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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
Black Moon hybrid eclipse.jpg

I have just spent a considerable amount of time looking for the last TOTAL solar eclipse in Aries and there has not been one for a very very long time which I find really interesting as I did discover some other information I had not expected which is not meant to cast fear into anyones hearts but it is VERY interesting in regards to our current move into the age of Aquarius aka The Golden age (as opposed to the Kai Yuga age we are passing slowly but surely out of.)

So bear with me as I try to gently explain how very important this day is to everyone going about their every day lives in most countries of the world.!
Arian TOTAL Eclipses have been exceedingly rare it seems .

There are plenty of total LUNAR Aries eclipses which being lunar tones down the impact , or total Libran eclipses but not Aries.

As Aries is always the start of a new cycle astrologically their total eclipses are majorly important as a new cycle beginning for this age we live in which is a very auspicious sign for the same, along with this being the year of the the wood dragon, a Dragon being of the nature of Aries as it is and a fiery energy of no nonsense dynamic energy , independent and ready to change the world.
We are also in the start of the New Feng Shui period lasting until 2044 which is how long Pluto stays in Aquarius to finish what Saturn and Jupiter began when they entered the sign at the end of 2020.

This current part of the move of ages is allabout raising the consciousness of human kind for the Golden age that is coming.
There are many signs of something major happening to reboot our planet this month and since I looked back into history I will not have space to write about individuals except to say “you are all changing”, every sign although of course this is also the New Moon for Aries new beginning of the year and Librans new relatiojship or relating New Moon.
But this is not a lone journey. Perhaps those with planets , Sun, Moon or points near the degree are feeling it MORE acutely or being awakened more, I do not know , but Chiron is on the job with the Sun so its quite likely that some of you will be getting some very important downloads from the cosmos on this eclipse day.

A TOTAL Solar eclipse has ALWAYS been something that changes history, rids the world of someone or something they no longer need including bad leaders, corruption , sometimes with acts of nature that defies imagination - events or actions that people have never seen before. Portents appear in the heavens and on the Earth of the most unusual kind.
Kings or queens die or the equivalent of the same on this Earth. New and great leaders emerge. Civilisations fall and new ones arise.

This doesn’t happen all at once but the eclipse is the power that those who "know," who have that wisdom /knowledge have had the greatest fear, awe and respect for.

The outcome is always one the world remembers as a timing, even for those who do not believe in these important heavenly signs.

Due to this powerful Perigee Eclipse there have already been Earthquakes near the eclipse path in unusual places(such as New York) . Taiwan had the largest however which was 75 and many people died.

USA lost a major bridge within the time of the eclipse energies in a truly bizarre accident involving a ship.

Globally people are currently looking for change, looking for leaders who can stop the wars, promote peace and restore a workable system of rulership to overcome all the many factors in our societies that cause those same wars and division between we humans. No easy task but it will come.

And it may well be helped by events we had not expected especially in regard to our every day living styles as within this month there will be near the next Full Moon on the 24th a major aspect of Jupiter and Uranus which hasn’t happened for 84 years or so May in 1941 in fact .

Now prepare yourselves before you read on as I must admit I was shocked to find this coincided with the beginning of WW2 as a devastating raid on London took place on the night of 10/11 May 1941 from Germany. The moon was full and the Thames had a very low ebb tide at that time. AND Jupiter was conjunct Uranus in Taurus as will happen this month.
After that the Germans, moved east to attack the Soviet Union, to produce one of the most devastating raids on the capital. I wont go into great detail but USA was involved in the war later after the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in December, 1941, when USA declared war on Japan. Then Germany and Italy declared war on the U.S.
So basically there was a full on WW that arose from that conjunction and I see the Full Moon mentioned was in Scorpio. Oddly enough the Full Moon with the conjunct this time is also in Scorpio .

Does this mean the same could happen again, I doubt it but something fairly dramatic could bring back memories of the same .
And lo and behold there WAS an Aries eclipse (not total) in April the month before that at 6 degrees.

I wonder what astrologers were predicting then and if any knew what was coming.

