Youtube purge of conservative channels, now Infowars is banned (1 Viewer)

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Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017
so sad this low vibration behavior

i know most of you have not much idea of pc games but i saw once one at a friend that was called brutal legend, the game is dedicacted to the metal but that is not the reason write it hear. the predators of the game are the first created of the world that couldn bare to look at themselfs.

so it can be compared to those who do the purges, here is a mirror that shows the truth, watch it and say what you see. Proud of your acts? There is always a way back to love.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Just an update to the Gab situation, they’ve managed to secure another server/host and perhaps that’ll work out better. The attempts to shut down our Free Speech are just incredible. I’m sooooo convinced this is how far humanity has advanced...we’re now “fighting” with words and ideas rather than bullets and bombs (although there’s still some of that going on here and there, it’s much, much less than at other pivotal times in our history). I’ll take that as a “plus” any day!


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
I’m sooooo convinced this is how far humanity has advanced...we’re now “fighting” with words and ideas rather than bullets and bombs (although there’s still some of that going on here and there, it’s much, much less than at other pivotal times in our history). I’ll take that as a “plus” any day!
I'm not that convinced.

Unfortunately oftentimes in history fighting with hard words (and propaganda...) preceded fighting with bombs.

Also I am not sure if the spread myth about our 'relatively' peaceful times is real. Of course we are if we compare it to WW1 or WW2 especially. But much earlier in history there were some 'unpivotal' times that were even more peaceful than today.

Today mass killing is more 'spread out' and not only done in officially 'declared' wars and conquests. Just see all types of regime change policies that killed thousands of people world-wide in recent years. (Recently posted a bit about it in the Qanon thread).

Some even debate if the stone age people really were that violent as they are portrayed today (cannot find the links now).

And there's also a neolithic or ancient pre-historic time in Europe where for hundreds of even thousand of years archeologists did not find any traces of larger wars or violence for populations that seemed to be mainly farmers.
(Read it years ago in a book about the indo-germanic/indo-european populations and languages, so I can't link it either.)
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
And while I'm thinking about "saviors" (the thought suddenly came to mind) I no longer relenquish my power to "doom and gloomers", either. I AM the only one to dictate my own future. Therefore, I choose to experience Liberty, Peace, and Harmony. Where any collective consciousness is concerned, if that is what THEY have chosen, then that is what they will experience too.

Right there with you Stargazer. At this point I know for a fact the reality I experience is a mirror of the reality of the frequency's I allow in my head.

Just yesterday I was watching an unhappy family trying to get all the members in the car and noted from a deep place of inner peace "There's so many ways to experience reality".

I like Peace and Inner Joy. It's so much better than other experiments I've tried in being human.
Not right way or wrong way - just lots of ways to experience it. Sometimes conspiracy theory (or not, but actual fact and doom and gloom) is an interesting place to visit, but I don't like the results of living there.
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Sometimes conspiracy theory (or not, but actual fact and doom and gloom) is an interesting place to visit, but I don't like the results of living there.
I actually don't mind the results of living there, because I've learned and expanded from them. HOWEVER, I've experienced those lessons enough now--and it's time to move on. It really feels to me like I've had to repeat the same school grades over and over again. Now it's time to set myself free from that school and put what I've learned to work in "the real world".

Huh...who'd have thought I wouldn't graduate from high school until I was of "mid-century vintage"? LOL!


Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
HOWEVER, I've experienced those lessons enough now--and it's time to move on.
Yes, after a while conspiracy must be left behind and move into transformation. It is becoming more and more evident that reality is transforming at an ever increasing speed. The final destination is not clear yet, but it is sure to be a much brighter reality.
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Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
And while I'm thinking about "saviors" (the thought suddenly came to mind) I no longer relenquish my power to "doom and gloomers", either. I AM the only one to dictate my own future. Therefore, I choose to experience Liberty, Peace, and Harmony. Where any collective consciousness is concerned, if that is what THEY have chosen, then that is what they will experience too.

View attachment 5778
The opportunity to create something better is not lost when we see evil of NOW/TODAY.

This picture quote/meme seems to me flat out wrong. Like the other one, too.

The way I understood it is you were referring to the PRESENT above and stating NOW we are a more peaceful race. I said I did not believe it to be true also referring to the NOW state of humanity which is still not a good one. I think we should not live in denial while we strive for the betterment. Only then we can remedy it.

