Space Force. Now that Trump is out, and Biden the Usurper heading down to the teens in 'right track/wrong track' polling, it seemed to me that by the time September rolls around (when the nat'l gas average price will likely be close to $7 a gallon and food prices out of sight), Biden's handlers will be tempted to pull this off, maybe to suspend or contaminate the midterm election.

Then I find out about this Sphinx situation soon after. Seemed pretty heavy with synchronicity, but I'll leave that to y'all to ponder over.


Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
Too woo for the masses
Thanks for adding the intrigue Greg!

Quite frankly, if it was not for my own experience with the Sphinx and an inkling into how it works, I probably would have bypassed the whole "eyes wide shut" drama too.

If TPTW organised this scenario, then it was a FAIL!
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
I used to visit Jim Stone's site in 2015-2016. He's one of those Woo antennas with parameters way out there.

I must congratulate you, Pod, in bringing forth to our notice something of high quality Woo. When you do deliver, you deliver the greatest and most high quality Woo!

There can be no subdivision with this kind of Woo. You're either on it, or you're not. I liked your share about your personal experience with the Sphinx.

I dismiss any fear-mongering of Jim's - I agree it is down to a matter of interpretation.

Anastasia of the Ringing Cedars fame is perfectly good Woo, too. Her alternative human history is quite eye-popping.

One of the points she shares is that a Vedic Age was once upon the Earth, and people within that civilisation lived in many diverse parts - Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, England, Germany, France, India and China (as well as others). One of the aspects was that the people from that time lived on multi-dimensions. Under attack from negative dark forces (possibly the ones still with us today) they lost conscious control of the physical matter plane, but continued in purity on some of the higher planes. Their physical avatars (as in, their descendants) chose to fight that particular threat by switching off layers of consciousness, in other words, falling spiritually asleep. We are in the awakening part of this now.

This quote is from Book 6, the Book of Kin, Anastasia's words:

"During the Vedic Age, mankind reached a level of sensitive knowledge allowing it to create energy images through collective thought. And then it underwent a transition into a new era of existence, known as the Image Age. With the help of energy images, created by collective thought, mankind was afforded the opportunity of co-creating in the Universe. It could have had the ability to create Earth-like life on other planets. And it would have, if it had not committed any mistakes in passing through the Image Age."

There is a lot more to this, but my intuition says that the Sphinx was part of the co-creation in the Image Age. The Sphinx is known to be a lot older than the pyramids in Giza. The Vedic Age was much longer than 9,000 Earth years, which is the total length of the Image Age. The Image Age gave way to the Occult Age, which lasted for one millenium. But we have now passed the end of the Occult Millenium (deadline: 2012). We have stepped over the deadline without having the usual global catastrophe (Anastasia asserts: "Ultimately a degradation of consciousness and an insufficient purity of thought, coupled with knowledge and opportunity at the highest level, would always lead mankind to a global disaster.")

So, on a Woo basis alone, the more people can consciously use thought to project for the highest good and the most pure outcome, the quicker we will rise above whatever is desirous of pulling us down to a negative level. The Sphinx is a result of a concept of the Image Age, where fulfilment was brought together by imagining it to be so, and now it is time for a new concept. It is entirely appropriate that the Sphinx relinquishes its part in the hologram, and gives a sign that it has done so.
Their physical avatars (as in, their descendants) chose to fight that particular threat by switching off layers of consciousness, in other words, falling spiritually asleep. We are in the awakening part of this now.
This is precisely how I saw a scenario from the time just after Atlantis.The gist of it is that a group of us were aghast at what was happening, had it in us to challenge it to a point and with uncertainty over the outcome made it possible to 'hide from ourselves' our abilities of this kind until the time came to take them out again and recreate a much brighter future together. Hiding it in this way seemed (accurately) the only way to do so safely + effectively from the corruption which was rampant at the time. When Atlantis 'fell' due falling heirarchy's decision to take down everyone + everything with their corrupt + failing system it seemed a really good decision to hide the knowledge within ourselves to be returned when the time was right. This was set to happen when a trigger-like mechanism set it off.

There's lots of things happening which suggest to me that this knowledge and their associated abilities are showing up now.
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