We don’t know what is coming as Eclipses are of the nature of the unknown and we can only go by other signs and aspects to say what could happen.
In my opinion due to the Sun being conjunct to Chiron at 19 Aries on this day of the eclipse I see a lot of healing of old traumas for all of us in the month ahead, perhaps a reminder or two, or triggers of our fears and past experiences from the past and a repeat of certain events of that time in 1941 or reminders of that time od what could develop again, but overall the conjunction of Sun and Chiron, the wise, wounded healer /teacher archetype, being so prominent will bring breakthroughs in our own ability to know exactly what is right for ourselves so we do not ever give up our power to others again – including Gov bodies that are making far too many new rules that serve to confuse and not help us .

Chiron will give us back our own healing power in some form for the future, make our own deep wisdom more accessible

There are many signs happening in April and many point to the 19th to the next Full Moon on the 24th in Scorpio as being a time when whatever this major eclipse is about in areas of changing the present system is, which includes all Govs and the U N too , everything will be changing , with possibly one major event which will change the status quo once and for all.
Of course I do not think it will be as radical as 1941 but it will be something pretty big happening around that next Full Moon with the Jupiter/Uranus aspect, or sooner with Venus crossing the eclipse degree.

Venus is a good thing as its like "someone to the rescue ". Being a finance planet as well as political Venus will have her say in a major way as a person or event.
That reminds me of the power of Eris in fact , a female Goddess who wants unity so much that she will go to war to get it if necessary. I do expect someone to emerge into our global consciousness around the 19th or 20th who may well save the day or help someone else to. Eris is today conjunct to Mercury Rx in fact.

I also do believe that there is an energy coming with this eclipse that will help us all in the future cast aside all that has prevented us being fully authentic and true to ourselves so we are all more powerful to help change this planet back to a place where individuals can flourish.

This Eclipse is geared to bring a shift in consciousness, also cause a major distraction from the usual political game playing as it falls over USA at a time when politics is very much in the public eye.

In some way this eclipse will help us look at each other in a different way and see a reflection of self we may have been in denial of before but our growth and evolvement as human beings is going to take a quantum leap into the future in the coming months.

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Involved Wayfarer
Nov 14, 2021
New Zealand

I have just spent a considerable amount of time looking for the last TOTAL solar eclipse in Aries and there has not been one for a very very long time which I find really interesting as I did discover some other information I had not expected which is not meant to cast fear into anyones hearts but it is VERY interesting in regards to our current move into the age of Aquarius aka The Golden age (as opposed to the Kai Yuga age we are passing slowly but surely out of.)

So bear with me as I try to gently explain how very important this day is to everyone going about their every day lives in most countries of the world.!
Arian TOTAL Eclipses have been exceedingly rare it seems .

There are plenty of total LUNAR Aries eclipses which being lunar tones down the impact , or total Libran eclipses but not Aries.

As Aries is always the start of a new cycle astrologically their total eclipses are majorly important as a new cycle beginning for this age we live in which is a very auspicious sign for the same, along with this being the year of the the wood dragon, a Dragon being of the nature of Aries as it is and a fiery energy of no nonsense dynamic energy , independent and ready to change the world.
We are also in the start of the New Feng Shui period lasting until 2044 which is how long Pluto stays in Aquarius to finish what Saturn and Jupiter began when they entered the sign at the end of 2020.

This current part of the move of ages is allabout raising the consciousness of human kind for the Golden age that is coming.
There are many signs of something major happening to reboot our planet this month and since I looked back into history I will not have space to write about individuals except to say “you are all changing”, every sign although of course this is also the New Moon for Aries new beginning of the year and Librans new relatiojship or relating New Moon.
But this is not a lone journey. Perhaps those with planets , Sun, Moon or points near the degree are feeling it MORE acutely or being awakened more, I do not know , but Chiron is on the job with the Sun so its quite likely that some of you will be getting some very important downloads from the cosmos on this eclipse day.

A TOTAL Solar eclipse has ALWAYS been something that changes history, rids the world of someone or something they no longer need including bad leaders, corruption , sometimes with acts of nature that defies imagination - events or actions that people have never seen before. Portents appear in the heavens and on the Earth of the most unusual kind.
Kings or queens die or the equivalent of the same on this Earth. New and great leaders emerge. Civilisations fall and new ones arise.