Yes, we all hope for a consciusness shift that has not happened yet. This is what unites us also here at Transients. Let's hope and work for it. Ignoring present evil all over the world though will imv not help it. We always must SEE and FACE evil to overcome it. NOT DENY it. And there's incredible amounts of evil and man-created suffering out there TODAY, no matter how much we try to keep ourselves in our high vibration bubbles.
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Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
see the evil and send compassion that it surrenders to the true power of love

more easy said than done i know
Exactly, Alain. You have got to SEE it first. ACKNOWLEDGE its existence before you can act upon it. :cool:

And what about COMPASSION anyway if you see not other people suffering and dying from war and violence politics like many do NOW(adays)? O_o

Only then we can bring about CHANGE. Not by staying in our own reality bubbles of all is <3 and light down here. It is not. Not yet. ;)

Or waiting for O.O to 'SAVE' us. :rolleyes:

Shine our OWN LIGHT at the evil things to make it visible is the first step only, of course. :((

Then we can start the process of CHANGE. o:)

(Oh yeah, I love this forum's smileys. :D )
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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
We always must SEE and FACE evil to overcome it. NOT DENY it. And there's incredible amounts of evil and man-created suffering out there TODAY, no matter how much we try to keep ourselves in our high vibration bubbles.
Believe me, I’ve seen and faced enough evil in my life (and I’m sure many others too). I’ve researched history and come to grips with the corruption of society through war, violence, destruction of our environment, manipulation of our people, and all the evils of man. I’ve delved deeply into the underbelly of the beast and looked at drug abuse, homelessness, human trafficking (including Satanism, “secret societies, and pedophelia). If that’s not seeing and facing evil, I’m afraid I don’t know what that is.

The bottom line is that I’VE SEEN ENOUGH. And, as a spiritual being, I no longer intend to FEED THOSE WITH MY ENERGY. If others feel the need to do so, that is their free will choice. And it’s perfectly OK. That’s their soul journey.

If all things and all potential and all timelines exist in “the now” and I believe they do, then I intend to align myself with those things I’ve already talked about ad nauseum.

For me, it’s not a matter of “something good happening in the future”. It’s a matter of seeing and aligning myself with that energy in the here and now. And I see it working. If you and others can’t see that now, then perhaps one day you will. Or not. Either way, it’s all OK from the higher perspectives.



Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
If you and others can’t see that now, then perhaps one day you will. Or not. Either way, it’s all OK from the higher perspectives.
As you say it, if we talk about what we SEE NOW ...

... well, yeah, then we should talk exactly about ... what we SEE ... NOW.

If we still dare look. :-))

We see good and evil. Happiness and suffering. = current Planet Earth life in the NOW after all.
We usually call it DUALITY in this 3D level. ;)

So how about COMPASSION with those who suffer to some degree or a lot? They are many. Thousands. Millions.

I am not talking about that you have to be going through suffering yourself. Manifesting a happy life with high vibration and positive thinking is fine on one side but we still have to keep a BALANCE. Be grounded so to speak. And look around. That means ackowledging the DARK around us even if we want to stay in the light and BE light.

Even if we don't go through the suffering a lot, we see others going through it. Here, there, over there and overseas. Everywhere.

So how about COMPASSION for those people?

I'm not religious but COMPASSION is a central theme of Buddhism as well as Christianity and I think actually of every religion or spiritual practice. I believe it is inherently in us feeling and emotional beings. It is what makes us 'human'.

Don't we lose our HUMAN-NESS if we switch it off? Aren't you worried?

"Hey, I'm beaming up to my own New Earth paradise. I see no more hungry homeless people, terror victims or little children in the Middle East being maimed by drones. Yipieh!"

If we don't want to see the suffering anymore although it EXISTS, isn't there something wrong ... rather ... with us?

Even if you get on a higher level ... What is with those you leave behind?

There is no timline 'split' where you don't see them anymore. Either we go all into New Earth or NO ONE will. Simple as that.

And so long until we are 'there'... ignoring all the evil and SUFFERING they are in does not make it go away for THEM - just for YOU.

Take a look around. The bad news, the terror, the crime, the homeless, the starving, the wars, the poor, the sick, etc. ...

Just one example of many (and I posted a lot - as usual largely ignored of course - in that Qanon thread...):

The American President Trump (often highly praised in this forum) is now certainly having killed even more innocent civilians per day with his CIA/military drones in the Middle East than even his predecessors Obama or Bush did (and they were 'good at it' already! :fp).

