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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand

Mars will soon move into Aries which I have been pondering on as this transit which begins in 2 days.

I have been puzzled as to why the hidden information has still not totally emerged into the light of day despite the pointers happening all of April. My intuition as well as my more analytical left brain tells me there is still a lot missing and I marvel at the amount of distractive trivial news items coming through to us from mainstream media that is covering up the more important news and how the most important voices are being quelled so blatantly in a world where there is supposed "free speech".

Those who want to make a different to our lives can not by law have their say, but those with power can say exactly what they want in public. "We are all equal but some are more equal than others" comes to mind.
The Govs openly control free speech still while those in power speak freely to oppress the truth of others.
The hypocrisy and double standards continue.

We must remember that Mercury was backwards during the eclipse period withholding information but not stopping the long term effects of the powerful eclipse which was geared to change everything and begin a new era.
Which is where Mars comes into the picture.

Mars is the ruler of the eclipse now passed but from the ancient teachings we know that when Mars passes an eclipse degree the meaning of the same is triggered. This will happen around the 25th / 26th May when at the same time Jupiter enters Gemini .
I rest my case , and I do believe other cases will rest then too. Mars and Jupiter are the planets that give the power to world leaders and royalty too in a positive and natural, lawful (not legal) way.

The outspoken, truth seeking and expansive Jupiter in Gemini will see the beginning of a flow of information , truth and release to many from this time, and thanks to the Mars back up , the meaning of the eclipse will begin to be fully revealed.
And also we must take note that Mercury will pass the eclipse degree in in 5 days time from now which will also be significant so keep your eyes and ears open to see what that reveals as well.

In the meantime, today (as we need to stay in the now as much as we can after all as now is all we have control over in a personal sense,) Mars is with Neptune in near enough to an auspicious anaretic degree which to this Pisces was fully in effect yesterday when I faced some fears as Mars gave me the courage to. This continues today along with a breakthrough which is personal .

This happens close to 29 Pisces and will have a different effect for everyone but it does bring strong urges to act on our creative impulses, to express in action what we believe in as well as our talents and abilities so whether music, art, wisdom or something more physical like sport, or anything else we need to express this is the time to get moving.
This is a powerful force to be used. It’s a time to face and overcome fears and phobias, doubts and paranoia and use our inner power and knowledge in ways that are positive and uplifting , a time to understand and realise that we are powerful beings who can create and express anything we want to with courage and drive that we didnt think possible, to astound even ourselves.

Arians and Piscean types especially so but it is the energies that are important not the signs..
Venus enters Taurus to help ground us from the Arian period of the last few weeks and help with our creative flow, so we can slow down and smell the flowers, plant a few as well, and return to the pleasures of life we may have missed out on in the rush to achieve new goals.
Its time to garden, create beautiful food, redecorate our homes and surrounds making use of the beautiful Taurean healing energies while the Sun passes through this sign and Venus adds her magic creative touch, heightening our senses.

Taureans of course will be very happy with Venus in their sign bringing more attention and love their way , money too we hope although we can all benefit from that . It can be a lucky time for some.

Librans will feel more grounded from their often cerebral approach to life.
Venus as a political planet in Taurus will hopefully bring more common sense, care and normalcy to a system that is broken and out of control as those in powers wreak their havoc with their power fueled dictatorships, doing their best to keep up the patriarchal “blame, punish and control” tactics of rulership.

This too will pass as we move more into this year of massive change.

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