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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
centre of the universe.jpg

Many people are celebrating the Lions Gate portal today which is the 8th although the 9th here on my side of the world.
Although this was never mentioned in the ancient or very astrology Books, and I have seen a few according to Egyptian cosmology, the Lion’s Gate was the dawn of a new year and a period where they set new resolutions for the future. Ancient Egyptians revered the star Sirius (brightest star) so most of their ceremonies and lifestyle revolved this star believing it was the gateway to heaven and wisdom. Apparently this is when the Lion’s Gate opening began as it was during the Suns transit of the constellation of Leo.

It is said that in those times Sirius was strong and brightest in the sky..(im wondering about the precession of the equinoxes as I write this.} They apparently thought a portal opened when Sun in Leo, Earth and Sirius move into complete alignment with the pyramids of Giza.

Then there is Hinduism where Sirius (The dog star) is known as Svana, the dog of King Yudhisthira, who was ready to forsake heaven for his loyal dog but was eventually allowed into heaven considering his sacrifice for Svana. The star as per Hinduism also symbolises right conduct and knowledge.

I myself believe Sirius is where we originated and if this Sun , Earth and Sirius apparent connection works for any of you then well and good. Sirius is 14 degrees Cancer now.

My dream of Sirians landing on earth was vivid a few years back and I saw Golden beings with even a Golden dog . I know when we are ready they will return as in my dream we (the population of that area) were waiting amongst high buildings near a park for them to land, with great awe and anticipation and suddenly we were amongst them where we were allowed to move between them and touch them. Their skin glowed Golden, most of their skin being uncovered although there were specific markings or adornments for want of a better word that I could see , even on the Golden Dog.

In the meantime in these still troubled transformational times, we just entered the last quarter Moon phase which is a time to make readjustments if needed ,or to review after any crisis in consciousness we went through near the last Full Moon.
This can also be a time to reap rewards from, or to close a project/plan. This is not typically a favorable time for launching something new, as our "audience" may be critical or uninterested.
It’s a time of readjustment; correcting; even disillusionment; but also elimination.

We cant forget that Venus is still backwards until the 3rd of Sept which is going to affect Leos and Librans, Taureans too in the sense of “feeling” a bit differently about people or life , values, love, relationships and being able to shift focus if needed to get a new perspective on how we relate.

I’m mentioning this as there is another Venus square to Uranus happening as on the 3rd July which was probably for some an unexpected event ranging from a possible sudden attraction to a shock or event that did indeed change our perspective, happening then at 21 degrees Leo.. This time its 22 degrees Leo so in the meantime we get a chance to revisit the situation of why things changed and how to better deal with it by going over old ground a little.
I also regarded this as being about a political situation that was stirred up then, an unusual situation that caused some anxiety. Media is often represented by Uranus so that comes into the situation too .

The anxiety factor is there with this aspect more often than not especially if you were born with a hard angle between Venus/ Uranus. The degree 22 of fixed signs comes into focus.

This aspect will happen for the last time at the end of Sept so really we are looking at a global factor involving politics as the main theme that will even out around the end of Sept with shock tactics likely.

I do like that today at least Mercury is with Pallas which is always a time of justice being done or at least the right sort of discussions among the right people to create justice, even though Mercury is approaching an opposition of Nessus in a few days which could bring out the nasties.
Some could will be holding grudges by then, trying to thwart true justice but there are positive aspects 13th towards the New Moon in Leo which is a good thing.
Mercury is currently at 14 degrees Virgo. Nessus is 17 Pisces.

Tomorrow has good news plus information/communication flowing well with Mercury trine to Jupiter 15 degrees Virgo to Taurus, so whatever the Venus/Uranus and Mercury/Pallas aspects are about there should be a good outcome with the Moon in Gemini to help spread the news . Sagittarians and Taureans are involved in the mix of signs this will effect .
Virgos do have a mixed bag with all thats going on however as

Mars in Virgo will be squaring Vesta 19 degrees Virgo to Gemini tomorrow, a bit of disgruntlement here, plus a need to have strong boundaries against aggressive strategies , a warning to keep the communication at a level where all can be heard without overbearing attitudes or defensive attitudes. Vesta symbolizes the eternal flame of divinity within and will stand firm against aggression. She relates well to the sign of Virgo and Scorpio and has deep strength and strong self awareness of moral standards.
Arians, Virgos and Geminis, or any of us may need to temper our striving for certain goals by using the right words if we want to gain what is needed /wanted, and especially to show right motive..
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Involved Wayfarer
Mar 9, 2017
Do you really think portals are opening for believers?
Portals are inside of us.
We can create portals.
To pass through any threshold/portal we must be in our High heart.
What happens to non-believers?
  • I agree
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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
Do you really think portals are opening for believers?
Portals are inside of us.
We can create portals.
To pass through any threshold/portal we must be in our High heart.
What happens to non-believers?
i totally agree with you. I thought I made that clear. read it again.


Involved Wayfarer
Mar 9, 2017
I have.
8-8 is just a date in the calendar.
What happens to non-believers?
I had no intention to start a discussion. Just to comment.
Thank you, Janne.
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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
I have.
8-8 is just a date in the calendar.
What happens to non-believers?
I had no intention to start a discussion. Just to comment.
Thank you, Janne.
my "believers" was totally tongue in cheek. about those who erroneously believe in Lionsgate as its not astrology. Portals are within us. it was however an astrology post not about portals as such . I get annoyed at inexperienced astrologers who start these false beliefs.

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