Are you asking me to ignore this? I can't. I won't. I will speak up against any kind of current reality denial. I stand for TRUTH. Even if I stand alone. It seems here I am. Nevermind. You won't silence me. :p

It is people who do NOT IGNORE that make the difference, not the ESCAPISTS. It is people like these activists here: whom I have the highest respect for. They also do annual rallies and even blockages. They are DOING something, even if in the end they won't succeed. At least they tried.

New Earth? No, we are not yet there, maybe never will in our lifetimes NOW. We probably won't as much as we sit in our rooms and tell ourselves with clenched fits chanting 'I wish, I wish, I wish'. No matter how much facebook activist meme pics we post. We are still in duality. There is still bad out there.

Change comes from CHANGING, not from DENIAL.

Sorry friends. Reality check needed. :cool:

Yes, sometimes I wish we were 'there', whatever 'there' really is (maybe it will be boring?). But we, me, you are still HERE.


Let's be honest: There is no maybe no big Event. It's not happening. What is happening is good ... and bad. Duality.

Yes, I said it before, I DO BELIEVE a larger Consciousness shift is happening. But it might take a long time. We only see the beginning. It might take generations. And so long we are still in , well, I get boring , I know ...


We have to learn to deal with it, as much as it hurts with all the adversities. :confused:

Maybe developing COMPASSION is one of the challenges, maybe even the goals in our lives down here?

Maybe we are here BECAUSE Earth is so BAD? Because it is a CHALLENGE we as souls seek?

And go through life without denial of the challenge.

Ever thought of that? o_O

Then of course try making it a better place. Step by step. Starting with (quote Michael Jackson) the (wo)man in the mirror.

No one wants to suffer, that is certain. We also do not want to see others suffer as compassionate beings.

But does looking away make them and their suffering go away?

Ignoring or 'talking down' the suffering is not the solution. Never.

Hence my question:

What is with COMPASSION, my friends?

My question also goes to the members who rated this post 'divine' or even with 'wisdom'.

Why? Ignoring those in need is not wise and not divine.

I do not understand you, sorry. :eek:

But maybe I misunderstand something and you can enlighten me? I hope. :((

My friends. You are invited all to comment. After all this is a discussion forum.



Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
Sinera, my brother. Anything I might say in response to this post is something I’ve already said here at RT, many times before.

It would be rude of me to not acknowledge your post, but I’m not interested in any further debate, so let me please share this instead.

May you always enjoy only your highest and best experiences (all that YOU may wish to experience) on all your journeys. Please know also that my love goes with you always, for as long as you may wish to have it.

Former User

It feels to me like what we can learn from what surrounds us never ends. I do not agree with all that Buddhism says but what I do feel is essentially good for us both as human beings and as souls is the dance between compassion and wisdom. Too much compassion makes us codependent because we might project our own suffering. Too much wisdom leads us towards indifferent detachment. Compassion could be seen as a force that could make us proactive and participant and genuinely empathetic (not hypersensitive) while wisdom could make us detached observers.

One thing I feel is helpful, as someone who has suffered too much in the hands of indifferent people (incuding so called enlightened ones) to my own suffering and to the suffering of this world, is to really acknowledge our own feelings, to really feel them with all our might, and own them, independently of what others feel about our feelings or about this world that is indeed going to crap in many ways. I am realistic. But I know that there is goodness out there as well and much progress. I just see humanity as still being in teenager stages, and not as enlightened as we might think or going towards a much better condition in general terms any time soon. Good thing is I do not see anymore the kind of violence in earlier civilizations of people really acting in more animalistic ways, at least it is not generalized to everyone as it almost was in many of those. So our focus goes to what we see out there, we can see all the good things going on and the progress, but also understand that a large portion of the population is going towards their own demise and sadly we cannot do much for them except for the inner changes that we go through at this time which does help harmonize the collective in ways we might not understand.


Healer, Musician, Astral-Traveler
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Aug 12, 2016
I’m not interested in any further debate
something I’ve already said here at RT
Both statements also apply to me in a way.
So I agree actually.
You and me, we are repeating ourselves in our disputes about collective vs. individual manifestation, or Qanon, the Event, or 'New' Earth shift with/without military, or whatever we tend to argue about.
It's tiring. Attrition starts to set in.
I'm also losing my drive for this.
So let's agree to disagree.
As usual between us.


Involved Wayfarer
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Nov 1, 2018
Michigan has been dropped by their hosting provider 3x I think. But the 4th seems to be ok.
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Roaming Contributor
RT Supporter
Aug 29, 2017

well i listen to this video i think very well it fits in hear, he can have quite some interesting videos from time to time in an good time frame
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