This doesn’t happen all at once but the eclipse is the power that those who "know," who have that wisdom /knowledge have had the greatest fear, awe and respect for.

The outcome is always one the world remembers as a timing, even for those who do not believe in these important heavenly signs.

Due to this powerful Perigee Eclipse there have already been Earthquakes near the eclipse path in unusual places(such as New York) . Taiwan had the largest however which was 75 and many people died.

USA lost a major bridge within the time of the eclipse energies in a truly bizarre accident involving a ship.

Globally people are currently looking for change, looking for leaders who can stop the wars, promote peace and restore a workable system of rulership to overcome all the many factors in our societies that cause those same wars and division between we humans. No easy task but it will come.

And it may well be helped by events we had not expected especially in regard to our every day living styles as within this month there will be near the next Full Moon on the 24th a major aspect of Jupiter and Uranus which hasn’t happened for 84 years or so May in 1941 in fact .

Now prepare yourselves before you read on as I must admit I was shocked to find this coincided with the beginning of WW2 as a devastating raid on London took place on the night of 10/11 May 1941 from Germany. The moon was full and the Thames had a very low ebb tide at that time. AND Jupiter was conjunct Uranus in Taurus as will happen this month.
After that the Germans, moved east to attack the Soviet Union, to produce one of the most devastating raids on the capital. I wont go into great detail but USA was involved in the war later after the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in December, 1941, when USA declared war on Japan. Then Germany and Italy declared war on the U.S.
So basically there was a full on WW that arose from that conjunction and I see the Full Moon mentioned was in Scorpio. Oddly enough the Full Moon with the conjunct this time is also in Scorpio .

Does this mean the same could happen again, I doubt it but something fairly dramatic could bring back memories of the same .
And lo and behold there WAS an Aries eclipse (not total) in April the month before that at 6 degrees.

I wonder what astrologers were predicting then and if any knew what was coming.

We don’t know what is coming as Eclipses are of the nature of the unknown and we can only go by other signs and aspects to say what could happen.
In my opinion due to the Sun being conjunct to Chiron at 19 Aries on this day of the eclipse I see a lot of healing of old traumas for all of us in the month ahead, perhaps a reminder or two, or triggers of our fears and past experiences from the past and a repeat of certain events of that time in 1941 or reminders of that time od what could develop again, but overall the conjunction of Sun and Chiron, the wise, wounded healer /teacher archetype, being so prominent will bring breakthroughs in our own ability to know exactly what is right for ourselves so we do not ever give up our power to others again – including Gov bodies that are making far too many new rules that serve to confuse and not help us .

Chiron will give us back our own healing power in some form for the future, make our own deep wisdom more accessible

There are many signs happening in April and many point to the 19th to the next Full Moon on the 24th in Scorpio as being a time when whatever this major eclipse is about in areas of changing the present system is, which includes all Govs and the U N too , everything will be changing , with possibly one major event which will change the status quo once and for all.
Of course I do not think it will be as radical as 1941 but it will be something pretty big happening around that next Full Moon with the Jupiter/Uranus aspect, or sooner with Venus crossing the eclipse degree.

Venus is a good thing as its like "someone to the rescue ". Being a finance planet as well as political Venus will have her say in a major way as a person or event.
That reminds me of the power of Eris in fact , a female Goddess who wants unity so much that she will go to war to get it if necessary. I do expect someone to emerge into our global consciousness around the 19th or 20th who may well save the day or help someone else to. Eris is today conjunct to Mercury Rx in fact.

I also do believe that there is an energy coming with this eclipse that will help us all in the future cast aside all that has prevented us being fully authentic and true to ourselves so we are all more powerful to help change this planet back to a place where individuals can flourish.

This Eclipse is geared to bring a shift in consciousness, also cause a major distraction from the usual political game playing as it falls over USA at a time when politics is very much in the public eye.

In some way this eclipse will help us look at each other in a different way and see a reflection of self we may have been in denial of before but our growth and evolvement as human beings is going to take a quantum leap into the future in the coming months.

Thanks for that summary, it's gd to read some positive news in this day and age ❤
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